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Resolution 1982- 92
WMAM: PI>.~JC: sb
RESOLVED, by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of
Gilroy, California (the "City"), that
WHEREAS, the Council has provided in proceedings conducted under
apd pursuant to its Resolution of Preliminary Determination and of
Intention No. 81-93, adopted October 5, 1981, as amended, that serial
bonds will be issued to represent the unpaid assessments pursuant to
the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, Division lO of the Streets and
Highways Code of the state of California (the "Bond Act");
WHEREAS, a complete list of all unpaid assessments has been made
by the City Clerk as Collection Officer and filed with the City Director
of Finance (the "Director of Finance"); and
WHEREAS, the Council has duly considered said list and has
determined that the same is an accurate statement thereof;
1. List of Unpaid Assessments. That the assessments now
remalnlng unpaid are as shown on said list and on Exhibit "A" attached
hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, that the aggregate
amount thereof is $l92,366.35, and that for a particular description of
the lots or parcels of land bearing the respective assessment numbers
set forth in said list, reference is hereby made to the assessment and
to the diagram recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets
of the City after confirmation by the Council.
2. Issuance of Bonds. Bonds aggregating $192,366.35 in
principal amount shall be issued as herein provided upon the security
of said unpaid assessments in accordance with the provisions of the
Bond Act, and under and pursuant to the provisions of said Resolution
of preliminary Determination and of Intention, as amended, and the
proceedings thereunder duly had and taken. The Bonds authorized herein
(the "Bonds" and sometimes the "Bond") shall be known as "Improvement
Bonds, City of Gilroy, Ronan Avenue - Liman Avenue Assessment District,
Series 82-2," be dated June 28, 1982, be numbered, of the denominations
and mature in the amounts and on the dates set forth in Exhibit "B"
attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof.
3. Interest. The Bonds shall bear interest from their date at
the rate or rates determined by the Council at the time of award of
sale of the Bonds, payable commencing on January 2, 1983, and
semiannually thereafter on July 2 and January 2 of each year to their
respective dates of maturity.
Each Bond will continue to bear interest after maturity at
the rate stated therein, provided it is presented at maturity and
payment thereof is refused on the sole ground that there is not
sufficient money in the Redemption Fund with which to pay same; if it
is not presented at maturity, interest thereon will run only until
4. Payable. The principal of and interest on the Bonds and any
redemption premium shall be payable by Bank of America National Trust
and savings Association at its Corporate Agency Service Center, San
Fran~is~0, California.
5. Form. The Bonds, the registration endorsement thereon and
the coupons-ro-be attached to the Bonds shall be substantially in the
form set forth in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and by this reference
made a part hereof, the blank spaces therein to be filled in to conform
to the provisions of this resolution.
6. Execution. The Bonds shall be executed on behalf of the
City and under its official seal by the Director of Finance and by the
City Clerk and the coupons shall be executed by the Director of Finance
whose signature may be reproduced on the Bonds and on the coupons by
engraved, printeJ or lithographed facsimile thereof, and the official
seal may be placed on the Bonds in like manner. Such signing and
sealing shall constitute and be a sufficient and binding execution of
each and everyone of the Bonds and coupons thereof, respectively.
If any officer whose signature appears on the Bonds or
coupons ceases to be such officer before the delivery of the Bonds to
the purchaser thereof, such signature shall be as valid as if such
officer had remained in office until the delivery of the Bonds.
7. preparation and Delivery of Bonds. The City Clerk is hereby
directed to cause the Bonds to be prepared in accordance with this
resolution and the purchase contract for the Bonds, and the Director of
Finance shall deliver same upon their completion and execution to the
purchaser thereof, upon receipt of the purchase price therefor, and
upon the performance of the conditions contained in the contract for
the purchase of the Bonds.
8. Record of Bonds. The Director of Finance shall keep or
cause to be kept a record showing the series, number, date, amount,
rate of interest, the last known holder of each Bond, and the number
and amount of each interest coupon paid. The Director of Finance shall
cancel or cause to be canceled each Bond and coupon paid.
9. Establishment of Funds. There are hereby created and
established the following special funds which shall be held and
maintained by the Director of Finance as separate trust accounts,
distinct from all other accounts of the City:
(a) The Ronan Avenue - Liman Avenue Assessment District
Improvement Fund or similar designation as determined by the Director
of Finance (the "Improvement Fund"):
(b) The Ronan Avenue - Liman Avenue Assessment District
Series 82-2 Bond Redemption Fund or similar designation as determined
by the Director of Finance (the "Redemption Fund"); and
(c) The Ronan Avenue - Liman Avenue Assessment District
Series 82-2 Bond Reserve Fund or similar designation as determined by
the Director of Finance (the -Reserve Fund").
10. Improvement Fund. Moneys received by the City from cash
payments of assessments, contributions or any other source for the
acquisition, construction and financing of the improvements described
in the assessment proceedings, together with the proceeds received from
the sale of the Bonds, including any premium received by the City on
the sale of the Bonds (but not including the moneys required to be
placed in the Reserve Fund pursuant to Section l2 hereof nor any
accrued interest which shall be placed in the Redemption Fund) shall be
placed in the Improvement Fund. Disbursement from the Improve~ent Fund
shall be made exclusively to pay the costs of the acquisitions and/or
im~rovements, together with all expenses incidental thereto.
Any surplus remaining in the Improvement Fund after payment
of all costs shall be used, in such amounts as the Council may
determine, in accordance with the provisions of law for one or more of
the following purposes:
(a) Transfer to the general fund of the City, provided that
the amount of any such transfer shall not exceed the lesser of $l,OOO
or 5% of the total amount expended from the Improvement Fund:
lb) As a credit upon the assessment and any supplemental
assessment: provided that such surplus may, if the Council so
determines, also be applied as a credit to the City on account of
contributions made by it towards the cost and expenses of the
acquisitions and/or improvements in the proportion which such
contribution bears to the total amount of the assessment or supplemental
assessment prior to the deduction of all such contributions: or
(c) For the maintenance of any improvements acquired or
constructed in said proceedings.
ll. Redemption Fund. Any accrued interest received on account
of the sale of the Bonds, all sums received from the collection of
unpaid assesnments and interest and penalties thereon (but excluding
collection charges) as provided in Section l4 hereof, and any amounts
advanced from the Reserve Fund or otherwise in satisfaction of the
City's obligations under Section l5 hereof shall be placed in the
Redemption Fund. Disbursement from the Redemption Fund shall be made
exclusively to pay the principal or redemption price of the Bonds and
the interest Que thereon.
Any surplus remaining in the Redemption Fund after payment
of all Bonds and the interest thereon shall first be applied to
repayment to the City of any special taxes levied by it for the purpose
of paying for lands purchased by it under Part 13 of the Bond Act less
its recovery on the lands purchased at such delinquent sale, and also
of any costs incurred by it thereunder. The remainder shall be repaid
in accordance with the provisions of Section 8783 of the Bond Act to
persons paying supplemental assessments, if any, and the balance may be
proportionately credited upon the final installments due upon the
assessments securing the Bonds and repaid to those persons whose
assessments have been previously paid or may be transferred to the
general fund of the City.
l2. Reserve Fund. An amount equal to $19,236.64 shall be placed
in the Reserve Fund upon receipt of the proceeds of the sale of the
Bonds. Moneys in the Reserve Fund shall constitute a trust fund for
the benefit of Bondholders and be paid and transferred in the following
amounts and at the following times and under any of the following
(a) Whenever there are insufficient funds in the Redemption
Fund to meet the next maturing installment of principal of or interest
on the Bonds due to delinquent installments of assessments, an amount
necessary to pay such deficiency shall be transferred as an advance
from the Reserve Fund to the Redemption Fund. The amount so advanced
shall be reimbursed and deposited in the Reserve Fund from the proceeds
of redemption or sale of the parcel for which payment of delinquent
installments was made from the Reserve Fund.
(b) In the event unpaid assessments are paid in cash prior
to their final maturity date pursuant to the provisions of the Bond Act
for the advance payment of assessments, said unpaid assessments shall
be r~du~~d. The proportionate reduction on said assessments shall
equal the ratio of the total amount initially provided for the Reserve
Fund to the total amount originally assessed in the proceedings for the
Bonds, and an amount equal to the reduction in said assessments shall
be transferred from the Reserve Fund to the Redemption Fund.
(c) At any time the amount of any interest earned by the
investment of all or any portion of the Reserve Fund together with the
principal amount in said Reserve Fund exceeds l5% of the original face
amount of the Bonds, or exceeds (in the event the Bonds are sold at
less than 98% of their original face amount) l5% of the gross proceeds
of the sale of the Bonds, such excess shall be credited upon the unpaid
assessments in the manner set forth in Section l0427.l of the Streets
and Highways Code of the State of California; provided that, in order
to comply with the current federal regulations, in the event said
excess cannot be credited to said unpaid assessments and expended
therefor within thirteen (13) months of the date said excess has
accrued, said excess amount shall be applied to the advance retirement
of the Bonds in the manner provided in the Bond Act. Should said
federal regulations be changed, the use of the excess must conform to
said federal regulations.
(d) Whenever the balance in the Reserve Fund is sufficient
to retire all the remaining outstanding Bonds, collection of the
principal and interest on the unpaid assessments shall be discontinued
and the Reserve Fund shall be liquidated in retirement of the Bonds.
The Council shall order the same to be credited against the assessments
remaining unpaid in the manner set forth in Section l0427.l of said
Streets and Highways COde, and the amount apportioned to each unpaid
assessment shall be credited against the last unpaid assessment
installment, and, if the amount apportioned to each parcel exceeds the
amount of said last installment, then such excess shall be credited
against the next precedin~ unpaid assessment installment or installments
until exhausted.
In the event that the balance in the Reserve Fund at the
time of liquidation exceeds the amount required to retire all
outstanding Bonds, the excess shall be apportioned to each parcel upon
which the individual assessment remained unpaid at the time the balance
in the Reserve Fund was sufficient to retire all outstanding Bonds.
The payments shall be made in cash to the respective owners of the
parcels except that, if the excess is not greater than one thousand
dollars ($1,000), the excess may be transferred to the general fund of
the City.
13. Investment of FUnds. Moneys in the Improvement Fund, the
Redemption Fund, and the Reserve Fund may be invested in any
obligations which are then authorized by the laws of the State of
California as investments for local agencies, maturing on a date or
dates prior to the need for such moneys. Any income or interest
thereon shall accrue to and be deposited in the fund from which said
moneys were invested.
l4. Collection of Unpaid Assessments. The unpaid assessments
shown on said list filed with the Director of Finance and determined by
this Council, together with the interest thereon, shall remain and
constitute a trust fund for the redemption and payment of the principal
of the Bonds and for the interest due thereon, which unpaid assessments
shall be payable in annual series corresponding in number to the number
of serial maturities of the Bonds issued. An annual proportion of each
unpaid assessment shall be payable in each year preceding the date of
maturity of each of the several series of Bonds issued, sufficjent to
pay the Bonds when due, and such proportion of each unpaid assessment
cOT/Ii l!g due in any year, together wi th the annual interest thereon,
shall be payable in the same manner and at the same time and in the
same installments as the general taxes of the City on real property are
payable, and become delinquent at the same times and in the same
proportionate amounts and bear the same proportionate penalties and
interest after delinquency as do the general taxes on real property of
the City. A record of the several installments of principal and
interest on said unpaid assessments which are to be collected in each
year during the ter.m of the Bonds shall be kept in the office of the
Auditor-Controller of Santa Clara County. When the first interest
coupon is for interest for a longer period than six months, the Auditor-
Controller shall enter the amount thereof in the column on the
assessment roll provided for the first installment, and the balance in
the column on the assessment roll provided for the second installment.
All sums received from the collection of said unpaid assessments and of
the interest and penalties thereon shall be placed in the Redemption
Fund provided for herein, except that any percentage collected to
represent the costs of such collection shall be retained by said
l5. Advances from Available Surplus Funds. In the event of a
delinquency in the payment of any installment of the assessment levied
upon any property for the payment of the principal and interest of the
Bonds, the City, in the absence of any other bidder, shall be the
purchaser of uelinquent property upon which any of said assessments are
levied in like manner in which it becomes, or may become, the purchaser
of property sold for the nonpayment of general City taxes, and shall
pay and transfer from available surplus funds into the Redemption Fund
the amount of any delinquent assessment installment and interest
thereon. The City shall also pay and transfer from available surplus
funds into the Redemption Fund the amount of any future delinquent
assessment and interest thereon on such property pending redemption.
Any amounts so advanced shall be recoverable upon sale or redemption of
the property.
The obligations imposed by this Section and by Sections 8800
to 8808, inclusive, of the Bond Act shall not be enforceable as to any
available surplus funds of the City until all moneys in the Reserve
Fund have been first exhausted.
l6. Covenant to Foreclose. The City hereby covenants with the
holders of the Bonds that it will order and cause to be commenced and
diligently prosecuted to completion, court foreclosure proceedings upon
the lien of any and all delinquent assessments and interest, pursuant
to and as provided in Part l4 of the Bond Act. Such foreclosure
proceedings shall be commenced within l20 days following the date of
such delinquency.
17. Redemption Prior to Maturity. Each Bond outstanding may be
redeemed and paid in advance of maturity upon the second day of January
or July in any year by giving at least 60 days notice and by paying the
principal amount thereof together with a premium equal to 5% of the
principal plus interest to the date of advanced maturity, unless sooner
surrendered, in which event said interest will be paid to the date of
payment, all in the manner and as provided in the Bond Act.
The provisions of Parts 8 and 11 of the Bond Act are
applicable to the advance payment of assessments and to the calling of
The Director of Finance shall call for redemption and retire
Bonds upon prepayment of assessments in amounts sufficient therefor.
In selecting Bonds for retirement, the lowest numbered Bonds of the
varl JUS unnual maturities shall be chosen pro rata in a manner intended
to disturb as little as possible the relationship of unpaid assessments
to Bonds outstanding.
18. Registration and Transfer of Bonds. Each Bond herein
authorized may be registered only as to both principal and interest
upon the written request of the holder and upon presentation of the
Bond to the bank named in Section 4 hereof, hereby designated the
Registrar for the Bonds.
An appropriate book shall be kept by the Registrar showing
at all times what Bonds are registered and in whose names, and, upon
presentation of the Bonds for such purpose, the Registrar shall, and
under such reasonable regulations as the Registrar may prescribe,
register or transfer or cause to be registered or transferred, in said
registry book, the Bonds as herein provided.
Upon presentation of a Bond for registration, the coupons
shall be removed therefrom and canceled (or preserved in a place of
safekeeping, at the option of the Registrar), and the name and number
of the Bond, the name and address of the holder in whose name it is to
be registered, the date of such registration and a notation that the
Bond is registered as to both principal and interest shall be entered
in the registry book, and appropriate endorsement thereof shall be made
by the Registrar in the space provided therefor on the back of the
Bond. Until such registration is discharged as hereinafter provided,
the interest when due shall be payable only to the registered owner and
the principal when due shall be payable only to such owner upon
surrender of the Bond to the Registrar.
A registered Bond may be transferred only by the registered
owner, in person or by attorney duly authorized in writing, by a
written instrument of transfer in form acceptable to the Registrar, and
by the Registrar endorsing such transfer on the Bond and in the
registry book. No transfer shall be required to be made during the
fifteen (l5) days next preceding an interest payment date.
A registered Bond may be discharged from registration upon
written request of the registered owner. In such case, the Registrar
shall transfer the Bond to bearer by appropriate endorsement on the
Bond and in the registry book, cause all unmatured coupons that have
been removed from the Bond to be reattached to the Bond (such coupons
to be reprinted, if necessary), and deliver the Bond and coupons to the
owner, and thereupon negotiability and transferability by delivery
shall be rp.stored.
Bonds that have been discharged from registration are
subject to successive registrations and transfers in the manner
heretofore provided.
The person requesting registration, transfer or discharge
from registration shall, as a condition precedent to the exercise of
such privilege, pay the Registrar's reasonable charges therefor, if
any, including any cost of reprinting the coupons and any tax or other
governmental charge required to be paid with respect thereto.
19. Arbitrage Covenant. The City covenants that as long as any
Bonds remain outstanding no use will be made at any time of the
proceeds thereof which use (1) is a use reasonably expected at the time
of issuance of the Bonds, and (2) would, if such use were reasonably
. ! t
'. ..!
expected at the time of issuance of the Bonds, cause such Bonds to be
"arbitrage bonds" within the meaning of Section l03(c) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and the regulations thereunder as the
SRm~ ;na:-.' be amended from time to time; provided, however, that the
right is reserved to make any investment of such proceeds permitted by
law if, when and to the extent that said Section l03(c) or regulations
thereunder shall be repealed or relaxed or shall be held void by final
decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, but only if any
investment made by virtue of such repeal, relaxation or decision would
not result in the interest on the Bonds being subject to federal income
20. Use of Proceeds Certificate. The Director of Finance is
authorized to certify as to the amount and use reasonably expected by
the city, as of the date or dates of issue of the Bonds, of the
proceeds thereof, as provided by Sections l.l03-l3, l.l03-l4 and
l.l03-l5 of the Income Tax Regulations under the Internal Revenue Code
of 1954, as amended.
21. Certified Copies. The City Clerk shall forward a certified
copy of this resolution to the Director of Finance who shall take such
action as shall be necessary to assure compliance by the City with the
terms and conditions hereof. The City Clerk is further directed to
provide a certified copy of this resolution to the Auditor-Controller
of Santa Clara County.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and
regularly adopted anJ passed by the City Council of the City of Gilroy,
California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 2lst day of June,
1982, by the following vote of the members thereof:
AYES, and in favor thereof, Councilmembers: ALBERT, GAGE, HUGHAN,
NOES, Councilmembers:
ABSENT, Councilmembers:
Diagram and Assessor's Unpaid
Assessment Number parcel Number Assessment
1 790-16-033 $ 35,637.46
2 790-16-030 15,798.33
3 790-l6-028 l8,76l.29
5 790-16-04l l3,882.31
6 790-16-042 1,9l5.55
7 790-l6-005 l,l23.20
l4 790-l4-0l7 l1,9l7.l9
15 790-14-025 2l,676.61
18 790-l4-007 2,447.l9
21 790-l4-02l 1,839.92
22 790-14-005 3,253.21
23 790-14-004 19,760.38
28 790-l5-0l6 2,Oll.l3
29 790-15-017 4,002.64
30 790-l5-018 27,630.l2
41 790-15-026 l,668.0l
42 790-15-027 l,668.01
44 790-15-006 1,433.10
45 790-15-007 4,025.l5
5l 790-16-043 l,9l5.55
Bond Numbers principal Maturity Date
(Inclusive) Denomination Amount (July 2)
1 $2,366.35 $2,366.35 1983
2 5,000.00 5,000.00 1984
3 5,000.00 5,000.00 1985
4 5,000.00 5,000.00 1986
5-6 5,000.00 lO,OOO.OO 1987
7-8 5,000.00 10,000.00 1988
9-l0 5,000.00 10,000.00 1989
1l-l2 5,000.00 10,000.00 1990
13-l4 5,000.00 10,000.00 1991
l5-l6 5,000.00 lO,OOO.OO 1992
17-l9 5,000.00 l5,000.00 1993
20-24 l,OOO.OO 5,000.00 1994
25 -27 5,000.00 l5,000.00 1994
28-32 1,000.00 5,000.00 1995
33-36 5,000.00 20,000.00 1995
37-4l l,OOO.OO 5,000.00 1996
4 2 -4 5 5,000.00 20,000.00 1996
46-50 1,000.00 5,000.00 1997
51-55 5,000.00 25,000.00 1997
BOND FORM. The Bonds shall be substantially in the following
Under and by virtue of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915,
Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code, the City of Gilroy (a
municipal corporation operating under a freeholders' charter), in the
County of Santa Clara, State of California, will, on the second day of
July, , out of the redemption fund for the payment of the bonds
issued upon the assessments made for the acquisitions, work and
improvements more fully described in Resolution of Preliminary
Determination and of Intention No. 81-93, passed by the City Council of
said City on the 5th day of October, 1981, as amended, pay to bearer
(or, if this bond is registered as herein provided, to the registered
owner hereof) the .sum of
Dollars ($
with interest thereon from the 28th day of June, 1982, at the rate of
percent ( %) per annum, all as is hereinafter specified, and
at Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, Corporate
Agency Service Center, San Francisco, California.
This bond is one of several annual series of bonds of like date,
tenor and effect, but differing in *(interest rates, amounts and)
maturities, issued by said City under said law for the purpose of
providing means for paying for the acquisitions, work and improvements
described in said Resolution of Preliminary Determination and of
Intention, as amended, and is secured by the moneys in said redemption
fund and by the unpaid assessments made for the payment of said
acquisitions, work and improvements, and, including principal and
interest, is payable exclusively out of said fund.
The interest is payable semiannually, to wit: On the second day
of January and July in each year hereafter, upon presentation of the
proper coupons therefor; provided, that the first of said coupons is
for the interest to the second day of January, 1983, and thereafter the
interest coupons are for the semiannual interest.
This bond will continue to bear interest after maturity at the
rate above stated; provided, it is presented at maturity and payment
thereof is refused upon the sole ground that there is not sufficient
money in said redemption fund with which to pay same. If it is not
presented at maturity, interest thereon will run until maturity.
This bond may be registered as to principal and interest, with
the privilege of transfer, discharge from registration and successive
* Modify as necessary to comply with terms of Bond sale.
( i)
: '""
registration, upon written request of the owner and presentation of the
bond to the above named bank and payment of the charges, if any, all in
the manner and upon the terms set forth in the resolution providing for
th~ iss~dnce hereof.
This bond may be redeemed and paid in advance of maturity upon
the second day of January or July in any year by giving the notice
provided in said law and by paying principal and accrued interest
together with a premium equal to 5 percentum of the principal.
be signed by the Director of Finance
has caused its Clerk to affix hereto
day of June, 1982.
of Gilroy has caused this bond to
of said City and by its Clerk, and
its corporate seal, all on the 28th
(not for signature)
(not for signature)
Director of Finance
COUPON FORM. The coupons to be attached to the Bonds shall be
substantially in the following form:
On the Second Day of
the CITY OF GILROY, California, will
(unless the bond to which this coupon
appertains has been duly called for
earlier redemption) pay to bearer, from
its designated redemption fund, the
amount hereon at Bank of America
National Trust and Savings Association,
Corporate Agency Service Center,
San Francisco, California, as interest
DISTRICT, SERIES 82-2, dated June 28, 1982.
Coupon No.
(not for signature)
Director of Finance
~ .
REGISTRATION FORM: The form of endorsement for registration on
the Bonds shall be substantially as follows:
This bond is registered in the name of the registered owner last
entered below and both the principal of and interest on this bond are
payable only to such owner: provided that this bond may be registered
to bearer and thereby discharged from registration and the
negotiability hereof restored.
Note: No writing below except by the Registrar.
Date of
Name and Address
of Registered Owner
signature of