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Resolution 1982- 09 '" ~ . . , RESOLUTION NOo 82-9 A RESOLUTION OF THE 'CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY PURSUANT. TO DIRECTION BY SANTA CLARA COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION WITH REGARD TO A REORGANIZATION PURSUANT TO THE DISTRICT REORGANIZATION ACT OF 1965 DESIGNATED AS SEWER FARM NO. 6 REORGANIZATION 81-11 OF THE CITY OF GILROY. BE IT RESOLVED AND FOUND BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY, as follows: 1. That the Santa Clara County Local Agency Formation Commission, in accordance with the District Reorganization Act of 1965, has done all things as indicated in its Resolution N 82-2. o. 2. That the City of Gilroy was duly designated the con- ducting agency for further proceedings to reorganize the territory described in said Resolution No. 82-2 and Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. 3. That the City Council, as conducting agency, has also duly performed the following: a. The Council has initiated and completed reorgani- zation proceedings. bo This proceeding for reorganization is designated as SEWER FARM NO. 6 REORGANIZATION 81-11. c. The territory described in Exhibit "A" hereto is ordered reorganized and is organized to include the following changes of organization: i. Annexation to the City of Gilroy, ii. Detachment from the South Santa Clara County Fire District. d. The City of Gilroy, as conducting agency, reorganized such territory as indicated above without notice of hearing and without election, it being found and RESOLUTION NO. 82-9 -1- _....'~~.'f..."""~Ib..~; f'. .. ., . . concurred in that the territory described in Exhibit "A" is uninhabited. 4. That the herein described reorganization and each of the actions of the City of Gilroy herein described were in full accordance with the District Reorganization Act of 1965, Govern- ment Code Section 56322 which is part thereof, and the terms and condi tions set forth in Resolution No 0 82-2 of the Santa Clara County Local Agency Formation Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of February, 1982 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ALBERT, GAGE, HUGHAN, LINK, TAYLOR, VALDEZ and GOODRICH cOUNCILMEMBERS: NONE COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE NOES: ABSENT: APPROVED: 7f~~~ ATTEST: ;J~t, ~erk RESOLUTION NO. 82-9 -2- ."""'-'---'-""".">"-""""'"''',",,'~,,''''''' - ., .~.. 't~"f"'''''''' 'N"n:J'~ " '" . ._-, '" .' ~.~,~ 1M.. " ' 'i . ~ . EXHIBIT "A" - I SEWER FARM # 6 ANNEXATION 81-11 BEING A PORTION OF RANCH lOT 53 OF LAS ANIMAS RANCHO, CONSISTING OF 50.12) ACRES, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOllOWS: Beginning at the southeast corner of Gilroy Sewer Farm #5 Annexation 79-4 thence S 460 30' 00" W for a distance of 588.98', thence S 430 18' 3211 E for a distance of 1417.16', thence N 400 31' 2011 E for' a distance of 1561.59' to a point on the Southeasterly Line of Gilroy Sewer Farm #4, Annexation 75-3. Thence N. 350 24' 16" W along the existing City limit line for a distance of 1267.15' to the Southwest corner- of Sewer Farm /15, Annexation 79-4, thence S 460 30' 00" W ~Iong the existing City limit Line for a distance of 1137.84' to the point of beginning. Containing therein 50.121 acres. 8~ ll\ fH'" F"-'-~I"'\" 'G "''''Tnt H c..v,,_.~ ~''':7 "';.j;uu;.\.J4..~fNT 1$ ^ , COJ\.~L;.CI~ l..i..;,' I OF THE O~'G~ RII~~':..u~;~,";...J M. RAINS' GI.ER~I GOARD L.'f SUFERVISORS ilV- AflA/ #1,.& ~~.' Deput~ CJerk 0y/r~ ......: I ""ur-. - , RESOLUTION "NO 0 .; "'<( . . I, SUSANNE Eo STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do 82-9 hereby certify that the attached Resolution Noo is an . original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the lst . d~l,Y of February , 19 ~, at which meeting a quorum was presento IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this. , 198~.. 3rd day of February ยท d~~fp. ~ jtity C erk 0 the City 0 Gi Y