Resolution 1992-02 ". . . ~l.. - . RESOLUTION NO. 92 - 2 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY INSTRUCTING THE CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT TO ABATE NUISANCE ARISING OUT OF WEEDS GROWING UPON LOTS OR IN FRONT OF PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF GILROY AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 5 OF ORDINANCE NO. 754. WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 754 the City Council heretofore adopted Resolution No. 91 - 73 declaring weeds growing in the City of Gilroy to constitute a public nuisance; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held pursuant to said resolution and said Ordinance No. 754 in the time and manner required by law, and it appearing that no objections were raised to the proposed destruction or removal of said weeds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Chief of the Fire Department be and he is hereby ordered to abate the nuisance, or cause the same to be abated, by having the weeds destroyed by cutting, discing, chemical spraying or any other method as may be determined by the Chief of the Fire Department. 2. Ibat any proerty owner shall have the right to destroy or remove weeds growing on his property or have the same des troyed or removed at his expense prior to the removal of said weeds by the Chief of the Fire Department. 3. That the Chief of the Fire Department shall keep an account of the cost of removing said weeds and embody such account in a report and assessment list and file the same with the City Clerk. Such report shall refer to each separate lot or parcel of land by description sufficiently to identify such lot or parcel of land by description sufficiently to identify such lot or parcel of land together with the expense of removal of weeds therefrom. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of January, 1992, by the following vote: -1- RESOLUTION NO. 92 - 2 ~ ~ - . .,....:: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: GILROY V ' HALE ALDEZ and ,KLOECKER GAGE. , NELSON , ROWLISON , NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILME MBERS: None ABSENT: None ;l~~t /; City Clerk .cz:{)~ :UJ-. Mayor /~ -2- RESOLUTION NO.92-2 . . ...~ . . I, SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 92-2 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a special meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of January 1992- ' at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 7th day of January 19 92. LfUr;~ ~ ~ of the City of Gilroy (Seal)