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Resolution 1979- 87 .. J. .!' e e + ~ . .. RESOLUTION NO. 79-87 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING, tUTl! HODIFICATIONS, A MODIFIED DRAFT GENERAL PLAN FOR TIlE CITY OF GILROY AND REPEALING ALL ELEHENTS OF THE 1968 GENERAL PLAN. WHEREAS, after study and public hearing, the Planning Commission has recormnended approval of a Modified Draft General Plan dated June 6, 1979 for the City of Gilroy with the suggested changes contained in its Resolution Number 79-43, and of the General Plan Map with the suggested changes contained in its Resolution Number 79-44, and \~EREAS, the Council, after study and public hearing, has referred its proposed Plan, Map, and revisions, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", to the Planning Cormnission for its review under Government Code Section 65356, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reported its concurrence in the revisions attached as Exhibit "A", NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Gilroy approves the Modified Draft General Plan and Map prepared by Duncan and Jones, dated June 6, 1979, as modified by the revisions attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and as revised, hereby adopts said Plan and ~ap as the General Plan of the City of Gilroy. BE IT FURTHER IlliSOLVED that the 1968 General Plan and all elements thereof are hereby repealed. RESOLUTION no. 79-87 -1- e e PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of November, 1979, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIU1EMBERS: CHILDERS, CUNNINGHAM, LINK, HUGHAN, GOODRICH and STOUT COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE. COUNCILMEMBERS: PATE NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED: ~~ ~&"k~ Mayor ATTEST: Auo--- &.~ / City C~k RESOLUTION NO. 79-87 -2- . , e e . ' Rev bed 11-2-79 CITY COUNCIL REVlSlONS OF MODIFIED DRAFT GENERAL PLAN , LINE REF 1/ PAGE () =NEW DELETION ADD IT ION / CORRECT ION - All I all PCbE rl'll'l-t.'nl'es LetA. Li. t [} cum pCt n.i e.6 10 6 2c will ...agricultural land ~ haul d be re- tained for agricultural production. 10 17 4 water and sewer lines . , .wll1 occur in areas where mwuci- pai -6('Jr.viee~ are available. _. ............... - -~ q .....- 10 24 5 . . . occur within the Phase II area. In I tJ.ll.i ne.i pf e , the P/IlW e I aJLea and the UJt- ban Se Mea 6holdd be CO ngJtuenX, atld tit" PlUM" 11 aAea and I 2 (I t/l' MlOufd LIe eUY19IULe.nX . -- " 10 28 5 . . . outside the Phase I area ex.cept i , a~ o theJr.w{-6 e pJr.ov.ided -HI thU. plan. I 10 I 35 6 6-20 year maintain the 1-5 YeM and -6ub-6 e.quenX phases ; 11 ! 4 interim l 11 I 9 I 8 <.Igricultural use except M othVL- ! Wi-6,' p'luvidl'd -01 tlU6 tJ.{'an. ., ! 11 16 10 will . ..neighborhood area ~Jwu1d have \ 1 Il,..ll r,.,' rpc< t I "";< 1 , I I 11 I 34 14 will ...tie with the past -6 Jw utd be pre- St.' rveJ , 12 18 19 wi 11 . , ,wlIodell poles ~Jlvufd be removed in l. l' 1\ l r.l I it rl'.lS, 13 6 shoulu Ill' d...'vl.'lO!H'J ...future development I{).{ a be It equAA ed I I ill t hl~ Spe,.ial Plan Areas. i 13 23 City Ha 11 be [w...'l'n Ro ~a III ta and Monterey Street-6 -.....--- 14 1 C Phase J [ (6-20 yea r) Phase I (1-5 year) and -6ub-6cquent J)IICt~l'~ in aCl.ordanee. . . , ------ If. 7 C As an example, the reatlni.119 Comm-i...J.l-6.i.oYl' -6 tllld C it V COllnei I' s evaluation 17 9,10 E Use tht.' 701 grant which has bet'n approved to I develop one of these plans. i ...- ~-~-- -.".--- . ~_&- - - 17 lO E AppendIx "0" . . , refer to Append 1x C 17 35 F2 I " .structure which is LtU. thi 11 an His- toric Preserv.1 t ion District ---"'- 18 13 F3 purchas.... . , ,to give interested parties an op- portunity [0 J)J\ L'''' L''tve the structure Illi tllOut wllflLl' del'au. -~ -. , --_.- Exhibit "A" - Page 1 of 5 "- , . ~ e . . . . u._.u. .._ Revised Ci ty 11-2-79 Coullcil Ih'visions -2- KEf 1/ PAGE LINE O=NEW DELETION ~UDlT ION/CORRECTION - --~--- -- - 18 19 (F5) Atl /li.~tuft i C Pit ('.~ vwat-io n Study ~ Iwui.d ve unde/L.taf~(,H vy the C-i--tlj . 19 23 If ...take the following actions wh-ich -6 hould not unYle c U -6aJtillj dday the pllO ject. 21 21, 30- 37 Footnote 1/ ( ..111) 22 26 2 elm the ,H v (!!1.a1 stand-6 of trees along Mil I l'r A Vl~ lIue and .t! boftdeJUYlg Ilt'cke r Pass. 23 3 4 an Increased amount of insulation. l)u.( " )XlBiv(:' and active MlaJr. heatiYlg !, II~ t ('1M wiXf ve (' YlCOU/ ed, and new I/Orne ~ 1/lUuld oe de.6,{.gnw 60ft the be6t ).1/1 ~ !l{ of e ~ofaJl aCCU6. 23 5 5 IN l' iJ tile r 1 z a t j 0 n arid ,{. n-6 ui.a.t.i 0 n 23 29 10 from a llIilximum probab.1e anticipated shaking -in accoJtd wUh the earthquake UIlt ~u'lm l3ut~' dt ng Code.. 23 37 2/ Footnote 2/ (all) 24 20 (l3c) Tn hi.i e~ ,. de MeM, 6V1.e pJte- ('/lu t {(/II ~ ~ IILti' f be made. . 25 13 (20) Till.' CdlJ CUUlle il u.'l.ge6 co rnp.f eUo n 06 I ti,l' 566 fi'uod COIl-Owl PIlO j eeL i 25 17 (21) r,:s i dClit i d I neighborhoods atld pMk aJt ea-6 r2H ---- --- ------..-" 1 would benefit from Lid. ot these areat> uU11 't l' q u.ijl. e i illlt'!.',fdt"J.. . i 29 19 (J) A /rill) tel! Lll'lHtt, f..icatioll plall <--6 d e,6,{./La. b.f i- " 29 22 (K) TIll' l(fll alld applloJJJu.ate agel1c..-Le-6 -6 I w.,c.-e I IIIHI"I-lak,~., . I ~ 30 9 (L) . . . S0lJrCe 0f ignition a~ c (J IL)--i-~ ten.t I 1{J{ OJ Stilt" Lall'. 30 35 '3 ('lhnic. .l~L:. ~L'X ult d--i '-" i b.ifi tll I " l' ha r <ll~ ( e r i s tic s I - 31 36 3 i t~ n..:: llll rage iety and a commun.itll-w{ de I I mix in h'lll::> ing (ypt'S. 32 9 5 : s'luth 01 Lt' a v l~::i Ic y Road l'xcept M L' tl/('/(ll!l ~)(' /l'ltlt' (({,'d III t"{~ pla II . ~-- -" 35 23 such as dup I ext.'s and triplexes . ]6 10 C delete al I of "c" ~ l~ 36 14 (C) both ,)f the ~ LIICO/L'lL1gl' till' use o~ techniques -6udt one or i Ll~ tll(l~l' 11 S t l.L1 . .. 38 ") (E) I for vof WI ttlJll1 residential inspections... 1 . . -- ,\ r Exhibit "A" - Page 2 of 5 , '. . e . . City COllncil Revisions -)- !<2V-:Sed 1]-2-79 REF n PAGE LINE O=NEW [)ELl~TION ADDITION/CORRECTION 42 10 6 AgIL icuftWl (' will be encouraged 0..6 an -<1'1t (' Jz im U6 e in vacant areas designated , for industrial use. , I 42 12 (7) In add LtA.-a n ta the .farld~ d e/.l.ig nated nOIL i ndu/.l tJl..UU' paJtk larung a~ ~hawn on I the MVGP Map, ~ndlw.tJr..ia.f paJtk M U, will I be Corl,~ ideJr(id acc(iptahfe othe.1t. aJte.a~ , On the C..i~tt) , in .6uch MeA meeA: the. c.!U- - I telt.ia a.6 ~et 60uh ..inteJun.6 06 e.nvvwn- mOl taR compat.ahil,Ltt) wLth e x..i6Uflg o It. p.fal'!lled adjo..itung It.e/.l.ident..i.a.t and com- me f[ c.iat U1(!/.l and that ant) ~uch deve.lop- me n t wiU meet high 6t.andaJtd.6 06 tand- !leapi 1/9, bun 6rJUng and de.6..i,gn. 1 42 20 (9) . . . ma j 0 r thoroughfares. CommVLc..i.a1. I U6e6 wi.U not be pVtm..ifted on Santa. Tell {'6a Bivd. at Vay Road. , 43 3 13 Expressway along Santa Teresa Mvd. except at Pay Road. 43 6 13 and the City of Morgan Hill;/ expressway (2) along the baul evaJtd. (2) 43 9 l4 any intersection. No .6 eJr.v..i ce. .6:t.aUOM wiCf he peftm,Uted on Sant..a T eft. e..6 a Mvd. 43 14 16 Las Animas ...north of Liman Avenue on the west.. . 44 11 22 as should access drive- fronting onto the we/.l;( .6.ide of.. Monterey ways into interior parking Street wi 11 be discouraged. lots 45,46 combine warehouse and manufacturing de- signations into Geneftnl Indu.6.tILiaf, com- bine conunercial designations (see 11-1-7( ~'>m" 48 15 (E) M palLt 0 6 the e.nvvLOnme.l1~ a..M e..6.6 m enf I deve1.ope.d 60lt any plt.OpO.6a..t .to COMtlu.tct dM.tJUa1 deve.topme~t .i>> the. G..ilJtoy ; Planning Mea, e,co nom..ic co M..ideJr.iLtA.o n6 .6hou1d he .included. 48 30 (H) Require an economic im- Af> paJLt 0 6 :the e.>>ViAo>>me.~ta.l Q./.).6e4&me.nt pact report as part of t devefoped nOIL any pILOpO.6al to COM.tAU.ct a. t the environmental assess- ! 1'1 ew f> flO pp,ing centrA in the G..ilJto y P.fa.>>- ment developed for any I ni ng Nr e_a, eco>>omie eo e.Jr.~0 M .6hou1.d proposal to construct a I be induded. !new shopping center in the GUroy Planning Area. t r--- -- --- + ~ 51 30 3 :1 wi 11 The C it Y matf encourage.. . S1 32 3 J under one roof 52 18 8 j will The City .6 110 It.l d maintain a standard. . . 53 4 12 ! five .. .no Jess than t!LltC!! a('J{('~ in size. --(r--- 53 5,6 12 ~ of every home: a distance v !i _ I Ii mill' I ~ 0 t I, to Exhibit "A" - Page 3 of 5 - . e ' .. . , . - - Revised City Council Revisions 11-2-79 -4- REF 1/ PAGE LINE ()==NEW DELETION ADDITION/CORRECTION S3 8-10 12 and located so that the maximum distance between any home and the nearest community park is one 011 Ie. S3 34 16 ...which it generates. VeJl...i 6 .icaUo n I ('f! 'I (' ma ,jn-i. ng capacitlj .in loca..l .6choo.t-6 I wii f become a pa4t 06 .the ILev.iew pM- ~ ce..H nOIL ILeA-iden.tia..l .6 n6 M- I 6igtled a bLL-ild-ou.t .6chedute. 54 6 (20) A e;a..i6on commd.-tee .6 ha..U be u;tabw hed he tWe<! n tll(' C-i.tlj Counc-i.1., School BOaJr..d, a tl(J till' Cou.nty 06 Sa nt.a. CiaJta.. - 54 19 (22) sewerage treatment plant. PIL e - Vte..a..t - mettt mall be Jtcqu.iAed. 54 33 (26) Tile C .i..t Y will encoUJtage .the uJe 06 .1 dJtoug lit - Jt(,-6 i. -6.ta1"d and low- I 6 e ow VtJt.iga..u' on -61j -6.t em.6 . 55 l6 (30) west of [x t e tl,!J -iv e new development will not be permitted beyond Uvas Creek. . . 55 31 I (34) T/,e C i..ty wi.le urld~'L;take .6tudlj 601t. ~ C'r. {' (' tlA~ng and bu66wng pIt.[OIt. .to ap- plzuva.C 06 Hew development adjacent :to Sa n t.a. Tell e-6a Bfvd. 57 29 C linear park and fi.m.t .led parking turn- out areas.. . I 58 12 H ...Senior C i t izens Center OIL a Com- mu nity C'-' tit" It.. 65 App.B add I,i -6 tOJr.i c pll <'-6 (' Jt va t..{o tI .to ma...:VU.X 67 3 App.C Three;/ are outlined below Among the techniques for achieving this objective C oul d be the. : 76 11 . App.G 5;/ Minimum size of 3 to 10 acres of every home: a distance ; of !.z; to ~ m:fle. 76 19 will A ne i ~hbl)rhood park cuuid contain the following.. . 77 23-25 App.G These facilities will be I located so that the maximum! distance between any home I and a community park is j one mile. i I 77 27 App.G I Conmlllni ty parks COiled include provi- sions ( , " 78 2l-33 App.G delete "tot lots" section 79 12 App.H elm 1 .s fa 1/(( 6 On tlf (' l'~ , c n'l' k crossing... I < Exhibit "A" - Page 4 of 5 " e e . ... City Cuuncii Revisiuns -5- Revised 11-2-19 MODiF1ED DRAFT GENERAL PLAN MiSC. ERRATA PAGE LINE PR1NTED TEXT COI{l{ ECT ED TEXT -----..-...-- --- -- --- 6 3 occuring occurring 12 22 in the Cily in incorporated portions 13 31 downtown old downtown core 11 16 structures or sites structures, sites, or other urban features 40 12 resourses re&iourcel:i 43 31 Eigelberry Eigleberry 44 33 electron iu; electronics 56 5 Hwy 152 portIons of Hwy 152 68 20 designaged designated 68 23 attributed attributes 18 7 lenght length CITY COUNCIL REVISIONS OF MODIFIED DRAFT GENERAL PLAN MAP Phase I: Alternative B adopted (U.S.A. as submitted to LAFCO). Phase II: 1. Eliminated the north part of special plan area lA which is outside the Transitiun Area. 2. Eliminated the area bounded by Buena Vista Avenue, Monterey Road, Rucker Avenue and the South Valley Freeway. Transition Area: Eliminated the area east of the South Valley Freeway and north of Las Animas Avenue. General Plan Map Area: 1. ElimInated the area south of Day Road, northwest of the existing Transition Area (including the north part of special plan area IA). 2. Eliminated the area east of the South Valley Freeway and north uf Las Animas Avenue (including the north part of special plan area 2A). Land Use Designations: 1. Changed the area bounded by Monterey Road, Buena Vista Avenue, South Valley Freeway and the Ronan Channel from Rural Residential to Industrial (I). 2. Changed the area bounded by Alexander Street, Tenth Street, and south to the limit uf the K-mart "SC" commercial desig- nation from Waretlousing (Industrial) to Shopping Center Comme rc ia 1. 3. Changed the area along South Monterey Street on the west side ~()uth of the cxisting "GS" Conunercial designation south to the Princevalle storm drain from Low Density Rl'sld(~ntidl to General Services Conullcrcial. 4. Eliminated land u~e designations in special plan areas lA dnd IB dnd redesignate~ them "~lillsidc ""esidi'n~;_al". Exhibit "A" - Page 5 of 5 . .. .. . ~ . . e ..,..... ~' I, SUSANNE E. STEINNETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 79-87 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 5th day of November 19"'::", at which meeting a quorwD was present. IN WITNESS t-JUEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affi~..d the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy, this 29th day of November , 19 79 .