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Resolution 2001-76 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-76 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS' CANVASS OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION AND DECLARING RESULT OF SUCH ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF GILROY ON NOVEMBER 6,2001. RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Gilroy, California that; WHEREAS, by order of this Council a general municipal election was held and conducted in the City of Gilroy on Tuesday, the 6th day of November, 2001 as required by law and the Charter of said City as amended; and WHEREAS, it appears that notice of said general election was duly and legally given; voting precincts were properly established; election officers were appointed and election supplies furnished; and in all respects the election was held and conducted and the votes cast thereat received and canvassed, and the returns thereof made, determined and declared in time, form and manner as required by the Charter of said City as amended and the general laws of the State providing for and regulating municipal elections in said City; and WHEREAS, the Registrar of Voters did conduct the canvass of the returns of said municipal election and did count the absentee ballots cast thereat, pursuant to direction and order of the City Council of said City; and WHEREAS, said canvass was duly completed and the results thereof were certified by the Registrar of Voters and submitted to this Council. -1- RESOLUTION NO. 2001-76 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AND ORDERED, as follows: 1. Said municipal election was held and conducted in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California on Tuesday, November 6, 2001 in the time and in the form and manner as required by law. 2. That there were established fourteen (14) voting precincts for the purpose of holding said municipal election consisting of either regular election precincts established for holding state or county elections, or a consolidation of some or all of such precincts, as follows: CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO. 3951, comprising state and county precincts designated Precinct Numbers 3951 and 3966 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO. 3952, comprising state and county precincts designated Precinct Numbers 3952 and 3955 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO. 3953, comprising state and county precincts designated Precinct Numbers 3953 and 3956 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO. 3954, comprising state and county precincts designated Precinct Numbers 3954 and 3965 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. -2- RESOLUTION NO 2001-76 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO. 3957, comprising state and county precincts designated Precinct Numbers 3957 and 3959 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO. 3958, comprising state and county precincts designated Precinct Numbers 3958,3961, and 3972 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO, 3960, comprising state and county precincts designated Precinct Numbers 3960 and 3970 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO. 3962, comprising state and county precincts designated Precinct Numbers 3962, 3963, 3968, 3973, 3975, and 3977 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO. 3964, comprising state and county precincts designated Precinct Numbers 3964 and 3967 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO. 3969, comprising state and county precincts designated Precinct Numbers 3969,3971, and 3976 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. -3- RESOLUTION NO, 2001-76 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO. 3974, comprising state and county precincts designated Precinct Numbers 3974 and 3980 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO. 3978, comprising state and county precincts designated Precinct Numbers 3978 and 3979 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO. 3981, comprising state and county precincts designated Precinct Numbers 3981 and 3983 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT NO. 3982, comprising state and county precincts designated Precinct Number 3982 as established by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. 3, The canvass of the returns of the votes cast and the counting of absentee ballots cast in said City for the offices of City Councilmembers and Charter Amendment Measures B and C was duly held by the Registrar of Voters in accordance with the order of the Council and in accordance with law and said Registrar of Voters has executed a certificate certitying to the results of such canvass, which certificate is hereto attached, marked Exhibit" A" and by this reference is made a part hereof. Said certificate has been examined and is hereby approved and adopted by this Council as the official canvass of said municipal election, 4, The whole number of votes cast in said City of Gilroy at said municipal election was 4,248 (including 914 absentee votes). -4- RESOLUTION NO. 2001-76 5. The names of the persons voted for, the offices for which they were voted, the number of votes received by each of said persons in each of said precincts and by absentee votes, are shown on said Exhibit "A", hereto attached. 6. The measures voted upon, the number of votes received in favor of and against said measures in each of said precincts and by absentee votes, together with the whole number of votes which each measure received in the entire city, are shown on said Exhibit "A", hereto attached. 7. At said general municipal election held in the City of Gilroy and Election held on November 6, 2001, the following persons were elected to the following offices: ROBERT T. DILLON was elected a member ofthe City Council to hold office for a term off our years, from and after Monday, November 19,2001, and continuing until his respective successor shall qualify. CRAIG GARTMAN was elected a member of the City Council to hold office for a term offour years, from and after Monday, November 19, 2001, and continuing until his respective successor shall quality. CHARLES S. MORALES was elected a member of the City Council to hold office for a term offour years, from and after Monday, November 19, 2001, and continuing until his respective successor shall quality. 8. At said general municipal election the following measure was approved: CHARTER AMENDMENT (MEASURE B) Shall Section 601 of the City Charter be amended to change the vote requirement, from YES a unanimous vote of the City Council to waive the reading of a proposed ordinance in NO full, to a majority vote to be consistent with state law? -5- RESOLUTION NO. 2001-76 9. At said general municipal election the following measure was rejected: CHARTER AMENDMENT (MEASURE C) Shall Section 1403 be added to the City Charter to require that the election of the Mayor YES shall require a majority of the votes cast at said election to constitute the choice of the NO electors, and if no candidate receives a majority ofthe votes cast, a runoff election between the two candidates receiving the highest numbers of the votes cast, or in case of a tie, among those candidates tying for the highest number of votes cast, shall be called by the City Council? 10. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make out and deliver to each of the persons elected a certificate of election signed by her and duly authenticated. She shall also impose the constitutional oath of office and have them subscribe thereto. 11, That the City Clerk be, and she is hereby instructed to enter this resolution in full in the minutes of this Council as a statement of the result of said general municipal election. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of November, 2001 by the following votes: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: G. ARELLANO, P. ARELLANO, MORALES, P~IRO,SUDOL,VELASCO,SPRINGER NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE APPROVED: ---- /'~ -6- RESOLUTION NO. 2001-76 WITNESS my hand and Official Seal this 16th day of November, 2001. ~ / Exhibit A Certificate of Election Results STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. County of Santa Clara ) I, Evonne Zamora, Acting Registrar of Voters of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, hereby declare that a CONSOLIDATED ELECTION was held in the City of Gilroy on November 6, 2001, for the purpose of electing three members to the City Council, and submitting Measures Band C to the voters of said City; and to wit: B. CHARTER AMENDMENT. Shall Section 601 of the City Charter be amended to change the vote requirement, from a unanimous vote of the City Council to waive the reading of a proposed ordinance in full, to a majority vote to be consistent with state law? C. CHARTER AMENDMENT. Shall Section 1403 be added to the City Charter to required that the election of the Mayor shall require a majority of the votes cast at said election to constitute the choice of the electors, and if no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, a runoff election between the two candidates receiving the highest numbers of the votes cast, or in case of a tie, among those candidates tying for the highest number of votes cast, shall be called by the City Council. That the results of said Election were canvassed by the Office of the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters in accordance with applicable provisions of the California Elections Code; and, That the Statement of Votes Cast, to which this Certificate is attached, shows the total number of votes for each candidate for said City Council seats, and for and against Measures Band C in the City of Gilroy, and each of the respective precincts; and that the totals shown for each candidate are true and correct. 'f" \ \ . ,_,1 , ' . . 11 . ..,;I,1i ','';, I / ".~\t ,,<" 111~ ," It , ~~~. ~ (1:' . . , ~ . . It, - .... 'i ,;i~~.(~l';1.'\:;.. '~,~~~~... t '( r~ ti ,," <f '\fc <.' \ " ,';';' r-". '.I' ' ? ':\1"" ,C. 'lV, ? ,j.... " \;, '" 0'> ,.. 1,1 \ ' ,~)" .r' \.\. ", " \f/. .~ ,'r:{" ,'A '-'''(f " \ \' \: ""rallICIII / \ .\ / . 11/13/2001 10,11 AM November 6, 2001 7 ~1,-,pc1~:r;ST- 3951-Ab~i~ 39'5~>P$'f:(i95;ts 3952 - Absentees 3953 PCT 3953 S 39S3-Absentees 3~~'.:PQ.-n~~_'S Sas;.t:<~@5"; JijS1'.'prrt'3957-S 3957 . Absent&Els 3958 PCT 3958 S 3958 - Absentees 396l:liH~aseo:s, 396fi+~~- ~'Pm;S962'S 3962 - Absentees 3964 peT 3964 S 3964 - Absentees 3969:.'pqT3969'S 3969:_:~f~~s 3974'.":peT3974-S 3974. Absenlees 3978 peT 3978 5 3978 - Absenlees 3981,pCT:3981' S 398't~Abs~jee$ 39B2.PCT398Z 3982 - Absentees Prec...d Tolals Absentee T olals Gnmct:Totals --. 15513 15513 15513 04248 c .2 1ii ~ .. c. .. a: 71 :na:;- 12H3 1283 1127 ~J~ ~~ 1020 640 640 1271 1217 844 8" 1258 1258 968 968 147 '. 1473 1322 1322 1369 1369 92' 925 - .. .. o .. :; :f! 0 0; ~ lD .... 188 242 87 8.G 299 23,,9 94 7.3 302 26.8 87 7.7 280 2V;1 63 5.1 "260<25.'5 54 5.3 141 22.0 251_,. 3.9 200 20;8; 'n 6.:0 '63' 19,3 16 1.9 316 25.1 102 B.l U9 12:,3 241: 2.5 2631"17;- " 69 4.7 245 18.5 105 7.9 326 23.8 76 5,6 166 1T9 55 5.9 3334 914 SANTA CLARA COUNTY Statement of Votes Consolidated Election '" ... 21.5 5.9 27;4 . I City of Gilroy, Councilmernber z '" i! '1< >>!c1 o E ..!:;..J OECJ og< "01< _00 00 I :' ~ 170 181 51 " 107 114 35 41 tSij 168 35 32: 111 '. 112 2. 32 21 32 10 11 Uta 137 45 :4.1 46 .32 4 5 176 168 55 57 34 '.' 20 11' '1'0 1'17 loa 34 '0 149 124 61 55 204 177 471. :J.7 ,.. 8E 33 33 I 1607 483 2100 z o -' -' i5 ,.: .... I< W .. o I< 1543 473 2016 " ::; -' jO a: .. -' Z '" '" 35 1 ,~ 25 11 26 . ~ M 6 3 5 1 12 9 1 18 . 8 L 15 11 20 10 201 j, " 7 248 1", ..1563 ~ w :> a ::; '" > U) " :> I< ...~ 1~; 3. 86 2. 1-20 24 as 15 22 7 !fA 25 33 5 161 48 20 6 &1 30 33 46 132 '30 73 17 1214 349 ~ I< I< o <> -' :> '" .. 89 22 105 " 14. 33 U1 24 127 21 96 10 117 22 !l2 5 111 ,. 8a 1.2 124 25 " 40 119 21 59 20 1465 325 1790 .. w -' '" I< o '" w > [!! " " W -' I< '" % <> o z '" -' -' W I< '" W 0. :> -' '" o '" :> " 102 ""I. 120 46 180 43 Hot 26 137 22 95 18 131 34 114 12 12. .. 75 14 129 17 103 46 13Jl 2' 80 2. 84 18 87 26 152 31 89 14 123 22 100 10 10$ 26 lG2 5 107 33 74 15 11'4 20 87 2' 1M 25 .. 12 1640 1375 413 281 2053 1656 24 of 50 , 1111312001 10:11 AM November 6, 2001 SANTA CLARA COUNTY Statement of Votes Consolidated Election 44 of 50 City of Gilroy 13 MeasuresB . C C C . . E E ~ ~ c c . . E E c - ~ <( <( 0 . ~ ~ '" .. ~ ~ l: 0 5 . "' . 0 . .c . .c ! . ~ 0 0 ~ 0 a. c ~ ., ~ , . . . .. ;; ~ ,g . W 0 ,g . . 0 a: m Ci . >- Z Ci . >- Z " " ~t.'FG'rmt:s 71 ,., 24;2 .. H2 46 , 50 113 ~r-~~~~~-' 118 67 .... " 43 21 " " 2":.PGT-3952''S "12$3 299 23-.3 I 185 .3 82 194 3952 - Absentees 1283 94 7,3 60 26 34 60 3953 PCT 3953 S 1127 302 26.8 186 71 115 151 3953 Absentees 'J~ .7 7,7 61 19 34 43 39S4';P,OIfa954iS 12 260 22.~ lSU 86 81 lO i39.$:~f~:~I~' 1229 53 5.1 43 18 , 2it 3& .. I 395'f'F>dl:k~5fs: ,... 200 25.5 159 7D . n l$7 3957 Absernees 1020 54 5,3 34 15 27 20 3959 PCT 3958 S 640 141 22.0 76 36 69 54 395. Absentees 1~ 25 3.9 14 6 14 7 ~'.~'~'_5 """, 20:3 t79i <Ill I . "/: 156 J~._~:I\P~~~~s, 1m -ry:1- 6.0 50 22 33 38 3~"PCI'$2:'S 844 163 19;'3 i>8 33 82 '2 3962. AbS6fllees '" 16 1., 10 4 4 10 3964 PCT3!l64 S 1258 316 25_1 207 .2 77 217 3964. Absentees 1258 102 B,1 73 20 39 57 J~9 :.p[':j'39$9'$ 968 . ';''1. 12;3 ... 76 21 51 57 ~:-~tjI~~ ... 25 .19 S 16 , 39't4'.-PCT39i~'S 1:473 1< ..~ 17:9 166 71 96 146 3974 """,m,.,, 1473 69 4,7 " 20 25 38 3978 PCTJ978 S 1322 245 18.5 153 62 76 155 3978 Absentees 1322 105 7.9 '6 n 46 53 39Eil.PC"'f:3981:S 1369 326 23.8: 2O<l F 96 101 2011 3981 '~. Abs~nltlE:l$ I J369 761-- . 5.6 55 17 3. 32 3982"F'CT'3982 92. 16<; 17.9 114:1' 43 54 .. 103 3982 Absentees 925 55 5,9 36 16 22 31 Precinct Totals 15513 3334 21.5 2107 ..0 1111 1948 Absentee Totals 15513 914 5,' 628 222 37' 476 G.,andTota/s 15513 '124-6 27A 2735 l102 1490 2424 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certity that the attached Resolution No. 2001-76 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 19th day of November, 2001, at which meeting a quorum was present. the City of Gilroy this lith day of January, 2002. ;J;/ ) Jtd'~~/,- (Seal)