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Resolution 1987-04
1. That, pursuant to the provisions of the Cortese-Knox
Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985, a petition signed
by owners of not less than five percent of the land in the
hereinafter described territory, by area and by assessed value,
was filed with the Council of the City of Gilroy requesting
annexation of the hereinafter described territory to the said City
and detachment from the South Santa Clara Fire District.
2. That the proposed reorganization is described on
Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and is designated "BUENA-VISTA-
3. That the territory which the petitioners request be
annexed to the City of Gilroy, and which the City Council proposes
to annex and to detach from the South Santa Clara County Fire
District, is contiguous to the city limits of the City, contained
less than 12 registered voters at the time the petition was filed,
is uninhabited territory.
4. That said petition does not contain the written consent
of all of the land owners to the annexation.
5. That the Council has previously certified an Environ-
mental Impact Report with 10 mitigation measures and a statement
of overriding considerations for this specific project.
6. The reasons for the proposed reorganization are.
(1) The unincorporated territory proposed for
annexation is within Gilroy's Urban Service
Area as adopted by the Santa Clara County
(LAFCO, (Local Agency Formation Commission).
(2) The annexation proposed will not split any line
of assessment or property ownership.
(3) The County Surveyor has determined the boundaries
of the proposal to be definite and certain~ and
in compliance with the road annexation policies
as adopted by the Santa Clara County LAFCO, (Local
Agency Formation Commission).
(4) The annexation proposed will not create any
islands or areas in which it would be difficult
to provide municipal services.
(5) The annexation proposal is consistent with
Gilroy's General Plan Land Use Map.
(6) The annexation proposal is consistent with the
intent of the goals and policies of the General
Plan document; and
(7) The unincorporated territory proposed for
annexation is contiguous to existing City limits.
7. That Monday, the 2nd day of March 1987, at the hour
of 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the
City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, California, is hereby
fixed as the time, date and place of hearing on the proposed
8. Any interested person desiring to make written protest
against said annexation or detachment shall do so by written com-
munication filed with the city clerk of the City of Gilroy not
later than the hour set for hearing. A written protest by a
land owner shall contain a description sufficient to identify
the land owned by him; a protest by a voter shall contain the
residential address of such voter.
9. The City Clerk o~ the City o~ Gilroy is hereby
authorized and directed,:to cause a copy o~ this resolution
to be published once in the Gilroy-Morgan Hill Dispatch,
a newspaper of general ciraulation published in the affected
City~ County and District, said publication to be complete
at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date set for hearing.
10. The City Clerk is directed to cause written
notice to be given to such other persons as may be legally
entitled thereto, in the manner required by law.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of February 1987
by the following vote:
. ~l/.~
I ~
BEING a portion of the "Suburban Tract" as shown on the map
thereof filed for record in Book F-2 of Maps at page 37, Records
of Santa Clara County, California, and being also a portion of
"Henry Miller' 5 Subdivision of Part of Las Animas Ranchlot No.
34" as filed for record in Book "E" of Maps, page 77, and being
also a portion of the Rancho San Francisco de las Llagas in Santa
Clara County, California, and being more particularly described
as follows:
BEGINNING at the most northerly corner to "Murray Avenue
Reorganization 84-2 of the City of Gilroy, as described in
Reolution 85-41 of said City adopted July 1, 1985, being the
intersection of the northwesterly line of Las Animas Avenue with
the northeasterly line of Murray Avenue, and running thence along
the northeasterly line of Murray Avenue N.2P3l'46"W. 180.25
feet, more or less, to the intersection thereof with the
northwesterly line of that certain parcel of land described in
the deed to John San Miguel and Beatrice San Miguel, his wife,
recorded in Book B376 at page 69, Official Records of Santa Clara
County; thence along the northwesterly line of said Parcel of
land N.680l7'02"E. 299.53 feet to the most northerly corner
thereof in the line common to Lots 12 and 13 as shown on said
"Henry Miller's Subdivisio; thence along said common lot line and
the line common to Lots 16 and 17 N.2P42'58"W. 1768.66 feet to
the corner common to Lots 16, 17, 22 and 23 as shown on said Map;
thence along the line common to Lots 22 and 23 as shown on said
Map N. 2P 42' 58 "W. 1151. 43 feet, more or less, to the northerly
common corner to said Lots in the line common to the Rancho Las
Animas and San Francisco de las Llagas; thence along said Rancho
line S. 750 49' 02 "W. 25.51 feet to the most southerly corner of
that certain parcel of land described in the deed recorded in
Book 1615 at page 79, Official Records of Santa Clara County;
thence along the southwesterly line of said Parcel N. 17054' 58 "W.
1307.09 feet, more or less, to the intersection thereof with the
southeasterly line of Buena Vista Avenue as shown on sheet 10 of
the Right of Way Record Maps for the South Valley Freeway, 4-SCL-
101, dated July 1970; thence along said southeasterly line of
Buena Vista Avenue N.76022'22"E. 275.08 feet to the intersection
thereof with the southwesterly line of the South Valley Freeway,
as shown on said Map; thence continuing across said Freeway
N.72036'40"E. 259.04 feet to the intersection of the
southeasterly line of Buena Vista Avenue with the northeasterly
line of said Freeway; thence along the northeasterly line of the
South Valley Freeway S.1803l'17"E. 670.70 feet; thence along a
curve to the left with a radius of 600.00 feet, from a tangent
bearing of S. 60 08' 26 "W., through a central angle of 12030' 54",
for a distance of 131.06 feet; thence along a tangent curve to
the left with a radius of 19,895.00 feet, through a central angle
of 4011'47" for a distance of 1457.16 feet; thence S.2205l'07"E.
93.80 feet; thence leaving said Freeway Line N.67008'53"E. 50.00
feet to a point in the northeasterly line of the frontage road
shown on said Map (now known as No Name Uno); thence along the
boundary of said No Name Uno along a curve to the left with a
radius of 20.00 feet, from a tangent bearing of S.2205l'07"E.,
through a central angle of 88051'51" for a distance of 31.02 feet
to a point in the northwesterly line of Cohansey Avenue as shown
on said Map; thence along the northwesterly line of Cohansey
Avenue as shown on Parcel Map filed for record in Book 307 of
Maps at page 42, records of Santa Clara County N.680l7'02"E.
79.71 feet to the line common to Lots 23 and 24 as shown on said
"Henry Miller's Subdivision" map; thence along said common line
S.2P40'38"E. 8.16 feet to the northwesterly line of Cohansey
Avenue as shown on said Parcel Map; thence along said
northwesterly line N. 680 21 ' 22 "E. 245.00 feet to the intersection
thereof with the southwesterly line of Parcel "A", as shown on
said Map; thence along said southwesterly line N. 2P4l'08"W.
5.00 feet; thence along the northwesterly line of Cohansey Avenue
as shown on said Parcel Map N.6802l'22"E. 703.27 feet to the
intersection thereof with the northeasterly line of Parcel "B"
as shown on said Parcel Map, being also the northeasterly line of
said "Henry Miller's Subdivision"; thence along the northeasterly
line of the' "Henry Miller's Subdivision" map S.2404l'23"E.
1963.10 feet, more or less, to the most easterly corner to Lot 14
as shown on said "Henry Miller's Subdivision" Map (at 30.04 feet
on this course is the corner to Lots 18 and 24 in the centerline
of Cohansey Avenue); thence along the southeasterly line of Las
Animas Avenue as established by the Santa Clara County Surveyor
in 1935 (File Map No. 983) along a curve to the left wi th a
radius of 980.00 feet, from a tangent bearing of S. 660 08' 03 "W. ,
through a central angle of 5005'30" for a distance of 87.09 feet;
thence S.60011'00''W. 148.46 feet; thence along a curve to the
right with a radius of 1020.00 feet, through a central angle of
5008'00" for a distance of 91.39 feet; thence S.65019'W. 466.62
feet to the intersection of said southeasterly line with the
northeasterly line of San Ysidro Avenue as shown on the map of
"Freeway-San Ysidro Reorganization 83-1" of said City of Gilroy
and described in Resolution No. 84-16 of said City adopted
February 6, 1984; thence along the boundary of said
Reorganization N. 24 b 37' 16 "W. 40.00 feet to the most northerly
corner thereof in the northwesterly line of Las Animas Avenue;
thence along the northwesterly line of Las Animas Avenue and said
Reorganization S. 65019' W. 167.29 feet; thence along a curve to
the right with a radius of 980.00 feet, through a central angle
of 3001'50" for a distance of 51.84 feet; thence S.68020"50"W.
39.87 feet; thence still following said reorganization boundary
and Las Animas Avenue N.2P40'38"W. 13.00 feet and S.68054'28"W.
29.29 feet; thence along the northwesterly line of said
Reorganization S.68"54'28"W. 79.41 feet to a point in the
northeasterly line of said South Valley Freeway; thence along
said northeasterly line S.2205l'07"E. 33.01 feet to a point in
the former centerline of Las Animas Avenue and being an angle
point in said boundary of said Reorganization; thence along said
boundary and centerline of Las Animas Avenue S.680l7'02"W. 255.45
feet to the intersection thereof with the southwesterly line of
said Freeway; thence still along said .boundary and Freeway Line
S.23011'lO"E. 33.01 feet to the most northerly corner of "Las
Animas-Murray Avenue Reorganization 83-4" of the City of Gilroy
as described in Resolution No. 83-80 of said City adopted
December 5, 1983; thence along the northwesterly line of said
Reorganization, being also the southeasterly line of Las Animas
Avenue S.680l7'02"W. 596.69 feet to the intersection thereof with
the northeasterly line of Murray Avenue at an angle point in the
boundary of said "Murray Avenue Reorganization 84-2"; thence
along the northeasterly line thereof N. 2P 41' 11"W. 66.00 feet to
the point of beginning, and
, .
I, SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do
hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 87-4
is an original
resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular
meeting of said Council held on the 2nd day of February, 19~, at
which meeting a quorum was present.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this ~day of February
19 87.