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Resolution 1988-36 . . .-. ( '.,1 , ( -f RESOLUTION NO. 88 - 36 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING THE APPLICATION AND THE PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR A CRIME ANALYSIS GRANT THROUGH THE CAREER CRIMINAL APPREHENSION PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City of Gilroy desires to undertake a certain project designated Crime Analysis Grant to be funded in part from funds made available through the Career Criminal Apprehension Program administered by the Office of Criminal Justice Planning (hereafter referred to as OCJP). NOW, THREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy is authorized, on its behalf to submit the attached proposal to OCJP and is authorized to execute on behalf of the City Council the attached Grant Award Agreement including any extensions or amendments thereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the applicant agrees to provide all matching funds required for said project (including any amendment thereof) under the Program and the funding terms and conditions of OCJP and that the cash match will be appropriated as required. IT IS AGREED that any liability arising out of the performance of this Grant Award Agreement, i.ncluding civil court actions for damages, shall be the responsibility of the grant recipient and the authorizing agency. The State of California and OCJP disclaim responsibility for any such liability. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that grant funds received hereunder shall not be used to supplant expenditures controlled by this body. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of May, 1988, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: GAGE, HALE, KLOECKER! MUSSALLEM, PALMERLEE, VALDEZ and h~GHAN. COUNCILMEMBERS: None NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None MaYofrl~ -1- RESOLUTION NO. 88 - 36 ( "1 OFFICE OF CRI~!INAL JUSTICE PLWNiNG OCJP A301 , EXHI~IT "A':, GL.;.,\fT PROPOSAL/ A\-iARD P.CE~T ~~e Office of. C~i~ina14ltSCic~ Pl~n~i~g. hereefter c2si~ed ocip. hsreay ~~~es.~ g~~~c aware of funds to (1) The City of Gilrov here~ft2r designated Grantee. in the amount end fer the purpose ~~d curation set forth i~ c~is gr~~c aware. ~ote: If name exceeds 30 characters indicate below the abbreviated n~~e for <..,;arrants: (?) (3) Project Title (60 character m~{imun) DIRECTED PATROL ACTIVITY THROUGH CRIME ANALYSIS (~) Project Director (Name, Title, Address, Telephone) (four lines m~{imuill) Arthur L. Gillespie Director of Public Safety 7370 Rosanna St. Gilroy, Ca. 95020 (408) 842-6456 (5) Financial Officer (Name, Title, Address, Telephone) (four lines ma~imum) Cecil A. Reinsch Director of Finance 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, Ca. 95020 (408) 842-3191 (6) A\,Jard No. (j) Gra~t Period 7/1/88 thru 6/30/91 (8) Federal. Amo~~t n/a (9) State Amount $75,000 (10) Cash 1>1 a tch $7 , 500 (11) In-Kind Match n/a (12) Total Project Cost $82,500 This grant award consists of this title page, the proposal for the gra~t which is attached and made a part hereof, and the Assurance of Complia~ce for~ which is attached. The grant recipient signifies acceptance of this gra~t award and agrees to administer the grant project in accordance with the statute(s), Program Guidelines, a~d this Request-for- Proposals (RFP). FOR OCJP USE ONLY It2~: Chapter: PC.; No.: Proe:-ram No.: ?roject No: :\moc:n t: Split Fund: Spli~ t..'1c.unber: ~~e.2.r : ..~::: ~,-~ ~ . :\equ~=e~e!:. r.: ~ '-":::C : ;: :':::;~:-2..:1: ? (13) Official Authorized to Sign for Applicant rant Rec~pient Nam : Title: Address: Arthur L. Gillespie Director of Public Safety 7370 Rosanna St. .. Gilroy, Ca. 95020 Telepnone: (408) 842-6456 Date: 6/3/88 .L ne::eby ce::r.::..! y upon my mm personal ~~owledge that budgeted funds are available for the period and purposes of this expenditure stated above. fisc~l Officer, eeJ? Date ~{ec~~~ve Qi=ec:ar, CC~~ Dace .OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLNWG ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE By signing the Grant Proposal/Award Face Sheet and submitting the proposal to the Office of Criminal Justice Planning, the applicant acknowledges awareness of and the responsibility to comply with the following: 'If" .1 Title V, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and federal denartment re~lations on its imnlementation. As a recipient of federal funds, the state of California is required-to comply with Title V, section 504, of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and those regulations of federal departments on its implementation. Section 504 and federal department regulations mandate that all qualified people with disabilities will not be excluded from, denied benefits of, or discriminated against solely on the basis of their disabilities, under any program or activity that receives federal financial assistance. California Government Code, Article 9.5, Sections 11135-11139.5 These sections mandate comprehensive state civil rights regulations that prohibit discrimination or denial of benefits to persons in the state of California who are under programs or activities that are funded by or receive financial assistance from the state. Discrimination and denial of benefits are prohibited on the bases of ethnic group identification, religion, age, sex, sexual preference or physical or mental disability. California Administrative Code~ Title 22, Sections 98000-98413. These sections implement California Government Code sections 11135-11139.5 and establish standards for determining who is protected and guidelines for determining what practices are discriminatory. Federal and state agencies have the legal right to seek enforcement of the above items of this assurance of compliance. The assurance is effective as of the date of the proposal and 'throughout the perlod during which federal or state funding is extended or during the period of time in which real or personal property, purchased with grant or matching funds, is used after the grant ends. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATE'.l"1ENT (NEGATIVE DEClARATION) California Administrative Code Sections 15080-15082 In accordance with the procedures for the preparation of environmental impact statements, an environmental assessment must be performed on the proposed project. Providing the assessment process does not indicate a significant environmental impact from the proposed project, and the project will not involve any of the following, ~~ environmental impact statement is not required: a. New construction; b. The renovation or modification of a facility leading to an increased occupancy of more than 25 persons; c. The implementation of programs involving the use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals; d. The implementation of programs involving microwaves or radiation; or e. Research and technology, the ~~ticipated or intended future application of which could be expected to have a potential effect on the environment. An environmental impact appraisal, which summarizes the assessment and the reasons why a statement is not required, must be on file and available for OCJP or public scrutiny upon request. OCJP ,\302 090186 411rFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLAN~ PROJECT SERVICE AREA INFORMATION ;f ,) i. U.S. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT(S): 12th Congressional District 2. STATE S&~ATE DISTRICT(S): 17th Senatorial District . 3. STATE ASS&'1BLY DISTRICT(S): 25th Assembly District 4 . COUNTY OR COUNTIES SERVED: Santa Clara County 5. POPULATION OF SERVICE AREA: 27,450 :\pplicant: ~ICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANN~ l PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION City Of Gilroy Implementing Agency: Gilroy Police Department (if applicable) Project Title: DIRECTED PATROL ACTIVITY THROUGH CRIME ANALYSTS Grant Number : (to be added by OCJP) \ Provide the name, title, address and telephone number for the project contact persons named below. If a section does not apply to your project, enter "N/A". .. 1. The person having day-to-day responsibility for the project: Name: Title: Address: Telephone Commander B.J. McCuiston Administrative Commander 7370 Rosanna St. Gilroy, Ca. 95020 Number: (408) 842-6456 2. The Executive Director of a non profit organization or the Chief Executive Officer ( e.g., Chief of Police) of the implementing agency: Name: Title: Address: Telephone Arthur L. Gillespie Director of Public Safety 7370 Rosanna St. Gilroy, Ca. 95020 Number: (408) 842-6456 3. The Chair of the Governing Body of the implementing agency: Name: Ti tle : Address: nla Telephone Number: 4. The person responsible for the project from the applicant agency: Name: Ti tle : Address: Telephone Jay Baksa City Administrator 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, Ca. 95020 Number: (408) 842-3191 5. The Chair of the Governing Body of the applicant agency: Name: Title: Address: Telephone Roberta H. Hughan Mayor 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, Ca. 95020 Number: (408) 842-3191 . PROJECT SUMMARY . t ,1 form 1 PROJECT NUr,IEER PROJECT TITLE DIRECTED PATROL ACTIVITY THROUGH CRIME ANALYSIS Address: CITY OF GILROY 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, Ca. 95020 GRANT PERIOD From: 7/1/88 APPLICANT Name: To: 6/30/91 IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Name: GILROY POLICE DEPARTMENT 7370 Rosanna St. Gilroy, Ca. 95020 Address: FUNDS REQUESTED General State Fund $ 75,000 Federal Funds $ n/a Match $ 7,500 PROBL8~: (Describe the problem the project is to address. Briefly explain the nature and scope of the problem through crime rate, targeted crimes and impact.) Although Gilroy's population has doubled in the last ten years and is increasi at a rate of 2.4% in spite of a building moratorium, the'ner capita ratio of poli officers has dropped. Total part 1 crimes, however. have increased by 17.5% in th past yearwhich indicates a need to develop more efficient methods of crime preventi and police operations. Since the.'Gilroy area has an especially high rate of thefts burglaries and robberies, these crimes have' been targeted for C-CAP efforts. As a .result of this project, a crime analyst will be hired in order to assist the dept. :in the implementation of a pro-active stance regarding crime prevention through the identification of career criminals and the development of tactical operations chang OBJECTIVES: (Indicate each of the objectives and measures as contained .in the program guide- W. th' th lines. and the re.sults that willlbe achieved.) l In e grant perlod the department Wl 1: 1) ,improve the computerized information system. reporting forms 2) establish a method to identify career criminals and track those that resideGin l.lrO 3) Train personnel in the philosophy of C-CAP 4) Network with surroundinq agencies to identify and track criminal offenders who commit crimes in Gilroy. . (Describe the methods that will be used to achieve the objectives.) ACTIVITIES: ~^le wi 11: 1) Survey hardware and software to ensure that the system purchased is compatible with our present data qathering system. 2) Create a uniform method of gatherina information which will be timely and useful fro crime analysis purpose~. 3) Train staff in the use of crime analysi's information in orde;r- to make effective decisio^s ~Egarding operations, re~ource allocations, etc. . . 4) Participate in network activities with other agencies concerning crlmlnals, and criminal activity. These will include meetings, personal contact and bulletins. ,NAME OF RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL Signature: ]Lc~ / Title: Director of Public Safety Typed Name: Date: 6/6/88 I. ~FICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLAN~ BUDGET CATEGORY fu~D LINE-ITE)1 DETAIL A. Personal Services - Salaries 1. Project Director: Arthur L. Gillespie - Director of Public Safety (5%) 5% x $5,700 mo. x 12 mo. = $3,420 Responsible for the overall project and it's implementation. He will provide guidance and direction concerning the goals of the project and the concepts of C-CAP. 2. Project Manager: Commander B.J.McCuiston (10%) 10% x $5,000 mo. x 12 mo. = $6,000 Responsible for daily operations of the project. He will pro- vide supervision and guidance to the project staff concerning implementation and general operation of the project. 3. Project Coordinator: Sergeant Torn Vasquez (20%) 20% x $3,700 mo. x 12 mo. = $8,880 Responsible for selection and implementation of necessary equipment. The project coordinator will also oversee the creation and distribution of crime analysis information, and oversee the development of the project implementation phase and creation of the training manual. 4. Project Police Crime Analyst: New Position (100%) $2,500 x 12 mo. = $30,000 .' During the grant phase the project crime analyst will be responsible for reading and analyzing crime reports, field interview cards, arrest reports, and related data. The analyst will prepare charts, graphs, tables, and written descriptions associated with criminal activity. The analyst will work closely with patrol and investigative personnel. Based upon data correlated by computer input, the analyst will be respon- ible for presenting crime pattern and crime projection information to police patrol and investigation operations as well as making the information available to community groups. The crime analyst will be r~sponsible for preparing daily, weekly, and monthly crime bulletins for dissemination to operational divisions with the police department. TOTAL .JCJP A303a COST n-c n-c n-c $30,000 $30,000 ~FICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PL.~~ BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE-IT&~ DETAIL 8. Personal Services - Employee Benefits COST 1. Project Director: Arthur L. Gillespie - Director of Public Safety (5%) n-c $5,700 x 35% standard benefit factor x 5% = $199.50 $199.50 mo. x 12 mo. = $2,394 2. Project Manager: Commander B.J. McCuiston (10%) $5,100 x 35% standard benefit factor x 10% = $178.50 $178.50 mo. x 12 mo. = $2,142 3. Project Coordinator: Sergeant Tom Vasquez (20%) $3,700 x 35% standard benefit factor x 20% = $259.00 $259.00 mo. x 12 mo. = $3,108 4. Project Crime Analyst: New Position (100%) Health / Dental/Vision Retirement Life Insurance / Long Term Disability $284.25 per mo. (max) 285.23 per mo. (11. 409%) 54.65 per mo. (max) $624.13 total per mo. x 12 mo. $7,489.56 per year TOTAL OCJP A303b n-c n-c $7,489.56 $7,489.56 I. . ~FFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLAN~ BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE-IT&~ DETAIL C. Travel Attendance at (3) required OCJP training conferences/workshops $100 registration fee $104 State per diem X X 3 persons 3 persons X X 3 conferences = $900 3 days X 3 conferences = $2,808 Attendance at (1) OCJP training conference for fiscal officers responsible for financial reporting to OCJP $100 registration fee $104 State per diem X = $200 3 days = $624 X 2 persons 2 persons X fixThe Applicant will use state travel policy. o The applicant will use a travel policy other than the state's. The applicant will use the written policy of which is more/less restrictive than the state's. (agency) (circle one) TOTAL OCJP A303c COST $3,708 $824 $4,532 ~FICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANN~ BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE- ITS"! DETAIL COST D. Consultant Services - (No consulting services anticipated.) n-c - . .-- .- TOTAL $-0- OCJP A303d OFFIC4IIf CRIHINAL JUSTICE PL~~ING . BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE-ITS'l DETAIL E. Operating Expenses 1. Installation, training, and support for MicroVax 2000 computer system. To be completed by experienced computer technicians from Command Data Systems. 2. Telephone costs of $40.00 mo. x 12 mo. = $480 yr. 3. Printing / type setting and other costs related to the implementation of a users manual and to the production of crime analysis forms. 4. Indirect / Administrative Overhead. (Power, heating, air conditioning, office space, janitorial services, and other facility related costs.) 10% x $30,000 (personnel salaries) = $3,000 yr. = $250 mo. 5. Financial Audit. 1% x $82,500 (total grant amount) = $825 6. Office supplies. (Pens, pencils, stationary, photocopies, computer paper, etc.) TOTAL GCJP A303e .1 . I COST $11,000 n-c $1,500 n-c $825 $500 $13,825 . OFFIC~ CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE-IT~f DETAIL F. Equipment PRICE 1 DH-625N6-AA MicroVax 2000 Includes: 6MB Memory RD54 159 MB Fixed Disk 11 , 500 1 RD54-FA 159 MB Fixed Disk 6,900 2 2 2 VT320 Monochrome Terminal IBM 3164 Color Terminal LA 210 Printer 595 1,699 1,675 1 1 1 1 Q3001-C5 VMS 1-4 User Lic Q3001-H5 Media and Doc. Q3D04-UZ DecNet End Node Lic Q3D04-H5 Media and Doc. 3,150 1,575 714 735 4 Computer Aided Dispatch 4,000 Includes: F~ur User License (2 full positions) ...Computer Aided Call Taking ...Status Monitoring ...Premise Notes and Address Flags ...History File Displays ...Automated Notes File ...Alarm File System . ..Case Number Assignment . ..Recommended Units . ..Address Verification ...CAD Training Environment ...Manpower Utilization Reports ...Communications Center Reports . ..Response Time and Area Reports . EXTENDED PRICE 11 ,500 6,900 1,190. 3,398 3,350 3,150 1,575 714 735 16,000 $48,512 COST $26,653.44 $48,512 (total equipment) - $26,653.44 (first yr. paymnt) = $21,858.56 $21,858.56 (remaining equip. cost) ~ 2 yrs. = $10,929.28 each 2nd & 3rd yr. CATEGORY TOTAL PROJECT TOTAL FUND DISTRIBUTION FEDERAL STATE a. Amount of Funds $75,000 b. Percentage of Funds 90% GCJP A303f CASH MATCH $7,500 10% $26,653.44 $82,500 IN-KIND MATCH . . PROPOSED AUDIT PLAN Applicant: City of Gilroy A. The attached Audit Information has been reviewed and the project will have the required financial and compliance audit completed: (check appropriate box) [ ] On a grant-by-grant basis. kxi As part of the agency-wide audit with OCJP grants detailed separately by supplemental information. B. It is anticipated that the services will be obtained from: Arthur Young & Associates (Name of Firm or Government Audit Organization) 4520 California Ave. Suite 200 (Address) Bakersfield, Ca. 93309 27305E John Supan (Partner-in-Charge) (License Number) (805) 328-1221 (Telephone Number) C. It is estimated that the required audit report will be submitted to the OCJP Audit Division on: September ~ Month .,. ~~~ Signature- 1 ancial Officer 1991 Year OCJP USE ONLY: Grant Award No. Input Date AS RC GS Form 601 (12/86) . . T. OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PL~J~ING CERTIFICATION FOR TWO-MONTH ADVfu~CE OF GRANT FUNDS NOTE: TO RECEIVE FUNDS, A COMPLETED MONTHLY REPORT OF EXPENDITURES AND REQUEST FOR FUNDS (OCJP 201) MUST BE SUBMITTED TO OCJP. Grantee: Grant Number: Grant Title: Implementing Agency (if applicable): By Signin~lOW' the chief executive of the implementing agency and the financial offi~er certify that the project requesting a two-month advance of gran t funds: "'~, . "- '- 1. Does not have a~eserve or contingency account equal to two months of "- gran t funds; and "-.. 2. Is currently unable ~pay its outstanding debts and obligations. The project is: a county government agency [ ] a private nonprofit agency [ ] a public school district Signatures: '- " "- .'" .,~ " Chief Executive Financial Officer Date Date OCJP 202 7/1/87 . . T. Form 2 PROBLEM STATEME.l'IT A. Statistical Data o Total population served (see Appendix G) 27,450 o Total sworn personnel 40 o Crime rate for agency's jurisdiction (see Appendix H) 2,178.6 o Targeted crime problems (please list): Burglaries Thefts Robberies B. Narrative (Describe how C-CAP will impact the agency's crime problem and improve its operational effectiveness.) Prob 1 em Statement Background Information The region to be served by tllis C-CAP grant proposal is Gilroy, California, a rural community of 27,450, located in tlle southern tip of the Santa Clara Valley. Gilroy's population is approximately 50% Hispanic and is !leavily involveel in tlle agribusiness industry. I t has the lowest medi an household income (1980 U.S. census) of a 11 Santa Clara municipa11t1es. Unemployment in 1979 was highest among the county's Hispanic population (256% higher tllan unemployment among U"le county's wlllte population). According to the 1980 U.S. Census, 1 ]% of Santa Clara county's Hispanics] ive be low the poverty leve I. With tile completion of freeway systems linking Gilroy to tile Sail Jose metropolitan area, the City of Gilroy finds itself in the midst of rapid change. (.'".TTACH .'".N ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESS.-\RY) .r , . . . The population has more than doubled in the past ten years and, in spite of a bul1ding moratorIum, 1ncreased 2.4% from 26,800 ln January of 1986 to 27,450 in January, 1987, The per capita rat10 of Gllroy Offtcers to populat1on has decreased from 1.74 /thousand in 1984 to 1.4 per thousand at present. Number of Police Officers Per Capita In Gilroy 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1984 1988 YEAR ( III 1964 III 1966 ] The total number of felonies identified by the state as "Part 1" crimes (homocide, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft and arson) has increased by 17.5% for the first quarter of this year as compared to Ule same period in 1987. Burglar'ies have increased from 79 to 112 during the first quarter of this year, an increase of over 40%; thefts are up 16.07% from 224 to 260; robberies have increased 33.33% from 6 to 8; and arsons are up 25'fo from 4 to 5. (See chart which follows,) . .r r of Part 1 Crimes In Gilroy <:125 "100 375 350 325 300 275 250 225 200 1987 1988 YEAR [ Em 1967 m 1900 ] I"'luch of the increase in part one crimes may be attributed to Uit gl~OWUi in population, however, it is also felt that the completion of the freeway systern ridS cantr'ibuted by easing access to Gi lroy. Cr~imina 15 from tlie San Jose area can nOVJ eas i ly operate in the Gilroy area which is quite attractive due to ttie fact ttiat it rernains geographically Isolated and has a per capita ratlo of officers w~iicl.) has not kept pace with its increase In population. Crime rate Gi lroy's crirne rate per 100,000 was 2,178.6 in 1986. Hie G i lr'oy 2lf'23 tias a high rate (200th in tl',e state) of burglar1es and thefts which seems to correlate WiUi the fact that it is a center' for drug use anc! narcotics trafficking in ttle county (Allied Agencies Narcotics Enforcement Team- AM,JET ). Many of Gilroy's criminal offenders also commit crimes in tlte Ilollistef', r'largan Hill, San Jose and unincorporated surrounding ar~eas. This increases Hie need far Gi lroy to establistl a system for the identification and tracking of Crlmin2d or'femiers in ol'der to share information WiUi neigllboring agencies U'leret;y facilitating tlie development/enhancement of a cooperative erfort to overcorne U'le geographic barriel~s whicli now inliibit agency efficiency. Tlie Gilroy Pollee Department now deals wiU, a large numl)er of re[)eat criminal offenders. In an erfort to increase Department efficiency and improve Departrrlent efrectiveness in controlling crime, a computerizell arrest records system was developed in 1986. Gener'a] funds were utilized to pur'chase tile equipment ami tr\e tirne required for tile initial implementation or tliis system . , . C-CAP IMPACT on Crime Problem In evaluatmg the new arrest records system, the Department rlas iejentlfieej tile need to develop a plan which will ensure easy access and full utll1zation of computeri zed 1 nf ormation, whl ch is now bei ng ma inta i neej, in order to keep up with cri me trends. . I, Gilroy does not have the resources, at the present time, to allow for trJe (Jevelopment anej implementation of a department-wide plan, Such a plan is critical, however) so that crime pred1 cti on is facll Hated thereby changing the Depar-tment's stance fro.m one of "reaction to crlmeM to one of Mpro-active action plan formulat1onM for the reduction ancUor reversal of present crime trends, C-CAP IMPACT on Agency's Functions Hl1s C -CAP project v.;i 11 enable the Gi lroy Pol ice Department to r(la;<im ize efficiency through tile implementation of a long range plan whicrl involves the ernployment of a crime analyst and H'le purchase of a MicroVax 2000 computer system from Commanej Data Systems whicrl will inter'face with the present data collection systern, The crime analyst will be responsible for reading and ana lyz inQ crirfle reports, fie ld interview carrJs, arrest records, and related clata. In aejdition, U-le analyst will present crime pattern and crime protection informat ion to police patro I ane! invest igat ion operations, provide training to personnel in the use of Crirlie Analysis Unit (CAU) gener'ateej inforrnat i on and (Jeve lop standarclize(J inf orrnat iona 1 proeluc ts for periodic distribution to various user's groups (e.g., patrol, investigations). Hh; i-1icroVax 2000 computer system will flwtrler irnpr-o-v'e tile Department's data collection capabilities rjY j(,eepjng lnfor'mation regarding calls for service 3S well as arrest recorels. Trli 5 adeli t iona 1 i nforrnat ion will i rnprove rl-1anaoelllent/ clep loyment of patro] service's. As a result of this C-CAP project, improvements will !)e rnacle in the following Jreas: proce(jures USN! at the scene of a crime, timely investlgative fallaw-up, Investigative case management and pr'eparation, overalllielivery or services tllrougtl the elevelopment of an effective resource allocation strategy. In addition, ttle Department will initiate an ernpllZlsis on the identification and appre!lension of career criminals, Final1y) tile coordination between the Gilroy Police Department 3nli tile distrlct attorney's office jn the prosecution of career criminal cases \I/ill bc irnpr'oveLJ. -- . . For:n 3 PROGRAJ1 OBJECTIVES/MEASURES OBJECTIVE: To develop a long range plan for implementing and operating the C-CAP Program. MEASURES: These measures must be completed six months after initiation of the grant. By signing this page, the project director agrees to complete the listed measures within the stated timeframe. a. Establish a training plan for agency staff regarding C~CAP functions. b. Establish an activity plan for implementing Crime Analysis and MPO/1YICI. This activity plan must describe how all program objectives will be met. c. Establish an equipment purchase plan for the entire project duration. d. Complete a time chart showing implementation dates for all activities described in a through c above. e. Complete a program budget that covers the entire grant period through the completion of MPO/MCI. f. Prepare a needs assessment supporting the acquisition of computer equipment. /~~4~ . 1 . . Form ~ PROGR.A.i11 OBJECTIVES Objective Train personnel in concepts and techniques of C-CAP. A. ~leasures 1. Conduct 12 (number) training sessions by the end of the grant period. 2. Training sessions will include per session. 2 (number) hours of instruction 3. A total of ~ (number) sworn and ~ (number) non-sworn personnel will be trained, out of a total agency staff of ~ (number). 4. List specific training topics and hours of training. Crime analysis for analysts 11 Introduction to crime analysis for managers, officers, 4 investigators Definition of a Career Criminal 1 Overview of C-CAP 2 Overview of Managing Patrol Operations (MPO) 3 Overvie\... of Managing Criminal Inves tigations (MCI) 3 -_.- 5. Number of course evaluation on file ~ (number). B. Describe 'the methods by which the objective will be achieved: The Gilroy Police department will coneJuctlparticipate in a total of twelve training sessions during the grant period. Four or these two hour training sessIons wi I] consist of an overview of l) the C-CAP progl~am (including the definition of Career Crimina]), 2) Managing Patro I Operat ions and 3) l'lanaging (rim ina I Invest igat Ions. All agency staff members will participate in ttiese training sessions which will tle conclucted by tlie (-CAP project staff. Since staff training is a priority within the clepartrnent, trle four sessions will be repeated in order to allow offIcers wtlO are on patrol elur'in9 ttle initial training to attend the second sessions. The remaining eight training sessions (16 hours) will focus on tile ar'ea of crime analysis. Managers, officers and investigators will participate in five hours or training which will provide them with an overview/ introduction to crime analysis. Tilt: C-CAP prOject staff will conduct tliese sessions. The crirne analyst will receIve an ac!clJtional eleven hours of specializec! tralnlng in tIle are3 of crlrne analysis. /\1'1 \vOrf~Sliop e\/jI1l~1tion fOI-ln \\'1]] tk cnrnpleteli tly all p::Jf'tICIf)~1rlhd 11.\: end Of each trJinlna sessIon. . . I . Form 5 a PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Objective Establish a centralized crime analysis unit which can identify and predict existing and evolving crime patterns. A. Measures 1. Report forms will be reviewed and revised by data elements can be extracted for analysis. Oct. '88 (date) so that 2. Manual/automated crime analysis files will be developed by Nov. '88 (date) 3. List the coordinating sessions to be held with other units or agencies. Name of agency Morgan Hill Police Dept. Representatives Lt. Long Frequency of Meetings Monthly Adult Probation P.O. John Purdy Monthly District Attorney R. Pierre-Dixon Monthly Santa Clara County Sherriffs Office Sgt. Kola Monthly 4. Data files to be created or improved by the end of the grant period include: File Created (C) or Improved (I) I I I I I T I 1 I Offense Suspect Career criminal/known offender Modus operandi Geography Warrant/arrest information Stolen/suspect vehicle Field interview Other (list) Automated Stolen Property . . Form 5 b .' t PROGRAM OBJECTIVES B. Describe the methods by which the objectives will be achieved: A Crime Analysis Unit (CAU) will be established with the approval of this grant application. A task force, which will include the project director, manager, crime analysis supervisor) patrol! investigations commanders and the C-CAP director from the local DistriCt Attorneys office, will be established to manage, develop and oversee the C-CAP project. Commander B.J. McCuiston will be appointed C-CAP project manager and Sergeant Tom Vasquez will be named project coordinator. They will oversee the centralized crime analysis unit. Report forms will be analyzed and automated crime analysis files will be developed/improved. The crime analyst (to be hired) will work closely with the task force to ensure project success. . . form b PROGR..~)1 OBJECTIVES Objective Produce crime analysis products in a timely manner. A. Measures 1. List the number and reclplent of crime analysis products along with the frequency of distribution (i.e. daily, weekly. etc.). (This is a suggested list only.) Type Number -Recipient Frequency Daily bulletin 3 18 dail v brief Crime series/pattern bulletin 61 monthly Wanted person/known offender bulletin 3 18 weekly Crime summary report 1 61 monthly Special requests as requested/needed 2. Feedback forms developed by nf'~. tR8(date) and'in use by Jan. '89(date) to track results of crime analysis products. This form must also capture off-hours requests when CAU is not staffed. 3. 4. R (number) of investigative leads developed as a result of C-CAP. 'i (number) of crime patterns identified as a result of C-CAP. B. Describe the methods by which the objective will be achieved: The Gilroy Police Dep2rtment will appoint Commander B.J 11cCuiston (-CAP project manager' and Sergeant Tom Vasquez project coordinator. They will over'see the timely development of all crime analysis pro(jucts which will be proeluced by the crime analyst utilizing computer generated information. The crime analyst will read and analyze crime reports, field interview cards, arrest reports, and related data. S/he will be responsible t"or the preparation of cliarts, graplis, tables, and written reports regarding criminal activity. In addition, tlie analyst will present monthly crime series/pattern anli crime project ion reports, crime summary reports and week Iy wanted person/known offender bul let ins to pol ice patI'o 1 and/or invest igat ion operations. The analyst will prepare speCial reports regarding crime for department use upon request. Feed back forms will be lieveloped and utilized in order to evaluate n-le effectiveness of tr,e crime analysis prOllLJctS. . . Form I PROGful.M OBJECTIVES Objective Concentrate on the identification and arrest of Career Criminals. A. ~1easures Gra.'1 t Yr 1 7/1/88 to 6/3'0/89 -(Projected No.) o Number of adult felony arrests 291 o Number of identified career criminals 15 o Number of career criminals arrested 10 B. Describe the methods by which the objective will be achieved. During the first pt-oject period, en emphasis will be placed on the esteblishrnent/irnprovernent of baseline tlBta files regerding edult felony arrests, the identHicntion of persons meeting U'le definition of -cftreer criminftl-, and career criminal ftrrests. Project efforts v'/i11 also focus on 1) file find form revisions, and 2) nle collection of data y.ihi ch 'v'li 11 1 ead to i ,jent ifi cat i on of evo 1 vi ng! exi st i ng cri rnes, provi di n!~ invest i gat i I,...e letlds, i dent ifi cat i on of popu1 at ion !;'jrOUPS and !Jeograpt'li ca 1 area::: ei<peri enci no severe cri me rates, and providing supporting date for improved allocation of agency resource::;. Staff develo[lrnent reganjing Ule use of the irnproved CAll generated information .....,li11 be an area of concentration, as v-/ell. Thr'ougt-I staff training, officers ',..vi11 be rnore av./tire/involved v'lith Hie cases "IVllich are referred to Hie investigations division_ Incredsed 6',..vareness of Quality case preparation reQuirernents and the establishment of fi pro-actlve stance regarding crime prevention Y'Il111ead to an irnprovernent in the depf1rtment's iJl"il1itU to build cases leading to qual itU arrests. . T . . Form 8 PROGRA1.! OBJECTIVES Objective Provide crime prevention personnel with crime analysis information relating to geographic, demographic and crime victimization patterns to improve the effec- tiveness of crime prevention efforts. A. Measures 1. List the type, number and frequency of products distributed to crime prevention personnel. Daily Bulle tin Crime series / pattern bulletin Wanted Person / known offender bulletin Crime. summary report 3 3 3 3 Frequency (daily. \o/eekly) daily monthly weekly weekly Type Number 2. ~ (number) of feedback responses, from crime prevention personnel, pertaining to crime analysis information. 3. 3 (number) of geograpnic areas and ~ (number) of groups exper- iencing crime victimization which were identified as a result of C-CAP. B. Describe the methods by which the objective will be achieved: Crime prevcntio"n personnel will receive information relating to geograprlic, demographic and crime victimization patterns through the use of Ule computerized clata system. Crime/arrest files vI/ill be improved and staff will be traineej to utilize the cornputer generatecj information in order to access data \vhich will be useful in crime prevention and suppression, apprehension, and recovery of s t 0 1 en propen y. The crime analyst will focus er'forts on offenses wllich are occurr'ing in large numbers, similar offense patterns, and geographic patterns. Tllis information will be cornmunicated to supervisors in Uie form of intell igence reports which will assist the tiepartrnent in operational decision- mak ing. OUler communications tools which will cJeveloped by the crime analyst include: a Daily Bulletin which will be distributed tllree times per day at briefings by shin; rrirne 5eries/Pattern BlJl1etin wllich will be produced tllree times per month; a Wanted Person/ !"!"lnwn Off'en(ier Bulletin and a Crime Surnmary Rf.:Dort distributed three times per week. . . (\) WORK SCHEDULE/TIMELINE FORM 9 c :J ) x x x x x x x x (J'\ E >, L (\) 0 2: x x x x >< x >< >< LL L Q <( X X X X X X >< >, L (\) 2: x x x x x x x x .0 <lJ LL X X X X X X X X <lJ (J'\ C CO (J'\ C <lJ (\) E -; x x x x x x -- I- u .......... (\) <lJ 0 x x x x x - :J 1:) > <lJ ..c 0 u Z x x x x x x (j) :::,L L 4-J 0 3= u 0 x >< x x E ~ x >< x x <0 Q L (]) O. 0 (j) x x x >< x >< L 0_ ~ (0 0) c :J +-' <( x E c x x x x Q) L E 0 >- CO ({J L 0 CO >-- L >- Q) 0_ - -0-' Q) (J'\ Q) E .~ Q) :J x +-' I 0 -; x Q) -~ <0 E L +-' (f) (f) Q) .D 0 Q) 0 (f) E 0. L <0 0 +-' >- L 0 <0 ~ <J.:; l.- v; VJ ~ =:: ....... , <0 0 (f) <0 <0 ~~ C C lJ... -0 >- 0 L If) 0 ~ L (f) (f) c ..::( CL E L <0 E c 0 ..:: Q) c +-' 0) 0 ~ -~ ,0 ~~ C 0\ +-' 0 U C ~ L +-' +-' +-' ,0 (i) L Q) L 0 Q) 0 <0 >- v.) c ~ +-' ~ .- ~ Q) 0 0 L +-' Q) '+- 0 -~ ({J <0 Q) 0 0 C .- ~ ::l ~ C (f) E c ~ L U 0. Q) ::l 0 L 0 >- ~ Q) 0. Q) u CD 0 (f) +-' ..::( 0 Q) <0 Q) E c ,0 .c .~ (0 U Q) U 1- -' 0: 0.. E c .D >- <0 ,-- (l) C <0 <0 ({J 0 0 0 -0 +-' 'J- ...J 4: u 0 Q) U Q) ({J ('-J -5' '- -' N >- v1 Q) <0 0 u, to <U L 0 L L .c ~ >- Q) L '+- .c: .c E u 0 (f) (f) -0 Q) v1 +-' Q) Q) 01 U1 0. 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L C (1) \~ c... 0 E \-' --- cr, .+- ,T") (OJ ~~ C ,T") ,n E IJJ :J C E LJ L C ..0 L L 0 0 \lJ Ci UJ ',- -' L L '.... .c c \~ +-' --- C --- C'l oJ " e c ~ LJ C i/) LJ Ci "- 0 .~ C I..'~) E ,-., c -- ~. co 0 E c 0 \lJ ill ill ..- 0 --- E (lJ 0 v) 0 U c:::l U .....J (TJ L e --' ;;: c C ill 0 (lJ L L <J) L ,- '+- '- ui .....J u ~ Uj c- o <l) C 0. Q.) OJ -0 Cl 0) C OJ E L - L. .c v) L 0 C 0 +-' L '+- U C v) u .::u L '- (l) c /l) >- (.) ,J.) 0:: /l) 0- C C ...... V-J .:=, T.J D o ----- (IJ L (lJ l- e V') L. <l) C ,u (0 (.I) ~~ ...... ,T) c '0 '- u) > ,:1) ,1) c- o E c: 0 J) 0 :,.:. .::.. .;: .~ (1' U) <::> .g ~ .-'- P -' - .<>: e tt:I -' .:1::'~ <\. <, '!. ? u .~ 1"1:1 <:::L.. \0- \0- ro .;...i c.n ........ ro c o .;...i ro N ..... C ro 0') '- o " , i \ ~ \ \ I /l) .c --- L +-' e 0 u 0 '+- a.:. 1:) m ...... e +-' \0 0 ,lJ +-' D L e 0.'; Q) (f) w C -- E 0 'lJ rD ,1) 0- L L (0 Q) m Cl Q) > c c 0:: ~ '- 0 o .~ , . . . . \;'QRKING P2....:..7IONSHIPS FORM 11 The project director \l?ill work \llith the project manager and project coordinator to ensure t1lat t1le objectives and goals of the project are, main tain ed. The project manager W1 supervise tile joint effort of investigations and patrol to incrGa~ th~ ~ffici~ncy and ~ffoctiv~n~ of thG inv~gative proc~. The project manager \I?i11 also work directly \Y'ith the project coordinator to ensure the implementation of the case tracking system and automated component of the project. The project coordinator will work direct.1y \l?ith the investigative division and the division commander to develop the case tracking system and the solubility factors that will be used as part of the tracking mechanism. The . . coordinator will also '00 r~nsible for preparing the material and pres.entations to be given during the ~g sessions with patrol and investigations. .The coordinator \I?i11 work directly with the court liaison officer to obtain feed back from the DA's office and attempt to schedule the DA's involvement in the training sessions. The coordinator "'+li1.1 also work directly with the project manager and director to prepare all the OCJP . financial documents and qua.rterly reports. . The District Attorney's office currently works closely .with the court liaison offi~r in the preparation of the ca~. We anticipate that this worting relationship \Io7i11 expand beyond the court liaison officer to include other investigators and the C-CAP staff. :C:':l ':-.308 . , . . Staff Training Form 12 Project training wi 11 be conducted in three stages. The first stage w j 11 focus on the project staff. It wi]] involve the development of a wor'king knowledge of the (-(AP requirements and methods to be used in the development of a long range plan for the project. Training wi]] also lnclude review of computerized data collection forms and crime report forms which Ilave been developed by other agencies in order to have sufficient information before improving/ developing forms which wi]] be used by this department. The second phase of training wi 11 focus on providing a]] staff members wi th an overview of the (-(AP program philosophy) goals and objectives. It will also include staff training In the use of crime analysis reports/information which will be developed by the (AU and how the (AU fits Into the (jai ly operat ions of the department. TIle tllird phase will include trianing in tile actual use of crime analysis information, and feedback regarding this information, to improve the services provided by the (AU and the department, as a whole. In addition, tlle staff members will begin to discuss ways in which tIle information may effect tactical decision-making and tIle allocation of resources in operat ions. . It is our objective to include the entire department staff in the training and lilscusslons related to tile (-(AP project so that support is high thereby enslwlng tIle success of the project. . . Form 13 EVALUATION CO~WLI~~CE ASSURfu~CE The project will participate in the C-CAP Program evaluation by complying with the reporting requirements of the evaluation. Minimally, this includes submitting progress reports and other data which may be designated as necessary by OCJP. Indicate the name, title and telephone number of the person who will be responsible for maintaining the records. Sergeant Tom Vasquez Name Administrative Sergeant Title (408) 842-6456 (Area Code) Telephone Number *NOTE: Comment if you are conducting an independent evaluation. , . . Form 14 PLAN FOR ASSUMPTION OF COSTS At the end of the three year grant period the City of Gilroy plans to create a permanent classification for the Crime Analyst posi tion. This will be done by creating a permanent job description, establishing a salary range and evaluation process, and submitting it to the Gilroy Personnel Commission for approval. Funding for the position will come from moneys generated from new business and construction in the city of Gilroy. Plans are to make the . Crime Analyst a full time, indefinitely funded position. . J . Form 15 . 1 REQUIRED COMPONS~S o Applicant understands that failure to complete the long range plan within six months of the project start date may result in termination of funding. o Applicant agrees to dedicate sufficient personnel resources to the project to ensure achievement of project goals. o Applicant's agency has crime prevention capability. o Applicant will establish a C-CAP task force as specified in the C-CAP guidelines to consist-of the -following personnel: Name Title Telephone " Arthur L. Gillespie Director of Public Safety (408) 842-6456 B.J. McCuiston Administrative Commander (408) 842-6456 Tom Vasquez Administrative Sergeant (408) 842-6456 New position Project Crime Analyst (408) 842-6456 S " . PROPOSAL APPENDIX . , ., ( . . 1 OPERATIONAL AGREEMENT This operational Agreement stands as evidence that the Gilroy Police Department and the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office intend to work together toward the mutual goal of providing maximum available assistance for. crime victims residing in Santa Clara County. Both agencies believe that implementation of the Directed Patrol Activity Through Crime Analysis proposal, as described herein will further this goal. To this end, each .agency agrees to participate in the program, if implemented, by coordinating/providing the following services: The Gilroy police Department project will closely coordinate the following services with the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office through regularly scheduled monthly meetings between the Administrative Commander of the Gilroy Police Department and Assistant District Attorney of the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office, to discuss strategies, time tables and implementation of mandated services. Specifically, sharing of: crime analysis reports Crime pattern development Identification of victim groups We, the undersigned, as authorized representatives of the Gilroy Police Department and the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office, do hereby approve this document. ~~ ~<$/'/I/IZ ,i); ~~L~l~ G LLLu- ~~~ 1011o1t1 , / / ~Dfte Da er Gilroy Police Department Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office .. r .. . . ;) t I. SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ. City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 88-36 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 16th day of May . 19~, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 17th day of May 19 88. dm.~~~~~ . (Seal)