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Resolution 1979- 83 . . " A... '....... RESOLUTION NO. 79 - 83 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY CONFIRl-UNG THE REPORT OF THE CBIEF OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT SETTING FORTH THE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY, THE OWNERS THEREOF, AND THE COST OF ABATING THE NUISANCE CAUSED BY THE GROWING OF ~mEDS AND ACCUMULATION OF REFUSE IN THE CITY OF GILROY, AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH COSTS SHALL CONSTITUTE ASSESS1-1ENTS AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE m~ERS OF LAND. WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority given by Article III of Chapter 12 of the Gilroy City Code, the Council of the City of Gilroy did on the 20th day of November 1978, regularly adopt Resolution No. 78-90 designating certain weeds growing or existing in the City of Gilroy and refuse accumulating in said City to be a public nuisance and ordering the Chief of the Fire Department to give notice of the passage of said resolution by posting and publication in the same manner and for the same time as set forth in Section 12.53 of said code, and the Chief of the Fire Department did cause said notice to be so given; and WHEREAS, the said resolution fixed December 4, 1978 at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers in the r.ity Hall at 7390 Rosanna Street, in the City of Gilroy, as the time and place for the hearing provided for in Section 12.48 of said Code, and the notice given by the Chief of the Fire Department included a state- ment of the said time and place of hearing; and WHEREAS, the said hearing was held in accordance with the said resolution and notice and no objections were made to said pro- posed removal and destruction of the weeds and refuse, and said Council did thereupon at said session held on the said 4th day of December, 1978, regularly adopt Resolution No. 78-93 requiring the Chief of the Fire Department to abate said nuisance by having the weeds referred to destroyed or removed as provided for in Section 12.51 of the said Gilroy City Code and such refuse to be removed; and RESOLUTION NO. 79 - 83 -1- . . ~mEREAS, the said chief of the Fire Department has filed his report with the Council, setting forth the actions taken in abating the said nuisance which report includes an account of the cost of the abatement and an assessment list and identification of each separate lot or parcel of land by description, together with the expense pro- posed to be assessed against each separate lot or parcel and the name of the owner or reputed owner thereof as follows: O~7NER LOCATION Dean & Bernice Craft,et a1 Hecker Pass Hwy. Monterey Savings 8c Loan S. of Ous ley Dr. Monterey Savings & Loan S. of Ousley Dr. Monterey Savings 6c Loan VJ. of Ous ley Dr. Monterey Savings & Loan W. of Ousley Dr. Monterey Savings & Loan \~. of Ousley Dr. Monterey Savings & Loan We1burn Avenue Monterey Savings & Loan We1burn Avenue L J W Inc. Calabrese Way Ronald & Barbara Berhorst Calabrese Way L & L Enterprises Calabrese Way Harold & Wa1traud Kutzer Monterey & Farrell Larry & Anna Van Deventer Farrell Avenue Martinez & Cruz Assoc.Inc. Monterey Street ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 783-01-031 783-23-030 783-23-031 783-23-032 783-23-033 783-23-034 783-23-036 78.3-2.3-037 783-25-015 783-25-017 783-25-018 790-07-004 790-07-009 790-14-025 George Veladore Ronan Avenue 790-15-005 Richard M. Cline Church Street 790-16-001 Church Street 790-16-002 Richard M. Cline Jean Roman Church 6, Ronan Ave. 790-16-036 Ramona Way 790-18-018 D & D Development D & D Development Ramona Way 790-18-019 RESOLUTION NO. 79 - 83 -2- COST OF ABATE~t1ENT $ 120.44 23.22 16.34 18.92 18.92 18.06 7.74 8.18 18.86 42.12 33.80 40.56 48.72 89.70 33.80 314.80 306.80 250.00 32.96 29.32 '-./ . OWNER D & D Development D & D Development D & D Dev elopmen t D 6" D Development D & D Development Warren G. Epstein,et al City of Gilroy Gilroy Theatre Co. Inc. City of Gilroy Thomas H. & Hilde Ruiz Thomas H. & Hilde Ruiz C & H Development Joseph & Jeannie Filice Joseph & Jeannie Filice James Duran Calif. Investment Prop. LOCATION Ramona Hay Ramona Hay Ramona \.-lay Ramona Tilay Ramona Hay N.end of Amanda Way \.-Jelburn Avenue . ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 790-18-021 790-18-022 790-18-024 790-18-032 790-18-033 790-18-035 790-21 Kern Ave.& First St. 790-21-009 Wren Avenue (Leaf Dump) 790-26 Wren Avenue Wren Avenue Welburn Avenue N. Church Street N. Church Street t-Jelburn Avenue Monterey Street James Cecilian & C.Morrell First Street 790-26-001 790-26-004 790-27-031 790-27-033 790-27-034 790-28-002 790-37-003 790-39-018 L & L Enterprises Hecker Pass Hwy. 790-39-019 Mussallem Development Co. Hecker Pass Hwy. 790-39-020 Marshall W. Yamano Welburn Avenue 790-40-006 Bank of the West First & Eigleberry 799-01-007 Berith B. Matt Rosanna Street 799-01-040 Theresa Filice Fifth Street 799-06-027 Theresa Filice Fifth Street 799-06-028 Margarita Roldan Seventh & Rosanna 799-08-007 Vecelia Poulson Eigleberry Street 799-08-049 Magdalena A. Sanchez Rosanna Street bet. 7th & 8th Streets 799-09-017 Mary V. Hernandez, et al Eigleberry St. bet. 7th & 8th Streets 799-09-028 RESOLUTION NO. 79 -83 -3- . . COST OF ABATEMENT $ 31. 14 36.22 32.84 29.32 32.96 520.00 39.80 260.18 llL~.18 22.42 22.42 179.40 24.08 19.78 50.64 53.32 55.50 47.04 48.72 29.90 32.60 27.30 9.44 9.42 29.90 30.42 14.96 164.46 ~........._. . . ... ,",,' - m'JNER LOCATION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. COST OF ABATEMENT Morton & Hall Const. Eighth & Eigleberry 799-10-016 $ 97.18 23.66 59.80 58.72 Union Body Shop Eighth & Monterey 799-10-033 Frank & Esther Marazzo Tenth & Church Sts. 799-11-026 Harry & Herminia Okada Eig1eberry Street 799-11-036 Louis & Theresa DeLorenzo Eigleberry St.,bet. et a1 9th & 10th Streets 799-11-037 22.42 C1eota Perroni Alley, W. 9th St. 799-13-011 Dale & Ruth Connell Alley, Fairview Dr. 799-13-022 Victor & Beth Reisig Alley, Fairview Dr. 799-13-026 11+ . 96 Anthony Bettencourt, et al Seventh & Rosanna 799-15-026 14.96 14.96 18.86 David & Connie Mendoza, Hanna 7th et a1 & 8th Streets 799-15-041 29.90 William & Bessie Barton Rosanna St. bet. 5th Life Estate & 6th Streets 799-18-047 Ikotech Inc. W. Sixth Street 808-32-009 44.86 55.38 74.82 278.80 34.98 112.80 148.06 25.48 40.44 40.44 40.44 52.32 25.36 27.04 87.70 49.80 C. R. Wilson Fifth & Hanna Sts. 799-18-060 International Trust Corp. Princeva1le Street 799-26-035 Arcadia Development Co. Tenth & Princevalle 799-38-031 City of Gilroy Uvas Parkway 808-01 Riley Davidson, et al Hecker Pass Hwy. 808-01-005 Rosemary Peoples Hecker Pass Hwy. 808-02-003 Ikotech Inc. W. Sixth Street 808-32-008 Ikotech Inc. W. Sixth Street 808-32-010 Ikotech Inc. W. Sixth Street 808-32-011 Golden State Title Co. Miller Avenue 808-33-001 Cressy Lopez Leaves1ev & Murray 835-01-016 Nicolas G. Haro Leavesley Road 835-01-017 Gilroy Associates Ltd. Leavesley Road 835-01-025 J. G. Levratto Leavesley Road 835-01-036 RESOLUTION NO. 79 - 83 -4- "'~--... . OHNER LOCATI01\T Orlando Ereno & A. Filice Willy Court W. G. Shepherd Leavesley 8~ ~urray Eugenio & Irene Montegari Murray Avenue et al Albert Filice Leavesley Road Orlando Ereno & A. Filice Murray Avenue Frank Cavallero N. Forest Street David McCamish Leavesley & Hurray Stuart Fletcher I.a.a.F. Avenue Rebekah Assembly of IOOF of California I.O.O.F. Avenue Carmel Cadi1e Forest Street Don Renz E. Sixth Street Robert & Marianne Reyes Old Gilroy Street . ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 835-03-019 $ 835-04-001 835-04-003 835-04-028 835-04-0lJ.5 841-01-041 841-01-105 841-03-005 841-04-023 841-06-052 841-07-030 841-08-017 Fidel Ortiz Rear of Maple St.Apts841-09-043 Duarte M. Pecami1ho East Seventh Street 841-09-070 James & Katherine Black- stone et a1 Old Gilroy Street 841-10-028 Charles Buzzini Ninth Street 841-12-040 Manuel & Bridget Espinosa Ninth Street 841-12-0L~1 Richard & Carol Crocker Ninth & Crocker Ln. 841-12-044 J. P. Boyd S. Monterey Street 841-14-009 Frank Borelli S. Monterey Street 841-14-010 Joe A. Mondelli S. Monterey Street 841-14-01.1 Salvadore R. Lobue,Trustee S. Monterey Street Bank of America N.T.& S.A. S. Monterey Street Union Oil Company Monterey Street Robert Lynch Modern Dry Wall Company S. Monterey Street Joe Smoler Engle Way Engle \'lay Burger King Murray & Leaves1ey RESOLUTION NO. 79 - 83 -5- 841-14-012 841-14-031 841-14-038 841-14-053 841-15-050 841-15-051 841-59-013 ~ ~'. ... COST OF ABATEMENT 21.84 53.28 38.70 50.64 55.62 44.34 55.62 104.66 47.74 14.96 Q-79.52 14.96 18.86 57.68 104.66 126.42 78.70 66.22 32.12 49.96 55.04 92.46 53.30 22.42 85.14 98.48 288.80 48.72 ~-" . . ..,,- .!II.. ~ OWNER LOCATION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. COST OF ABATEMENT Thomas P. Shean Taft Court 841-62-01.5 $ 29.90 and; WHEREAS, it appears that the Chief of the Fire Department has taken all actions required of him in abating said nuisance and removing said weeds and refuse and that the cost thereof as shown in said report is correct and should be confirmed; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution and of said report of the Chief of the Fire Department be turned over to the County Director of Finance who constitutes the Assessor and Tax Collector, respectively, of the City of Gilroy, and the amounts shown onsmd report as the cost of the removal of the weeds and refuse from each of the respective properties and certified as unpaid shall be and constitute a lien on the property for the amount of such assessment respectively, and the said Tax Collector shall add the amount thereof to the next regular bill for taxes levied against respective lots and parcels of land for municipal purposes. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of October, 1979, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEHBERS: CUNNINGHAlv", HUGHAN, LINK, PATE, STOUT and GOODRICH COUNCIL MEMBERS: None COUNCIL MEHBERS: CHILDERS NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED: "7/~~ Mayor ATTEST: A7U#>".-J ~ -;zJ lb..~. E City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 79 - 83 -6- :. . t-.. . . ~'-""_. I, SUSANNE E. STEINHETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 79-83 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 15th day of October , 19 7~ at which meeting a quorum was - present. IN WITNESS lrJllEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy, this Nc-,rember , 19 79. 1st day of A~t.~ 'City Clerk of the City of Gilroy