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Resolution 1999-65 - . . . RESOLUTION NO. 99-65 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ESTABLISHlNGTHE JULY 1,1999 SALARY SCHEDULE FOR THE MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, the City Council does establish salaries for city officers and employees by resolution; and WHEREAS, A Memorandum of Understanding currently has been negotiated between the City and the bargaining unit for the Miscellaneous Employees Association at a salary increase of Three (3%) percent and effective July 1, 1999. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the salaries for July 1, 1999 for the Miscellaneous Employees Association personnel as set forth in the attached schedule consisting of five (5) pages, is hereby approved and established and effective on July 1, 1999. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of July, 1999 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ARELLANO, MORALES, SPRINGER, SUDOL, GILROY NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: GIFFORD and ROWLISON APPROVED: '(~(~~ K. A Mike Gilroy, Mayor '\ ATl~ 12 ~ ~_ / 'L-C.cA' Rhonda Pellin, City Clerk -1- RESOLUTION NO. 99-65 . . Supervisory Salary Schedule (Effective July 1, 1999) JOB STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP CODE RANGE CLASSIFICATION A B C D E 400 S28 Senior Custodian $2,608 $2,738 $2,875 $3,019 $3,170 402 S36 Operations Supervisor $3,409 $3,579 $3,758 $3,946 $4,143 407 S38 Police Records Supervisor $3,439 $3,611 $3,792 $3,982 $4,181 406 S38.5 Recreation Services Manager $3,579 $3,758 $3,946 $4,143 $4,350 410 S39 P.S. Communicator Supervisor $3,784 $3,973 $4,172 $4,381 $4,600 Police Records Supervisor and Public Safety Communications Supervisor will receive a $500.00 per year unifonn allowance. 1.50% Educational Incentive available for 30 College Semester Units in excess of educational requirements for the job. 3.00% Educational Incentive available for 60 College Semester Units in excess of educational requirements for the job. Total possible Educational Incentive is 3.0%. 5.00% Bilingual Pay to the Police Records Supervisor if employee demonstrates the ability to communicate effectively in both Spanish and English. 6.00% Police Records Supervisor and Public Safety Communications Supervisor assigned to work holidays will receive 6.00% holiday pay. Rev. 6199 . . Miscellaneous Monthly Salary Schedule-Non Clerical (Effective July 1, 1999) Classification Parks Division 500 Groundskeeper I 501 Groundskeeper II 502 Tree Maint. Spec. 504 Turf Maint. Spec. 525 Sr. Maint. - Landscape Fleet and Facilities Maintenance Division 503 Fac. Maint. Spec. 505 Custodian 526 Assistant Mechanic 527 Equipment Mechanic 528 Sr. Equip. Mechanic Recreation Division 506 Recreation Supervisor 538 Recreation Supervisor II Planning Division 507 Planner I 508 Planner II Ran~e Classification 27.5 29.5 30.5 30.5 31.5 Engineering Division 516 Engineering Tech. I 517 Engineering Tech. II 518 Sr. Engineering Tech 519 Public Works Inspector 520 Engineer I 521 Engineer II 31 26.5 27.5 31.5 33.5 Water Division 522 Public Works Maint. I 523 Public Works Maint. II 524 Street Sweeper Operator 525 Public Works Sr. Maint. 28 29 Finance Division 530 Accountant I 33.5 36.5 Information Tech Div. 535 Info Technology Tech I 536 Info Technology Tech II Building, Life & Environmental Safety Division 509 Building Inspector I 37 510 Building Inspector II 38 511 Building Inspector Supervisor 40 537 Permit Technician 32.5 512 Plan Review Technician 35 513 Sr. Plan Review Tech. 38 514 Building and Life Safety Inspector 35 (Housing Code Enforcement) 534 Construction Rehab Specialist 37 533 Deputy Fire Marshal (non-safety) 38.5 529 Chemical Control Specialist 37 Rev. 6J99 Range 29 30 33.5 36 37 39 27.5 29.5 30.5 31.5 34 31 32.5 . . Miscellaneous Monthly Salary Schedule-Non Clerical (Effective July 1, 1999) STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP RANGE A B C D E 26 $2,275 $2,389 $2,508 $2,634 $2,766 26.5 $2,332 $2,449 $2,571 $2,700 $2,835 27 $2,389 $2,508 $2,634 $2,766 $2,904 27.5 $2,449 $2,571 $2,700 $2,835 $2,976 28 $2,508 $2,634 $2,766 $2,904 $3,049 28.5 $2,571 $2,700 $2,835 $2,976 $3,125 29 $2,634 $2,766 $2,904 $3,049 $3,202 29.5 $2,700 $2,835 $2,976 $3,125 $3,282 30 $2,766 $2,904 $3,049 $3,202 $3,362 30.5 $2,835 $2,976 $3,125 $3,282 $3,446 31 $2,904 $3,049 $3,202 $3,362 $3,530 31.5 $2,976 $3,125 $3,282 $3,446 $3,618 32 $3,049 $3,202 $3,362 $3,530 $3,706 32.5 $3,125 $3,282 $3,446 $3,618 $3,799 33 $3,202 $3,362 $3,530 $3,706 $3,891 33.5 $3,282 $3,446 $3,618 $3,799 $3,989 34 $3,362 $3,530 $3,706 $3,891 $4,086 34.5 $3,446 $3,618 $3,799 $3,989 $4,188 35 $3,530 $3,706 $3,891 $4,086 $4,290 35.5 $3,618 $3,799 $3,989 $4,188 $4,398 36 $3,706 $3,891 $4,086 $4,290 $4,505 36.5 $3,799 $3,989 $4,188 $4,398 $4,618 37 $3,891 $4,086 $4,290 $4,505 $4,730 37.5 $3,989 $4,188 $4,398 $4,618 $4,848 38 $4,086 $4,290 $4,505 $4,730 $4,967 38.5 $4,188 $4,398 $4,618 $4,848 $5,091 39 $4,290 $4,505 $4,730 $4,967 $5,215 39.5 $4,398 $4,618 $4,848 $5,091 $5,345 40 $4,505 $4,730 $4,967 $5,215 $5,476 1.50% Educational Incentive available for 30 College Semester Units in excess of educational requirements for the job. 3.00% Educational Incentive available for 60 College Semester Units in excess of educational requirements for the job. 5.00% Bilingual based on City's needs. NOTE: Employees hired on or after July 1, 1991, Educational Incentive pay shall be paid only for units eamed after their hire by the City. Rev. 6100 . . Clerical Monthly Salary Schedule (Effective July 1, 1999) Classification Range Classification Range 600 Clerk Typist I C24 625 HRlAdmin. Support C26.95 601 Human Resources Clerk I C24 612 Police Records Tech. II C26.95 602 Clerk Typist II C26 623 Senior Police Records Tech C27.9 604 Human Resources Clerk II C26 614 Secretary C27.95 605 Account Clerk I C26 616 Senior Account Clerk C28.4 606 Police Records Tech. I C26 613 Police Admin. Assistant C28.45 609 H.C.D. Technician C26.4 620 Administrative Secretary C28.45 622 Purchasing Technician C26.4 617 P. S. Communicator I C29.85 607 Account Clerk II C26.9 624 Emp BenemslRisk Asst. C30.7 608 Crime Prevention Tech. C26.9 618 P.S. Communicator II C30.85 610 Traffic & Patrol Servo Tech. C26.9 619 Senior P.S. Communicator C31.85 611 Community Service Officer C26.9 STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP RANGE A B C 0 E C24 $2,211.09 $2,321.64 $2,437.73 $2,559.61 $2,687.59 C26 $2,437.73 $2,559.61 $2,687.59 $2,821.97 $2,963.07 C26.4 $2,485.29 $2,609.56 $2,740.03 $2,877.04 $3,020.89 C26.9 $2,547.13 $2,674.48 $2,808.21 $2,948.62 $3,096.05 C26.95 $2,553.37 $2,681.04 $2,815.09 $2,955.85 $3,103.64 C27.9 $2,674.48 $2,808.21 $2,948.62 $3,096.05 $3,250.85 C27.95 $2,681.04 $2,815.09 $2,955.85 $3,103.64 $3,258.82 C28.4 $2,740.03 $2,877.04 $3,020.89 $3,171.93 $3,330.53 C28.45 $2,746.59 $2,883.92 $3,028.12 $3,179.52 $3,338.50 C29.85 $2,941.39 $3,088.46 $3,242.88 $3,405.03 $3,575.28 C30.7 $3,065.70 $3,218.98 $3,379.93 $3,548.93 $3,726.37 C30.85 $3,088.46 $3,242.88 $3,405.03 $3,575.28 $3,754.04 C31.85 $3,242.88 $3,405.03 $3,575.28 $3,754.04 $3,941.75 6.00% Holiday Pay - Police Records Technicians, Public Safety Communicator I & II, and Community Services Officer assigned to work holidays. 1.50% Educational Incentive available for 30 college Semester Units in excess of educational requirements for the job. 3.00% Educational Incentive available for 60 college Semester Units in excess of educational requirements for the job. 5.00% Bilingual based on City's needs. Police Records Technician I & II, Patrol Services Technicians, Crime Prevention Technicians and Community Service Officers shall receive a $500.00 per year uniform allowance. Note: Employees hired on or after July 1, 1991, educational incentive pay shall be paid only for units earned after their hire by the City. Rev. 6199 . . . . Part-Time Hourly Rates (Effective July 1,1999) Recreation Recreation Leader Aide $5.59 $6.71 Recreation Leader I $6.71 $7.83 Recreation Leader II $7.83 $9.51 Recreation Coordinator $9.51 $11.35 Pool Swim Aide/Guard $5.59 $6.71 Instructor/Guard $6.71 $7.83 Pool Cashier $6.71 $7.83 Assistant Pool Manager $7.83 $9.51 Pool Manager $9.51 $11.35 Umpires/Referees $14.54 $19.58 per game Scorekeepers $6.99 $6.11 Volleyball Officials. $7.65 $13.11 per match Special Class Instructors (SCII $6.56 $26.23 Other: Account Clerk. $9.63 $15.30 Laborer $7.96 $9.45 Clerk.- Typist $8.81 $13.11 Custodian I $10.10 $12.56 Groundskeeper I $10.86 $13.48 PW Maintenance $10.86 $14.21 Fac. Maintenance Specialist $12.61 $15.60 Police Records Tech. $9.01 $11.24 Multi-Service Officer $12.73 $19.54 Jr. Staff Accountant $6.48 $26.41 Contract Personnel $6.56 $28.41 Levell Reserve Officer $23.01 Level II Reserve Officer $21.91 Level III Reserve Officer $20.86 Fire Education Specialist $15.00 $22.00 Part Time Firefighter $12.36 Interns- . These employees are paid per game, the increase may be up to $1.00 to the maximum of the range. Need to take a test to go to the next step. This is also covered by entry fees. - Per agreement with Human Resources. Rev. 6199 . . . I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 99-65 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day ofJuly, 1999, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 7th day ofJuly, 1999. I'L~' (Seal)