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Resolution 2005-87RESOLUTION NO. 2005-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING GPA 03 -01 AMENDING AND IMPLEMENTING THE GENERAL PLAN TO ADOPT THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN FOR APPROXIMATELY 160 ACRES COMPRISED OF 416 PARCELS BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY LEAVESLEY ROAD, ON THE EAST BY CHURCH STREET, ON THE SOUTH BY LUCHESSA AVENUE, AND ON THE WEST BY ALEXANDER STREET. WHEREAS, the City of Gilroy submitted application GPA 03 -01, a General Plan Amendment amending and implementing the General Plan to adopt the Downtown Specific Plan ( "Project "); and WHEREAS, application GPA 03 -01 applies to approximately 160 acres comprised of 416 parcels bounded on the north by Leavesley Road, on the east by Church Street, on the south by Luchessa Avenue, and on the west by Alexander Street; and WHEREAS, the Downtown Specific Plan was drafted over the course of nearly three years with input from the community and the Downtown Specific Plan Task Force; and WHEREAS, the City and consultant RRM Design Group also held a three -day community charrette on April 1, 2, and 3, 2004, to receive input from Downtown stakeholders and surrounding neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and City Council also held a joint study session on the Project on October 10, 2005; and WHEREAS, Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on October 20, 2005, at which time the Planning Commission considered the public testimony, the staff report dated October 14, 2005 ( "Staff Report"), and all other documentation related to application GPA 03 -01, and recommended that the City Council approve the mitigated Negative Declaration for the Project and approve said application; and 1GB01675303.1 111005 -04706089 Resolution No. 2005 -87 WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on November 7, 2005, at which time the City Council considered the public testimony, the Staff Report, a follow -up staff report dated November 1, 2005, and all other documentation related to application GPA 03- 01; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA "), the City Council on November 7, 2005, adopted a mitigated Negative Declaration for this Project, finding that the Negative Declaration was completed in compliance with CEQA, that it reflects the independent judgment of the City, and that there is no substantial evidence in the record that the Project as mitigated will have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which this project approval is based is the office of the City Clerk. SECTION I NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL FINDS THAT: 1. The Downtown Specific Plan proposed by GPA 03 -01 is consistent with the intent of the goals and policies of the City's General Plan. 2. The Downtown Specific Plan is in the public interest because it is consistent with the intent of transit oriented development and furthers the objectives of the General Plan by providing detailed criteria for development of specific sites and public streetscape improvements to achieve the community's vision and goals for the Downtown area. 3. The Downtown Specific Plan is consistent with General Plan policies related to 1GB01675303.1 111005 - 04706089 patterns of development, Downtown, gateways, location of growth, auto - oriented uses, historic structures, adaptive reuse, community diversity, jobs- housing balance, mixed use development, multi - family housing construction, housing infill opportunities, land use and congestion, shared parking, walking and biking, transit, and transit- oriented development. -2- Resolution No. 2005 -87 4. There is no substantial evidence in the entire record that the Project as mitigated will have a significant effect on the environment. SECTION II Based on the above findings, General Plan Amendment application GPA 03 -01 is hereby approved, and the Downtown Specific Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit "A," is hereby adopted, subject to the mitigation measures set forth in the mitigated Negative Declaration. The Mitigation/Monitoring Program for this Project is hereby adopted, and attached hereto as Exhibit "B" along with the mitigated Negative Declaration. SECTION III This Resolution shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after the date of its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of November, 2005 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: CORREA, DILLON, GARTMAN, MORALES, VALIQUETTE, VELASCO and PMEIRO NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS ATTEST: Jl Rhonda Pellin, City Clerk IGB01675303.1 111005 - 04706089 -3- NONE NONE APPROVED: Alb inheiro, Mayor Resolution No. 2005 -87 S'PECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 21. 2005 FP SPECIFIC PLAN Adopted by City Council Resolution 2005 -81 Prepared for: City of Gilroy 1351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 Prepared by: rrm group III creating environments people enjoy" E6 viJlsia kmaleg Lg 13IJ1sia ijauue) 6L 1)IJISIG IeuOIIISUeaj 9Z WIN uoisi6 £L PIASia SJJV IeJnlln)n!^!) 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STREETSCAPE BEAUTIFICATION AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS 99 Introduction 99 Purpose 99 Urban Design Treatments 100 Unifying Elements of the Downtown Streetscape 104 Landscaping 106 Sidewalks and Pedestrian Improvements I I I Street Furnishings 115 Signs 121 Public Art 128 Plazas, Paseos, and Public Spaces 129 Parking Structures 132 VII. INFRASTRUCTURE AND PUBLIC FACILITIES 133 Introduction 133 Circulation and Mobility 134 Water Supply 164 Wastewater 165 Solid Waste 166 Storm Drainage 167 Energy 168 Public Safety 169 Fire Protection 170 Schools 171 Parks 173 VIII. IMPLEMENTATION 175 Introduction 175 Specific Plan Twenty-Year Development Goals 175 How a Specific Plan Can Bring About Private Economic Investment 175 Economic Conditions Influencing Development Potential in Specific Plan Area 117 Implementation Action Plan 178 Incentives 181 Potential Funding Mechanisms 183 Key Short -Term Demonstration Projects 185 IX PLAN ADMINISTRATION 189 Introduction 189 Specific Plan Adoption 189 Specific Plan Administration 189 Specific Plan Amendment 190 Land Uses 192 Development Review 194 s 1 NO 10 M INJ I Iw) ayp jo mod 100j IrJ)ua) ayl se ala sI! aziseydwa p!M jryj sasn le!wap!saj put 'Itanjim 'lepueug 'gun 'le!»awwo) ')ygnd jo Allsaae!p a qpA dolaeap of anunuo) p!M uMOjuMOa ayl •ssa)ozd y)taalno Aliunwwo) ayi ygnoayl padolaeap st uo!su s,Aj!unwwo) ay; qvm 'Alloy nds azow 'put ueld lvauag %b) aya qvm juaislsuo) poyaaw r u! Aal!g umo)uMOa jo ivawdolmp AiJapao ay s! 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pawilos osle ajaM nuawwo> >ygnd •sivawww pue suoiisOns jo} a3ao j 4sel ayi ajojaq paivasaid seM veld )ypadS ayi }o uoiijod 43t3 seapi s,)ueilnsuo) ay uo Ipegpaal a IMA put a)npojiw o) Aiiun)joddo ue se pamas put: geiS Ali) Aq papuaue MA s8ui)aaw ayl •sanssi uMoluMoa to 4iauEA a y)iM uoipnpoajul )leap pue s8wiaaw pasuala) Aitpuow play a»oi Isel ay j •nuapisaj paujamo) put `nuepaaw 'vauMo ssauwsnq 's,adolaeap Imol 'JoAEW ay st suosaad paisaia)m y)ns Swpnpuw siaplop ltis 4iunwwo) snoute jo pasodwo) 'paiean stM ( „a»oi slsel„ `�agea�ay) a»oi �ISel utld � gads uMO)uMOa a 'ssa�oad 8wuueld ay) �0 8wuw8aq ayi iy a)aoj >Isel uld 39i)adS uMoluMoa lllp� I 1 •sauyapm3 u3isap put lupprd h mpas '143194 se yens 'spitputls luawdolaeap alis put Sam puel algEmollt anbiun ylins y)ea 'shi lsip )ynads ow papieip si ME veld )gads ayl Moy saqu�sap uoivas siyl spaepuelS luawdolona pule 'asn puq 'sl)ijlsia •A •(spieputlS luawdolaeaa put ash putt 'spulsia) A jaldeq) ui uiAsip y)ea uiyllm lsixa ley) sanssi 39i)ads jot papuozd an sauwlapm3 leluawalddnS -Ois put 'ade)spjey put adaispuq luippnq ;o spadst ueuelyiln 3uiums Bwl4311 'uoilelmiue put 3wssew `u3isap 3wplmq '3uwumm put u3isap jol Swped 'u3isap put 3uiuueld alis jol ampin3 sapieozd 1I 'eaat ueld )gi)adS ay w Alaadoid aleeud jo; UOWaJlp sapuoad WINS siyl saugaping u3isaa leanl)aliy)av -Al •ssa)ojd uoiledi)iued )ygnd ayl 43noAyl palew saldpuud u3isap uEyn 3uwpm3 ayl put AOJI!9 uMOluMoa jol uoisin %Aliunwwo) ay1 saqu)sap jaldey) siyl uoisiA 'III •luawdolanap )iwouo)a put 'sluiejlsuo) put sapiunlioddo asn puel 'u8isap uegan 'sanssi uogelnom put Allligow 3misixa se yms gdol uo can Apn1s all) uI4)lm suoilipuo) hilsixa sazuewwns igauq uoims siyl suopipuo) 3ullsiq 'll •ease veld 3ypadS ayl o1 awlai 1ey1 sluawmop Ali) luauivad aaylo ay1 of diysuoilelaa %upld )yi)adS siyl sauiµno se paM se uafoad siyl 411m paleimse ssa)ozd y)eajlno Aliunwwo) ayl put sauepunoq ease halojd ay saymap 1I •luawmop siyl Io uoilenue3ao put 'lualui 'asodind 041 sassmsip uoiunpoilul ayl uoilmpallul •1 •Molaq pagiaosap AQail si jaldey) y)e3 voilealsiuwwpq utld (XI put uoiltluawaldwl (IIIA'sailipml )ilgnd put aan)malstjful (IIA's)uawanoidwl )ilgnd pup uoimymeae admnaaals (1A.sauilapmg u3lsaa leinualiy)jn (A:spnputlS )uawdolanaa put 'asn putt 'shialsia (Al'uoisiA (III 'suoilipuo) 3uilsix3 (11:uoil)npoilul (I :sialdey) auiu to pasodwo) si ueld 39i)adS siyl NOINZINVONO 1N3mn3oG SON `IZ V38W3AOH HYid Ad )gi)adS ayl of suoilOgipow JO/Put sluawpuawe Joi paimbai sampamd aeileJisiuiwpe ayi pup Uld )gi)adS a io A)uoyinE ayi saqu)sap jaldey) siyj uogealsiuiwpd ueld 'XI •ivawuauua pelaj uMoluMoo luejgie a Euiweluiew put gwieaa> >ol swea8ad uonenudio ssawsnq put 'saiBamis iuounuum IielaJ `sanIlua)ui luawisaew an passmsip osIq •jaldey) siyi Aq paugap Ile an swab uoneluawafdwi aoi algisuodsaa suosiad pue'swsiuey)aw 8uipunj 1v ualod 3uisegd `sanuoud •AlgeW a uoIsu uEld )gi)adS ayl alew of papaau swej8ad put shafoid isdIple) Aal sagpuapi put swawmidw )ggnd Aalwis spuawwom ialdey siyj uoileluawaldwl 'IIIA •s>Wed put `slooy)s 'uoivaioid aig put a3yod 'Alaua 'ahuirip uuols a)sem pros 'JammalseM pup aaMas 'Afddns JaleM `Algigow put mailman apnpui possaippe shafgnS •ease ueld )gpadS ayl w sailgpei )ilgnd put amimjisejjui ayi io suoiiipuo) ayl sazuewwns ialdey) siyl saiiipq )ggnd pue aanlmalseajul -IIA luidmspuej Arm- to -ig3u oilgnd put In )ilgnd 'slrmssoi) 's8uiysivan} WAS lui14811 'sMl lams 'supipaw ` uilied se y)ns sluawleail U21sap laaals 's>ued ueyn put sezeld )ggnd'A nuapi uMoluMoa pup skmald apnpui s)idol -ease ueld )gpadS ajuua ay joi sluawaeoidwi )ggnd jol uoivaaip sapuoJd uoivas siyj siummidwl )ilgnd pue uoiiuggneag adnslaailS 'IA uoilmpoajul SN®1,11ON63 ,ONIISR3 11 9NISSVW ONV S1NIN313 9NI01108 lYNO1110VUl 1)31J31 MOM INMOBA30 HAM NMOINM00 NI ISIX3 S311S )IHOISIH 1VUBS •saJnhnAs Puolsly asagl jo >IlEmap!s o1 3u!pl!nq jo dlysuo!)elaJ Put '3u!ssew 'uuoj ay) a)tlnwa spitpurls luawdolaeap agl Sajnl)ru)s 101Jo)s!g %AOJI!9 uo punoj 6Hniclk sajnitaj jo /pur s)uawala 3urpl!nq jo asn 341 a3ejnoma saugap!n3 u3!sap ayl •alq!ssod ala4m paurtlaJ put paaouoy aq pinoys samangui wolslg ayl 'salks Ir ni)OLI»t 3110)s!4 Ituo!vpei) jo uo!lVilddt Uu)s aiinbaa )ou saop ueld )y!oadS ayl al!4M •ear veld )ypadS ay) w luawdolaeap Mau Joj amajajaj )uruodwi spual sa»nosaJ lt)uo)s!y 3ulls!xa jo /JO)UaAUI agl •luawdolaeap Mau ap!n3 ll!M ley) awayl a s! agniag %ki3 aq; aoj uadsai put sainlmis dyljoMa)ou 3mislxa jo uoihalwd •sassa)oad MaIAaJ a)!s put le,nl)al!y»e agl y3noayl Iteoiddr bd) uo!ss!wwo) 3uiuutld s! st pai!nbaa s! OHH) aall!wwo) a3eluaH )uo)s!H ay) woaj uo!)tpuawwom r aauEq) aoualxa jo(tw o) joud 'aaojaaay) put wng!u3!s aq o) pajap!suo) s! 3wlw S jo 'b 'f a y)!M 3ulpl!nq Auq •rualu) a)!ejaS )ped leuo!leH uo paw uag) put (al!sgaM %Ali) ayl uo palDol /JO)uaeul samosab )uo)s!H aas) Dunylu3ls Ivol j!ay) o) st passasse uaaq aeey put tact 3wuurld ay) u!g)!M pale)ol aje saan)mls put sal!s )uo)s!g paleu3!sap -ki) JUMS •9961 ui pajan»o salts )1 o)S14 jo AJOluaAul 141) )sel ayl Eaad APMS ayj u! SOPS )POISIH S33aQOS3H ma01SIN •suorlipuo> >iwouo)a put '11!l!gow put uo!)tlmap '3uruoz put asn purl jo swiai ui race ueld )ypadS ay) u!y)!M suo!)lpuo) 3u!ls!xa ay) sl!r)ap oslt jaldrg) ayj •rage ayl ui sainleaj put sainuruls Imuolsly 1umg!u3!s st llaM se papuad s! OJO) uegag ayl jo Marelaeo Imuo)s!y jauq V •east utld )ynadS agl u!g)!M )uawuoauua )I!nq ay) aqu)sap of si ja)dey) s!yl jo asodbnd ayj N0113000a1N] sMOWN1,1o3 ��Usix3 all Soot 'IZ H38w3AON HrId 31JI33aS AoaII3 -Jalua) AAI) PUB UMO)UMOd alp Jul3 Sll181SIU 3: -sales AlwnlJoddo luawdolaAaa uo azyellde) 3H1 S313lua ,. luawdolaAaa palualiVISMI WWOM . •luawdolaAaa asp -PON alowoJd . •uMoluMoa aye of sasn )uawuiElJa)u3 put siq'Imiln) vaJia . 'uMoluMoa aye of luawdolaAaa am voila . •luawuoJIAU3 IMISAyd s,uMo)uMoa to uoivuni put 1003 aye midwl . NiMolloj aye apnlwi sleog utld lEJauag Jay o „sa) go put 'sd04s `slUEJnelsaJ 'aalua> AAD papuedxa uE 'Jalua) niV lEnsiA put 3uiuuo}Jad pauueld E 3wpnpw 'sisunol put sluapisaJ yloq vem! im uMoluMoa JEau Jo ui sasn Ill xiw opiM V •ezeld uMo) Mau E pue 'sailluawe put sa)tds )ygnd paluauo- utulsopad '3uisnoy Mau 'Ja)ua) lisutJi 3wllsnq a 's3wppnq Mau aAIVEJUE 's3ulppnq mwsiy paJolsaJ amMOys Ipm Aoin uMoluMoa -4) ayl Ul wive jo mod IE)oj aye put sluapisaJ sAoJlig }o aplJd aq) oq IIIM UMO)UMOa luEJgIA y - WO) Sl) lE UMO)UMOa )UEJq[A V„ :3uIMO1101 aye sl AOJIIg J0 UOISIA aye ul SIE03 AJewud aye to au0 •EaJE IEiJJawwo) uMo)umoa aye JOB uEld pauag aye w paysilgelsa Uaaq aAey sleo3 }o Jagwnu q 'wall) yuM paIVOOSSE 3UIUOZ pue samsuam )yi)ads sell y)Ea put vulsia am uMoluMoa Put `vu)sia asll paxiw uMoluMoa 'vulsia )uolsjH uMoluMoa E olw paplAipgns si eaJE IEi)Jawwo) uMoluMoa siyl SE (spnpuelS wawdolaeaa put 'asa put-I 'svulsia) A Ja)dEy) ui paluasaJd si svulsip to )dawo) aye „lepJawwo) uMoluMoa„ sE pandisap AJobjmgns e w hy"ll lEnJawwo) aql Joplin paleu3lsap Sl eaJE UEId )gpads ayl }o AluolEw aye •(sauols put laaj ui) ly3iay 3uippnq wnwixew Aq pains-taw si put, sasn Jay)o put IEu)snpw 'ltimuiwo) of saildde Aiisua)ul •OE /np) aim ssoA Jad shun 3uillaMp }o swJa) ui paJnseaw air put sasn lequapisaJ of Aldde sagisuaa •asn ay) }o Alisuallu put Alisuap uo pastq 'sauohmgns olui uMop ualoJq Jaglanj air suoindisap asayl 'y)ta to luauodwoo a sassedwowa eaJE veld )9!)ads aye 'sauo3ale) asayl 10 •(sailg)ej )ygnd 'slooy)s 'uoileaim put slJed 3ulpnl)ui) „Jagio,, g 'Itulsnpul 'leimawwo) 'jei)uap!saj :sauo3am pEoJq Jnol o)ui sasn puE) saplAip uEld leaauag aye UEld leaauag SNINOZ 0NV 'NV-1d IVa3103 3SO ONVJ fl"Vv .fiuu�o� �u ,,kilo 3Hl NI A11A113V A 1NIOd IV:)Oj 3H1 0NV S1N30IS3V S,AOSTO A 30IHd 3H1 30 III ► NAOMALOO NV8bA NV. SUBS IVOS NVId IVH3N3'0 ANVNIHd V suoiJipuo) Sw1six3 w ' Approximate 0 Specific Plan Boundary rI Land Use Plan Map Residential HILLSIDE LOW DENSITY MEDIUM DENSITY HIGH DENSITY NEIGHBORHOOD DISTRICT RURAL RESDDENTAIL Commercial DOWNTOWN PROFESSIONAL OFFICE GENERAL SERVICES VISITOR SERVING Industrial CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL PARK ■ GENERAL INDUSTRIAL Other HECKER PASS SPECIAL. USE DISIRICr OPEN SPACE PARK/RE mTION FACILITY PUBLIC /QUASI -PUBLIC FACHM EDUCATIONAL FACILITY CITY LH(RS URBAN SERVICE AREA - 20 YEAR PLANNING BOUNDARY CIRCULATION LEGEND "REEWAY EXPRESSWAY ,\RTF,RIA1: 1'OId.ECTOfi Gilroy 2020 General Plan -, v„ro, `u ( I inch 71,00 fee! ) FIGURE 2.1 - LAND USE PLAN MAP E., XISTING C'ONDIT10"NS APO - soon IZ H31lN3AOK I i Ivilim '1aaJiS yiuMS pue iaajiS gixiS laaaiS ApMOa 'iaaAS 4»n4) Aq papunoq rare ayi w pa)eziva)uoz aze sapipn j )ilgnd jo Aiuolew ayi •sauepunoq ueld )g!)adS ayi jO sa8pa ayi of ME lepJawwo) uMOiuMOd )uoisig ayi wojj ino ampei sasn Aiilue j )ggnd pue ' leuisnpw Alleuoise»o 'leiivapisaa Aliwej -iilnw anisuaiui ssal -sasn 2mias lei»awwo) jo aBuej peaq a pue sasn Suwas oine 8uwpnpuw sasn algEmope jo )as aapeojq a zaMo pue 'Allnp)adsai 'leuisnpul lei»awwo) pue lei»awwo) jaiva) 8wddo4S se MEOW are iaaziS AazaiuOW jo spua yinos pue yijou ayi •al04m a se Aii) ay atlas ieyi sasn mini saz pue 'sdoys aago) 'sajois anbiiue 'oi paliwil iou inq Buipnpui 'sales lieiaa leaaua8 jo pasodwo) Aluewud si i)uisip siyi -sasn lei)aawwo) i)uisia leJiva) jo Aluiew sisisuo) iaajiS AaiaiuoW Suole UmoiuMoa )uoisiy ayi (•Suwuoz Bugsixa zo} deW 2uiuoZ Aalig jo hid Z•Z ain8i j aaS) -sasn japeaq vuuad Bare ayi jo sa8pa Zaino ayi g2noyi 'sasn lEmawwo) jo wjoj awos joj paieu8isap Apuazin) si eaie ueld )yi)adS ayi jo Aluolew ayi 'jaeaMOH 'kilne j )ilgnd/IJed pue leuisnpul papwil 'leuisnpul lei»awwo) 'lepjawwo) aaiva) SwddogS 'lei»awwo) iiuisia luiva) 'lei»awwo) pooyzoggglaH 4 D leuoissajad 'leiivaNsaa Aiisuaa 421H 'leiivapisag Aiisuaa wnipaW 'Ieiivapisal Aliwe j oMi 'leguapisay Aliwe j alguiS 8uwpnlww 'y)ea jo ivauodwoz a sassedwo)ua Bare ueld )ypadS ayi 'sauo8aim asayi jo (Aiilpej )ilgnd/slied put ands uado Suipnpu) „jaglo, V 'leuisnpul 'lei»awwo) 'leiivapisay :dew asn puel ayi se sa'Aaiez peojq znoj awes ayi oiui suoiieugisap Ewuoz ayi sapuip deW SuiuoZ ayi 8uiuoi suoilipuo) Sugsix3 FIGURE 2.2 - (ITY OF GILROY ZONING MAP It EXISTING C'ONDITIONS iv L4N **I) SOOZ 'IZ H31lN3AOK NY'Id :)1.i1:)3d� •suolitpuawwo)aJ ivawdOjaAap )lUJOUO)a ayi jo uoi)E)uawaldwi w pie of Apn)s )iwouo)a uE uolsslwwo) piM AOJIig Jo Auk ayl •uMoiuMoa w paiepowwo))E aq AlisEa um sassawsnq pans wmpaw put HEws AueW •aq piM uMo)uMoa Jo hilgA )iwouo)a uua) -Suol ay) alge)s aJow ayi 'Aii) ay jo staJt Jay)o snsJaA uMoiuMoa ayi w a)E)OI o) sasn asay) ageJno)ua un Auk ayi iEyi )ua)xa ayi of -tale ay luyiiM uoiielndod ui y)MOJS ayi of uoi3ElaJ ui MoJB of anwiuo) piM saunas jo sadk asayi Jo) puewap ayl •SuyiE)aJ A lEpads put 'sassauisnq ans wmpaw pue HEWS `)uaWUIE)Ja)Ua 'Sal)IAIuE SIR PUB leJn)in) 's)UEJDE)saJ Joj uoi)E)ol lEapi uE )I alEw )Eqi Ssa))e psm) put 'uoi)Ewapo umsapad 'AJo)siy %AoJlig hwagaJ wJEy) pue JaPP-M) UIt)Ja) E Sey 11 iEyi UI SEM asayi JaAO ahmApE ue aAey saop uMoiuMoa ayi 'JaAaMOH •uMoiuMoa ayi UI 81001 IOU p!M slalle)aJ aHJEl 'Alaly )sow :sawnloA Iie)aJ jo swJa) ui sJa)ua) Smddoys AEA put siapno ay y)iM a)adwo) of AA) iou pinoys uMoiuMoa ayi ityi )uandh sl )I 'UEld 1EJau39 ayi w pa)E)s sq samuniJoddp auawdojanaa ALUM)] SNo11iamQ :INomo:)3 •slxei Jo} qny E s))e put !sainoi snq huno) o)ivag uES put `A)uno) AaJaiuoW 'punogAaJg o) slug 'A)iJoy)nd )ISUEJl AaHEA put SUIEJ) Jainwwo) UIEJIIE) MIMS y)IyM'UOI)E)S UIEJ) AOJlIg aqi SI uMo)uMoa jo )JEaq ayi ulq)IM paimol IsSa))e JEln)IyaA AJewlid ay) of U01)Ippe ul SWUM) •(sagyi)ei )ggnd put aanlinimijul) 11A Ja)dey) w ppap w paqu)sap si uoi)EJnSguo) imiS •aJo) uMo)uMoa ay) w pap!Aoid BuppEd y)IM auEl laAEJ) auo put spua y)nos put y3Jou ay) jo y)nw $uole uEipaw pa)uEld a }o apis Jay)ia uo sauEl (aAEJi m sey iaaJ)S AaJaiuoW'ApuaJJn) •Ean uEld )yi)adS ay jo suogJod IEUomppe nAias 2ullsix put )aaJ)S AaJaiuoW lapeied iaaJ)S peOJI!El PUB )MIS AJJagal8i3 •aJO) UAO)uMOa ay) o) AEMa)eg E ap!AoJd imis ay) )o spua grog -ZSI kAgg!H a)E)S y)iM s))auuo) D 3 )aanS AaJaiuoW 'pua uJay)Jou s)i )E put '10 1 ABA421H aiE)S yuM S))auuo) )aaJ)S AaJa)UOW 'pua MOOS sii id' uMoiuMoa ayi )o awls AJEwud ayi si )aaJ)S AaJa)uoW Ainisow amv Noavin :)W yi y Ma N®ISIA III '(spJeputiS luawdolanaa put 'asn pue-1 'SPUISIQ) A Jaidty) ui paq!J) sap an put miAsia )g!Jads xis a p jo y)ea Jol pays!lgeisa aJaM sauyap!d uglsap put 'spJepues ivawdolanap 'sasn puel 'sida)uo) uolsu lenpu!pIU 'uo!i!ppe ul 'Jaidey) slyl jo pua ay 1E paluasaJd an sl!q!yxa ayl 'EUE veld Jy!JadS ay Joj uo!s!n ayi se paidope aJaM 'suolsuaJ Joww Ma} t Iluo yl!M put 'aJJoi ISEl ay1 of paluasaJd aJaM s)IydtJg asayl wit, ueld Jy!)adS ay Jo uo!sIn ayi amide) ieyi (uols!A ayi put 'sldawo) ug!sap utgJn 'slda)uo) asn puej) sl!q!yxa agJel aaJyl padolaeap wtai lueilnsuo) 041 'ssa)oJd auaJJeq) ay 8umollol 'paluasaJd an, ivawala yJea to ales aininl ayl Joj suouepuawwo)aJ put Molaq paynsap an sluawala uMs asayl 1. SMOG panrs„ . guppEd . u1sad uegJn . asn Puri . Allluapl put 4iunwwo) . sJOuei luauag put gu!uueld . :u011uaite aJninjl JOJ paRM) put pay!luap! WOM sluawala u!ew uaeaS 'aJninj ayl w aloJ leuoll!peai leyl amasaJd of in lsaq Ipm sivauodwo) legm o1 st pamoisuitiq oslt Aayl 'uolleuJlsop an!utJut put J!wi)a ut uMoluMop luaJJn) 041 gu!Jlew w jimAid an leyl le1!do lt!Jos put 'n!wouo)a 'Asap vegan jo suadst pay!luap! 6oJl!g to Al!unwwo) ayl 'sJnol gu!�lleM put `SmOIA alw I)aJnp 'sas' Ma MVEJalu! ygnOJyl 'uMOluMOO ayl Job uo!su Jea1 a 4sygelsa of 1JoRa paleo!pap a ui sdnoJg aleudoJdde Jaylo put 'slueyJJaw 'sluap!saJ leJOl wOJJ uo!ituuoluJ papwp pal!J!los weal iueilnsuo) ayl 'ssa)oJd auaJJt43 a43 4gnOJ41 l)IJISIQ uMoluMoa A OISIH %/4iunwwo) ayl JO) ,OuaJJeyg guluo!s!A„ E paunpuo) dnoi ug!saa w WOJ} s1Jal!yJJe put saaug!sap uegJn jo weal a '6002 '[-I I!Jdtl u0 NouanaoHiml NoIsiA will soot U b38N3.AON N V I J MAIDUS AOM1I t� •squap!raf 8uipunowns /o rpaau ,(jeep ayj o) J01V >eyl SOMAS Jo a8uaj llnj a apreoid pue ase-7MOyf . *yarn /ieaai uuoJuMOp fOJ vnoy ssawsnq awq ly8m 8wpuaixa pue 8wjegipjooj aao/dx3 . •away; u8mvp ie/n»lied a o; ajaype of auawdo/anap Mau 8uwnbai you ,(q ,(ojl!g uMommog jo ujaued u8irap �jpa(m pue �uo1Yy ay; aOeigwa o; anuljuo) 'We uMO;uMOp ayj 1noy,?nojgj lyn 11jumn> >ey; falls 41unlioddo rnoueA ay; ion suogdo luawdo/aAap aio/dxd . •ra»war p0041ogg8iau pue luaw .imaaua wainelfai �!eaaj 4gijads ,(Iyeu{ud 8wpuoid uo juawdo(aaap fflviawwOJ uMOluMOp rmoJ . fuoIsiA disap pue 8uwueld amy aryeai (ja;ewi;ln pue smoi of 8wd(ay aliyM Ja»e<ey> 3UOasry 8w ;flxa 8uw ,vaaoid p rueauJ a fe ease uMO)uMOp ayl io] rauyapid u8aap >/e p . •uamwo 4jadoid pue wey-7iaw uMoluMop ay; jo rpaau pue - 9samul ay) squaraidn )eya uogelwe O iepruif ao (p(g) RUJsip Juawa, Awl rsawrng a aga ) suollEpuawwwaa •Ewddoys put 'ivawAoldwa 'a)uapisai Jo) saAilEUJa11E panuiluo) BUIpIAoid aHm aloi Ailunww0) (EiIA PUE IEUOI)IPEJi sii SUIEjUIEw AOJjIg UMOiUMOa ley gulaas UI Al 08 llIM UBlsap utgJn }o sivawala aAiuwisip asayi of uoiiE)ipap panuiiuo) E 'uAko)uAkoa inoygnoiyl sinno ivawdOlaAapaJ Sy •sialua) 8uiddo4s uiapow Auew jo sugisap asn- ai8uis put snouolouow uallo ayl of PAM uayM anbwn ApOyM PASIp view A ltpads a Joj uoiiepunol ayl st anus `ivawdolanap paluauo- iisuenl put asn -paxiw sa)EJgwa ieyi u3isap uegin )ipapa UE yi!M paldno) 'AoJlig UMOJUMOa Jo aini)al►y)Je pue aiE)s anbiun ayl •ivawdolanap jti)Jawwo) �eiayduad ayi of paJedwo) uayM saBelUEApe pros swElaJ un►oiuMOa ayi 'sa)Jnos asayi woJj uoiliiadwo) asualw alidsaa •slapno ptlai ,xoq -giq„ pue spew ituoibi AJtiodwaluo) jo 3uawdolaAap ayi jo llnsaJ a st paiayns Aftlseanm sty 'saleij paiiun ayi ssoJ)t „siaaiis uiew„ Jayio ssaguno) yiiM SE 'AOJpg UMOiUMoa 'AJolsiy y)iJ siyi aiidsaa •aio) leinlin) put ')iwouo)a ')uoisiy s,Aliunwwo) Japeoiq ayl AEp siyi of swtwai put AJniva) a utyl OJOw I)Eq 8wiep AJOisiy asiaAip E sAofua ,AOJpg UMOIUMOa„ Sb013VI lVV3N33 V ONINNrIJ alaoM 3Hl JO Wild) AND 3Nl SV NMONII SI AON119 e 039VIno)N3 38V'NIV1Nn03 SIR SV H)nS "S1N3W313 N91S3a NV98n 3AIDNllSla uoisiA �AM uoisiA Wr— -'*\ 61 NoIsIA III --r Al mai AIINOWWO) 831503 Ol mim Ol 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ay; p rPalwd 4isuap iay8iy a8eznoju3 ;(oflig uMommou w dales pue awi.) paAiamad /o fans o; 4uoud y�iy aug . wapno I!e ;aj xoq -8tq leiayduad gJiM wadwo.7 uey; iagxi marualdwo> >eyl yarn uMoiuMop Mau agai) . suoliquawwo of Tan ayi inog2noryi ivawdojanapar 2 JIM 8wiuui aligM'Aiiunwwo) rapeorq ayi ui alor ivawdolaeap anbiun put )uoisiq s uMoiuMoa ayi Suiuieiwew w re} o8 piM sdais asayl •pa8ernowa Al2uoris aq pe pinoys sivapisaa put spooyrog48iau 1vol to spaau Apep aialdwo) ayi roJ apuord of ivawdolanap azitias pue I!eiar 48noua }o awasard ay put 'aro) woisiq ayi w sezeld (uMoiuMop) Mau jo uoiiippe ayi 'sasn Iieiar anoge ands a3glo put 8uisnoy leuoiiippe aierodroni of sainimris jo ivawdolaAapar ayl •algissod se ymw se sasn -put Imopiperi iroddns of anuiiuo) isnw Aorlig uMoiuMod •uoiielndod leiivapisar 1vo) ayi of asol) ieuuo} paivauo- nuisapad e w wuras leiin jo raisnp a ratio of iroHa ue w sasn Ieiivapisar put 'a)ylo 'Iieiar to Suiziwaiui ayi pa)ergwa ApeNuoisiy aeey suoi8ar 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adeoslaai)s uMoluMoa t of uoneoipap a aq lsnw ajayl 'sands uado jaylo put 'suowwoo oygnd 's )Yed gjIm uolvunluoo ul -Aolua of lit jol alidsaa put Jaya] lensu to sands se osle )nq s)uaea Aliunwwoo jaylo Jo sltAnsal aol sme BuuayleB ItuoilounJ put Alessaoau Aluo loo se sales palaotJ -nlnw auras piM AaauaaaB uegm Jo sayselds asayl •stzeld jo ,sjztd )aslood„ Jo waoJ ayl w sands uado uMoluMop leuonippt a)ea.lo of aAuls pinoys Aalig 'aloe )uo)siy siyl zayunJ of -bunwwoo ayl Jo sme 'aAilounsip ssal 'zaylo qvm paiedwoo A)ewud wolsiy sli uoiBaz ayl aAl2 AlaAivallo) Put suMoluMop o) lumqui uBisap uegm loedwoo ayl Jo a8elueApe 0$121 lit sluaea Jay)o put 'sltAilsaJ 'sapend •$BuuayleB Put sluaea A)lunwwoo to alis A,ewud ayl se pamas Alleuoniptu sty uMoluMoa ay) `saw) zaylo ui st 'Aozlig ul 'slueyoaaw leool aoJ pauado AllEpualod aq osle piM s)a)aew PEW MaN uEllop jawnsuo) put, 'Alales 'oyleal ueulsapad paseanuw Jo uuol ay) w uMoluMoa olul aJil Mau Valve ll!m put Wildsowle moy -6Z a altan 1pm sdoys Iielaz aAoge sasn aoyJO Jo /pue Itnuapisaa alEM1,1 oui yoiyM samlormS -alyssod lualxa lsalea,13 ayl o) luawdolaeap asn -paxiw ja)soJ pinoys Aalig 'uMO)uAoa ,aouJas -pnj,, put 'asjaAip 'ales a azileaa )saq of •sm000 luawdolaeapaj se payisualui jo pauwelwew aq pinoys put uBisap Jo saldimyd asay) of sajaypt Al)uaamo Aoalig uMoluMoa wyliM samlmls Jo uBisap ayl •luawuozuua ueqPn asuap t BwAaiyoe of Aasl Ile aze amualiyoJe put uBisap uegm to sloadst pt w aleos -utwny put uoiltluauo ueulsapad uu)s a put 'sape3tl Jo wylAyz lualslsuoo a '(seaze Itinz o) paiedwoo uayM) slyBiay amlonns algeMolle DON 'sjoeg)as 11104 M IMS Aq pazuauezeyo samunzlS 'aouelsip 31,111leM boys a ulyliM sailiAiloe Put saouaas to „$sew leoiluo„ a sluapisaz papuad Apeouolsiy luawdolaAap asuaim put 'asuap WE suMOluMOp Ituonipeil wilelndod %Ali) aql Jo uoiliod ja)EO a of algissaooe uMoluMoa ay sasltw samunuoddo psuejl ssew put aeneuialit of ssaoe Aptab •uoiltlnono amouwolne jano Alunoe ueulsapad sioAtl ley) altos -uewny lua)sisuoo a put sasn -puts Pam put oivaloa slol Mozzeu sAolua uoiBai ay) „Iumolumop leuolllpezl„ e sy -Ali) ay) Jo stmt jaylo o) paiedwoo uayM saBe)utApe )paylsat put leuonowy lumqui sassassod Aojlig uMoluMoa NMS30 Nvea(1 Vision IMPLEMENT A DOWNTOWN FACADE IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CREATE SIGNS DIRECTING THE PUBLIC TO THE TRAIN STATION Recommendations • Putsue and implement a Downtown /afade improvement program in Downtown Gilroy • Showcase a clear pedestrian orientation in storefront fafades. • Establish a community park or commons in Downtown Gilroy. • Construct entry-way arches or gateways, possibly with a `garlic theme, "at key points in Downtown Gilroy, • Redesign the streetscape between Third Street and Sixth Street without a raised center median. • Provide additional Downtown lighting on side streets and in rear parking areas, as well as architectural lighting on building fafades. • Create signs directing travelers from Route l0i to the historic downtown, with the assistance and support of Caltrans if necessary. • Provide public restrooms in Downtown. • Explore the creation of new or additional bike routes through and around Downtown Gilroy. • Prohibit A -frame signs until a set of regulations can be established for appropriate use. • Protect the character, scale and design of adjacent single - family residential development beyond figleberry Street and Railroad Street. • Landscape, or relocate to the rear, unscreened street fronting parking lots. • Develop specific visions for key Downtown sites. • Maintain and enhance Gibovi alleys system. • Make Monterey Street available to accommodate parades and other street fairs. • Require build -to lines to assure sidewalk adjacent storefronts. • Confider an increase in maximum allowable building heights in Downtown Gilroy DOWNTOWllK CIIL,ROY SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 2I, 2005 • Maintain Gilroyl consistent rhythm of storefront fa fades. • Improve Gourmet Alley as a pedestrian pathway, which indudes undergrounding utilities. • Locate the highest density projects at focal points within Downtown Gilroy or on adjacent parcels where connectivity, scale, and texture make these projects appropriate. • Encourage higher density projects outside of the Downtown area, on the condition that pedestrian elements and connectivity between the proposed land uses and the Downtown are appropriately enhanced. • Encourage the creation of pedestrian connections within, as well as to and from, the Downtown area. • Design pedestrian connections as safe transitions between land uses with appropriate lighting, visibility, and signs. • Encourage enhanced landscaping, including mature street trees, shrubs, and groundcover that provide interest, color, style and flowering characteristic in Downtown Oroy. • Encourage decorative and enhanced elements of urban design, such as public artwork in Downtown Gilroy as a means of providing visual interest. • Integrate exterior building elements, such as signs awnings, fafade design, etc., into the overall design theme or function of neighboring downtown structures. • Create plazas, courtyards, or "outdoor rooms" to providing public gathering places. • Encourage and appropriately locate common theme street furniture to provide a sense of place, safety, shade, and gathering opportunities. • Capitalize on the proximity of the CalTram commuter population and promote linkages to the Downtown through use of signs etc. • Provide a stronger and more cohesive sense of identity to the Downtown by adhering to a common design for public infrastructure such as signs, lighting and other elements. CREATE PUMAS AND OUTDOOR ROOMS AS PUBLIC GATHERING SPACES INTEGRATE EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEMENTS INTO THE OVERALL DESIGN THEME III VISION soot U b38N3AOH MV*ld MAMUS NAOINAOG 7uawamo/ua lwved paruq .ro 8uualaw pue ',(a//oil la/7anys uMOIuMOp a lumped ado/dwa lumped paieyr luipnpui `sai {rumioddo juawaleuew lw4ped adleulr 70apf hialuow /o aprs 7sea aq; uo srom la/ /e apnpw pue sainmils /eriaawwoo pwyaq lumped aleai) •a/grssod aiagM lumped iof s7aai;s aprs aq!1fl 7aaj7f yivaAaf pue 2aaaf pnyl uaawaq sararunuoddo lumped aaa.Qs -uo aznwxvM . •slwppnq pue fleMapis ay1 uaaMlaq lumped #gryoid . 8wlied lugsrxa o; subs lurpuy Arm a 1paya aiow Idopd . •sluey»aw /ejo/ Iq pansap se luiljed uMommoo /euorarppe apreoid . suoilepuawwo7ay -spec a8eauos} uo u81sap ade)s)aasas Alpuaui - ueriisapad aqi himasasd al!gm 'sdoys pasisap o3 asop )ped of sease alenbape pug of slenpulpw aoj Mope sAAmman¢ Srupeol -nag voiiepowwo»e aligowoine /ueisasapad jo ahalley siyi a8ilgo of hiuruaoddo i)wisip a apinad sr(emAalIV •ale)s pue u04eivaiao ueuisapad paaisap a 8wweiwew aMm Alpuau(-iuey»aw pue WOW uiewN 03 si eare ayi l! paiepowwom aq isnw iisuesj }o suuo} aldiilnw Alrueisa) -Suiiesisnaj pue paie)ildwo) yioq aq ue) u0133A uMOiuMOQ ayi Map ieyi u81sap }o suadse anbiun ayi Sruuieiuiew aliyM laee,i }o sapileas uwapow ay Swssasppe 'aao(asayi :ueuisapad ayi JOJ Majajaid jeal) a yliM padolanap sey 6oalig uMoiuMoa •Joneapua hlhalleP a aq un 8uulied uMoiuMoa w a3ueleq 340144 !)Nlmvvd SMINMOdd0 9NIMVVd 1331IS-NO 3IIWIXVW 9NINVVd NMOiNM00 1VNOIl100V 301AOVd xH VCT DI'I SL uoisiA NoisiA AO) 0IV)VS„ V 031301SNO) SI NOIIVIS iISNV81 NIVII11V) 3H1 '3vnDON1S )INOISIH NV SV wuUvaa 34 u mum 3uvunavan:013n 111WVJ-319NIS 10 V3DMH) 9NI1SIX3 3Hl •fa.wadoid mommou luvy!Os ua;oad •Umojumod aq1 of jua)elpe paielo/ spooVOWlau Imuel -al-90 /o ''kPiodwamo-, pup �uojyq gjoq WjMVq-7 aq; afoddns pue vaaoid suollepuawwo)ay •sin))o wawdolaeapaj se paaap!suo) aq pinogs sEaR asagl 10 lnokl )uols!g put jamnq) pagsilgelsa Suol aql •umolumoo sapsoq legl spoogaog48!au (AIlwej- alEms) agl of NJ aq lsnw wowBpalmoul a lenb3 -sa)mosai q)u asagl Ualosd of sdals aslel put Aojl!g jo /l!) aql luasaadas lsaq soldwexa q)!qM appap 'lel!de) umo)umoa padolanap 2u!ls!xa jo AJO)UanUl ue aslEl /llunwwo) aql legl palsXns s! U 's8wpl!nq uEgjn )uols!q jo saldwexa snoingo an aaleagl pue4S aq1 put 'uo!le)S l!suril uiulle) aql 'IIeH 141) p10 al!gM •m))o aBueq) put glmoj2 se lsol aq lou lsnw luawuoa!nua ll!nq agl w palsapaw a)e legl u1sap uEgm put /Liols!q jo „smo) paa)es„ asagl g1MOa8 put uo!lez!IEueaJ aol IE!lualod seal) E ql►M Eane aq) asnjui put weq) snow¢} sli uo!Ea) 041 ae18 Al!) aql lnog8noagl luawdolaeap jo aims uEwnq Ieaaua8 E put sasnl)nals )uolslq IEAanas 10 a)uasaid aql •uo!lupEil put ljo1slq u! padaals 14lunwwo) a si Aosl!g SA03 a3a:)rS -gjmoi,Y 8uge1nw4s le weave a se /o)/!g ymommoo jo eaie ja8iel a jol saal luawdolaeap BwgjeM aio/dxd . •uogesuawaldwi uo weld uogez11V#A& sn7od . suollEpuawwwag -sljoya lsig asagl uodn plmq Ipm luawn)op Hid )g!)adS slgl •g1MOS8 Suppzds w sej auo8 aneq sands Supped paambaa jo jagwnu aq) 8u!lsnlpE put umo)umog a41 jo wan )9!)ads jol saaj luawdolaeap 10 Suu!EM se q)ns suoga ja!lae3 •umoiumoa aql ui luawdolanapai puE 41moj8 8ullowoad jol suo!lEpunol leuo!i)unj put )!wouo)a aqi p!EI aneg sapiwa ssau!snq puE lu3wu)ano8 IMol SNWONO33 SOOZ U H3HW3AOH NVIJ 3,1313,3dS NAOINAOU IIIdnoa2 waa Sol nil ( R'!v RDYatgaalny. - gpaa6ePp5. 6.y¢)gf eu.�nR V p.1 Aqh �47/gItlMV 996W VP.1 K s!))r) saP apt. .WW - Po1w W4wtu+ yaw �IRaPDaaM. 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woij igls jo )no pale)ol aq pinoys sl0i Sw>Ned ,; saeo Jo Ras % se pazuaueJty) aq ue> leyl lot ABA NO w papinoad aq o3 paau iou saop Sw4jed ay 'immoy `Pafoid Injssa)ms a jof Aatssam si Sw>Ntd altnbapq SNIN333l3S ONV NMS30 10j 'ONIMHVJ •8 IV Design Guidelines PARKING LOTS SHOULD BE GENEROUSLY LANDSCAPED -1 -J-1111 IV I- JIIILLI JIIV-V UL SCREENED FROM VIEW • Trees should be located throughout a parking lot and not merely at the ends of parking rows. A minimum of one tree for every four parking spaces should be provided. Trees should be sized at 24- inch box or larger at the time of installation. • Landscaping within parking areas should be protected from encroaching vehicles by concrete curbing or raised planting areas. • A combination of trees and shrubs should be incorporated into landscaping plans. • Automobile headlight illumination from parking areas should be screened from adjacent lots and the street. • When an existing parking area abutting a public sidewalk or street is to be improved, provide one or more of the following buffers: • A landscaped strip or planter that is a minimum of five feet in depth and is planted with a combination of trees and shrubs, • A fence that has a maximum height of four feet, • A planter that has a minimum width of three feet and a maximum height of three feet, • A hedge that has a maximum height of four feet, or • A site wall that has a maximum height of four feet and has a decorative finish and details. DOWNTO Vfl-//K GILROY SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 2I. 2005 S3NI'13alfl'O N;OIS30 Al 3OVJV3 SIHl 31Vn1NMV S1NVld 03110d ONV'S3X08 13MOli '9NI1NVid 1NMV MOM 38 O1nOHS S33U1 3101VW 9NI1SIX3 .s31tMaP1s put spaeAiJno) 'sAeMAJ)ua Fu11en)ume Jol se IlaM se `Joao) put aJnixa) )sod put 'uwnlo) 'lleM aPlnoJd of pasn aq pinogs siueld pauod put sau1A •u011t81JJ1 Jo) JaieM PawlepaJ /POj)baJ asn o) samuniJoddo aJoldx3 •punoJg aq) oiui daas un aa)tM aaagm suiseq uo1)eJilqu1 put stale pade)spuel o) Wed put sjooJ se qms seaJt snowadw waJ Jammmo)s BwiJaelp Aq pampa] ApeaA aq ue) younJ uegJn -sued uoiie8wi giim pa)eulPJoo) aq pjn04s put sauoz )WEA se naM se sauoz Oueua)ultw Mod Put 4814 w padnoJg aq pjn04s S)Ueld •aseasip q)1M )pnJ)s }1 hidempuel jo ssoI Jo aweY Put' MeJM& SwBueg)un a41 of anp sa1)a1Jee wid a18u1s Jo sasuedxa ales put 'aseaslP of a1g1)da)sns siald 's)utld pae11 )Joys P1oed -saii9!)n J119nd put 'stale Upeol 'seals ahio)s 'seaJe 3unpEd 'saansopua 4stJ) se 4ms 'Mau )49nd woJ} seals algtJlsap ssal amedas Jo uaaJJs of pasn aq pjn04s 8w)utld ')seJiuo) put Joao) RruPlAad put 'uolsnJiw )ooJ 8ruziwrruw 'Jau11 snopJtze4 8u1z1w1u1w 'apeys 3wpuad 'asn imm Suaiwiww 10 an1))afgo ay) 4)1M slseq ammopad a uo paualas aq pin04s saWl •aweua)ulew Joj alglssam aq isnw s)ueld put Alaiwas put Alales pagnw aq pjn04s saxoq aq) inq 's)ods -JOIO) aPlnoJd of pakinowa sr saxoq Mopu1M fo asn •sgn4 Aiulue Aa3 put sau)ua punon pasn aq pin04s 8uqueld )uand . 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(ssa)aa put uoil)alad) autid IIeM aq) w uoileutA :2uiplmq aq) Jo 8wssew put 'jlnq 'lg2iay paAla»ad aq) anpaj of pasn aq pinoys saibnns ugisap EwMOIIoJ aq) Jo NOW ao aup •sSwpimq jalltws lezaeas Jo nuwaddt ayi aAi2 of ,skq,, wan dlaq saaisepd se yens sluawala Ie)iljaA -amezeadde aslilxoq a do sleazq of pasn aq pinogs saueld leoilaOA ui sa8ue4) •jayla8oi siaans uMoluMop ay ag Aliensu of sdiay W414J w5rj laazis lei»awwo) -sivauodwo) zo sAeq leinuruis pauoilaodoid Aialeudoadde Jo sauas a oiw uMop ualoaq aq pinoys sapeieJ Suilsin aq) ueyi aap!m ymw aie leyl sBuiplmq iigui soot IZ a3ew3AOK N VIld rOiJOUS ,� �' N OIN AOG •ajagmAue pasn aq lggiw leyl adAl 8uiplmq )uaua8 a jo Ado) a se iou put alis 8wplmq jelmiljed ay) job Aptpadsa pau8isap aq pjnoys put 'ainpnjls jo 'lutual 'uoge)ol jo ssauanbiun wo sli ssajdxa pinoys luawdolanap WN •uMoiuMoa aya Jo aaIMEV put aIe)s aya ay o) s$wplinq aya u8isap pinoys slutual amodio) -pa8ejno)sip Al2uoils si put uMoiuMoa ay jo jamng) anbiun ay; woad s ijap amivajiy»e ,UIty)„ amodio) Jo asn ayl •Jopijjo) pewpej ay put lapel lauunog a)e} Iey3 suoilee01a uo Ie)i3u) si uoueueA siyl •uoileln)ilje put hissew w uogeutn TIM paleaA aq pinoys 8uwplinq a to sapis pd 'UaMOI put 'sMOpwM aAIIPJO)ap 'sa3uejlua jaujo) se yms 'pajapisuo) aq Aew slob jauwo3 uo s8wplinq lgSilgSiy aeyl saimal lepadS •we3unoj jo wo} »e Imuelsgns a jo /pue sluawala doNoa 3uauiwojd 'iapti jaujo) aq) It sptM Ieuohip 'siamol I)op se yons 'suoil)a(ad Je)Qaan apnpuw Arw sluawala VnS •uoiae)ol aeya jo amelaodwi ayi uo sistydwa ue anan 1ey3 sluawala leanl)aliy)at lepads altjodjo)uw pinoys suomasiam Aal 1e pamol sgwpiq BAD MOB 3H1 1V 1333 K Ol Sl 033)X3 ION 00 AllVV3N39 SH101M 9NIO1H1a 1VNOI110VII sue;' r, 1 , 31SVIiI1N301 AlISV3 3a alnOHS SMIN3 9NI011na 6 saugaping uBisaQ r S NI` 3UIn'O, NJOIS30 A] 1010) 1vv0IvN w 10 39 0mom 109'031NIVd 38 ION OWNS )1)188 ONYB Snonwmo) V NI Main V ONn08V dVVM ION 01nOHS ONY SMOONIM ONV S800O 10 d01 NO 03)Vld 38 01nOHS S9NINMV A aT7 --m-i ®� 11 e AnuoaJ Swplinq um aya sauawaldwo) aeyl uSisap a)ugsip uMO aiaya aney pinoys a3quoaJ aaajas aya It sauaua Moog jaddn IItM a)afgns aya o3 a)epns ay w Ieaiq a )o 'jamol a 'auil Jooa aq) ui Wuey) . a)eJ,ns aq) oaui aas jo waJ himfoid y)aod leuuo} jo o)iajod q . shivado past) jo 'skmq)jE 'sjoop passa)ay . sa)nixg aniaeJo)ap A suwnlo) pajueg se y)ns sluawala leanuaaiy)ie Jo uminuawaldwi . Suyieaap Jo It,ualew ui aSuey) V . a)ueJwa aq) anoge auawala 2up3afoad y . A)aua aq) ae Smlieaap aniaeJO)ap jo lit Jo auawa)eld . )oop ay puoAaq Suia)afad put poop aya punon uoiaelmgit IIeM • aueld Mopu1M / IIeM ul a8uey) V . Alsap ameiaua aq) w paaeiodio)m aq pinoys spoyaaw SuiMOgoJ aya Jo avow Jo NO •algissod JanauayM paae)ildai io 'paaoasaa 'pawtlai aq pinoys uoiaeauawewo A slieaap Pna)aliy)Je qvm sainwils aaplo Jo )uoasiy Suiasix3 •saanaeaJ leanuaa qm ,uo pasl)t,a„ Jo Tool aya pione oa uSisap Smppnq aya oaul paa hlui aq pinoys sluawala asayl •sauawala leana)aaiy)je jagio put 'st,loSjad 'sjogje 'sasylaJl IOU 'saPt, 's8wwae Jo asn aq) ySnojya paaean aq pinoys ales uewnH •y)ns se paaeaaa aq pinoys put lenAe Jo auiod AJewud aq) si a se 'anbwn put algeyiauapi Appal) aq Suiplmq a of a)ueJaua um ay lt,ga luepodwi si ai -jams ay Suole Aainuiauo) It,nsu Jo asuas a oa saanquluo) suoilmol put sans )oop put MopwM Jo Amp= ayl -larval ueuasapad aya at asa)aaw Iensu apuoad pinoys sp;uaaew Swplinq Jo auawa)eld put, uoia)alas ayl •uopelmim put, Swssew Swplmq awnua8 aoJ aanuasgns a st, pasn aq 'aanamoq In pinoys Aayl •swjoJ Supsaaanui put 'sMOpeys'jolo) Suippe Aq s8ulplmq a)utyua oa pasn aq pinoys spElap IPJnuaaiy)Jd Ea mouvi uvV 0NY S1N IM3 ommin8 '3 soot IZ MMIN ON MVIJ M, DUS AOS13, N OINAOG •sueuisapad iigiyuw of iou se os ygnoua g3iy aq pinoys put 'lAuu zo )iiseld iou 'yiop }o apew aq pinoys stpazgwn put, sBwumv •skq jtzroms vwisip oiui pap!Aip si 8wppnq a jo apeitj ayi uagm sivawala jviim uiyiiM zo 'sMopuiM to doi uo stoop jo doi uo pa)eld aq Aluo p1no4s sBwumV •spueq snonwiuo) ui s8wplmq punoze paddezM aq iou pinoys sBwuMd -zoo) Itw8uo aq) )Jai aq pinoys '•)ia 'zaddo) 'auois hpuq se yms 'sItuaitw Ie,nitN •sleuaitw l mid se aieudozdde an pooh paiuied put 'auois `q)ue •owii zaAo padolaAap uaaq sey ityi pa(ozd e }o ahwi ut aiean put hissew ayi do ltazq dray of sleuaiew ui a8uty) a zo 'sivawala aptSe1 jo ivawahvit ayi `zoo) }o asn ayi ,(q paielmiize aq pinoys ape3ej %2uiplmq a }o sized ivazam!a •sazt}jns peM ayi uo yidap put suzaiied Mopeys aiean of pasn aq pinoys seaze passazaz put 'suwnloz 'sino -dod Ruwppnq 'sleuaiew ui sahq) 'suzaiied 411M papnzisuo) sa)e}zns peM se yms sptiaa zoos} punoz8 ayi uo paquIci isa uzaiied MopWM ayi of aielaz pjnoys szoog zaddn uo sMopuiM •pa2mosip si sst1E paiwi zo 'pazoznw 'aAii)agaa •why An paildde dpeuoissajozd zo 'ssti8 pazutlod 'siuoz}azois passam 'sgwuMt guimodzozw ,(q paiiwg aq un uie8 ieaN •sueuisapad JOJ SMBU dogs zouaiui 8wisazaiui aieazz of peak iaazis aq) uo papuawwozaz si sse18 zeal) . . •siaazis apis SuoIe papuozd aq pinoys WE* of isazaiui lensiA apuozd ieyi sivawala zayio put 'sam kidsip 'sMopuiM iuoz}azoiS • •sueuisapad zo} apex jo asuas a ysiigtisa of sdlay s g3iay iuozjazois wzo}iun Aq paysiggeisa auil ayl •allis awes ayi }o aq pinoys stoop put sMopuiM iuoz}azoiS •Iieiap put uoiieueA zolol zo; liiunizoddo sapuozd Bmwezj ayl -peiap put apex ueuisapad anty pinoys sMOpuiM jaAal iaazis aq) )V •uuisip ayi w Apeuoiiiptzi was suzaiied ivawa)eld put suoiizodozd zoop put MopuiM )iseq ayi uieiuitw pinoys 8uwplmq Mau y 3)NV81N3 NV lY 153131NI OOY NOIIYIn)IIVV 11VM ONV'9NI11Y13O 3AI1V80)30 'SAVMIOOO 03SS3)38 ,• a •— r ti S1NN313 3OVJV3 10 IN3W39NVVIV ONV 8010) 10 3Sn 3NI 18 a31Vln)IiVV 38 NV) S30VJV1 MOMS sawlaping u8isa4 Al lot 5M11301113 NMS30 .AI 1S3831NI 31V38) ONV 3)NVNV3ddV 3H1 N3110S Ol S11VM INV18 391Vl NO O3)Vld 38 NV) SIVYOW (SUN80) 301SNI 11OW3138d) S3NVld 9NID3S831N1 1V 10M O1nOHS 1VI131VW NI S39NVH) •sMoys zo 'skldsip ue '(-)ia 'sguiugis slooq 'sales IleMapis $e yms) sluana lielaa 'sluM )lei) Suwwo)dn 'saaisod auow aaleayi apnl)m stew sase) kldsip QnS •sampns peM sluelq a2itl aleuiwila of sean ahjuil utiaisapad ui sBwplmq uaaMlaq papiaozd aq kw saseo kldsip smbzeW •isajaiul Mai) put amitadde ayl ual}os of s8wplmq ;o sapis ao aeaj ay ie slleM jo sasuedxa aBael uo ponld aq pinoys sauu ao 'sasglazi 'spnW •spell luelq of sivawieaii put 'sltjnw 'uolo) 'Ieijaiew ape3eJ pualx3 •shell sluelq qvm s8wplmq zauzo) Sunsixa of pappt aq pinoys sMopuiM kldsip put 'litiap 'uoiielmiizy • •sainleaj aaylo zo `sltualtw w sa8utP 'sapeoae 'uoiielmiiat IIeM 'sasillazl 'sMopwM Bwzipin zapisuo3 •pahinomip Apuoals an sapeie} algisu uo speM Jutl» 'papioee aq pinoys put 141Je139ilze put ssauwyl jo uoissaidwi ue aei8 sajnl)njls jo saauwo) apisino ayi ie sa8ueyo aoloz ao leualeW •apeitj ayi of l0alw put Ieiluelsgns zeaddt of saueld 8muasialui it im)o pinoys saMP ItuaieW •pa .ualaad si Swplmq aaiiva aq) uo 8wpis Jo asn aq) 'zaeaMoy :auil aouaj a of sBwplmq jo szauzoo apislno ayi punat deaM pinoys v 'wnwiww t it 'pasn si 8 I Ieziijae jo Ieluonzoy aaayM •al4s junimiq)n %aanl)nA)s ayl o1 anal aq pinoys saysiug put sleualtw gwppn8 •algissod jaeaaagm pasn aq pinoys sleualew )ixol -uou put ivaluo) pal3bal . • sBwplmq asayl Jo sleualtw ayl azipin pinoys sBwplmq 411A paiei)osse SAEMIItM paiaeo3 •lol Sullied L' u1411M put 'siol Swsutd of sguwplmq wojj 'sBwplmq uaaeuaq 'sa2moij laaals Swplmq ie ammo kw sArhgltA asay j •sasn uawaq a8t4uy 'anil)a)ozd se pall st 'lensie a apiead skM>IIeM pazano3 •sjhauasoo8 se yms 'saznlxy 8wlsajalu! Alltarm)aluyzje `uaJip Pm ul aq pinoys sBulumV . •sjeaA uai of ly8ia /Gana ShIUMe ay anldaa of paaedaad aae Aayl SWIM sawuMe SullPsw asodoid iou pinoys saauMo Azadoad •s,eak uai of g2ia paa)xa of pai)adxa lou 6llezaua8 si Buium ayl }o aJ!l ayl •suoiuMsw ain sjajnpe)nuew hiumE ayi yliM ampiom w aq pinoys ammalurew BuwMy SOOZ la a3llw3AON NVIJ a13133dS �, ®���'� N AOIN OO 1114211s ARA pinoys slielap leinualiy)ae awos 'sasn uaaMlaq altiluaja;jip of sl lualw ay; !! 'aanaMOH •sleualew }o asn put alim leJnl)aliy)je w lualsisuo) aq pinoys luawdoloAap asn -paxiw aailua ayl •sluapisai aq) Aq passa»e Aluo si y)iyM ands uado alMid t jo uomppe ay woal lyauaq ue) ualad asn -paxiw a ui luawdolaAap Itiluap!SOJ V -asn y)ta joj sa)ueilua luaivaAUO) put amedas aq pinoys aaayl '8uiplmq awes aq) ui pasodad an sasn aldillnw uayM luilitd leiluapisaj paimbai aq) jo} sands kind paliew Ainal) apuoid •eaJE ueld )yi)adS aq) uwyliM pahinowa A18uoals si ad/4 a04113 'alis ayl lnog2nayl s8uiplmq altiedas Alalaldwo) w asn y)ea jo gmplmq a lo SuiM ao joog agendas a uo asn y)ta se y)ns 'sAeM aldillnw w pauwgwo) aq ue) sasn ayl ivawdolanap al8uis auo Olui sasn Ieiluapisaa ao /pue 'a)g)o 'Iei)iawwo) awgwo) Waload asn -paxiW 1N3NdOl3A3® 3SO —a3XIw .N S1Vn131VW oNV 31115 iV8nD311H)IV NI 1N31SISNO) 39 3 x. o1nOHS 1N3Wd013A30 3Sn-03XIW 3111N3 3Hl 1N3Wd013A30 319NIS V NI S3Sn 1VIIN30IS311 10 /ONV'3)1110 '1Vg83WN0) 3NI9WO) SDAOld 3SO-03XIW saugaping u8isaa Al 91r 4C S3NI130in'O NJOIS3a Al[ 38n1)311H)8Y 9NIOlins 3Hl 1N3W3ldWO) 01nOHS SMSOM3 HSM M31A )118nd WOU 03NBDS 38 O1nOHS 1NIWJ1003 lY)INYH)3N 11Y -3uwaws jol aleudaddt iou ane samal, no said plug uieq) . •)ygnd ayi of algisiA istal anagm pans put sleuaiew lleM no 3wdtsputl yiiM pauaans aq isnw put valad ayi uiyuM s8mplmq 3ulpunanns ay se snolo) put sleuaiew neliwis 3wsn pau3isop aq pinoys want 3wpeol put sannsolma ysenl •algissod 1! papiont aq pinoys siapptl ssam !oa jouaix3.3uiplinq aq) )a nouaiui aq) waJ pap!Aad aq pinoys ssa»t Jooy •pauaans uagm uaAa ivawdmba hipin put siaiaw ssant of alge aq pinoys saiuedwo) 3 lim Alsap 3uiplmq ay oiui paitn3aiu! Alpnuaiiy»t an itgi sannsolma uwyiiM pa)eld aq pinoys'slaued Impala se y)ns'stane aouAas bon . Aisap Bwplmq JIMAO ayi oiui paien3aiui dpnjam aq pinoys put 3uiplmq lnewud ayi y1iM leuaiew put 'aiis 'adeys 'polo) ui algiiedwo) Apennuauyont aq pinoys 3uivaans ayl •ivawdmba joingm paiunow Joa uaans of pau3isap sivawala lt,ni)aiiy»t no 'sape3e} pay lid 'siadened aieno(nom pinoys s}oa pay)iid -Mol no )ED qvm s3mppnq 'Mau )ilgnd wall pauaans aq pinoys 'snaitay put snauoiiipuo) nt 3uipnlwi 'puna3 no low ayi uo ivawdmba Ie)Iuey)aw Iltl • •papioa aq pinoys sailnadad ivaApe ay noll amsmu a aitan hew iegi ails dut uo sumuun} 3ulMaua$ nopo put asioN luiplmq /newud se saysiug put sleuaiew nepwis to aq pinoys slleM uaanS . •3uwdespuel no 'suuaq 'sptM 411M MaiA )ilgnd wont pauaans aq pinoys put 3uiplmq t to sapis Jo ratan ayi of palmol aq pinoys '3uwpA)an put yseni 3uipnl)ui 'seam a3enois noopinp •aseyd ivawn)op uoimuisuo) ay it )g2n04inai }e ut st ump nayitn 'ssa)ond u3isap 3uiplmq Alnta ay )o wd st paienodnoww aq pinoys sivawala asayl -uoii)unj s3wplmq ayi noJ AJessa)au WE iegi sannitaj no sivauodwo) 3wplmq an seam ows kipin SONlalltlg d0 Si33dSV HVIMlllln *I IV Design Guidelines TRASH ENCLOSURES SHOULD BE SCREENED WITH LANDSCAPING Cal FIFFTRI1711 PAMM W1110 BE PLACED WITHIN ENCLOSURES THAT ARE ARCHITECTURALLY INTEGRATED INTO THE BUILDING DESIGN X11 1�1 0 f! l { • Trash enclosures should be combined among parcels where possible and should be large enough to handle the refuse generated by the users and accessible for service vehicles. • A pedestrian entrance to the trash enclosure should be provided so that the large access gates do not have to be opened as often. • Recycling bins should be integrated into the enclosure. • Trash enclosures should be separated from adjacent parking stalls by minimum three -foot wide planters with low- growing plant materials to ensure that adequate space is available for passengers to access a vehicle in an adjacent parking space. • Gutters and downspouts on the exterior of the building should be decorative or designed to integrate with the building faSade. • Roof scuppers should not be used in areas visible to the street or public spaces. • Sheet metal vents, pipe stacks, and flashing should be painted to match the adjacent roof or wall material. • Common mailboxes should be designed similar in form, materials, and color to the surrounding buildings. • Stairways should be constructed of smooth stucco, plaster, or wood, with accent trim of complementary colors. Thin - looking, open metal, prefabricated stairs are discouraged. • Stairways should be designed as an integral part of the overall architecture of the building and should complement its massing and form. Exterior stairwells should not appear as "tacked -on ". • Ramps and guardrails used as a means of egress must conform to the criteria listed in the Uniform Building Code. • Guardrails should complement the architectural style of the building. NOVEMBER 21, 2005 S .ItI NOIS30 Al Lt 3i o S> dYnAS 4 A 9NI011nB 3H1 10 31OD311H)YV TnM3AO 3HI 10 19Vd 1VU931NI NV SV 03N91S30 38 OInOHS SAVMYIVIS S11VIS 9NIIVVd WOU 031V9Vd3S 39 O1nOHS S3inS01)N3 HSV81 ti ujamd BuiAed flmpunouns ay1 Q yiiM pualq o1 pawaal dpranuavy»e aq pinoys sia)aw )ijuala put set jalem se y)ns 's1IneA Alms •sa�eds anbiun put leuoia)un} a1ean o1 ugisap axis aya o)ui palei8aluw aq pinoys sdwej 'algissod aaayM IV l Design Guidelines 61 BUILDING SHOULD BE INTEGRATED INTO THE OVERALL SIGN DESIGN. J. SIGNS Signs play an important role in the success of any business by providing necessary identification and advertising. Signs integrated into the building design provide a personal quality that contributes to the ambiance of the commercial complex or streetscape, especially the more unique signs. Conversely, signs can intrude upon pleasant surroundings when applied as an afterthought. These guidelines are intended to balance the legitimate advertising needs of businesses with the need to prevent visual clutter. • Signs should be in scale with and in proportion to the primary building faSade so that the signs do not dominate the appearance. • Sign colors, materials, and design should be compatible with that of the primary building faSade. • Painted wood and metal are appropriate materials for signs. • Signs that reflect the type of business through design, shape, or graphic form are encouraged. • The method of attaching the sign to the building should be integrated into the overall sign design. • Signs on canopies and awnings are encouraged. • Signs should not cover up windows or important architectural features. • Window signs should be pedestrian- oriented and restricted to a maximum percentage of window area and letter height. • A single development with more than five users should provide a unifying sign theme through a sign program. • Where several tenants occupy the same site, individual wall- mounted signs should be used in combination with a monument sign identifying the development and address. • flush- mounted signs should be positioned within architectural features, such as the window panel above the storefront or flanking the doorways. , �0W/KT'0W/K_ G SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 21, 2005 s 6tSU1 Sal [n'0 NJOIS30 Al 03113131d SI SdWVI 010131HS 1VN131x3 W011 NOIIVNIWn111 D31ION1 039V000)N3 -sdis uo algisie aq aou Am suopauuo) lt)uP013 •pasn aq aou AM ystH put aataa y)iyM SU21S •paaigiyad si laued dis aaqua ue jo uoptuiwnlli leumul •paijajaid si dwtl paplaiys 'ltwaaxa ut wa} uoiatwtunpi a)ajipul •pahinwsip Alho as an siauwgei u8is paaeuimll! Aptuwaaw ')iaseld -sawn leiauapisaj auanfpe jo 'soant 'sueuasapad uo ajtl8 himpad anoyaiM u81s ay aatulmlli oa leuoiamip aq pinoys su8is aouaaxa HE Jo 294811 •suoiaeAouaj put uoia)njasuo) Mau yaoq jol pa8eanomp AlIluoaas an su8is alod 'larval puna8 01 u81s aya }o woaloq ay woaj aaa} ay8ia jo wnwiuiw a aq pinoys ajaya 'sdis 8m8uey 8mualad Alielmipuadaad joi -ssauisnq aya jo so8ol jo slogwAs 8watiodiomw Aq ssauisnq aya to asn aya uallaa pinoys put Ilews aq pinoys sdis 8mualad -coop aya }o apis ay oa jo joop aq) anoge asnf 'a)uejaua ssauisnq ay jeau paat)ol aq kw u8is 8wvaload V •Ituoissa}oad E Aq padisap aq pinoys su8is hipueasaaaj •apo) aq) Aq paMopt a8eaool aatnbs aquas oa uoiaippe w paMolle aq pinoys put pahinowa si Su81s w 8wlieaap aniaeaasnlli put leanadln)S •saeiaewaalt leJnadln)s ajow jo 'spoo8 jo sAtldsip 'su1sap aniaMsnlli 'ltnaxaa -uou Aq pawtyua jayajnl aq Am anq IltMapis aya uo awasaid Iieaaa amqua un AeM- }o -ig3u )ilgnd ay ui sAtldsip put su8is 8wputasaaq •pahinoma an sauaua auoilajoas it 8wned aya oam pamodionw suBiS . IV J Design Guidelines This page intentionally left blank. �s DOWNTOWN GILROY SPECIFIC PLAN �t NOVEMBER 2I, 2005 IS 3sn amyl A 1)uls!a kAaleg . 1)ulSla U0111sutil . 1)!ilsla uo!surdx3 uMoluMoa . u!ilS!a Aiauue) . 1)!ils!a slid lPjraIn3AIA13 . 1)lgsla )Iio1sIH UM01UMoa . :SMOIIOj Se OR SPASM xis ayl •Allunwwo) ay Aq pauolsma alels ainlnj a41 aAa!y)t uo!1)as Yea dlay 01 uMoluMoa a41 jo tair y)ea ioj uoluai!p aA!S ll!M 'saugap!d uS!sap se paM se ' spiepuels 111awdolaAap put asn puq •luawdolaAap aimnj ioj UOISIA ielm!lied r sey nuls!a 4)e3 •s ws!a xis o)ul ease uMoluMoa ayl sap1A!p ueld )9!)adS ayl 'paM011e lou S! put s! Mm 01e1)!p swioj Su!pI!nq put sa!11A!ue pailsap ayl aiagm y)roidde Suluoz „asn- paxlw„ r WIN Aq s! 4)eoiddt paseq- l)uls!p a41 -uo!l!puo) ainlnj pai!sap a41 lioddns ley spirpuelS luawdolaAap put sasn jo asuei paiOI!el a pur UOISIA anblun r sey pAs!a y)ta 'y)eozdde uuls!p ayl ul •s1)ulslp 2uiuueld pallor stair )ly Woas uo paseq s! ueld )9!)adS ayl 'A asn purl uo paseq Suluoz asn -alks ayl 01 isealuo) ul •(uolsi� III ialdr4) ul paq!i)sap put Al!unwwo) ayl Aq pauo!SIAUa SIr02 ayl Raw 01 put 'ueld leiauag a41 Aq pale)OApe Se 'A IAIM jo mod lt)oj t st uMoluMoa ay ys!lgelsaw o1 iapio u! y)roiddt Swuoz asn -pax!w E sluasaid luawn)op SIT `aiojaiayl •ainleu ue!p!l)n3 S1! az!w!mw 01 sp0ylaw ia410 put sAtliaAo snourA jo asn ay al!dsap 'wlrai Alpua!ij-utulsapad '3u!11AU1 ue SuldolaAap 01 siauieq saltan ualjo sasn Smltiedas jo y)eoidde 'utap!l)n3 io 'asn -alhis Sly) ')anaMOH -sasn jo las )y!)ads asoyl of Aldde 1r41 spiepuels luawdolaAap a41 Aq palelnSai iaylinj s! put '•)1a 'a)!}jo 'Ie!luap!saz 'a)!Aaas 'I!elaz le!)aawwo) •a-! 'sadh asn purl )g!)ads ioj sl)u1s!p Suluoz punon pazludio s! a)ueulpio 21Uuoz le)ldAl V H3v0addV 03SYS -,i OlHiSIQ •uMoluMoa u! 1U8w1SaAU10i aleAUd ioj aA!1Ua)Ul ue Se arias 01 put ameiradde 31laylsae IIe)aAO ay1 aAoidwi o1 papualul osle aae spatpuels asayl •tai¢ Apn1s ayl u! aSew! urgin pai!sap ay1 a)iojwai 01 papualu! air spaepuels wawdolaeap put asn Purl a41 'sawlap!d u8!sap ayl 411M laa)uo) ul •uMoluMoa ayl 10 ME LIM w dolaAap 01 pamolle aq II!M sasn asayl M04 put an ))o pin04s ley) sasn jo sadk ayl aoj UOR)ai!p paugai ap!Aoid ll!M 'Aling!)ads aiow 'put 'UOISIA uMoluMoa Ileaano M SulAa!y)t paeMO1 a8ue4) ap!n8 dlay II!M aiay paluasaid spirputls luawdolaAap pue asn Purl ayl (•S)uawanoidwl )!lgnd put, uo!le)y!lneag ade)slaailS) IA aa)dt4) w paluasaid air wleai )!lgnd ayl ioj sau!lap!n8 u8!sap put (sau!Iapmg uslsaa irin))a)14)ad) Al )alde43 w paluasaid air wleai aleAUd ay1 ioj samlapms us!sap aINA lialdey) s141 w pallelap WE Put ease ueld )9!)adS ayl ui luawdolanapai put luawdolaAap 2ulp!n8 aoj slool Aiolrinsai air spiepurls luawdolaAap put sasn purl pan!waad 'eaie urld )9!)adS ayl u1y11M s1)u1S!a lenp!A!pui a41 ioj luawdolaAap ainlnj iaals II!M leyl san!lod jo )as alaldwo) a wioj 'salliadoid aleA!id put )!lgnd ioj sau!lap!n8 us!sap 411M Suole 'spaepuels luawdolaAap put sasn purl iaylasol Uaslel uayM No iomov.1l11 SaBraNYls 1N3Nd013A3a ANY '3Sn aNYI 'S13a1S10 A 1I � LRUT SF DISTRICTS MAP now/NTOV/K CJLROY SF WN /I 1 ►1 SS 3sfl amyl A •»ia ;sia ay) aoj sauilapm8 u8isap le)uawaiddns put spiepuns )uawdolaeap anydadde awwaa)ap of pa)lnsuo) aq isnw aaidty) siy; jo uoipas »iaasia a)eiadoadde aq) 'simno auawdOlaeap Mau ajojag •uuasia aye joj spieputas ivawdopAap put asn puel aq) Bulmopoj 'suoi»as 131jasia ay1 uiyaiM ja)dty) siya w papuoid aq slew vwasia jelmiaied a of A uo )yi)ads sawlapm8 u8isap jeJn))ajiy»e Ieuoi;ippe '(sawlaping u8isaa jeJn))a)iy»q) Al aaldey) w pawasaid sawlapin2 aq) of ajaype )snw s )afad pt al!qM •sida)uo) put sanssi gwplmq put 'adt)spuel 'a)is jo a3utJ a uo awepm8 apinad )eyl saugapm8 disap Aq paa)anp osle si wowdolmap aan)nj 'ueld )gi)adS sly) jo suoisinoad spatput)s )uawdolanap put asn puel paaeln8aa aya of uoiaippe ul •»uasia Aq paivasaid an spatpum asayi 'aaadty) s1q) ul •) ;a Bwlaed jo ummol Builied paainbai 'IlEmapis put )aaj)s of diysuoaElaa 'saug oa -plmq ` )egaas luissew 'sawasip xis ay) jo y)ea joj glay Swplinq •a•i 'asn y)ea jo awtwjopod ay) of imiiun aie )ey) spieputls juawdolanap a)is )grads 6q palelngaa aay)anj s► )uawdOlaAap 'paMOpt sasn puel jo adh ay) Sw)eln8aa oa uogippe ul 7)ulsia )yi)ads t ui paMope si asn puel )gi)ads a aayiagm awwjaiap oa pailnsuo) aq )snw ia)dey) ay) jo uoivas siy) 'sam)o )uawdopnap Mau WON TaR utld )yi)adS ay) jo awlsia yea uiy)iM sasn putt paligiyojd put 'paniwjad Alruopipuo) 'panimad ay saiedisap angel sass paniwjad a 'aaidEq) siy) uiyaiM aUM3 SIH1 SNISO a J Land Use PROJECTED BUILD—OUT As part of the Specific Plan process, a projected build -out analysis was conducted for environmental and traffic analysis purposes. The following table summarizes the results of the analysis and reflects a theoretical build -out maximum for the Specific Plan, which has a twenty year life from 2005 -2025. It was generated with generalized assumptions and does not take into account environmental constraints or application of all development standards on each specific parcel. Recommended Buildout Assumption Buildout % Undeveloped Developed % 60% 10% (60% of undeveloped property will buildout and 10% of developed properties will increase in size) Existing Development (sq h) Proposed FAO Estimated Commercial Development % Estimated Residential Development % Commercial Buildout on undeveloped Properties (sq ft) Residential Buildout on Properties (dwelling units) Estimated Additional Commercial Buildout on Properties (sq h) Additional Residential Units on Properties (dwelling units) Commercial Buildout (sq ft) Residential Dwelling Units New Parking spaces (assume 3 per 1000 sq h + 1.75 per dwelling unit) Historic 459,646 2.50 44% 56% 31,617 50 41,122 65 72,738 116 421 Expansion 517,208 2.50 44% 56% 154,399 246 127,095 202 Cannery 79,372 2.00 19% 11% 171,185 524 9,724 30 180,909 554 1512 Cannery project 202,000 2.00 29% 71% 45,000 206 0 0 Transitional 259,549 1.50 69% 31% 78,552 44 62,714 35 141,266 79 563 Civic/residential only 42,508 1.50 40% 60% 0 0 7,322 14 Gateway 199,155 0.75 73% 27% 213,443 135 52,322 24 Total 1,769,438 694,197 1,205 300,298 371 394,914 749 2,495 Commercial (sq. h.) Residential dwellin units Total New Construction (20 year plan)= 994,495 1 1,576 TABLE 5.1 - RECOMMENDED BUILDOUT ASSUMPTION Please note the above table does not apply to parcels that are not likely to transition within the next 20 years, such as the Catholic church and school, the Civic and Cultural Arts centers, the Cannery Project, and lots slated for future public parking. rte a� r -A NTOW/K CfILROY SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 21, 2005 ss ,s { ` 3Sn aNyi /A 319VI Shn 0311IW93d - Z'S 31OVI •sumupuo) put suoileldai hulsia ayl 8wAlddt jo asodmd ayl aol asn poynsap a oa javtaep w aelpis si algtl sash paniwaad ayl w palsil iou asn Aue iou ao jayaagm Isanbai umpm uodn'awwialap pegs aodisap q jo uoissiwwo) 8wuutld ayl •paligiyad si asn ayl 'uMoys si logwAs ou ajayM •(1 a y im panugisap) asn Amodwal t se Aluo pawmad ao '() a pm pswdsap) uoissiwwo) 3uiuueld ay3 woaj liwaad asn leuoilipuo) a qvm Aluo paniwiad 1( ut pm pamulsap) panitund 111tuompuown aie sasn jo /aiaee t jayaagm samipuw algtl asn paniwad ayl 318Y1 MR a3111N83d 3 IAniodwal 'sales aeilowolnd X X 6X saleS amlowolnd 11x olX nwas put Aitdal aeilowolnd X olX sales sued OA[lowolnd Rwluwed 9 qdq 6po8 anilowolnd X X 6X asnoH uoiuny X X ipnipuq 'lry X X X X X fX saualltg jo soipnlS )isnW put ')ilstuwAg 'aoueQ uV X X X X asn 3Jewud se ssa»b lauwalul pue ape).ry X X X medal a)ueilddV X X X X dogs anbilutl X ao}}o AituualatileudsoH lewiud X X X 8ulwoag lewiud puma "29 �X rpw-a bluu? 11 P.M.Q - FUONSMl PL4$!Q SIN Iir4IuJPW3 1X Pulad UOIM63 molumoo VIL490 )ua1!H umopmm 8uiping (ewiuy uoisslwwo) 8uwuvW Xq poiutfi lawad asH p:uoglPuoI IMA duo paniuwd = 3 aso Auodwal = 1 auiuuad tuogi uo)u •sumupuo) put suoileldai hulsia ayl 8wAlddt jo asodmd ayl aol asn poynsap a oa javtaep w aelpis si algtl sash paniwaad ayl w palsil iou asn Aue iou ao jayaagm Isanbai umpm uodn'awwialap pegs aodisap q jo uoissiwwo) 8wuutld ayl •paligiyad si asn ayl 'uMoys si logwAs ou ajayM •(1 a y im panugisap) asn Amodwal t se Aluo pawmad ao '() a pm pswdsap) uoissiwwo) 3uiuueld ay3 woaj liwaad asn leuoilipuo) a qvm Aluo paniwiad 1( ut pm pamulsap) panitund 111tuompuown aie sasn jo /aiaee t jayaagm samipuw algtl asn paniwad ayl 318Y1 MR a3111N83d SON Ia a38143noN NYIld r,:)$ A08'lQ NAOlNA0G 319V1 S3Sn 03111WB3d - Z'S 319V1 ash puEi S(uoiidwnsuo) alas up) satg /soleS aonbil X basinN ade)spuEl X ] ] yx (kisal put g»Easq) Aaomogel x X ] laioW 'la1ON X X X X x X 9uoiiedm)p awoH x X x X x X o!pniS 4iltaH /wniseuwAg X X x X X x (ia )pEwjadns ION) ilaa ao MIS AMOAD 1 1 1 1 1 1 IE"!isa3 X X x x x yX dogS Ado3/2w4silgnd doi lsaa ] ] IIEH awea X x AlgwassE pue hunimputw i42il 4iiM hisnpw ahuo] x x x x x ivaw4sggEis3 DIARS /saIES 2w4101] ] ] woos pAE] X a2EaoiS pue salES sleuaieW 8wppnq X x x AaIIV 2ullmo9 X X sales aphioioW pue 1EOg x x x ivawgsggeis3 ISE)JEaag puE pag x x il] il] lEI)Jawwo] 'Aialeg X x x x X X asnoH aajjo] /A,ajEg x x x X x JUE9 x 01 do4S aril angowoinV x 01X uogeiS amlosEg angowoiq X 4sEM R] angowoinV uulSIO AEMajED puls14 klauuE) pulsla IEUOI)lSUEJ j PUISIC s31v jE1nllnjp!Al] pulsld UoISUEdx3 UMO)UMOG uuISIQ )uo3SIH uMoluMo4 uoissiwwo] EwuuEld Aq paiufA umad asn leuompuo] qum Aluo paiuiwad = ] asp A,ejodwal = 1 aumad Allmoilipumn = ash puEi x , 3Sfl ONvI A 118V1 Shn 0311IWN3d - Z'S 318V1 (sales sued ao hiliuewsip ON) paeA Mol X X X X eX (aap!Aoad pasm!l) )!mq AdEaagl X X X X X X Aalea41 X X ialiewaadnS X aaow ao -i} -bs 100'OS saleS IleloV X X it 'bs 000'OS o) 'il 'bs 100'01 saleS pelad X X X X X ssal Ao 'IJ •bs 000'01 salES I!EiaB X X ggnwgj anup qa!M minElsq X X X X X X luumsag X X X X wawgs!Igeis3 guwau!ed ug!S /gu!)u'Jd X X wawgs!lge)s3 spaE!II!8 W 100d X X X X X $X i sa)!,uaS lEuosJad X X dogS uMed X X X X X X (guPPEd al!gowo)nd) )01 gu!slaEd u0ueanal /auawasnwn aoopino X X X X X yX a�9)0 X / Ipu3 gu!iu!ad aadedsMaN X X ) ljonwaa) Ao kiEnuoW X X X rX )wiq /a)J10 IEluaO ao ln!paW X X X X ) (Aluo aaa8 pue aulm) 5gu!lsel gaits salES Jonb!1 X X s (uoUdwnsuo) ai!s Jjo) saleS ionb!1 pylsIQ ArmalED ppisld Alauut) u1J1s10 ItuoillSUE1j ppisld Riv jvnljn)p!ti) Ap1i14 uoisuEdx3 uMolumoo . _ PUISIQ 3901SIH uMoluMoo uoissiwwo) guwuueld Aq paluwg UwJad aSn leuo!1!pu0) 411M Aluo pa)l!uuad = ) asp Amodwal = 1 aui►wad Allruoilipumun SOOZ `IZ a3IMAON INV'ld 1Jlr33dS AOIJ- 3, NAOiNAOG 319V1 S3Sn 0311103d - Z'S 319V1 1 1 1 1 1 1 saleS/y oog Joopino 1 1 1 1 101 aul sewislig 1 1 1 1 1 Jun sa ;UpjodwOl X X x x tx 6x zsliun lequop q X X x X X s1alJeno s aalEian) asnoH 8wwoog Jo BuipJEog sasn plumpsn ] ) ) ) ) (sluapn1S Z I < OJEnud) IooVS x x x X x t (sivapn3S Z I> alEeud) I004)S x x x x ex uopmosul snoi8ilaa x x x x x x Alipel )!Ignd x ) x ) Vx IIEH IEwaleJl 10 'qnl) Apol x ) wnimiurS 'awoH Isq 'lelidsoH x x x x ) Jalua) ale) AEo x x x x x yx Jalua) A Iunwwo) x 01x DIAJaS a)uEingwV s sn )ygnd -! i d Pylsia AEMaIE9 l)IJ)SIQ haUUE) l)IJ;SIQ IEUOIIISUEJ1 pylsld Sliv lE1nlln)pul) pulslQ uolsuEdx3 uMoluMod l)U)SIQ )UO)SIH UMOIUMOd uoisSiwwo) guiuuEld Aq palufA aiwlad asn leuoiaipuo) 411m Aluo pa»iwlad = ) ash AJelodwal = 1 auiwlad A euogi uo)u ash pu-el Footnotes to Permitted Uses Table I. The requirement for a Conditional Use Permit does not apply to businesses whose primary use is the preparation and service of food and liquor is served as a clearly ancillary use. 2. Residential units may be allowed in conjunction with an existing business. All residential unit projects within commercial zones shall comply with the following guidelines: a. The number of residential units shall not compromise the quality or character of any existing or proposed businesses located on the same property; b. The number of residential dwellings shall be limited by the availability and provision of off-street parking stalls or as allowed by ordinance; C. All bedrooms proposed for residential use shall meet minimum square footage requirements in compliance with the Uniform Building Code; and d. Open space shall be provided, when feasible. 3. A Conditional Use Permit may be granted to an auto - related sales business for up to four temporary auto sale events on the same property within one calendar year. 4. These uses are unconditionally permitted on the second story and above. Anytime these uses are proposed for the first floor (sidewalk level), a Conditional Use Permit is required. 5. Requests for new ABC liquor licenses is subject to review and approval of the City's ABC Committee and the Chief of Police. 6. Permitted only if the regulations of Section 40, Home Occupations, of the Zoning Ordinance are met. 1. Commercial uses providing needed services of a personal nature. Personal services generally include barber and beauty shops, nail salons, tanning and spa salons, seamstresses, tailors, shoe repair shops, dry cleaning (except bulk processing plants), and self service laundries. 8. Uses offering the primary personal services of massage, tattoo and /or piercing are prohibited. 9. Indoor only for the display and sales of automobiles with no repair or servicing. 10. Not permitted on any parcel fronting on Eigleberry Street or on those parcels that may front a side street on the one -half block west of Gourmet Alley. 11. Day boarding only allowed, no overnight boarding. 12. Must have a prominent ancillary retail outlet or use. 13. Must be approved by a Conditional Use Permit if within 150 feet of a residential use. V LAND l Land Use This page intentionally left blank. DOWNTOWN CfILROY SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 2I, 2005 V LAND USE ��. soon Ia a3ew3noN NYId MAM3d$ A08'l13 NAOlNMOQ sasn jo isg alaldwo) a joj olgel sasn pauluuad of jaja8 , liwjad asn leu011ipuo) a 48na41 Sams llnpd algenaddt (a)jawwo) jo aagwty) 'buOgE IaeeJl) aanhaliy)at amodio3 Al! ^!ht utulsapad gSiy yliM sasn nitias pauag (anuae )isnw ae s ;uejne)saJ y8noay1-anuQ q `ewaw)'Suge�ls a)i A Jalloa `ape)JE 'Jaltayl 'asnoyAeld) wawuielJalu3 a8twaj laaals le Ieiluapisay lielaa aaeo sluawlaedt put sa)yjp 8w�nhelnuew `a8e.�ols (sauape8 ue `gaols salts put sAeldsip aligowolne Aaa)aB llews 'wA8 anOTH 's umnsai Aliwtj 'Suiuip joopw Won sad/4 Ile jo sa mas aligowolnd 0 aug 'aaolslooq 'aa})o) 'litlaj 41mads) uonnuauo suogels DIMS put seg . laa4s put Waydsoww anbiun pm Iielaj wal hails SS3S(j OUISIH08d SOSQ OVIS30 sainwils )uolsiy 10 asn -aa aeildepe SuileJodjo)m awauadxa leinlln) -illnw t sapUad sape»e put WILE gwlMoq se yms 'sasn wawweljawa paluauo 41noA sapuad aanhaliy)ae Amodwawo) A,eluawaldwo) Buim011e IIRs aliyM sltualew put SLUM wolsiy SINOW ainhaliy»d lepaawwo) puwgaq pamol gwlied yliM 'staJt lepaawwo) ay )n042nOa41 sands put sdoys of SLUM put k4nd wall sah lull sapuad saumnlaoddo Fuiddoys put 'sajei 'sweantlm 411M apis aaylia uo lM1S AWWOW aug sgwplmq Aa01S -aaJ4l of -oMl snulsip lua)e(pe of suoivauuo) ueulsapad 3uoals put riyggiaaals `saywaq'sialueld padt)spuel agael yliM sIRMONs uMOluMOp aft swaea lepads aaylo put Swlloals '3w4)leM aldoad 'slalitw ,siawiEl 'zzEl'sa)uep siawjopad hails jo Alaute t jolt Aliunlioddo alean stzeld put SON ue )ilgnd put swtlunol: yliM sands joopino anbiun jo sauas a sapuad Iielaa aoog puna8 puiyaq ao aeoge palmol an sa)ylo put sluawlaedd saquq)e luawmtlaalua Put 8wwp 'Swddoys ptlaj Alilenb -014 Rm sanoy Ewddoys papualxa yliM ajaydsowle jn04-6Z t sapiead uMoluMod ui uoiltupsap wawweuawa put litlaj Ajtwud ayl se samas a313rarHO lOialsIa 1)181SI0 )1801SIH NMO1NM00 3H1 Ni 3Sn 1BVWI8d V SI 11V131 1NOY3 133815 03aU08d 38 0100HS 383HdSOW1V WHIZ V HoISIA :)IvoislH NM,OtNOQ ash puel 19 3sil aNYI A aal nay -ui Ruikd Aq payspes aq kw nuawannbai 8wpped p shun 6 /ands 1sad I + 1pun /sands S -I -Is 008 < spun lepwappsaa slpun g /ands lsan8 I + sun /ands I -Is 008 > spun lep)uappsaa js 006 /ands I :sa)yj0 saaAoldwa )jpys 6 /ands 1+ stas q/ands 1 xlutJne)say js 00S/ands I :11Eaa8 *muawaainbaa 2ul laEd (8w>ped paumo -)ijgnd ldana) Aluo Arai up pall'Md :U0IW)0l Sup)laEd sallddd SNIMHVJ .133a1S 140 Alddd spaepuq aoppaao) peoal!El (salims 6-() AS :xtW (sou1lop q luoaj )aaa)s )e ,SZ :u!W u31sa0 of Jaja8) apmej ,06-OZ 3421aH 8u1ppng ltuopiptal amildai of pau8isap scull I43is apiyae uo wapuadap p oiddyi aq Ileys a3tluwj 1aails Supped g SUM aeup alepowwoM aeauy jo 06 < 411m s8upplm8 oI JS WAIS AaJaluoW to Ise3 sla )Jedi L apenj )U01j ay ,01 :txeW 101 aaujo) ,0 :iupW lol Jaujo) wojj passam aq Ileys sapaols ,O :Iulw Aral A :u!W appS ylinoj put pJpy) ayl jo suoplaod .SI :xeW luai ,0 :upW luai :waoi hippn8 :slpEglaS HHOA NYSbn (joog punoA larval laaa)s anoge suaww&) (tpluappsay IEijuapisal (joog puna8 luoaj 1aaj)s puwyaq jo aeoge'sad/4 Ile) sa)gj0 (asnoyAeld `ewaup) luawullnDIU3 (snjy) -aeup Rupp pa) sluunelsaa (Aialld )n 'sslooq 'aajjo)) pt)aa IElluapisay uoN (1511 3131dH03 80A 319Yj S3Sn 03111N83d 01 83 38) S3Sn A8rNI8d SaaYaNvis ulw ,o Aelle.. O O 1 C.) ulw ,0 /-� lol aewoo s -,o Iuewennbei 0993WS ON xew ,o L ♦31A NVIJ 0 X A31A WW3S 8VI S'Z :Ivj xeW WON ash -paxlw ao /puE imuapisay uoN JUISN31NI 10I111Sla 31a01SIH HAMMA00 soot IZ a31IMMON NY1d MAM3ds AOall3 NAOlNALOQ 'sau4 Azadozd uowwo) hole siwod ssam ueulsapad azeys pinoys saiwadozd iva)elpe :dluo Swplmq ay1 )o apis auo uo ssam ut14sapad zoj pasn aq Heys sll)tgias apis 'stazt zoopino slzegias iuoz) ay1 auyap zayiznj put aEpa adt)siaazis ay hole agpa 3lmq snonu!iuo) a mean dla4 of sjmq)aS ap!S wails ayi put Swplmq aq) ummaq zo raze Izeglas pztA mil Aut w4UM paiiiwaad )ou si 8uiIzed •(sa)ueziva Swplmq of agessed zeal) wnwiww iooj -zno} a unzisgo zo arm jo 148u zilgnd a41 w a8essed utulsapad jo auoz zeal) wnwimw iooJ-uaeas a uo 88mzJw iou saop Ewieas st hol os) stale Swltas zoopino zo aje) put 'seals kldsip pnaz '2uiderspuel apnl)uw slzegias iuozj aq) w sasn algemolle 'a)uauadxa ueuisapad ayi u04)2uaJis of swawa13 1pEglaS )uoz3 algemollV •(Molaq uol))as sshegin) zauzo) aq) of za}az) sivawannbaz slztgin) zauzo) wnwiww a41 oiui apnziui o1 paMolle aq Swplmq a ll!m awi) ou ie zaeaMOH jaazis ayi 01 zasol) palt)ol aq Ileys s8uipling zauzo) 'ade)siaazis aq) uo uedwi ue aee4 Him sll)egias algeuee ay3 914m w 1zomawezj a mean of put snl)olq iaazis jo szauzo) 941 auyap dla4 of •sl)olq Yea ulyllm /aueA Iensm awns apuozd put azuauadxa utizisapad a41 y)uua piM sands asa41 •8mddo4s put'8wuip zoopino'seaze hams zoopino zoj sands jo uoiitan 041 JOJ Mope 01 s13egias SUTAzeA 6I14311s 411m ` L'maNs aq) 03 wa)tlpe a8pa 3lmq snonwiuoz a mean of wit pinoys sjmgias 1aaz1S AazaiuoW 'aztjg2nozoq) uwew %umoiumoa aq) sd sipEglaS auoz3 •pa8eznozsip ale sasn a)yjo lsow put Swplmq Aue jo o2nuoz} )aazis ayi It zoog lszy a43 uo pamOHt iou Ieiluapisaz 'UMOiumoa aq) w huiue ueumsapad 8whinoma jo walm a43 411A algel sasn pamuuad uqd )ynadS aq) w pauipno an sasn algtmolly -AaHd lawznog jo jjo azuezlua /Gewud a y3iM amado hew sassawsng -jams ieyl uo apeze} put a)uezlua lZewud a weluwew )snw 3aaziS AazawoW Ewiuwj sgmpimq pd •soastd pug ssllemapis a)ej Aluewud Him ruizisip asayl w s8uiplmq a41 wzoi uEgan ash puri R. _y.._F___J E ;t� yyFI�F -Swplmq aq) jo apis Mlo a41 uo IptMapis jo oared a put 8luplmq ayl jo apis auo uo hails AajaluoW a)tj 1ey1 s8luplmq ay ssaappe of papualuw si siyl - oared ueulsapad ao 'slleMapis lams t sa)ej ltyi ape3ej Aue Aq paugap si apeiej luoa j waalS Aa)a1uoW Euole sIlEmapis st pulsia siyl w paugap Sl sllEmapis laa)ls /Jewud •liwy 1034 041 aAoge pualxa 43I4M sllaewels scam joa put 'sljeys a)ieaas )olenala 'sluawala aaMO) st y)ns saanleaj lt)npavy))e 'sassa)oad paysllgtlsa g3noa4l 'aAaddt Ael.0 ANEW uoisieid Swuutld ayl -(awla8pu jo ladeaed) jooa s8luplmq a jo luiod 1say814 ay of 'lleMapis apt3tj luoij )o ' Irmapis lams kmwud ayl uo luiod 1sag2l4 ayl 1e pamstaw sl 142A llwppng •S1431aq wnwixew put wnwlulw LIM apnpui sluawa)inba) Swplmq 'uoil)odad 2wplmq- ol- laa)1s pa)utFq a man put luawuo)uua ueuisapad ayi uay haais dlay of 143'aH 8wppnq •apo) ledrnunW Aojlig jo 141) ay jo 09.OZ uop)aS ui yuoj ias air sivawaambaa asayl •uoivas)alw ayi it lliliq!SU sson ou aq ue) aaayi ley y)ns si punoA aq) jo inoiuo) ayi aaa4m sa)eld of )o 'SIVU21S 10 su2!S gulunm legjo'salod hipin )ilgnd of 6ldde lou lleys suoisinad Swoga)oj ayl -aun) aq) jo pua ay1 it bua8uel jo lmod ayl put amn) aq) jo RwuuiEaq aq) it buaSuel jo luiod aq) uawaq uMwp awl a 8uiaq p)oy) y)ns :ae)n) ay o1 paoy) a put aAun) ayl )o ME ayl Aq paqu)swn))i) ME ayl Euunseaw 6q paysilgtlsa si alEutul /liligisu 1431S 841 'SJ8UJO) papuna jo are) ayl ul •ll)adoad ayi ssa)e slulod 0#4 agl 8w1)auuo) put Jau.lo) a41 it uoil)as)alw awl li)adad ayl woaj Pal OZ hinseaw Aq paysggelsa si aoutul /Ggigisie g2is ayl'slMlS oMl jo u011)as)a1w ayi 1d „•al2ueul kgigisu 1481s„ a pane) osle si siyl :uoipasaaiui 6eMaeup )o ,(ape ue jo Pal ual uiyUM peal qan) laajls lua)ejpe ayl anoge laaj aajyl ueyl Jaygiy aq hays uoipnjlsgo jaglo ao'leualew 2umans ade)spuel `IlEm'a)uaj'ainpnils Eulplinq ON sj)rgjn) aauao) -awl ll)adoad )eaa ay woaj pamseaw aq Ileys put sail)ado)d leiluapisaj 1ua)t(pe uo sasn lemawwo) jo pedwi asiou put IenSU amiulw dlay piM sl)eglas )ea) asayl -(Molaq uoipas saaj nail -ul ay) 01)aja)) saaj nail -ui 8w6ed Aq pagsiles aq Arw hisl)ed paamba) ayl jo awos ygnoylle '(spaepueiS Molaq umpas aopu)o) ptalita ayl of )aja)) gwsl)ed aeaa alis -uo put ssane aeup alepowwom lsnw laaalS AoialuoW jo lsea sla))ed lulsl)td aa6oldwa )oj sands put '8mpeol lei)aawwo) 'sa)iMas /lililn 'ssam apiyae )oj hiltuoipunj Ewuirpi se IIaM se walsAs oared a yioq se 8uipe 'sapiyae put sutulsapad uaaMlaq „a)tds pa)eys„ a aoj Mope pinoys (Aapd )auunog guole) laaalS Aa)aluoW jo isaM sla))ed )oj qmpas )tay sj)>;gjoS nag soot V a3ilN3AOK Nrid MA»3aS Aoa113 NrolNroa •aOpuJo) pealieJ ayi of iumlpe eaae ialueld adeispuel wnwiuiw look -aeg a se paM se lies wolioq put, doi pue siels le)iijak yliM 'Ielaw palmiapMod jhelq'Ilel ioo}- xis 'apEA lei»awwo) aq II!m leyi u8isap 8upuaj ,paepueis„ V •sualed Iles aOJ uMOIuMOa ayl }o Mau 8uiseald Alle3114sae ue aiowad of JopuJo) siyl a)ej ieyi sapmj 8wplmq uo papinoad aq pinoys uoilelmiije leuoilippd -aaNnq padexpuel a pue 'aeiap ssam ue '8uiljed alis -uo alepowwom of auwl Aiiadad ay wall spegias jeaa looj- IS e apuad isnw 'aopujo) peoillei ayi inge ieyi pue 'jo apls lsam ayi uo WAS yluaeaS pue WAS siMal uaaMiaq sailjadad aopiaao) pealq -east, ueld )gpadS ay w 8wslaed jo uoisuoad ayl JOJ saa} Jo ainllpuadxa Put' uOlVapo) ayl salgeua ieyi punj uedwi 8uw )ped a alean lsnw Auk ayi 'siyi ysildwo»e of -sands 8uhlaed pajmbaj ilmqun Aue ao} 'Aii) ayl Aq pauiwaalap aq of lunowe ue w 'saaj hulled nail -w Aed of uoildo ayi asi»axa kw sasn IIV ll -uI •SJauMo Alaadad It,npuipui uaaMiaq pa8uejat, aq lleys pue pahinom m Aiaadad a jo jeaa ayl of slol luamlpe ssone sivawasea ssa»d 7ol ay jo jeaj ayl le 8mlied apuad of sailaadad jholq joualm of ssam Itmdpaj jolt Mope of pa8eanoma act, sawadoad jaujo3 •amidadde uagm 8uilied paaeys pue wapuel se yms suoilnlos 8uiped aeilewalle aeadde pue aapisuo) Aew ANEW uolsuia Suiuueld ayi 'JaBeueW uoisuia 8wuueld Aq panadde uagm piepuels Auk wall Agee Aew hulsip siyi ui suolsuawip Reis Supped 7uoal;ajols Iielaj leonod jo Sunsixa ue a)eldai iou Ileys pue JleMapis laaaiS AajaiuoW ayl of luanlpe pamol aq lou lleys sailipmj Supped aleAud MaN imis ay waj ualei aq kw ieai ay of ssaM al)iyae uayi 'Alillgissod ssam ieai ao apis ou Sl aaayl p 'sluawaalk ssa»e Ieioadpaa eie io 'sivawasea ssa»t, 'Aape 'siaaals apls ayi wa} ssa»e A1ewlid yliM '(2upy d )ilgnd paysilgeisa jo uoilda)xa ayi Ylm) lol ayi JO JEW aq) le palMOI aq lleys Supped laaais -go Sul lied ash puEl �•� J O za s f �a IN81,SIG NOISNVdX3 MAO1N//b,0U DOWNTOWN EXPANSION DISTRICT CHARACTER Land Use VISION • Provides uses that focus more on serving the residents of Gilroy, primarily retail with some pedestrian - friendly service commercial THE DISTRICT HAS OFFICE USES THAT SERVE LOCAL RESIDENTS SIDEWALK CAFES AND RESTAURANTS ARE ENCOURAGED • Creates a pleasing "Welcome to Downtown Gilroy" image through beautification and building upkeep • Monterey Street with street trees, improved sidewalks, identity signage, street furnishings and street crossings • Buildings adorned with unique signage and colorful awnings line the sidewalk, stepping back for an occasional sidewalk cafe • Parking lots are screened from street view, tucked behind or to the side of the buildings • Architecture should reflect historic forms and materials which complement contemporary architecture design • Paseos and sidewalks connect with the neighboring districts and rear parking lots DESIRED USES* • Retail • Restaurants and cafes • Offices above retail • Some commercial services • Visitor serving hotel, inn, B &B • Residential above street frontage (•J r•J DOWINTOW/N O SPECIFIC PLAN PROHIBITED USES* • Industrial /manufacturing • Residential at street frontage * Refer to Permitted Uses Table for a complete list of uses NOVEMBER 21, 2005 DOWNTOWN EXPANSION DISTRICT INTENSITY Non Residential and /or Mixed -Use Projects Max FAR: 2.5 FAR SECTION VIEW M E 0 LO E N No specific requirement STANDARDS OFF STREET PARKING PRIMARY USES (REFER TO PERMITTED USES TABLE FOR COMPLETE LIST) Non Residential Parking location: Retail Offices (all types, at ground floor) Lodging (B &B or inn) Restaurants Entertainment Uses (cinema, playhouse) Parking Requirements:* Service Commercial (video, dry cleaning, small appliance repair) Residential I space /500 sf Residential (apartments above street level ground floor) URBAN FORM I space /6 seats + I space /4 shift employees Setbacks: Building Form: Front Min: 0' Front Max: 15' Portions of the third and fourth Side Min: 0' Rear Minlff stories shall be recessed from Corner Lot Mint: 0' Corner Lot Max': 10' the front facade ILI Parcels East of Monterey Street and North of Buildings with > 40' of linear 1 Third Street Sl' street frontage shall be 'Approval dependent on vehicle sight lines designed to replicate traditional Building Height: 20 -40' facade (Refer to Design` Min: 25' at street front Guidelines) Max: 50' (3 -4 stories) Railroad Corridor Standards Apply PLAN VIEW OFF STREET PARKING Parking location: 10'malot Permitted in rear or on the side of the building sidewa Parking Requirements:* U ' min Retail /Entertainment: I space /500 sf I 15' max Restaurants: I space /6 seats + I space /4 shift employees Offices: I space /400 sf ILodging: I space /room + I space /2 shift employees Service Commercial: I space /500 sf DO alley 0' min Residential units < 800 sf: Residential units > 800 sf. I space /unit + I guest space /6 units 1.5 spaces /unit + I guest space /4 units * AN parking requirements may be satisfied by paying in -lieu fee \/ SAND USE SOOZ IZ a3GN3AON NrOId MADUS Aoav3 NAo1NAoa •sauy Avadad uowwo) 8uole slmod ssam ueuisapad ajeys pinoys saipadad iva�elpt !Aluo 8uiplmq ayi jo apis auo uo ssam ueuisapad zoj pasn aq Heys sImpas apis 'sean aoopno Ihegias ivaj ayi augap jayljnj put a8pa admslaajls ayi 8uole a8pa ilmq snonwluo) a alean dlay of slpeq)aS ap!S •laajis ayi put Suiplinq ay uaaMlaq jo taae shtgias pjtA luoaj Aue myiuM pauiwad iou si 8u»Ijed •(sa)ueaiva Suiplmq of ahssed asap wnwiuiw looj -anoj a i)njisgo jo km jo 142P oilgnd aq) w ahsstd ueuisapad jo auoz aeap wnwiww loo; -uaeas a uo 03wzJui iou saop Suiieas se Buol os) sE;uE Eupeas joopino jo aje) put 'sme kldsip Iieiaj `Suidempuel apnpui ssl)egias iva) ayi ui sasn algeMollt 'awauadxa ueuisapad ayi ua4l8uaJls of sivawa13 il)eq)aS luoa3 algeMolld •(Molaq uoihas sj)egln3 jauao) ayi of jalaa) sivawaambai Ipegin) jauao) wnwuiw ayi oiui apnjiw of paMolle aq Bmplinq a ll!m awil ou it aaeaMoH •laaals ayi of jasop palvol aq Ileys sEwplmq aauaoo'adosimis ayi uo Mdwi ue anq Ipm slheglas algeuee aq) y)igm w slioMawea} a alean of put sspolq laaals jo siauwo) aq) augap dlay of •I)olq 4)ea UIRM Alaute Iensu awos apuoid put a)uaiaadxa ueuisapad ayi y)uua piM sands asayl •8wddoys put '8uiuwp aoopino 'stage himas joopino joj sands jo uoiieazo ayi aoj Mont of sIpeglas hibn Apggils y1iM'slleMapis ayl of luanlpe a8pa llmq snonuiiuo) t gleam of wit pinoys slheglas iaajlS AajaiuoW'aje148noaoyi wtw s,uMoluMoa aq) sa sipeglaS auoa3 •Bwplmq Aut to Alua} iaaais ay ie aoog isig ayi uO paMOpe iou sl ItiivapisaJ 'uMOiuMOa ayi w ,41nii)t utuisapad 3ui2ejnowa jo ivalw ayi RM •algel sasn paulmad utld )yioadS ayi w paugino are sasn algtMolIV sasfl Aiew!ad Vulsia )uolslH uMOwMOa ayi se spApueis awts ayi of SuiJaype pug aaMaey) awes ayi Sulumaa 'wok uegjn ltuoiiipeii ayi anuiluo) HiM ioiJisia uoisutdx3 uMOluMOa ayi `hulsia 31 oisiH uMOluMOa ayi Jo uoisualxa ue sd •JeaJ Jo Ms ayi of MUM AiEWUd a 411m alezado Atw ssauwsnq V •Ewpped picAapis ao ieai of ssam jo} paysllgtlsa aq kw a)uejlua puo)as V •laajlS leyl uo apeoej put aouejlua /JEwIJd a wtlmew isnw iaajlS AajaluoW Swluoij sla»td Hq •soastd put slltMapis a)ej 6luewijd IPM shulsip asayl w sEwplmq ayl uuoj uegan ash purl is 3sQ aHVl A 'Swplmq aql Jo apis jaylo aql uo IlEmapis ao oased t, put, Swplmq aql Jo apis auo uo laaalS AajaluoW a)EI lt,yl s8mplinq ayl ssaippt, o1 papualui si siyl •oastd ut,ulsapad jo )leMapls 'lams a saoeJ my apeSeJ hue Aq paugap si apthq luoa J wails AaaaluoW hole sIlEmapis se 1)ulsia siyl w paugap si IleMapis laaals AJt,wud 'liwll 14294 ayl aeoge pualxa y)igm spahwels ssa»t, Jooa put 'slJeys a)inJas Jolenala 'sluawala JaMO1 se yons saanleaJ lt,anl)aliy)ae 'sassa)oad paysggelsa ygnoJyl aeoJdde kw AUIRW uoisuia guluuEld a4l '(auyaEpij ao iadt,aed) Jooi s,Swplmq t, Jo luiod 194214 041 01 'IleMapis W5eJ luoaJ ao )leMapis laajls Aaewiad a41 uo luiod W4214 941 1t, paJnst,aw si 142A SwplmB •slySiay wnwixew put, wnwimw yloq apnl)m sluawaimbai Suwplmq 'uoiljodoad Swplmq-ol- laaais pa)uelt,q t, MOD put, luawU0lUUa ut,ulsapad ayl ua4l8uaals dlay of 14210H hippnq •apo) ledioiunW Aalig Jo Au) aql Jo 09.OZ uoiluaS w yuoJ las an sluawajmbaa asayl wimsaalw aq) 1e Algigisie ss0D ou aq um ajay1 leyi yens si punoA ayl Jo anoluo) aql aaagm sa)t,ld of ao 'slt,uSis Jo SUM BwweM lt,i)g ;o 'salod hign )ilgnd of Aldde lou lleys suoisuad SuwoBajoJ aql 'aeon) ayl Jo pua aq) le huahel Jo mod ayl pue arum aq) Jo SuiumBaq ay 1t, buahE1 Jo lmod aql uaaegaq umEip ouil t, Suwaq ploy) y)ns 'aeam ayl 01 pJoy) a pue AM 0y1 Jo LIM ay1 Aq paqu)swnon) ease ay SUIJnsEaw Aq paysilgt,lsa si al2wil Auligisie lygis aq) 'saaUJO) papuna Jo ME) aq) ul •Auadad ayl ssont, sluwod 0M3 ayl Suihauuo) pue aauwo) aq) 1e uoiAasaaluw awl haadoad ay1 woaJ 1aaJ OZ Swanst,aw Aq paysggelsa si alEut,ijl Aliligisie ggis ayl 'slaaAs OMl Jo uoihasJalw ayl iq :al2ueul Aliligisu 1y21s„ a pallor osle si siyl :uovasialui kMaeup JO Aalle ue Jo laa) ual wyliM larval qJm laaals 1uDt,lpt, aq) aeoge laaJ aaayl ut,yl aag2iy aq lleys uOiunJlsgo aaylo ao'lt,iaalew Swuaaa)s ade)spuel'pt,M'a ) uaJ'ajnl ) njls Suiplinq ON sl)Egan) aauao) •(Molaq uoivas aaJ nail -ul aql o) jolai) saaJ nail-ui Suikd Aq pagsiles aq kw Swlit,d pannbai aq) ygnoylle 'Suilaed ieai alis -uo Put ssaM' aeiJp algissod aaagm alt,powwom lsnw laaals AMNOW Jo isea sla)red lui lied aaAoldwa aoJ sands Put' 'Suipeol lt,Daawwo) 'sa)uaas Alililn 'ssa»t, al)iyae aoJ Alileuowun) Sulumaj se paM se walsAs oast,d t, yloq st, Smue'sapiyae pue sut,ialsapad uaaegaq ,a)eds pajt,ys„ a joJ Mollt, pinoys (Aapd lawanog Suolt,) laajlS AaaaluoW Jo 3saM sla»t,d aoJ slpeglas seal sl)eq)aS aeay soot IZ 11311MAON Ntlld :)Id1:)3d$ A08110 N&O1Na0Q •suoJied IieJ Joll uMoluMod ayi }o Mau Suwseald Allmiiayisae ue aiowoJd of JopuJO) siyi a3t) ityi saptotll Buwplmq uo papinoJd aq pinoys uoiielmive leuoiiippV -ploy Aalsantal put iaaJ3S yival uawaq JopiJJo) ptoJlieJ ayi Jo aNs isea aq) 8uolt AeMyied ueiJisapad a mean of si uoissiwwo) saiilim )ilgnd put b) ayi }o ivaiuw ayl •JopiJJo) peoJlitJ aq) of ivanlpt ran Jaiueld adexputl wnwiuiw iooJ-any a se JIM st IieJ wouoq put doi put sails Imam qvm 'Inaw paitomapMod Iotlq `Ilti iooll -xis 'apEA ItpJawwo) aq piM ityi ugisap 8uiouaj ,piEpueis. apinoJd isnw JopuJo) ptoJlieJ ayi inge ieyi saivadad aopuJo) peoaliEN -taJt utld )yi)adS ay; ui Swslaed jo uoisinoJd ayi Joj saall jo aJniipuadxa put uoivallo) ayi salgtua ityi punt, uedwi Eui)aed t mean ism hid ayi 'siyi ysildwom of -sands SwslJed paJmbaJ ilmqun Aue Joll 'Aii) ayi Aq paumaiap aq of iunowe ut w 'saaj EuplJed nail -w Aed of uopdo ayi aS. xa kw sasn IIV ul •saauMo Auadwd Itnpuipui uaaMiaq paBueJJe aq Iltys A iadoJd t jo JeaJ aq) of siol ivanlpt ssont sivawasea ssa»V 7ol ayi jo JtaJ aq) ie Buislatd apinoJd of saiiJadad IJolq Jouaw of ssam It)oJdi)aJ Joll Mopt of pa8tanooua an saniadoJd JauJo) •aieiJdadde uayM EwpJed paJtys Jo wapun se y)ns suoiinlos BwpJed aniieuJaiJE Japisuo) kw J02"EW uoisuio 8uiuutld ayl •JagtutW uoisuio 8uiuueld Aq panoJdde uayM pJepueu Aii) woJ) AJEn Am uuisip slyi ui suoisuawip Iltis BulslJed MMS •luoJjaJois Bela, Ienumd Jo 8unslxa ue aoeldaJ iou Ileys pue slleMapis waS AaaaiuoW ayi of iva)elpe pamol aq iou Ileys sail pnj SulslJed aienud MaN iaaJis aq) wad ualti aq kw JtaJ ay of ssa»e TWA uayi'Aiiligissod ssa»t JeaJ Jo apis ou si OJayi JI •sivawaaA ssa»t leJad.) J eu J0'sivawasea ssam 'Aalie 'siaaJis apis ayi woJ} SUM AJewud TIM '(Ew)Jtd )ilgnd paysygtisa jo uoiidaoxa ayl yi[M) iol ay )o JeaJ ayi le paimol aq pet's guppEd iaaJis -#o 2Ul IaEd ash puel CIVIC/CULTURAL ARTS DISTRICT PATINATED COPPER PANEL COLORED CONCRE LOCK BUTT GLASS WINDOWS NE do V LAND USE SOOZ U V31lN3AOK sasn yo ssy aialdwo) a jol algel sash pauiauad os jajal Iei)Jawwo) a)lAaas Belay 3uuninInuew /Itulsnpul *S3Sn C131181HOad NY'Id 31AM3d$ AOa113 NAOINAOG sasn 3wmas a)gjo put sasn a)gja sasn leuoileanai aAisstd Jalua) sue put, aalua) )ui) 3wtias sasn 1lejaa sluaAa put aaltayl joopino 'wnasnw s,uaJPliy) 'A,tjgg 'ialtayl 'swnasnw se y)ns 'sasn leanlln) ltiluapisay sasn )lAl) *S3SR 03HIS30 •3unlaed 3mplmq -japun ao puna3Japun ap!Aoad of DUMP N) wyliM sl)aload AE1 3ui3ejno)ua Aq `1)ulsip slyl JO slJewlley a si y)iyM 'ands Algwasse )ilgnd put ands uaaj3 aaow aoj sMolIV • -sl)alad asn -paxiw aleAudpilgnd w sailiunlioddo luawdolanap milean joj sMolIV • 1)ulsia )uols,H uMOauMOa ayl of suOil)auuo) 3uous put siauueq Plm sly311laaAs pue say)uaq'saajl iaaj3s'sl1tMapis ap!m yliM ))ulsip Alpuauj- ueulsapad a saleaj) sanuaA slae /ainlln) put ands uaaj3 Aliunwwo) sapuad laaM N) 3uunp sasn 3uipunoajns ayl 3uipaa} sal)IAil)t „sndwe) )ui)„ ayl 411m s3uwaAa pue spualaaM uo sleAilsaj put 'sa)uewaopad %ltayl joopino 'sluaAa JOJ uOilewlsap Ieu013aJ a sapuoJd saquil)t 1e,nl1n) put NAD }o ulatay„ ayl se pauoisuu3 No1S1A 0391MnO)N3 my SWn3SnW Sd N)ns s3Sn ivinlln) a30lAOVd SI DWS N33VD AlINnWWO) a313ravHO l3iaisiQ slay iranllnolOinlo ash puei CIVIC/CULTURAL ARTS DISTRICT STANDARDS INTENSITY Monterey Street to Church Street Non Residential and /or Mixed -Use Projects Max FAR: 1.5 FAR Church Street to Dowdy Street Non Residential and /or Mixed -Use Projects Max FAR: 1.0 FAR SECTION VIEW Mo terey Street to Church Street No specific requirement X c E 0 L .,.E .- . E N � " PLAN VIEW Monterey Street to Church Street q—f alley 0' min PRIMARY USES (REFER TO PERMITTED Ups TABLE FOR COMPLETE LIST] Non Residential Civic (city hall, city offices) Limited Retail (coffee, bakery, newsstand) Cultural (library, museum, cultural arts center) Professional Offices (legal, accounting, architecture) Residential Residential (apartments, townhomes, live /work units above /behind ground floor)" * Residential allowed only between Eigleberry Street and Church Street URBAN FORM f Setbacks: Building Height: Eigleberry Street to Church Street Min: 25' at street front Front Min: 0' Front Max: 10' Max: 50' (3 -4 stories) Side Min: 0' Side Max: 10' Building Form: Rear Min: 10' Portions of the third and fourth Corner Lots: 10' stories shall be recessed from the Church Street to Dowdy Street front facade Front Min: 20' Side Min: 10' Rear Min: 10' OFF STREET PARKING Parking location: Monterey Street to Church Street: Permitted in rear only Church Street to Dowdy Street: Any location Parking Requirements:* Civic: 3 spaces/ 1000 sf Cultural: I space /500 sf Retail: I space /500 sf Professional Office: I space /450 sf Residential units < 800 sf: I space /unit + I guest space /6 units Residential units > 800 sf. 1.5 spaces /unit + I guest space /4 um * All parking requirements may be satisfied by paying in -lieu fee V LAND sooz Iz a3aN3noN NY'Id MAM3d$ AOa'11O NAO1NA00 •a)tds uaaag Alwnwwo) put sAeMyled put sslleMapis ap!m y1iM ssl)eglas apis JaBJel aeey IPM WAS ApMOa put WAS yPJny) uawaq SION •seaie aoopino I)eglas luaJ a41 augap jay inJ put agpa admams ayl 8uole a8pa 1lmq snonwluo) a alean dlay Ms laaJiS 4»n4) put iaajiS A,jagal313 uawaq uulsia suV Itinlln)pui) ayl w ssheglas ap!S sj nq)aS ap!S •laaiiS y»ny) o1 imiS A,jagal813 waJ AluO ueaa ay ui paluwaad si put iaajlS ApMoa of laaalS y)any) UMIM slamd aoJ uopmol Aue ui pa>aiwjad si SUIVEd ware hwleas joopino jo q!) put 'ware Aeldsip Iielaj luwdempuel apnhm ssheglas 1uoaJ ayl ui sasn algeMolle 'a)uauadxa uEumpad ayl noums of sasn I)eglaS luoii algEmollV •uulsip a41 saMPERy) y)iyM'ands Alqwasse )ilgnd put ands uaaj8 ligiyoad o1 papualw 1ou si luawa8ueaae siyl -Ingias w A1aueA ssal qm agpa ilmq snonwluo) uMoluMop a vagai of pahinowa air laanS y)any) put laajiS Aajagal8i3 'laajiS AajaluoW holt sshegiaS •sspolq asayl UIRM AIauEA IMIA apuoad put a)uauadxa ueulsapad 041 y)uua plM sands 85041 •Suide)spuel put stare hilras aoopino joJ sands JO AlaueA a alean 01 papuaim air hulsio Itinlln) put )iei) ay w411M WAS ApMOa put laaalS y)any) uaaMlaq S)aajls $uole slheglas algeueA sl)eglaS )uoai •iaaaiS 43in4) put iaajlS A,jagalgi3 uaaMiaq Aluo pauimad air sasn leiluapisal •sluaea put sa)!NO luawwaeog a41 nimas Ipm leyl sasn ItiNawwo) put 'sasn luaea `sasn pnlln) uo smoJ sasn ay1 `uulsip ayi ui sluaea put A1uim, ueulsapad 20tmom Jo lualuw ay1 qvM •algel sasn pa>aiuuad utld 39nadS a41 ui pawpno air sasn algeMollV sasn Aaew!ad alA1s Itanl3aly�re Aaeaodwaluo) saaiva) Itinlln) put 1jV ayi alelnwa pegs jo `uMoluMop Sumutcpn ue oim luawuauua sndwei )ieu asn Purl E waJ uOQIsueJl suulsia ayl se sue Bare S141-se 'spieputls uulsia wolsm uMOIuMOa a41 MOIIOJ JaVa Ileys laaalS A,iagaP!3' Jo lsea air leyl uulsip siyl w s2uiplms wuoj uega() 3Sn aNYi A •tae ueld )yl)adS ay) w 8mlitd jo uoisuoad ayl aoj saaj jo aan)ipuadxa put uollM10) ay) salgeua ley) punj pEdwi 8mslatd t a1Ean )snw All) ayl 'sly) ysildwom of •Ali) ay) Aq paumalap aq o) )unowe uE w 'saaj 8uplied nail -ui AEd o) uoildo ay1 arty Ileys )nq gulped alis -uo apuoad o) pambaa an sasn pd saal gl •s,auMO Alaadad lenpuipui uaa#laq palnba aq Iltys put pahinowa aie Alaadad E jo Raj ay) o) A01 )um(pe ssa)e sluawasea ssand •)01 ayl jO Am ay) it hi liEd apuad o) sai)aadoid Ipolq joua)ui o) ssant le)oadpaj joj Molle o) pahinoma ae saivadad aauwo) MR �aBeueW uoisuia Suiuueld ay Aq paeadde UNA pRpuels Ali) waj A1EA AEw uulslp slyl ul suolsuawp HIM 81,11Iaed •u011mol AuE w pawmad si 8wpped')aaa)S tuutsoy put WAS y)any) uaaMlaq sai)aadad aoj •east sl)Eq)as )uaj ayl w paM011e )ou $i 8wslatd 'laaals all) waj ualtl aq AM jEa a41 01 ssant at ON A uayl 'Aliligissod ssanE JEaJ ao apls ou sl away) j1 -s)uawaaa8e ssant le)adi)aj Eie jo 's)uawasea ssanE 's1aaAs apls a41 waj ssant Aimed 43I"+ `1aal)S 9a1114) put WAS AiJagal8i3 unimaq sawadoid Ilt aoj 101 ayl 10 JEW ay) 1t palmol aq HEys hiliEd laaj)s -go 8w>laed -oased ueulsapad A IJEAapls )aaJ)s a saaj )tyl apeiEj AuE Aq pauyap si apEStj luoai •1aaAS 41UMS put WAS VIS laaj1S kuaga1813 ')aaAlS AaJaluoW 81101E SIIEAapls se P i)slp slyl w pauyap sl slleMapls laaais AJewud •l1wil 148lay ay) anogt pua)xa 9144 sllaewels ssane jaoa put 'sljeys a)ltias Joleeala 'sivawala JaMO1 st yms sainleaj le.mha)iy»e 'sassa)ad paysilgnsa y8na41 aeaddt AEw ANEW uolslnla 81111111E1d a4l •(aulla8pu jo )adejed) joa %2uiplmq t jo )ulod )say8l4 a41 0) IJEAapls 1aaals Aiewud ayl uo lulod 194814 a41 It paanseaw sl )y8lay 3ulplm8 •aptSEj )uOaj ay) waj VEq dais uoog jaddn ay1 jl 148lay Smpllnq wnwlxew w Al!I!glxag sl aaay) 'swaea aoj )uawuoauua p008 E 8ulpuad 41IM 81101E 'luawuauua ueulsapad ay) uaOuaals dlay 01 IOPH RmppmB •Builitd put 'saunas killln 'ssane jtlmlyae aoj a)tld a altan osie ssl�eglas Keay •s8ulpllnq uaa#4ag 8mdtnsputl put ands uado joj himolle Aq 101 ay1 jo JEW ay) It sapadad wmlpe uaaM)aq uolllsueil a altar sImpas Keay sl)EglaS aeay l Land Use This page intentionally left blank. DowNTOW/K GILROY SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 21, 2005 TRANSITIONAL DISTRICT V LAND USE SOOZ 61Z 838N3AOK sasn jo u1l alaldwo) a jol algel sash pauluuad of jajal suoileaado put suwey) lielaa put lei)aawwo) a3aq sadAi pe jo sa3itias aligowoind sasn jtliwis aaylo put, spjeA a2viols put uoiingijlsip '3mjnuel,nuew 'leiiisnpm 'ahio)S *S3Sn a31181H08d Y.. NYId MAM3d$ A08113 NAO1NA00 uw hews ao sgVg se yms sasn 8uimas aolisu IItwS • sdoys nedai aweydde put `leluap 'Inpaw 'ltputug'Idal se yms `sasn Vwas pahalas put sa)gjo aaylo put ltuoissa}ad aautap Aap 'leluaJ oapie 'bewjtyd se yms'sasn 3uimas pooyaogy3iau put ltiluapisaa saxaldnp put 'sawoyuMol 'sluawijede se yms 'sailisuap ltiluapisaj jo xiw V #S3Sn a381S30 suogteouaa put uoiim.Osuo) Mau llt w sapilenb i)uisia pooyaogy3iaN )uolsiN suwelweW uMoluMoa ayi of suoihauuo) ueuisapad 3uoals sapinad sasn rouaraj Asti al3uis waj vlAsia )iJoisIH uMoluMoa ayl 3uuagnq tart uoilisuvi t st shd 3w4jed )ilgnd palt)ol Apt)i3altJls sapuoad osle east ayi al!gm 3wslied leuo3tip awos jol Mope kw simis ap!M su3isap leuoiliptil yliM s3wplinq pales Alleiivapisai ui sa)yjo 'lei»awwo) vimas 'leiluapisai Alisuap jaMol se yms 'sasn jo xiw ap!m a sapuoJd laa) .,UAkq IItwS„ MID WSIA r. }k MAIN 1VN09VI0 NOS 1101 M011V S13311S 301M S9 N 101109 1VII N 30IS31 13WI01 NI SDIIiO 1VNOISS31OVd MEW 831NaYHO 1:)Ia1SIQ 1YN0111SNY8j ash puel TRANSITIONAL DISTRICT STANDARDS INTENSITY Non Residential and /or Mixed -Use Projects Max FAR: 1.5 FAR Stand Alone Residential Max Density: 20 du /ac SECTION VIEW West of Eigleberry Street PLAN VIEW West of Eigleberry Street i �e 0]? alley PRIMARY USES (REFER TO PERMITTED USES TABLE FOR COMPLETE LIST) Non Residential Professional Offices (legal, financial, medical, dental) Lodging (B &B or small inn) Service Commercial (pharmacy, video, dry cleaning) Residential Residential (stand alone, duplex, townhomes, condos and /or apartments above or behind ground floor uses) URBAN FORM West of Eigleberry Street East of Eigleberry Street Setbacks: Setbacks: Front Min: 15' (10' with porch) Front Min: 0' Front Max: 15' Side Min: 5' Side Min: 0' Rear Min: 10' Rear Min: 0' Rear Max: S' Building Height: Corner lots: 10' Max: 40' Building Height: Max: 40' OFF STREET PARKING Parking Location:* Permitted at side or rear only * Where an alley occurs, access to residential parking and garages shall only be provided from the alley Parking Requirements:* Professional Offices: I space /400 sf Lodging: I space /room + I space /2 shift employees Service Commercial: I space /500 sf Residential units < 800 sf: I space /unit + I guest space /6 units Residential units > 800 sf. 1.5 spaces /unit + I guest space /4 units * SO% of parking requirements (except lodging and residential) may be satisfied by paying in -lieu fee V LAND Use T SOOZ `IZ b3GN3AON NY7d MAM3d$ A08113 NALO1NI►00 '11eMapis ao 180gs a saM leyl apeiej hue Aq pauyap si apeiej iuoa j wajis Ajjagaf2i3 Suofe s31eM8pis se uiAsip siyi w pauyap si IfeMapis WAS A,ewud •liwg ION ayi anoge puaixa y)igm spaNUfeis ssa»e jooa put'sijeys a)itias Joieeafa'sivawafa jamo) se yms sainieaj ftml)aliy)ae aeadde kw jahuq uouuia Suwuutfd ayl -(auwfa8pu ao Wind) joa sswpfmq a jo mod isaySiy ayi o1 IfeMapis jams hewed ayl uo lmod lsaysiy aqi it painstaw si lysiay Suwpfms 142'aH Swppng luwlaed put 'svimas Aigiin 'ssam aefroiyan JO) a)tld a aware osfe sImpas Keay •sEuipfmq ummaq Swdt spuef put ands uado awos SwMOpe Aq 1of ay1 jo atai ay1 it saiijadoad ivaotfpt uaaMiaq uopisutai t aware q)egias jeay Sjngjas aeay •slotglas PEA 1uoJj 041 ui paumad iou si Suilied -wait Sugeas joopino jo ajt) put 'stale Atfdsip fielaj 'Swdexpuef apnpui sl)tgias luoaj ayi w sasn afgeMOfp' 'a)uauadxa ueulsapad a41 uayl NA$ of sasn il)eq)as )uoai algemollV •auwf Aijadoid luaj ay wwj painstaw sloegias ui paMOpe lggxag si aaayl'shedwi joop Aid aznwww put s8mpfmq uo say»od 1uoij ase,nowa of •Ioofq y)ta uwyliM AiaueA fensu apuad put a)uaijadxa ueulsapad ayl 431Jua piM sands asayl luidmspuef put sean Sugeas aoopino joj sa)eds jo 110IJEA t mean piM i)uisia siyl uiyl!m Slams Suofe s3)eglas ajgeueA sl)egaaS luoaj -umoiuAoa ayi waj spooyjogg2iau lua)efpe ay aajjnq of camas ieyl hialsia algiledwo) pee aeisayo) it alean dfay suopjdaj SuwMOpoj ayl -s8uipfmq asn -paxiw pue's8mpfmq Afiwej- iifnw'sa)yjo owi palJanuo) sasnoy feiluapisaa Afiwej alhis Suwpnpui 'sadh Suipfmq put sasn jo aBueJ a sawpowwom hulsia sfyl -afgel sasn pauiuuad uefd )gioadS ayi w pawpno an, sasn afgeMOfry sasn ,Gewiid ash pal 4 3511 aNYi III 'eaJe Ad )yi)adS ay ui Smlaed Jo uoisuoid ay joJ saaJ Jo amiipuadxa pue uomapo) aq) salgeua ieyi punt uedwi Sulk d a awan )snw 141) 341 `siyl yslldwo »e of -sands Suilaed paimbai ilmqun Aue Jo %OS o1 do joJ b) aq) Aq pauwuualap aq o1 iunowe ue w'saaJ Swgaed nail -ui Ad of uondo a41 aRy SuwBpoI ao IeiluapisaJ ueyl a9410 sasfl saal n q -u *UauMo Aiaadoid lenpuipui uaaMiaq paiinbai aq pays put, pa8emoma aje Aiaadoad a Jo JEW a41 01 sioI iumlpe sso»e sluawasea ssa»b •io) aq) Jo aeaa ay1 it, Swlied ap!Aoid of saiUadoid I)olq aouaim o1 ssam Ie)adi)aa aoJ Mope 01 pahinoma an sailiadad aauo) MR 'ANEW uoisuid SwuueId Aq paeadde uayM pJepueis Ali) waJ AJEA Aew uuisip siyl ui suoisuawp peis SuNIed waiis aq) put Suwplmq aq) uawaq jo eaie Inglas paeA iuoaJ Aue w41'm pauiuuad lou si SuilAed '101 a41 J0 1uaJ ayi waJ ualei aq Aew aeaa ay of ssam apiyae uayl `biligissod ssam aeaa jo apis ou si ajay1 Jj -algiseaJ uayM sivawaaiRe ssam le)adi)aj eu Jo 'sivawasea ssa »e 'siaaais apis ayi woaJ ssam Aaewud Pm 'ion ay )o apis jo aeaj aq) 1e pannol aq pays hiked hails -JJp 2UNEd sooz blz a38w3n0N P0VIJ NAM3dS AOS-11'3, NA01N//IA00 to •3uwppnq 3ugsixa ay }o aaheapy) lEpuapisaa ay uielaj Heys asn lei)aawwo) of saanhnals Iequapisaj 10 suoisaanuo) •Suiplinq 3upsin aq) jo asoyl y)hpw pinoys suoilippe jo sluawala leanhahiy)ae jaq)o pup waoj jooa 'wish leanhaliy)je 'sadeys Mopulm 'sleualEw •8uippnq 3ugsin ay jo aeaa pup sapis ayl uo Aluo pa3eano)ua air saanhnals 3ugsixo oh suollippd SUOISAMO) pue suomppV kppn8 •3ul)uaj pooM anileao)ap si se `aleiadoadde air spell aspq paaalleq ao I)aj pasl)e1S •3wppnq aq) }o away lejnhaliy)ae ayl a)aojuiaa oh pasn aq pinoys pup Suippnq aq) y1iM alggedwo) aq pinoys slpuamw Hem pup 3unuai 'sa)uapisaj aq) se spelap pup sleualpw aeliwis yliM 1)afoad aq) 10 OPP HUM 041 ohw pahea3ahw Alleanhauy)ae aq pinoys saanhnals AJOssO))p pup saMd pay)elap 'slaodae) -IleMapis aq) olul y)eonua hou Am sanjins pa)ueyua yns aanaMOH •pa3p)no)ua air waned 3unpolaalw ao 'auolsalggo) 'I)iaq se yns SApManup paned pyos 01 sangeuaallV kuueld 0115 •spooyaogg3iau leouapisaj 3uwpunoaans aq) pup aao) lepaawwo) ay1 uaaMlaq uoilisueal yloows pup 'anihealle `1 }OS a aq pinoys aaayl 'hialsit7 Inoihisueal ayl ul •slaoMawe)j Asap pooyjogy3iau leuoihippal a uiyliM A)auen ahowoad of si siseydwa ay aaylea hnq 'palowoad kaq si away leanhaliy))e aeln)ihaed auo ON •3uidp)spuel pup 'sylp!m lol 'ssl)eglas 'a8elooj aaenbs 3uippnq 'slielap pup sleiaalpw 'Wi 3ulplinq 'salhs leanhaliy)ae ayl ui kisaaq yliM pooyaogy3iau a wpluipw pup plinq of si souilapin3 ay jo lualw aql aamiq) leanhaiiy)ad SM113al 3 NDIS30 101a1SIQ 'IVNOIIISNVaj 0311103d 3VV DIU1S10 1VI1N301S31 V 01 W11WIS SAMBS 1NOU3 N91S30 9NIOlInB 11"M 3H1 O1NI 031VU931N1 A11VUn1)311H)UV 38 01nOHS S39VUV9 03H)V130 s ash puel C 3sQ amyl A q3391S 1993931913 10 NO11NOd 1SUH100S ONV 1S3M 3H1 NO 1N3WdO13A30 10 3AID31139) 00 1VI1NMIS39 ONV 1VD93WWO) N33M131 NOIIISNV91 H10ows V 39 o1noHS 313H1 (133915 AVV3931913 10 N01190d 1SV3H190N 3H1 NO 1N3WdO13A30 10 3AI1)31139) S9NI011nB 9NI1SIX3 Ol N011V1N3WVN90 9V11WIs 301A09d O1nOHS S1NMOBA30 M3N i 41 i f �• ri �� , •sduis uwyi ueyi Jay1ej spiJB ltuoisuawip ))iyi azipin ityi sMopuim rajas -amrnadde jo mai w AJeA (spiJB) suoipnw Ieuaaiw yliM sMOpwM - -paJinbaJ aq kw sJiedoi )ipouad •awii JaAo no leaJq of huapuai t aney asayi 'JanaMOH 'ISO) JaMOI a it i)ajja lensu awes ayi anty kw suoglnw 1euaaixa uo -lueld • MAIJEMIle BwMOpoj ay Japisuo) `iso) of anp algistaj In WE s14811 papuip anti ji •suoglnw IeuJmui JaAO paJJajaJd an suoylnw Imiam put SmzE12 iy8il papuip anal . •pa8eanosip AIRUOJis WE sMOpuiM aniiNDW Jo paluii jJep put wnuiwnle pazipoue leJnieu Jo `plo8 Imps 'azuoJq sht18 - •aJnixai put jagaJ a)tjJns mean of pasn aq pinoys wiJi put s1ps do -ilm8 . uogeln)iljV 8wppn8 -algissod JaAauagA spJEhino) punouns lajhid Jo ninel ItuoiiipeJi Jo saJnimis sglan pooh AAeay 's2uEgjaAo apnhui pinoys say»od al/4S MoltBunq put ueuoPA - -asnoy of asnoy woJj LEA pinoys sl)egias put 'sazis 'sadeys put 'yidap ui laaj xis jo wnwiuiw e aq pinoys pJeA apis Jo /pue iuoJj ay pJtMOi paluauo PAN Joog isJy ayi It soiled Jo say»od paaaAo) . -saueld 8ruplmq Alen of put uoimnj put u8isap 8wplmq IlejaAo awtyuo put ivawaldwo) of pagrinoma an sawo)leq put 'sdoou `say»od SOON f spaeAjJno) 'saiuo)Ie8 'sdooaS 'say)Jod -papuawwom si Bwplinq aJiiva uo Swpis jo asn ayl •wnwiww a it auil amaj ayi of 8wplmq ayi jo sJauJO) apisino ayi punon deJM pinoys 8wpis 'tale ayi jo JOVERV ayi MEW of tale ayi w saJnDruis A Oisiy 8ugsixa st uoilmaweuJo Jeliwis apuoJd pinoys ivawdolaAap MaH - -Iielap IeuiaiJo ayi y)iew of panldaJ Jo paJiedaJ put pauunaJ aq pinoys 8mlieiap SwisaJalul Joyio pue uoiieivaweuJO `s8wplow rinpaliq)n Swisiq SOOZ `IZ H3HH3AOH NV -ld 3113133dS AOS -11',,3 NAOINAOO pagnnoma aip pup aalmjey) Immlipe aq) of ppe up) sAauwly) paled piV . -Oisap Mau ui pah nwua aae leyl poogAog42iau Suilslxa ay jo sluawala uowwo) aae saniq aaul aqngupul pup sMoagaAa `slannl 'slagao) papelap 'sweaq jooi pasodxo `slipl aaljpa pasodxa 'saeea 'saawaoa •jahpaey) pooyaogy2Iau ay y im lualsisuo) aq pinoys swaoj }ooy •Mopulm lua)efpe ay of almimdoid pans aq pinoys saallnys ayl •alAlls Ieanhalipap ay of anydoidde uagm paSpano)ua sI saallnys anileao)ap A leuoihun) jo ash 000HIOUDI3N 9NI1SIX3 3Hl 10 S1NN313 NOWWOI 3NV SDVd8 33NX IV109NVNI ONV S11V1 1311V1I MOM 039MOM 3H SULMNS UNORIN03 HIM SMOONIM ash purl .� OF III LA VUWI �laitla4 !I L�i�'� :7A .Ir I t, �` ' ` .f I_ �i .✓' „�;.' Cs!' ..�. j'• ✓ � *:I� 11 � —_ —_ :'r� Ilfllll ,j � _ - � :�,�.'.�'� �_� 7� �" � I I..',.�, +•, !��e ( r ^I pw � �r� i � "'0�����1 r P I� s • ° ��µ' {�ay7 �� / 1 j fl 1 � � ' " _ •� � P " 6�� ✓•; `�f : P "' .i ■„ 1� '�`� ;III %�� ZIP Opt I AH3NN% / I �•J I' J r l r r r•J r I r•) r W1 Land Use RESIDENTIAL LOFTS ARE A PRIMARY USE K 10/ �J ACTS AS A NON - TRADITIONAL, MORE URBANE PLACE FOR ECLECTIC ARCHITECTURE VISION • Provides ample live /work opportunities, artist lofts, home office uses and residential development that serves young professionals, small families and artisans • Acts as a non - traditional, more urbane place for eclectic architecture • Transforms this light industrial area into a contemporary, higher density housing district /arts district DESIRED USES* • Residential (lofts, apartments, flats, live /work spaces) • Offices, high -tech incubator businesses • Selected commercial services and restaurants • Light assembly and artist work spaces and yards, cottage industries • Art, dance, gymnastic and music studios or galleries • Theater DOWNTO'�IN GILROY SPECIFIC PLAN PROHIBITED USES* • Heavy industrial /manufacturing • Storage • Repair facilities • Outdoor storage • Larger retail not suitable to the character of the District * Refer to Permitted Uses Table for a complete list of uses NOVE14BER 21, 2005 3s[1 aNV1 A aaj nail-ui 8uikd Aq paysus aq stew sjuawaJm6ai Bunpid jo @ /.OS « si!un 6 /ands asan8 I + Uun /sands S -I :js 008 < s1!un pivap!sag si!un g /ands asan8 I + 1!un /amcls I :js 008 > si!un Ie!wap q Is 000'1 /a)eds I :ivawdolaea0 V qmeasaa Is 00011 /ands I :Algwassd q8!j Is OOS /ands I :IepJawwo) ol"aS Is 006 /ands I :sa)yj0 *mumaainbaa 2w1aEd Jeaa Jo ap!s R paaa!uuad :uoRE)o1 3w1aEd 9NIMMVJ (salmis 6-£) .OS :xeW (ivawala hiva jo pod Sulpnpxa) iuoi) was it ,Sj :ulW :410H 8uiplin8 ,0 :u!W jeav 101 :XeW ap!S .0 :u!W ap!S ,S I :xeW )uoai ,0 :u!W iuoii :sl)Eq)aS Nvol NYevfl (asn fool} punoA pu!gaq /aeoge sauawpede ao /pue 'ands slioM /aeg 'sajol 'sopuo) 'sawoquMol 'saxaldnp 'auole pue)s) lepap!say lelwappl (sassawsnq jo3egmu! pews) )uawdolaea0 9 q»easaIl (Euweah hp 'oapu) le!»awwo) a)!AuaS uesilud /Algwassd aq8.9 (sad/4 Ile) sa)WO IEiluapisay uoN VS11 3131dHO VOJ 318VI S3SO 03uiMa34 of HIM) S3Sn ABYNIIJJ A31A NV IJ A31A NO iMS m /np 06 :/41sua0 )MW lelluap!q auolv PuEJS IN 0•1 :vvj XeW sa)afoad asn -paxlw ao /puE leiivarav uoN A11SNUNJ SNaYNNviS imviSIQ AN3NNY3 0 3 x SON IZ HMIMAOH Nvid MAM3aS Aoa113 NAolNAoQ wars Aiewud ay si laajlS Aoallg plo 'slaails 0#4 asayl )o aauaoo ay It Jams Awpq Plo Put laaais ptoallty se loulsp siyl ui paugap aae simis bewud •11w11 142104 ayi aeoge pualxa 914M SUMPS ssa»e Joa put 'sNe4s DIMS JoleAala 'sluawala JaMOl se yons saanleaj lernloailyoae anaddt kw iahuq uolslnla 2uluueld ayl •(au11a2pu jo iadtied) jooi s,2wP11nq a jo mod is ON a41 of �IleMapls lams /itwud ayl uo mod 1say81q ayi ie painseaw s1 142lay 2mplm8 7y2laq algeMOpe wnwlxew E se JIM se 142104 wnwluiw paambai a yloq 8ee4 s2uiP11nq `1olalsia /Jauut) ay1 Jo aaueaeyo paalsap 041 put luawualaua ueulsapad jahojis a altar dlay of IgRiaH 2u!pl!ng •2wpped put amias aol aoeld a aleaio osle ssloeglas seal •lEm11ej luaoelpe ay waj as #nq t `ielropi d w m4sip slyj ui put s2u1P1mq uawaq 2uldeospuel put aoeds uado awos 2wM011e 6q iol a41 jo aeaa ay ie sawadoid ivaoelpe uaaMlaq uomsum a aieaao sloeglas aeay s>I)eg3aS aeag 18al anq aq lleys pij)slp s141 u1 sloegias apls wnwlulw ayi '2uluas asuap ueg,n ajow a alearo of sll)eq)aS ap!S •s2wpllnq jo luoij ui panimad iou s1 2wlied 'sea,e 2uileas joopino jo '6eldsip utsllit lelmawwoo luidtospuel apnpm sIoegpas 1uoaj ay u1 sivawala algemolle 'aouauadxa utulsapad ayi uayl2uans of sIuawa13 j3eq)aS iuoa j algEmolIV - Ioolq yoea UIRM halm ltnsu apuad put aouauadxa ueuisapad ayi youua IIIM weds asa41 •2uldtospuel put seaae 2ugeas joopino jol Sam& jo haute a JOJ Mope uulslp s141 2mpunajns siams 2uole s)peglas s>I)egjoS )uoai •umolumop 11elaj /IeioJawwoo ivaoelpe ay 2madsai al!gmuEow 'jopujoo peallea ay 2uole sasn Itulsnpu! 1411 jaylo 411M spualq ley! km a ul wo) utgjn ay joj Ioois 2uisno4 apleoad Ipm asn puel s141 •algepioye NOW 2me4 J0 1so) ajojajayl put luawdolaeap 2ui lew '2ulnas Ielalsnpui ue w samunlioddo Ielluaplsaa /,tlsuap DON put )IJOM /aAll 2mpuad uo sasnooj loulsla liam) a41 •aigtl sasn pannauad utld oyloadS a41 ul paulpno aie sasn algtmolld sasn AJew!ad ash pal SlZrl 3Sfl ONVI A - suoiled Ilea aoj uMo)uMoa ayl jo Mau Swseald Alleagaylsae ue a)owoad o) aopuao) siyl a)ej my sope)ej 8uiplmq uo papuoad aq pinoys uoulmgae leuoiuppq'peoy Aalsaneal pue )aaalS ywal uaanwaq aopwo) peoapea ay) jo apes )sea ay) hole Aumq)ed ueulsapad a aleaa) o) si uoisslwwo) saimm )ilgnd pue A)i) ay) jo wa)ui ayl •aopiajo) peoalrea of )uDelpe papuoad aq lleys eaae aaweld adeaspuel wnwiuww looj -ani} a se llaM se pea wol)oq pue do) pue s)els le)gaan y)iM 'le)aw pa)eompMod pelq 'Ile) )ooj -xis 'apea8 lei)aawwo) aq IpM )ey) u8isap himaj ,paepue)s,, d •auy Alaadoad ay) 1e aaynq padeaspuel a apuoad )snw aopiaao) peoaliea ay) Inge wyl sai)aadoad aopiaao) p>'oaI!q •ease veld aypadS ay) ui hulled jo uoisuoad ay) aoj saaj jo aan)ipuadxa pue uopallo) ayl salgeua legl punj mdwi hi lied a a)ean Ism Ali) ay) 'siy) ysydwom of -sands Suilaed paainbaa )pnqun Aue jo %OS o) do aoj 'Ali) ay) Aq pauiwaa)ap aq o) Iunowe ue w 'saaj hilaed nail -w Ad of uoodo ay aney Ileys lnq hi lied aus -uo apuoad of paainbaa )ou an 20pol ao lequapisaa ueyl aaylo sash saaj nail -ul •saauMo Alaadoad lenpuipw uaank)aq paainbaa aq Ileys pue pa3eanoaua aje A)aadoad a jo aeaa ay o) slol luaaefpe ssoa)e swawasea ssa»y '101 ay) jo aeal ay) )e hislied apuad o) sagaadoad spolq aoiaaluw of scam le)oadiaaa aoj Mope o) pagunoma aae saiwdold aaujo) •JageueW uoisinio 8wuueld ay) Aq panoadde uayM paepuels Ali) woaj Aaen Aew )Nu)sip siyl ui suoisuawip Ilels 41aed saw •laaals ay) pue Euiplinq ay uaaM)aq ao eaae Imps paeA luoaj Aue uiy)iM pauiwaad )ou si Sul laed •laaa)s ay) woaj uaslel aq Aew aeaa ayl o) ssam aelmiyan uay) 'Alyigissod ssam aeaa ao apis ou si away) jl -algiseaj uayM s)uawaaa8e ssam poadim ao 'swawasea scam 'slaajls apis ay) woaj ssam, Aaewiad y)iM ')ol ay) jo ap s ao aeaa ay )e palmol aq Ileys hislaed )mls -yo RUIIJed SOOZ 'IZ H38w3AOK NY-1d 3,13133dS A0S"11�) NIi01NA0a -pahinoma ave 'wnwwnje pa)t3njjo) put 'pooh 'sseP 'je)aw se yms 'sasn ptoalie) aq) put sasn leu)snpui `sl}ol IAOM /aAg Jo aAil)agaj aye )eq) sIeualeW -pa3eano)ua si am))a)iy)ae leuunpm Anjodwa)uo) . aal)eaeq) leanl)aliq)ad pue ugisaa Swppn9 •algistaj uayM sam))na)s pmyaq )o )spun palmol aq pays Eui )Ved . 2uluaa))S pue AN 101 $w>laed •)aaa)s aql a)ej )ou geys coop age)eg . •spooyjogggiau Agaeau o) papuoad aq Ileys sagelwl ueu)sapad 'a)eudadde put algissod JaAauagM -sdols )isueal )ggnd woa} algissa»e Alisea put paugap Aptap aq lleqs sa)ue)lua 8wplm8 sstw 8wplmq do -ltaaq put saialua a)ouap Ipm u8isap s,8uiplinq ay) o)ui saq)Aod Jo uoi)eiodio)ui ayl . -sape)e} Bwplmq snouolouow 'Suol pioAe put hismip alean o) sa)is jo u8isap ayl olw pamodio)m aq gegs sl)eglas put, s)gEiay 8uiplmq jo AlaueA V u2isaa pue Swuueld OIIS •si)afad pgui put asna) 3wplmq yloq of Alddt saugapm8 2umogoj aql •suovamp ltnsnun w al8ue jo llil ley) suoisiuloid put sw)oj jo asn 8wsud)ns a )uasa)d pinoys put Ieuoiuunj )aA aAiltui8ewi aq pjnogs a)n))a)iy))e ayl •sain)ma)s loa Maw put laa)s Pm s8uwplmq ualleq put, p)eoq st yms 'sleua)ew uaapow put )gsiu jo xiw 3unsaaa)uw ut awgwo) pjnoys pue gw)pxa pue aAilenoum aq pjnoys tale ay) ui aJm)aliy)Je ayl 'aa) ERV ltu)snpuw AaeJodwaluo) ajow e aneq )ty) samuna)s Mau y)iM pgui put algistaj uagM sainmm)s 8wlsixa asnai o) si uulsia A,auue) ay) w lua)m ayl aal)eaeq) leammipq (wISQOHlAlISN3a HSIH 'MMOr13All) S3Nll3aln3 NOIS30 MUSIG Aa3NNYO 039VVnO)N3 SI N31)VVVH) 1VIVISnONI AIVVOJW31NO) V 9NIII)X3 0NV 3AIIVAONNI 38 01nOHS 1)IVISIO 113NNV) 3H1 NI 31OD311H)NV 3HI tit ash purl �' �.c �' n.r _� �� l Land Use fiJ [0 '41 f AN ENHANCED STREET ENVIRONMENT IS PROVIDED A MIX OF USES THAT FOCUS ON COMMERCIAL SERVICES IS SUGGESTED VISION • As the primary entryway to Downtown, street beautification and architectural enhancement are primary goals • Provides a mix of uses that focus more on commercial services • Provides an enhanced street environment with street trees, landscaped medians and curbs, gutters and sidewalks • Parking areas are screened and beautified A mix of contemporary architectural styles will reflect the City's variety DESIRED USES* PROHIBITED USES* • Offices Heavy industrial /manufacturing • Service commercial 0 Storage facilities • Residential in medium to high densities (primarily on • Pedestrian - oriented retail the southwest part of Monterey Street) • Visitor serving uses, such as hotel, inn and B &B * Refer to Permitted Uses Table for a complete list of uses 7 "T l t DWINTOWIN CIILROY SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 2I. 2005 ,t ► b A MIX OF USES THAT FOCUS ON COMMERCIAL SERVICES IS SUGGESTED VISION • As the primary entryway to Downtown, street beautification and architectural enhancement are primary goals • Provides a mix of uses that focus more on commercial services • Provides an enhanced street environment with street trees, landscaped medians and curbs, gutters and sidewalks • Parking areas are screened and beautified A mix of contemporary architectural styles will reflect the City's variety DESIRED USES* PROHIBITED USES* • Offices Heavy industrial /manufacturing • Service commercial 0 Storage facilities • Residential in medium to high densities (primarily on • Pedestrian - oriented retail the southwest part of Monterey Street) • Visitor serving uses, such as hotel, inn and B &B * Refer to Permitted Uses Table for a complete list of uses 7 "T l t DWINTOWIN CIILROY SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 2I. 2005 Ajddd spaepuelS aopiaao) peoilq (sauo3s £-Z) A6 :"W 343PH hipping 'S I :uIW aauwo) .01 :uIW itaa .S I :uIW apis .S I :mW 3uoai :sj)egaaS (asn joog puna8 pwyaq /aeoge s3uawuede ao /put 'ands laoM /aril 'sgol 'sopuo) 'sawoguMo3 'saxaldnp 'auole pue3s) mivamsaa Ieijuapisaa (nummidwi awog'iiedaa put mAjas'pavelai o3nt) leomwo) nmaS (um A I0304) Suispol (sadh 11t) sa)gj0 PluaNsay uoN (IM UTWNW 3loi 3 ovi s3sn a3111N3l3d of 3l3AU S3Sn A8rNI8d 11 /1 A31A NVId HIM ni A31A NOUMS )e /np 0£ :A31sua0 xeW pluapisay auo(d pue)S avi SCO :IVJ XeW s))afoad as() -Pomw ao /pue ivivapisay uoN JUISNUNI SCIVYt]NViS 1:)1H1SIQ XVAUV3 3SO ONVJ A sualad asn -paxiw Alpnivae ao3 %SZ Jo uoiunpaj Sw�nd pa�1401!s -uo haw aq Ism sauawa,mbai Ew ed Iry , s3iun 6 /a)tds 3sad I + vun /sands S -I :js 008 < shun lti3uapisay svun q /a)tds )sad I + mn /weds 1 :Is 008 > s3iun Iti3uapisay !s 006 /weds 1 :Iei»awwo) olmas saaAoldwa q!qs Z /weds 1 + woa /weds I :2ul3pol )s OS£ /weds I :sao0N0 *mumaainbal SwIJed Sunlied put 3aaa3s ay3 nom aq Sui3utld put Suwwjaq y3iM jams put, Swplmq aq3 umoq painol aq Aew Suplaed paambai }o %SZ }o wnwixtW - uoilvol Aud :uoiae)01 8uiIaed 9NIMVVJ MUS SJ0 Ajddd spaepuelS aopiaao) peoilq (sauo3s £-Z) A6 :"W 343PH hipping 'S I :uIW aauwo) .01 :uIW itaa .S I :uIW apis .S I :mW 3uoai :sj)egaaS (asn joog puna8 pwyaq /aeoge s3uawuede ao /put 'ands laoM /aril 'sgol 'sopuo) 'sawoguMo3 'saxaldnp 'auole pue3s) mivamsaa Ieijuapisaa (nummidwi awog'iiedaa put mAjas'pavelai o3nt) leomwo) nmaS (um A I0304) Suispol (sadh 11t) sa)gj0 PluaNsay uoN (IM UTWNW 3loi 3 ovi s3sn a3111N3l3d of 3l3AU S3Sn A8rNI8d 11 /1 A31A NVId HIM ni A31A NOUMS )e /np 0£ :A31sua0 xeW pluapisay auo(d pue)S avi SCO :IVJ XeW s))afoad as() -Pomw ao /pue ivivapisay uoN JUISNUNI SCIVYt]NViS 1:)1H1SIQ XVAUV3 SON IZ SMIN AOH mmmlmlm�-, =111777-L NY'Id MAM3d$ A08113 NAO1NAC •(seaae amias ao aSeaols aiedaa olnt •a•) sawadoad Smmo(l woa auaaa�s a noys seaae ayl `aeaa ayi w lsxa seaae 11111,13C euoiuu ao aSeaos o sunoddo a a d a8I i I f l l ail►l yM �gissoaaayM peanvJua si aeaa ayi ui Smlatd -Swlaed put 'svimas Algiln 'ssam aelmiyae aoj Mope p1noys uiiisia siyl w sl)eglas aeaa -s8uwplmq uaaMlaq Swdospuel put mds uado aol SwMope Aq lol ay )o aeaa ay It sailaadoad lumlpe uaaMlaq uoiiisueai t aleaa) sl)eglas aeaa sl)eglaS aeay 7amS AaaaluoW Suole sin) qan) aziwiuiw of algissod MaaayM saws Alaadoad uowwo) Suole smod ssa»e utwsapad put atlmiyae aaeys pjnoys sawadoad iva)e(pe )aoMlau uoiltloap luapyja ue aleaa) of slpeglaS ap!S -Mau laaais woal pauaans aq lsnw lnq tact yaeglas paeA luoal ayl uiyliM paumad si Swlatd sash jmglaS luoa j algEmollV wilog!lneaq siyi aol Aliunlaoddo apieoad piM slatglas luoaj paueA •laaalS Awaluow SuoIe skmuaaaB put uopvg!ineaq 1aaals 48noayl paysgdwom aq ut) uoiusutal siyl •Jeewe a)unouue of uMoluMoa ow uopisueal a aleaa) pjnoys lwlsia AeMam ayi loin uMoluMoa 01 Duealua ayl sd sll)eglaS luoaj •laaais AaaaluoW }o no lsixa kw jeiluapisaa Aliwel -illnw auole puelS •Suiplmq Aue to a2quoa} laaais ay it aooa lsay ay uo paMope iou si Ieiluapisaa -angel sass palliwaad ueld ayi)adS ayi w pampno aae sasn ajgtMopd sash Aaewiad -Aoaj!q uMoluMoa olm kmaid a se ease pads spat Alalenud put Apggnd a)iu a apuoad of si huuia siyl JO NOW ayi -sl)ulsia aaylo w ueyl hulsia siyi ui algixag aaow aae sy)tglas `wawa)eld Smplmq put uoileanSguo) ion anbiun sey huisia siyl a)mS -aptiel luoal put asn purl awealua Aaewyd aiayl se aSeluoal laaais AaaaluoW aiayl hail Ism laaais AaaaluoW Suole sEmpp nS wissaadwi lsej put lsay a Suueai uMoluMoa ayi olw „AEMalts„ e se she li'aaoo uegan uMoluMop aq) to a8uul ayi uo si hulsia siyl seaaayM •aatlySnaoyi uMoluMop uiew sAoalig oluo a)t} Aliaewud piM huisia siyl ui s8wplmq aql moj uega() 3s-n- aNv1 A •peoy Aalsantal put iaajiS yival uaaMiaq jopujo) pealiea aq) Jo apis ilea ayi Suole AeMyied ueuisapad a clean of si uoissiwwo) samim oilgnd pue Au) ayi Jo ivaim ayl •JOpwo) peOJIiei aq) of ivaoelpe papuoad aq lleys tact aaiueld adempuel wnwiuiw iooJ -any a se IlaM se Ilea woiioq put doi put sills IE)gJan yiiM 'Itiaw paitompMod joelq 'Ile) iooJ -xis 'apeJS Iel)aawwoo aq II!m ityi u3lsap SwwaJ „Ptputis„ V •suoaied Ilea JOJ uMOiuMOa ayi Jo Main Suwseald dllemayisae ue aiowojd of aopuaO) siyi DEJ ieyi sapenj Suwplmq uO papinoid aq pinoys uontlave Ieuoiiippd iopiaao) peoaIiey luawaajh Swlaed paJeys a Rm %SZ of do pampaa aq Am pa.nnbai 2ui ljed aniielnwm Jo iunowe ayl 'spaepueis aq) AJsiies ai sivawaaAc 3ulljvd pajeys dolanap Aew sasn yms 'uoiieaado Jo sanoy ivaaag!p Ajpuiisip anty Suiplmq a wyuM sasn puel ajow ao oMi uayM 2upped paitig •saauMo Auadoid Ienpulpw uaaMiaq paambaa aq Ileys put pa8eanowa aje Aiaadoad a Jo jeaj ayi of siOI iva)tlpe ssone sivawasea ssa»d •iol ay Jo jeaj ay ie Swlaed apuoid of saiivadoad joolq joijaiw of ssam le)adpaa joJ Mope of pa8tjno)ua an sagiadoad aauao) B •stage ileydst paned aS,el Jo vedwi ayi aiiwlmw of Sam apeys yiiM padempuel Alaienbape put pawjaq `iaaaiS AajaiuoW wwJ pauaans JIM si ii se Suol os uoiiVOI Aue ui paMOIIe si 'apis ayi uo A Raj aq) w panalaid ySnoyilt `Suislred 3UNJed 'uMOiuMOd of Ienwe hilool iueseald a wjoJ of sajnimais Alois aajyi of oMi joJ MoIIe pinoys iouisid siyl •siySiay wnwixew put wnwiuiw yioq apnpw sivawaainbai Suiplmq 'uoiiiodoad Suiplmq- oi- iaaais pamepq a mean pue ivawUOJIAUa utuisapad ay uay hajis dlay of 142'aH Swppn8 sooz 'IZ 838N3AON NYIJ M,iM3ds �10�11'�j NO1NA0a •ademloags jo aais ay jo luawala IenSie luemwop ay aq aou pinoys sim Put seaAe Sw)lJed •1ol Emlaed ay1 }o Joua;uw aya wa) painseaw 'uOpElpsul jo awil aya 1e 143A w laa} aaJ41 JO wnwiww a aq Ileys SwuaanS 'UOljeeala UI S83ue43 . jo luideospuel . SIIeM uaans Mol . (adols I:Z) swjaq yVea 8uwpw . :EwMOIIOJ aya Jo avow Jo NO gSnaya Male TWA woij pauaans Alambape aq IRS scams )ilgnd wojj alq!SU Put 01 1u8)elpe Sjol 8m>Ned 'Mau wall pauaans IlaM aq 11e4S Sidled 'apssod iou si uORMOI s141 p •algissod Jaeauagm s8uiplinq pmyaq pamol aq pinoys EwPIJed Swuaaa)S pue u31saa 101 8ui )Ped SM1'1301113 NOIS30 13HISIG AYA3lV3 NOI1VA313 NI S39NVH) ONV SWd38 HIM 9NI110B A8 MUDS 38 OS1V NV) S101 9NIIVVd 9NIdV)SONY1 A8 03N33N)S 38 01nOHS S101 9NIll8Vd ash pal 66 3dY:)S133)lis ]/\ -uMoluMoa ayl joj Ali) ayl Aq ualepapun sivawanoidwi put sueld pasodoid put awlsin ay aapalMouln aaldty) siyl ui pauiewo sauilapm8 ay; 'Jayun j •sluawaeadwi eaje )ygnd jo uoiltluawaldwi weal -aeau w pie Ipm Imp a)uepma U21sap put 'suolgpuawwom 'Ieualew )igdeja 's)damo) urewo) sauilapm8 asayl •sha(ojd aleeud joj Iteoidde jo suoi)ipuo> luawdolaeap aping of put waloid )ilgnd aoj Tool Quiuutld a se pasn aq of papualw an jaldey) siyl ui sauilapm8 ayl ,(ajnhnalseijul) IIA jaidey) of jajai u1sap )ulawoa2 uoivavalw put pails awujamw uogeuuojw aoi -luawuauua laajis ay jo sluawleail paluauo- uQisap isaaans of si a 'jayltj spiepuels u1sap wlawoaa mns )yi)ads apuoid of MdeP s'yl jo luawi ayl 1ou si lI -spoau al)A)iq put, jelmiyae aya yliM spaau ueulsapad aweleq of ldwalle sauilapma asayl'Aee+- jo -ig2y )ggnd aya uo awsooi -Aojlig uMoluesoa jo suulsia snouee ay uwyliM sainleaj witaa )ilgnd anbiun Jaylo put 'Iieiap AeM- jo -ly8u 'ands uado )ggnd 'sauawgau Aj1ua 'sauawoueyua uoiPasiawi '8uidempuel 'swawala ulsap lams )ilgnd sayluapi lI •shmalea put 'sereld 'saeup put Wilt 'slams Quipnpm 'AEM- jo -slyau )ilgnd of sluawaeoidw uo sasn)oj jaldtV siyl 3sodand •luawdolaeap Mau put sapeaadn Alaadad aleeud awatmowa ysAlmn luawlsaew ue se he put Alilenb Iensu %ran ue aeadw of Was sluawaeoidw wltai )ilgnd -sad/4 put salim Quiplmq snouee jo uaisap ay joj doap )peq payiun a apuoid of put uMowMoa ay jo A lluapi put aEewl paaisap ayl aulman aoj lueuodwi si wleaj )ggnd ayl jo uoilipuo) ayl •uMoluMoa ayl jo uoile)yilneaq joj slto2 ueld )ypadS sljoddns leyl luawuoneua aeilmint Allensu pue payiun a auuean ui Aoalig jo Au) ayl joj a)uepma apuad of si Jaldey siyl jo lualw ayl -sands uado )ygnd put 'slleMapis 'km- jo -slyau )ggnd of sluawaeoidwi sassaippe jaldey sluawaeoidwl )ilgnd put uoimyilntag adnslamS aql NOIiMMA SiN3W3AO"(QdNl 3rllgfld J MV3,SAMIS DIA SOOZ IZ V3ew3AOH SIONO) N91S30 Ng88n - 1'9 38(1911 UO!ws RA —1-0 - 1"As Awlwgl DWf W41ti , �1 WY , MIRY , liDy YYyI DMI � 41 li b r� y'N avid MA»3aS A011113 NAoiNeoa VAT wk SMI NM INIVIS a SSMV lim -000 11RA Noll ON0019 4w AnDflus 9N=Vi m 1^* —^�Z3 1NINAWN Am] UNJIM NMOINM00 `yl �w ON3931 -NAY. -)as PA1 ins P-I.q ....1 Yy.+, KI rY , �.., wD ■YI ..,Y �ffc sf }`� f UMOIUMOQ WJEON ayi uiyliM nuawiea�i U21SOp 10 suoiit)Ol ayi sawisnpi sidawo) uBisaa uegjn - 1-9 ain8i j 'Molaq paisg an pailddt aq pinoys y)ea y)igA 01 sea�e ayi put sivawieaji q nd u2*sap ayi •east y)ta joj amid jo asuas put aamey� ayi aitan Ipm sluawleaji U21sap aeihwlsla 'uoisu kueld )�)adS ay w passaidn st luawuonAua UAOIUAOp aAninj pajisap ayi Sw»ojuiai w joutj lutliodwi ut si paitaii si wane asayi jo yea MoH 'sajaydsowie admaaals BUIbEA aeey piM uMoluMoo ayi jo wait luaaajjip S1N3iiMNI NOIS30 NYBan _J J J J J J J J 1 J J I %' ► ►.4 1 AaIIV JawJnog r ''A I} V A311V 13WNn09 133b1S A3831NOW r- •Fulda )uoiq uMo)uMoa ay 4)!M ssaiwtas aq pinogs 1)u)s!a uoisuedx3 uMo)uMoa ay) to ivawieaii a2pa uegJn a4) 'aJOlaJay) 'tale siyi ssedwo)ua put putdxa o) uMo)uMoa ayi to )Jeay aq) Jol sl uol)ua)ul aiewiiln ayj -slaaJls 2uluaua)ul put S IIeMSSOJ) )t s)uawltaJ) ma »t y)1M panadwi aq II1M suoivauuo) ueu)sapad •sairA aan ui pa)utld saaJl 2ulpnl)ul ')aal 001 AJaAa AlaiewlxoJdde pale)o3 •s2ulysluJnl put sluaw)taJl uegJn 4)IM ))u)sla )uo)s!H uMO3uMOa ay) 01 Jel!wls slitmp!s ap!m aeey IpAk can ayj •saplyaA 2WAOw put sutu)sapad uawaq Jaynq t a)ean IpA put luawala 8uiwle) )ylt,l a st 1)e p1M a8pa )aaJ)s ay) of iva)tfpe papuoid Rul IJtd '1aaJ)S )sill put pails yivaj )t )aaJiS AaJa)uoW uo )e sivawnuow AeMa)e2 Aq pajaw aq pIM UAO)UAoa ay) o) a)ueJ)ua agj lams xaialuow vimia uoisuiedx3 UMO)UAOa •suoq)unl ueu)sapad yliM alq!ltdwo) aq 01 ageJO)s 4m) 2uun2yuo)aJ se s)uawanadwi g)ns put sa!)!I!)n to 8uipunoJ2Japun ay) 42na4 pa2tmo)ua aq osle II!M )uawuoJUUa utwsapad pa)ue4ua uV •eaJe ay) to smog Am a aq p!M hiwp Joop)np •s8uiysiwn} uegJn Ja410 put '2u►de)spuel '2ul1y2y pa)utyua put pastanui yuaw)tan 2uutd lei)ads a y)1M panadw! aq IIIM JopuJO) a41 • MIS ay) 2uole panunuo) aq Ipm )aaJ1S AaJa)uoW uo asoy) o) Je11wis su21s IeuoiDamp, put 2mpueJq IaaJ)S AaJaluow 2uole uulsla )uo)s!H uMo)uMoa ay) put 2u1>Ntd )ygnd uawaq a)nOJ ssane ut st ))e 111M WAS ayj •sa1)14aA DIAM o) uado aq IPS p!M WAS ay1 y2noy)lt `JopuJo) ueuisapad t se Almew uoll)unl Ipm ))u)sla )uo)s!H UMO)uMOa ay) lO UOl))as s►yj Aalfb lawinoD I)u)s!p s!y) w pampoJim aq osle 111M su21s 2u►pugAtM put, 'sJauueq In )Ilgnd •sapivawe utu)sapad to a2ueJ hiseald a Jallo HIM s)ueld pallod a2Jt1 put `iaal 001 AnAa AlalewlxoJdde panid aq ll!M Sa)BA M) u! paiueld saan imis se paM se sal)e)da)aJ 4sti) put 'say)uaq '2w)g21j •sluaw)eaJl uopasJalw Aasl put 'slnoginq 'slleMSsoJ) 'spaads al)14aA DMOI '2ululp JOOp)nO 'o) paiml 1ou an )nq 'apnl)ui s)uawleag uegJn •uMo)uMoo ayi to )Jeay ay) si taJt slyl )ey) ajapu! IM s2ul4sluJnl )aaJ)s to asn anlsua)ul put s)uawim) uegJn )sow ay) put Taal 51 inoge to slleMap!s Jap!M •utlpaw Ja)ua) a put 3wInd lailtaed PM 'pagny)un wewaJ HIM WAS 41xlS put WAS 94213 uaaM)aq uolltJn2guo) )aaJ1S •utlpaw Jalua) ou put saps yloq uo 2u1lJtd Ieuo2elp yi!M'uomajip y)ta w )yleJl to auel auo aq p1M )aaJ1S PJ!gj put laaJ)S qmS uaaMlaq uolmn2yuo) )aaJls '))u)S!a )uols►H uMoluMoa ayi to s2uluui2aq ay) a)unouue II!M WAS PAI put )aaJ)S 414213 it pale)ol say)Je AJlua uMOluMOa laaas AaJaluow PIJISIa )IJOISIH UMO)UMOa V1, Public Realm EAST SIDE OF EIGLEBERRI STREET Eigleberry Street Public parking facilities and mixed -use development enhanced with urban furnishings, located approximately every 100 feet, and street trees planted in tree grates will characterize the more urban development along the eastern side of Eigleberry Street. The mature and established street trees along Eigleberry Street will be retained amongst the newer street trees to be added to promote and retain the more traditional residential and historic feel of the street as it borders the Transition District. Transition District Eigleberry Street The western and southeastern portions of Eigleberry Street are in the Transition District and exhibit a less urban nature than the northeast portion of the street in the Downtown Expansion District These portions of Eigleberry Street in the Transition District will have less frequent street furnishings, located approximately every 200 feet, than the northeastern section, though many pedestrian amenities will still be available. The intent is to not overwhelm the residential and small offices uses by an intensive display of urban streetscape treatments but to still provide an enhanced pedestrian environment. Expanded sidewalks and additional street trees in a landscaped parkway will complement the existing mature trees and will promote the historical residential atmosphere of the neighborhood. Cannery District Railroad Street The former industrial /railroad uses will provide inspiration in transforming this area into a contemporary urban streetscape. Loft-type dwellings with an industrial feel will create a residential atmosphere in the converted industrial district that will appeal to individuals who desire a highly urbanized landscape. Sidewalks will be widened and street trees located within tree grates will be added. Frequent benches and trash receptacles, located approximately every 100 feet, along with improved lighting and other street urban furnishings will complement the urbanized environment. A style of street furnishings unique to the Cannery District will complete the contemporary industrial atmosphere of the area. .ROY ,SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 21, 2005 3dVOS133a1S ]A DIY1SIQ AVM31VD 'luawuornnua Alpuayl- ueuasapad put 'Su!stald Ape)ll041sat 'gulwO)laM a st AOJI!g to Atli a4i to uolida)aad ,siahassed ay ivaw8ne p!M JopwO) s14i 'u!e,a ay; wal paMau ua4M 'ease a4i a)up4ua osle p!M WAS s"Aal put 100AS UIVEW 'WAS yix!S INAIS AOJI!9 PIO ` MIS yaual it s8uwsson ueuasapad paeoldwl •sa!laadoad 8u!uwo(pp of sMau algea!sapun uaans dlay put JopwO) aqa JO Tool ay3 midwi of pasn aq p!M 'saueld a3410 put sam 8u!pnl)m lu!dempuel •JopwO) a4i of ivawamqua )laayisae se paM se biwas apuoid p!M 8ul)ual •alq!ssod ivaixa isaieaA aq) of paylineaq aq ll!M Jop!.uo) sl4a 'ioitiado pup jauMo l!ej a43 411M uolleulPaoo) ul -whassed MEA Aa4lo Aue oa put AOJI!g to sivap!saJ oa yaoq `auawuoJIAUa uMOIuMOp ayl to uo!uod alglsu AI4214 put pasn Apunylu8!s a si jopwo) peal!EA ayl JOP!JJo, PDoJpoV •uMO3uMOO a43 of spooq,ogg2iau Swpunajns nauuo) o3 ivawuoauua ueuasapad pawtyua ue ap!nojd ll!M sslltMSSOn put SI IEAap!S paAadwl •eajp uMo)uMoa ay to anleA 311041sap ay1 aseanu! ll!M S8u!ys!ujnl uegm papalas put 'sam 3aa»s lu!ly8g to uo!i!ppe ayl s7uawieaaa uoiivg!ineaq adeisaaw)s a)ua!jadxa osle p!M east UeIJ 39aadS aqi w saaails sson put sigmas Sujulmaj 041 SIQDJIS ssa7 IDD!d tl simisla Ild •aaal 001 to aneis!p a hipama iou sItA.inui jpin8ai le Agana porld 'salmdam qm) put saywaq se yens 's8ulys!uanl admsaaajas put hliy8g apnl)uw ll!M sivawaAoadw! adnsiamS •)uawdolanap 8ugeadde Allens!e ssal a)ueyua put jagnq put hi lied uaans of sAp"ed padexpuel anq ll!M aaajas ayl •ajo) uMOluMOO Oya olu! slpnpu!pul a3!aua of sa!uua pag!aneaq put padempuel a!q!yxa ll!M uMOIuMOO ayi to suo!laod aivasia kmaipg a41 PIJISIa hma)eg soot Ia a3aw3noN NY'Id MAM3ds A08113 NAOlNAOQ •sa)ll}o pue saJois iva)elpe ay 3wiJoddns Aq sueuisapad ueJuE o1 amas put eaJE ue jo JaheJEq) ayI auyap o1 dlay IEY saiuuawe asayi to uoihallo) ayi si it •sivawala pol Jayio put sumunoj lit )ilgnd Se yms SUORE301 halas It suoiueJue Imads put 'sJailays iisum 'wm Supped put s1m apbiq 'sIJEJ JadEdsMau 'suompuo) a3pa lizoads auyap of spiElloq 'sJaulnuo) 3wpbaJ put 4STA 'saywaq 'sJauueq 411M SM311 WAS MIJEJ03ap Se yms saiiivawt to isisuo) s8uiysiwnll IaaJIS shipuin j lawlS suoil�asJaiw pahalas aziseydwa oI pasn aq un ityl sivawala aJE saJnieal Jayio put 'SAIEMSSOJ) pa)UEqua 'SIS011 UOIIEUUOIw 'sEZEld -iww 'IJe Jilgnd 'sivawala AEMaid `suoisuain jltMapis 'BuiAtd lEpadS •uMoiuMoa ayi w sapou IuelJodwi an sumpasJaiuw Aaj •AiajEs Suiseanul w pue suEulsapad Aq asn 3uiSEJno)Ua w iuelJodwi aJe IlE sJalJew lmsu pule 'sninp loJauo) )!BEA 'uolmol AN •uoiauauE lEincls paau oslE slleMssoi) '3904 JEln)iyaA ASIOU pue Ise} woJ} 8uuaynq yiiM pue 'suolivol wlas ui BwAed wam hinds put 8uutd gioows yliM 'uMop lloJls of algt,iaolwo) aq of yip!m g2noua yliM pau2isap aq oI paau gleMap!S 'asn ueuisapad himim ui IE)iIu) si IleMapis agmue put yioows a SwpuoJd su0li)aSJawj pue 'sluawanadwi ueuisapad 'SMEMaNS -uMoiuMoa ay Jol Aiuoud wawmidwi auo Jagwnu ay si it •Aiiunwwo) 8wzyei m a oI IuawaeoJdwi isMiq a18uls ayI aq um sasm Auew w auole saaai WAS }o UOilippe ayl •saiiuil)e wouidolmapaJ w aJnieal Aaj E, sl BUwaA ucyn •siueld ivam Jayio put hidempuEl IltMapis 'sAeAgjtd 'saaJl Iaans sapnpui Iuawala siyl hidempuq 'UMOIUAkoa pawauo- utuisapad a of IuawuOJUUa paivauo -OInE uE wOJJ ME ayi to JauERV IueuiwopaJd ay hihey w 'swaued asn putl yiiM hole `IuaipaJ3uw Aa3 E put ueld JypadS ay to slEo2 ledpuud an asayl -ands ueuisapad jo hgnb ayI aAoJdwi pue ')WBA wleO '1110 Itay Jelos ampaJ oI WON' aJe sivaUOMI OOP Jayio put, SwdenpuEl 'saaJi IaaJiS •Iuawa)utyua leivawuOJUUa w IsiSSe oI put 'IuawuoJiAua utgJn 041 10 ssauaAMEJuE put uoiuunl ayi aptJ2dn of 'leaddE lEnsu aieaJJ of Aliligt, nays Joj paualas M sivawal3 wit Jemmied a Jol, knuapi ltoads a 2untan w dlay Ieyi sivawmidwi ayI sagmsap uoivas siyl 311M MS NAOINAOQ 3H1 30 SINMi3 'oNI 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auawa)eld put gwiueld aaji imis jol saugapm8 Ieaaua8 air Suimopoj ayl 'Aigenb )ie aeadwi dray put /quapi anbiun kuMOluMOO aqi of ainquluoo sainixal put 'siolo) ahilol 'laojwo) 'ale)s Swppd 'skmPEOJ iuep)o)sip as►euagio 2uivalJos put saua)s iaa)is paq!un Ulm of wawala Aal a air saws iaaals Bawl lawls !)Nldv3samvl 133115 031JINn V 31V31) O11N3n3u A311 T 34■ »au 13791) S11VMMIS M 3)NVHN3 SINN 3311 WlEal )!I4nd r. d -- 3 SAHIS JA VO 33111331151VI1N310d A 31dWVX3 '31111W 3dV1) 331113311S 1VI1N310d 10 31dWVX3 '3311 3NVld NOONOI •aeaA ag) JO suoseas He w ammadde Aglleay pue ueap a )igigxa pinogs pue aweua)uwew jewiuiw annbaa pinogs sapads aan pal)alas aq) 'Apeuii •)gjejl Swssed )oj same DUMP lggis AiEssa)au glint aJajJawi lou pinogs sawl •ain)xal pue jolo) 'a8eiloj 8uiguluo) )igigxa leg) sapads hosaJaluw pue IeluaweuJo glint pawed aq pinogs 'suopasiaiw pue shmald 'seaae guinas se g)ns 'same algisu Alg3iH •Sugpueg jo 'Alddns 1aleM 'puiM 'sainluadwal awama Aq pawg Apsea )ou pue APJeg aq pinogs sauadS •uMo)uMop luugie a of alnquluo) g)igA s)i)aglsae paua8 pue Aliligisu )uoj}ajo)s leag jawwns wo)j apegs se g)ns 'slyauaq Apai)i- ueuisapad apino)d o) Alit p pe)aeo s,aaa) agl uodn paseq aq pinogs sapads aajl ;o uoi))ajas pMep •pa)ueld aq of ea)e )quads ag) mgliM pue A)Epunoq uMO)uMOG ag) u1411M Aliligelms jo} paualas aq 1pm sapads aa)l RRIEd aaal >'aaq ueId )yi)adS soot IZ V38N3 ON NTIJ MA MS 1OH -113 N OIN BOG (I ®i •sauol lalou Jo anlq TIM ahuea ABA agl w stand pioAd •sliun hind alanuo) put kl) w uowwo) aat sjolo) asagl •llegdse >utlq of 3sezauo) luaga)xa ue ap!Aad ahutj ello) eiial of paj )puq agl w sauna glM wJeM •lJip pue 'hwpeJ 'swell glint paIWOsse awtualwew agl aziwiww dlag um sueipaw agi w jolo) le,halul •sauel hul 1P agl 411 lSeJluo) Jolo) huoalS t aAeg W41 sleualew ualaS •Jaht,eg) snoua8owoq a spioAt put uhisap hwlueld ayl jo lualw 1eui2po aql swelwew sigl •sadtgs )ulawoah Jo OM xoq olw shield hwwwul pioAV •pahpaq Apsea an legs shield pioAV •sauel )y}tji put sleualew iueld uaaMlaq jaMnq a ap!Aad of put uo JIeM of S1a)VOM awtualwew JOJ eaze WPM agl JO Jalawuad aql It dugs hmAed qm -81 wnwuww t ap!AOjd awejeaddt Aglleag put ueal) a ainsua of ammaluiew lewiww paau legl sapads MOOD . •Algigisu utulsapad joj saYul 91 uegl MeO ou g2iag ainlew a seq legl leualtw weld asn 'sputlsi ahnjaa utulsapad pue SJIeMSSO» ld •sapigaA hUISSed JOJ laud amelsip ighis umiwew of Alunlew le Iltl laaj aazgl Japun aze legl sltualew lueld asn •Saaal ueipaw hulumuwew w Spun) aziwiuiw put 'sauil lghis ajts apuoad AJEJl apigaA put Imal 411m a)uaza}Jawi pions of ainimis Suig3mq g814 aeeq leg) sail utipaw halaS :sutipaw Jo) uoihanp Ieza08 aA13 Sawlapmh SwMOIIOJ agl -bunwwo) agl ammad slsuolow hissed Mog amangui Apeaah un sueipaw ')gSis }o awl Aiewud saaAUp agl wgliM PalD01 'AeM- )o -slghu )g{eA ap!m ssoa)e sahn}az utulsapad apuojd of samunlloddo man oslt sumpaW anuaAV essagml of WAS 414213 lMlS PA141 0) ptoa Aalsane81 :suOge301 o#1 w laajlS AaJaluOW uo pagsiwnJ aq pinogs sueipaw '409padS •)gjtzi stools legi uoilda»ad auel paMajeu a area» put 3ylvul hUIwO)UO uaaMiaq uoilejtdas lensu a apuad sutipaw pade)spuel'uMOIwAOQ agl w SlMls ayl awegua 4e094lsat 01 sailiunpoddo hwpuoad oslt aMM •saanstaw hwwlei )yjezl Alajes se uoipunj spuelsi ahnjaz ueulsapad put sueipaW hidospurl uEipaW NVION 1111 ONVNN3 SINVId 3I,IDU11V 133VIS 3N19NISS08l N3HM 39MV SNVI81S303d 3AI9 NV) SNVI03N WJEON s )!Ignd IA 3dYOSt33His I/A 039V8(IO)N3 SI SNOILAS831N1 1V S1NVid 1N3))V 53381 ONV SINN NAM 03111038 38 NV) SNVI03N anuaed essay)nl of imiS yly2i3 WAS PA!yl 03 peon Aalsaeeal :seaje pal)Weil jaieeay woaj sueulsapad ja}}nq of suoilmol oMl w laajlS AaJaluoW uo a8pa laajls aq) Suole papieoid aq piM sAeM )ptd pade)spuel Aly)il . •)yjeJl aeln)iyan Asnq woaj sueulsapad jaynq dlay ll!m eaJe palueld siyl wails put IleMapis ayl uaaMlaq saalueld pade)spuel apnl)ui pinoys laanS ptorliey put ()aaJlS lsji3 pue laanS yluanaS uawaq) laanS Ajjagal8i3 jo apis ma ay 'laanS AajaluoW 8uipnpuw can ueld )yi)adS aq) ul slaans pal)alaS . •uouewlsap Iei)ads jo a)eld t w li 4puapi put uMoluMoa ay 4!un of suopasJalui pue saei)p AJlua lua »e of pasn aq ileys (jolo) llel poo8 ao /pue siaMog 3uuds la) sapilenb lei)ads yliM shield lua))e jo asn ayl . :luawlean adt)spuel IleMapis joj sauilapm8 It,auag an SwMolloj ayl •uone)adoo) aleAudpilgnd alelyne} of 3)insia luawaAadwl ssauisng a se yms saililua Jo} Aliunljoddo ue aq kw S% •luawdolaeap AAjadoad aanlnj ayl yliM paimbai aq ll!m sjaylo put 'sdnoa8 lsaialui Iti)ads 'sluty)jaw 'uauMo Auadoad Ienpuipui Aq uoiledi)iljed put uogejadoo) 'pa)mas si gwpun} se Ali) aq) Aq paluawaldwi Aldwis aq ue) suoya uopoyilneaq ayl jo awoS 'pannbaj aq Ipm Ali) ayl put siauMo A ndoid alenud uaaMlaq uopEdi)und lwol'ajaydsowle uegm ue uitluiew put ammadde aeisayo) a aeaiq)t of sluawaeo)dwi km- jo -ly8u )ilgnd unilsuo) of laoya ue ul •8wptys put Buivaa))s lol Ewped put '2uidE)spuEl ereld 'sJalueld pasie) 'sk"Ed /siamid pade)spuel 'slod Jalueld apnpw Ileys ea)e ueld )yi)adS ayl ui 8wlueld eaje IleMap!S sA'?AqJed /3ulde)spue-I lleMap!S -Swetd Iti)ads 4IIM pa)utyua aq pinoys spua pajadel jo sauel Swuml yuM sueipaW . •sleuantu lueld put 'samleaj pnoauy)ie 'Ols leuoivajip 'Emeed }o asn ayl g3noa41 uMoluMoa ay saliun leyl Aliluapi ue aleaa) dlay sluawlean ueipaw lualslsuo) •su2ls Ituoil)a)ip put puelsi allnja) utinsapad a )o} woo) luaplyns saeeal siyl 'ApewiuiW 'auel uml -4al a yliM pauigwo) uagm t)i)sia eMaleg ayl ui ugisap uoivaraiul ylp!m }o laaj mol utyl ssal ou yliM ueipaw a eod)o)w Iltys soot IZ U311143AON NVIJ a131a3dS AOU'll', NAO,JLN AOG •a)uejtaddt Ay)leay put ueap t ainsua o3 jeaA jr poo8 look o1 puai put a)ueua)uitw iewiww paau )ty) sanads asooq) •Ailigisu ueu)sapad JOJ say)uw 81 Molaq leua)tw )uld daal 'skmaAup put slleMssoa) 11✓ •sanssi kales put )g}ej3 Buissed joj saws a)ue)sip iggis Aiessam jo ajEAE ag •woolq Suw)saja)ui Aptpadsa ue aeey )ey) asoy) jo 'sai)aute pa)ua)s 'ain)xa) put 'jolo) 'a8egol 8uw)sej)uo) 411A s)utld asp •suoi))asia)ui Put 'SkAka)t8 'seaR Sw)tas AM se y)ns stmt algisu A14814 Jo) sauads 8w)saimi put jt)uawtuwo asooq) •a)ueataddt ados)aaus aeilmut ut uinuwtw o) dray piM qua)ew weld aag2no) put, 'uoi;eguji put s)utid o3 ahwep jo )unowt awos a3edi)iWe o3 )ut)aodwi si )i utuuapad RON •SwIpuey jo Alddns ja)eM 'pmM 'sain)taadwa) awaj)xa Aq pauayt Arista )ou put Apaey WE ley) sai)ads asooq) 3)NVN3INIVW 1VWINIW 033N 1VH1 S3D3dS 3SOOH) 3)N31103 NVI81S303d 3H1 S3)NVHN3 9NIdV)SONVI AWNS WIEq )!Ignd �) � 1w, �J 030N3WW0)38 38V 01 MONO) NVI81S303d 3)N3183dX3 NVI81S303d 3Nl NI 3108 1NV180dW1 NV IV)d SY1VM301S 3wsson pealiea aiayM suoivasia)ui ayi )e sson of sut'ulsapad a»o} pinoM imp ,tell- jo -)y3u peoaliej ay) 3uole spell jo 3uimal Iluillelsw Aq pays9dwo»e aq un siyl -save papaluo) of pasn)oj aq pinoys ssloej) pealiej ayi )e sueuisapad joI samusgioddo Swssoa) •asn awiu43iu Jot ivawuOJ'Aua ajes a apieoid of ui IIaM aq pinoys (sy)ed ueuisapad put' ssllt'Mapis) ease ueld )9i)adS ayi ui sawlot'} ueuisapad am)nj ayl • /4ajtS ueuisapad •iaaaiS AaaaluoW scam of Ipolq ayi punae IltM of pa»oI iou On slol 3uiliEd aq) 3uisn siawoism )ey) os pappe aq pinoys sopip el Ilunlied ayi put )aaj)S Aaja)uoW uaam)aq suoihauuo) >polq- piw'algistal JaeaJayM-ilmq aq )aanS AoialuoW uo sslleMapis aq) put sawloej Ewslaed am)nj aq) uawaq suoivauu03 IMIP Iey) papuawwo)aJ sl 11 -sVEJ) pealieJ ayi }o apis isaM ayi uo jo iaaaiS Amagalg'3 hole sassouisnq asoy) pwyaq palvol aq pinoM iaaals Aoia)uoW 3uole sassawsnq was pinoM ieyi saiigpel 3u» lied aq) jo )soW •sai)ilpei 3uw )Ved 01 suoi))auuo) ueuisapad •padolanap On de3 ayi 3w)uoaj slamd ay uagm sslleMapis amLl iou op Apuaamo )eyi sivaw3as )aaiis tut uo ilmq aq pinoys sslleMap!S •samso1) deg IleMap!S :eaJE veld )9i)adS ayi my)iM uoiltln»p ueuisapad )uaioyja put ales apinad of apew On suogepuawwo)aj 3wMopo; ayl iessa)au aq pill saluki¢} 3uplitd ainq of suoii)auuoo ueuisapad a)enbape 'M}Myl 'uMOluMOp aq) ui sasn leioaawwo) ay o) sm nay) woa} )a3 of siawoisno jo hilige ayi uo alai luaixa awns of `II!M sassauwsnq uMoiuMop Jo ssaoms ayi •sm»o )uawdolanp se suognol asay) )e pape)sw aq pinoys slleMapq •siol paeoadwiun hiluoal Apsow 'algelieee iou alt sslleMapis ajayM suoge)ol awns ale 8Ja41 •ease ueld 39PadS ay w shams ayi jo sapis yioq uo punoJ ale sslleMapis Ind )sow aq) jo3 '£'9 put 1•9 saan3y w uMoys an siummidw ueuisapad •oua)s win ueuisapad algejisap E o) a)nquluo) pe s3uwysmml )aids )ualsisuo) put '3wdmspuel put saai) laaj)s 'ssllEMap!s ap!M •)uawuainua uMoiuMop e 10 ylleay )iwouo)a aq) put hiltuoiounj ay) w )led )ueijodwi AJaA t' sAEld a)uauadxa ueuisapad ayi •sapbiq put yisuea) )ggnd 'aligowo)ne ay) 3wpnl)uw 'lay l }o sapow jay)o uaaMiaq suoi))auuo) Ieouu) apuoid put l41Aihe AJaAa AIlenmA o) ssam ueulsapad apuad sslleMap!S •jiwau uoi)tlmjo ut'ulsapad uMo)uMod ay) jo )uauodwoo Aril ay) alt sslleMapiS SMEMONS S1N3N3A08dNl NVIa1S303d aNV Sli'IV &3alS 'SulleM JOI aazj , auoz ueulsapad gSnozyl„ ay dual o) )aazls put slleMapis ay) uaaMlaq ease ay ui pauleluo) aq pet's apn)iupnj laap)s paq)o put 'sl)tz sMau 1UP4211 )aazls 'shtp aliq 'stare Swlueld • •sluawapmbaz (VpV) PV saivpgesia 411m suE)uawV 041 411M a)utpporpe w put apis Aq apis Algt)po}wo) lleM o1 oldoad oMl po} Mope of pamasap aq lleys laaj pnoj jo wnwiuw V •suonmplsgo po /pue sapn)xg Aue jo zeal) idol si 1e41 „auoz utulsapad 48nopy)„ t aety pet's slleMapiS •lumisaz -dils put 'yloows 'wig 'algtls aq lleys aze}zns lleMap!S 'sal)iyae BUUOw pue sueulsapad uaam)aq pagnq a apieopd put a$pa lltMapis ay) augap of pasn aq pet's sdu)s gwlutid lleMapis padmsputl put 'spa)ueld pasiep 'Supped lewhip jo lallezed laapls -up - lleMapis ay jo auoz ueulsapad ay) do alew pinoys 'uMoluma ay )uawaldwo) pinOA 1ty) swpol imany Auew ui pn»o pinoz y)igA 'a)ar)uo) anilepopad •alnop ptlnziyae ay wozj a)na ueulsapad ay) ysm8uilsip of pasn aq pet's 8u)y8g 3AI)ep0)ap larval Mol put `8uideospuel 'sapnpnp)s aniwwap zaylo jo 'sasillapl 'sAtMlleM uo hind paweyua se y ns saznita} u8isaa :sluawleapi ueu)sapad put lleMapis zoj sauilapin8 lepaua8 ape SuMOpoJ ayj •suoilml pallopluozun it Sisson wopj sueulsopad put slsipbiq 1UOAazd of slzepl peoplitz ay hole 2wwal A1ags yliM pa)uawildwo) aq pinoys yled siyj •uMoluMop ay) w uopelmip utulsapad y)nos -ylpou alepowwom 01 popupo) shezl peopliep ayl )o apis )sea ay) hole padolanap aq yled utu)sapad /aj)biq papeys t leyl papuawwo)ap si 11 •zopupo) peozliey o) lua)e(pV yled asn -pang •uopeln)pp ueulsapad alenbape aloes id of paueluew aq pinoys tape uMo)uMoo ay w suoge)ol guisson ptalitp Swlsixa ayl •Suiwo) si uepl a uagm sl)tzl ay oluo hilleM wwj sueu)sapad luaeazd 01 slleMapis ay) ssone pallelsui aq pinoys sppen8 Susson ptaliep altpedas 'Apeuoi)ippd •algeliea an sppen$ SNOIDnusao 10 VV31) 1431 SI IVHl ..3NOI UVIVRINA UNIOVUI V 71VU 11VUC CVIVAA]NC WlEal )!19nd IA �J J ( J J 3 � J J ��J IJ JA SNV103N NI 039V8nO)N3 38V SV38V 390338 NVI81S303d OHM 38 OInom S3)NV1SI0 9NISS08) •laaj OS Jo wnwixEw a of paliwil aq pet's puelsi agnjaz Iezlua) e lnoyuM shisson ueulsapad paldruaaluiun •a191ssod lualxa 1sale0 ay o1 paziwiww aq pet's samisip Sisson suouipum a8twezp wzols )ypads put sawnjon zy}ezl jo sluawazmbaz ay1 SuuaPlsuo) a191staj azayM pasn aq jjtys slno -qjnq IlEmap1S •z!Dez1 Mods Se paM se sson Isnw szasn anutlsip ayI aseanap slnoqlnq 'Sulsson ay1 q)tozdde Aayl se A1g191s1A zaleazs sutulsapad ama 01 paualsap :Suolsua)xa qzm„ zo ,$)noqlnq,, papn aze SJJEASSOn 1t AtMpeoz ay olui jjtMaP1s ay1 jo suoisualx3 •pazaPlsuo) aq ptys •)1a 'su3is Sisson ueulsapad 's3uppew AlEmsson zeal) 'suolsualxa lleMaP1s 'sIeusls ueulsapad uMopluno3 'szaysEg Igsy Sisson se yons saznitai •suiguo) zelogae /ueulsapad amiiw of pauSisap aq pet's s8isson >holq -P1w le slimson ueulsapad •sawnJoe ueulsapad g3iy jo seaze w pazaPlsuo) aq Am sIlEmsson zap!M •y1P1M w laaj lySia jo wnwiiw a aq p1noys sjjtmssoz3 •slimson pzeputls o1 pandwo) se /q g1s1n aseanw of pazaPlsuo) aq p1nogs slImsson ezgaz 'pasn In si hind wam azayM •zy;ezi ueulsapad Aneay ONO= put OIC11P e} 01 paau kw NO s8isson zaylp put '(s8isson I)olq -P1w) laazlS qq!j put laazlS ylzno j Ie AajjV lawznog . laazlS 1pums put Iaazls y1x1S le Iaaz1S 4)zny) . 'slaazlS 414813 put 'yluaeaS 'ylxiS `y111d 's1Mal 'ylznoi 'pzryl It laazlS Azzagal3l3 . 'SlaazlS 414813 put 'yluanaS '41x!S '411! 's1Ma3 'ylzno3 'P1141 It laazlS AazaluoW . :sumuaszalm SulMopol a41 It 2umd luam altzodzozul :gleMsson zo1 sau11aP1n8 �zaua8 an Suimopol ayl •azuauadxa ueulsapad ayl amqua zaylznl oI suollnol )i3alezls u1 pasodozd osle an s8ulsson Izolq -P1W •suollzaszalul pazytu2is It palezol aq pet's s8msson ueulsapad ImIS AazaluoW uo A31n11ze ueulsapad azow o1 and •uMoluMod ayI u1 A3111gow ueulsapad aq) 10 sluauodwoz jezlluz are s8wsson ueulsapad S11EMSSOJ) soot 'IZ 838N3AON NY'Id MAD9aS J,OHv',71 w AOiN AOG 133915 H1N3A3s ONV 13391s 091H1 N33MI31 133VIS 13131NOW 9N01V 3dV)S13391S IV)Idll -s8wyslwn} imis utgm papolas put 'suls lmoiimip 'siaujo) ie EmdexpuEl leuoiiippe 'Buued wane jo isisuo) pegs suoii)asjaiw Aal it sivawmidwl •shisson 41puauj- ueuisapad 8ulltan pue BwAed ivane yiiM iaaais ayi 8wwt4ua Apensu aoj Apuniioddo ue apuad suoipasiaiuw Aal 'ajojajayl •39Jru1 ueuisapad put, jtlmiyaA yioq Bmddois jo aka put asn wanbaij iiayi of anp UOilsu 8windwi joj Imuaiod is ON ayi aney Suoli)asJaiul -suopasiaim Aal pazapisuo) an imiS my put iaajlS y q l3 uaaMiaq iaajiS AaiawoW uo suoipasaaiw uASOiuAwa ayi `uoipeJaiuw ueuisapad put atlmlyaA leiiueisgns put A4g191s1A 4814 ayi of and suoilmaa;ul Aam •spugsl a&gai uelpaw put sauiva llemsson ie salod put a3vio} se yms suolunjisgo 8uuapuly -Aau woaj aaa} aq pue 'sa)utislp 1481s nap aR4 'ig Ajaienbape aq peys slIeASSSOn ueuisapad •upez 8uluani hiulsap ul pajaplsuo) aq isnw sap140A AEI aayio put 's)pnii 'sasnq jo awasaid ayl ')WEE) A 01s dray put sutuisapad jo omslp Sulsson aq) azlwlulw of zapio ul pampas aq ptys suoivaszaiul it siaujo) jo snlpej 8muwnl •sa)t}jns Sulpunouns of aimai put jolo) ul ivajag!p ampins Buued paivant ue aney pue JIEASSOn ayi yiuA laAal aq IIeys WWI! a8njay . 'east a2njoi ueuisapad uelpaw WJEON aq) uo y)toawa iou op sop14aA Suwujni ieyi ainsua of zapao ul llEmsson ay jo agpa ayi puoAaq awtislp )joys a papuaixa aq uelpaw aq) ieyi paalnbai sl il . '11EASSSOn ayi Jo yiP1M utyi ssal aq iou pegs kiglEm putIsl aEn}aj a J0 4iplA+ ayl •sauEl )y�eJi ayi oiw �uli�a(o�d woz� ,!I nd 'siuepuaiie Aq papadoid sjiEq)laa4m ul asoyi ApElmimcl 'siasn puElsl }o A ipyssod ay ampaj of 4)P!A w iaaj ino} aq pet's staje a8n}aa ueuisapad 'ApewlulW . WaAs ayi JO a1PP1w ayi w ease pavaioad t mean ieyi utlpaw ayi Jo suolsuaixa aze spuElsl a8njay - IA �.�►\ I��, r '�I� /o ■Ifni ■n ■�I� ■nllii�i■ ■ �i ..,. .:;. ... SRI INV��:t•��� -s8wyslwn} imis utgm papolas put 'suls lmoiimip 'siaujo) ie EmdexpuEl leuoiiippe 'Buued wane jo isisuo) pegs suoii)asjaiw Aal it sivawmidwl •shisson 41puauj- ueuisapad 8ulltan pue BwAed ivane yiiM iaaais ayi 8wwt4ua Apensu aoj Apuniioddo ue apuad suoipasiaiuw Aal 'ajojajayl •39Jru1 ueuisapad put, jtlmiyaA yioq Bmddois jo aka put asn wanbaij iiayi of anp UOilsu 8windwi joj Imuaiod is ON ayi aney Suoli)asJaiul -suopasiaim Aal pazapisuo) an imiS my put iaajlS y q l3 uaaMiaq iaajiS AaiawoW uo suoipasaaiw uASOiuAwa ayi `uoipeJaiuw ueuisapad put atlmlyaA leiiueisgns put A4g191s1A 4814 ayi of and suoilmaa;ul Aam •spugsl a&gai uelpaw put sauiva llemsson ie salod put a3vio} se yms suolunjisgo 8uuapuly -Aau woaj aaa} aq pue 'sa)utislp 1481s nap aR4 'ig Ajaienbape aq peys slIeASSSOn ueuisapad •upez 8uluani hiulsap ul pajaplsuo) aq isnw sap140A AEI aayio put 's)pnii 'sasnq jo awasaid ayl ')WEE) A 01s dray put sutuisapad jo omslp Sulsson aq) azlwlulw of zapio ul pampas aq ptys suoivaszaiul it siaujo) jo snlpej 8muwnl •sa)t}jns Sulpunouns of aimai put jolo) ul ivajag!p ampins Buued paivant ue aney pue JIEASSOn ayi yiuA laAal aq IIeys WWI! a8njay . 'east a2njoi ueuisapad uelpaw WJEON aq) uo y)toawa iou op sop14aA Suwujni ieyi ainsua of zapao ul llEmsson ay jo agpa ayi puoAaq awtislp )joys a papuaixa aq uelpaw aq) ieyi paalnbai sl il . '11EASSSOn ayi Jo yiP1M utyi ssal aq iou pegs kiglEm putIsl aEn}aj a J0 4iplA+ ayl •sauEl )y�eJi ayi oiw �uli�a(o�d woz� ,!I nd 'siuepuaiie Aq papadoid sjiEq)laa4m ul asoyi ApElmimcl 'siasn puElsl }o A ipyssod ay ampaj of 4)P!A w iaaj ino} aq pet's staje a8n}aa ueuisapad 'ApewlulW . WaAs ayi JO a1PP1w ayi w ease pavaioad t mean ieyi utlpaw ayi Jo suolsuaixa aze spuElsl a8njay - IA 3dY3S133b,i$ JA SNOIDNnJ )113H1S3V ONV NVI9VIIIIIn H109 36IAOYd S3H)N39 SDVdS VOOaNO N3AI1N3 NV) S31)Vld3)3V HSV91 ONV S3H)N39 ammadde win-jahol pod a amsua of sivawala ajniiuwrq iaazas of pagdde aq pet's Ilwieoa iueisisaj- iiy}ra8 t put 'IIEAapis ayi of paaoy)ue Alaimas aq pinoys swam -stmt )Uje.4 ueuisapad asn- z4y8iy w pamol aq pinoys s8wysivanj jo zagwnu ay jo A)uanbaij jaieaA V •say)uaq aeau paie)ol aq pet's sue) 3ug)uai put yseil •paaauex ueyi jayiez aayia8oi padnoA aq pegs s8uiysiujnj'ands IlEmapis }o asn ivaq)a put paziuEajo ajow a aiean of •Bwlied japons jo/pue jiey)laagm joj skwil M of ivam!pe weds jol uoisuoid a sapnpuw siyl •s2ui4siuwnl jo uogmol put Asop aq) om pamodiom aq pet's sampgsip y11m suoszad aiepowwone of suoisuoJd •IltMaNs jo *a WAS 8uole pamol aq pet's aanpuwnj )aaziS saiulapmg s8uwysivan j ImIS jejauag viiisia Azauutl ayi w Aluo asn joj papuaiw si put aanieu ui Ajejodwaiuo) aaow si (f•q aan3y) awled ademaajiS hauut) ayl •uuisia Azauutl ay edam ease ueld )yi)adS ay jo slued lie w pasn aq of si put laaj mmsiy JeuoIwanuo) a saJoew (Z•q an8y) aiialed ademlamS leuoiiipezl ayl •ease UvId )yi)adS ayi joj papayas uaaq aeey s8uiysiuwnj admiams jo saualed OM) 'anoge paisg sivawimi u81sap of uoiiippe ul saWit'd ShNsivan j uegan •a3umisaj lepuEA put 'kenbape 'Aiyigtmp '14ycieuieiwew ainsua of uouuia svimaS Aiiunwwol ayi ypM paiewpjoo) aq of si uoipalas Ing'jakaMoq 'sEuiysiwnj papuawwom swasajdai Aaagewi BwMolloj ayl 'we,Bwd sivawaeoidwl leiide) ay )o ued t se Aul ayi Aq paivawaldwi aq um vayio •wawdolanap i)a(ojd jo awii ayi w uonejadoo) ao/pue uoiiedpiued zauMo Awdoid aieeud amnbaj IM sivawaeoidwi )ygnd pauomnua aq) jo awoS •sutid u81sap ivawaeoidwi )ygnd Jo MalAa1 put aid )gi)adS vyi jo uoiieivawaldwi ayi y8nayi pauiuualap aq 11tys suoiit)ol •aMdsowit aAgsaj put AJaAy a man put awayi u1sap uMoiuMoa payiun a a)Jo}uwaJ piM san!uawe y)ns jo ivawanld put u1sap aadoid •suieiunol put 'sIsoij 'spjElloq tpej aphiq 'spatn8 put saiej8 aau 'siauieiuo) weld 'sapeidam ysen luailays snq 'say)uaq se yms 'AEM jo -iy8u )ilgnd ayi wyiiM pa)eld swap lie sapnpuw ainiiujnj iaanS •uopeaaiw )ygnd aol pasn salads joopino of AiaueA ap!Aad put uangua ue) put uon3un} umnyin st paM se )iiayisae ue atlas s8w4siujn} iaauiS SONIHSINIIftJ 133b1S W1 V1 Public Realm —� Me r, Yap l�nr W"!/ /' za }� jY .t ;.mod= 1- +....•a�S pirr Tree Grate by Urban Accessories "COHO" Bench by Creative Pipe Inc. "Iephyr ZPBB- FB- 6 -SM -P" Bicycle Rack by Site Specifier Bollard by Urban Accessories "BKR019" "St. Louis" Trash Receptacle by Dumor Tree Guard by XXX Street Light by XX DOWNTOW/n UfI L ROY SPECIFIC' PLAN -'% Traditional Streetscape Palette rrm � �� NUM 61 - IIIAUI1IUf1AL 1111ttimpt PALt111l: DOWNTOWN C SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 21, 2005 Street Light by Bega lighting "8791" Tree Grate by Urban Accessories "Boston" Bench by Urban Accessories Bollard by Urban Accessories "Transit Bay" "8.2U" & "DG5" Tree Guard by Urban Accessories Trash Receptacle by Urban Accessories "Any Street" "T -14" D 0 W/ �? " Cannery District Streetscape Palette rrm erouum FIGURF A I . CANNFRY DIURI('T URF HUM PAI FTTF ry soot U H38MAON HVIJ MAMUS INTO KAMIM), •uogejapisuo) o)uw siasn palgesip jo spaau ay) aje) pegs put apigan )isutj) nay) jo} bi)ieM sialluassed jo ))ojwo) ay) )O) Sw)ySil put say)uaq apuo)d pegs sdo)s )isueal •a)uejeadde paiaunpun put 'ueap `3ui4!un a alley O) paau Aay) 'uMO)uMOa ay; )n042noay) pa)e)ol are sdo)s put sia)lays snq A)uoy)nV uoneuodsueil AapeA ay) asne)ag •uoisula 2uuaaw2u3 14t) ay) y)iM uoi)empJoo) g2nOJ4) sai)ipmj )ilgnd put 'stare )um 'sea)e Swddoys 'sea)e Supped )eau pa)e)ol Al)ualuamo) aq lleys Aayl •spaau uoilelm)i) uMo)uMoa joj s)uawala )ue)jodwi a)e sdo)s lisue)1 put sja)lays snq saa)Iag sag •asn jo asea put A)geuoiuunj sii o) anp s)sipb Aq uSisap pai)aja)d a si osle 11 -IlEmapis ay) }o auoi ueu)sapad ay) 10 )no way) sdaal y)igm �lmpis ay) o) lape)ed pa )Ved aq o) sajiq sMolle )i asne)aq Suw))as uegan ut w IlaM slaoM I)ea alks adeys „a„ ayl •)polq Agana uo suoue)ol Aaj )e pa)mba) a)e sl)e, ajiq 's)aa))s uMo)uMoa Suoly •salod )y8g put sag)) o) sapbiq Suij)ol o) am)euaa)le 3M))a)))e ue apuoad put diys)apu apbiq aSe)noma 1pm sj)ei a3iq aamas put pa)eld paM •s))a(ojd a)eeud }O uSisap aps ay) ui pa)e.iod)o)w re paM se s)ol Suw>Ned put 'seaae )uaea 'sea)e lti)jawwo) )nog2no)y) 'sdo)s )isue)) )eau pa)e)ol aq pet's s1)ea ajiq SIM a)lig •s)uawannbaa (day) ))y sagiligesia y)iM sue)uawy ay) y)IM Aldwo) )snw uMO)uMOa ay) )oI saMg aa)1 'aa))eaey) uegm pansap ay) Sui)jojuia) alight IlEmapis ay) uo MUM* JO) tare avow apuoad sa)eJ8 aaal WR s11eMapis ay) ui pa)t)ol aq o) pasodo)d aae MA WAS aaayM paainbaa sl sa)eA aa)) jo asn ayj sa)eag owl veld )yi)adS sit') w payi)uapi s8u14s1uwnJ y)iM pa)eldai aq pet's s)uawala asay) 'Sw)eldaa paau salmdam ysej) )ilgnd ajayM -sdo)s )isue)) It pa)a)snp aq ptys put Ma))s uMO)uMOa )a4)0 pull `AaOtl )awAnog `)aa))S pealiey `)aanS Aajagal3i3 ')aaa)S Aaia)uoW uo )aal 001 lim Ala)ewixoadde pa)eld aq ptys 'sape)da)a) Suwpbaa put yse)) st Ham se 'y)uaq )ooyxis y •))u)sia AJauue3 ay) )o} Amodwa)um aJOw si auo put llUM s)uawala )uo)siy uMO)uMOa ay) )uawaldwo) o) alA)s leuoi)ipe)) a si auo :ea)e veld )gpadS ay) ui AeM- to -)ygu )ilgnd ay) Suole papuawwo)a) a)e say)uaq jo talks oMl sal)midnal yseal pull sapuag V3VV 1VDV3NN0) 3H1 100H900NH1 039VVn0)N3 31V SAM 3HIB 13DVVVH) NV9an 03VIS30 3H1 3)903NI31 NV) Sl V"O, 1 WIE01 )!19nd 1A 1H911 133815 DIRS1a A83NN1) 11)IdAl 1H911 133815 NMOlNMOa 101dAl 130AS AaaaiuoW uo papuoid aq pegs sam imis it put siy8il Jawis Ile ui 3uwiy 3il Juana /Ieuoreas Jo; MA1aS le)ui)al3 • •s,asn lisueaJ Jo) Aiumas leuoiuppe apuojd of sdois snq It papuoid aq pet's siygil iaans pales- ueuisapad leuoaippV • •ease Puisia S1JV IeanJln)Pui) ayi se JIM se Jaa.US pealiey Put `AalIV iauunog 'iaajiS A,jagalgi3 `iaaiiS AajaiuoW se y)ns 'paaisap si asn ueuisapad DON pue uoiie)giineaq WAS ajagm stmt ui AlielavEd 'sAeMyied ueuisapad put ssllemms guole papiAoid aq lleys guilg2il pails ueuisapad . :4111311 WAS JOJ saugapin3 leaauag aJe gwMOpo} ayl aaelg put uoiinllod g3il aznwiuww of sainixy gwJygy go -ins Ieiiied ao pn) sash . Put `9111Aiioe UUM a2rinowa put, sa)ueyu3 . 'EM ueld )yi)adS ayi 4!un sdlal{ 'Aiumas sa)uegu3 . 'siams uMoiuMoa }o asn ivahyja put ales aq) of sainquiuo3 . :yoigM gwiygil uMoiuMop o2rinowa saullap!d ayl •sean uegjn w aloe Aiajes put )iiagisae ue yioq sAeld gwiygy JaaaiS -alks Ieuisnpul -Imb e yiiM aini)aiig»e Mau se 1laM se sainimuis Aaejodwaiuo) aaow ivawaldwo) Ipm iegi guiiggil jo alks a of jlasii spual viAsia Anne) ayl wuisia Ajauue) ayi Won si)uisia Ile w pasn aq of pauueld si alks 2upg2il Ieuoiupeii aaow ay 'ohni )iaoisiy %Aalig a»ojwaa of •uMoiuMoa ayi }o suoiijod w paivawaldwi put pawlas uaaq set' piepueis gwiygil V sidawo) hiig3ij SON 'IZ 838NUON I - i d 3 3 3 ; d J IOM-11'O, � AOINAO fib If •Juawuozuua ;luolleM ales t Sw ;eazz 'sauoz utWsapad put apiyan uaaMlaq awouilap o3 dlag spzelloq 'p 3eld Alzadozd -soastd put 'sezeld )ggnd 'suoisualxa IltMapis paualas auyap of pasn aq pinogs spzelloq Aiajes g8iy- 1sieM'uMO3uMOp ay3 ;noy8noay3 pa3D01 Alinjaim aq oslt pinogs '•) ;a 'sAeldsip leuoilmop put 'szaweld 'saxoq auoydalai 'szauutq 'sslsoil 'suieaunoj Builuwza s8uiysiwnj aaiS leuoilippy •papuawwom sl put waii Ieuoi3wn} siy3 o1 leadde )ippae put aamiep sppe does awls wo3sn) q •seaze awos w palpsw aq pinogs sgzn) 3uipuu8 put spez suwpy alg s3un3s aeissaz E 2umo}zad zol sdozd se sza3ueld put s8uiysiuznj pails Suisn woz} saaalg3e spods MUM zay)o put 'szapy zapztogaaels 'sna is ouwlui aeissaAh auaeazd 03 padlSap sa)ieap azeMpzty 8ui)els -quq sdo)S ajejS •azueaeaddt pazaunp E aziwwiw dlay osle II!M slhrj asaya asnoy o3 saznsopua zadedsMau angezo)ap 3uaumad •aweztadde slleMapis pazaunp E azlwwiw oa vasuadsip aazya to sdnoj2 w pazaisnp aq Ileys spez zadedsMaN • saxoq Ad snozawnu mpilosuo) o3 uoims uiez3 ay3 zeau put uMo3uMoa aya inog2nozyi pamol aq pegs spuels zadedsMau aegezO)aa • uipuae zadedsMau of g)eozdde payiun t apuozd put a8pa jams ay3 Buole zapnp Iensu ampaz oa pa3epilosuo) aq Ileys sput)s zadedsMaN spueg aadedsmON � � ,z 303S133tl1S 3H1 Ol 9NIMS Saff OSIV 831NV1d SIHl SMINS 319YRYMS DROW of a3so 31 alnoHs Sa in9 31VMS wolsnl w1ral )!19nd IA SIGNS A strong sign program is one of the fastest ways to make an immediate impact and "brand" an urban area. A logo and sign program shall be established to help distinguish the Downtown from other areas of town. The logo shall be placed on gateways, signs, and banners to develop both a sense of place and an identity for the Downtown. GILROr Loco Lead -in Directional Signs Lead -in directional signs will be located at key locations outside of the Specific Plan area throughout the City as well as near the freeway to direct residents and visitors to the Downtown. LEAD -IN DIRECTIONAL SIGN FP V1 Public Realm 0 5" Z MONTEREY STREET 4 Ila L i i 1 SAMPLE STREET SIGN � Street Signs Street signs are one of the best opportunities to provide a unifying element in the urban environment. Street signs shall be as specified by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) or by special request, subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. It is the intent of the Specific Plan to identify every street in the same way in order to provide a recognizable sense of repetition that clearly enables a motorist, bicyclist, or pedestrian to identify the Downtown as a special destination. The street sign program should include the following, as possible: • A color unique to all Downtown signs • A font selection consistent with the desired traditional Downtown character • A design that reflects design components of the other Downtown signs DOWNTOWN CILROY SPECIFIC P LAN NOVEMBER 21, 2005 dVOSi33His IA 133815 HIN31 0NV 133815 15813 H11M 133815 I13831NOW 30 NOID3S831N1 3H1 1Y OHM SAVM31VD r sl •uMoiuMoQ ayi $uualua si auo ityi az!seydwo dray p!M sivawnuow AJiva put skmaid w 8wde)spuq paseanui -uMoiuMoQ ayi jo uo!ssaJdwi isJ9 Mind t gsggtisa put AJiva ay augap Apm!sAyd of Jaq)aki uo!punj pInoys 'sItuaiew 8u!iurld ade)sputl pue 'sIeuaitw hind 'skmq)Je 'su2!s 'sueipaw 2u!pnpu! 'AJlua ayi jo sluawala Ie)!sAyd 'uMoiuMoQ ayi jo A puap! anb!un aq) sAaAuo) put uMoiuMop t jo a)utijodwi Ieuo!i!peJi ayi spagaJ ieyi AJiva jo asuas Imowaia) t 3uiAaeuo3 'leuo!punj se paM st amine it aq pjnoys shmaid jo u8isap Itnsu ayl -suolltwisap mays of sisuolow apm8 of su8!s Ieuo!)ewioju! put Ituolpanp Joj sa)gd iueiJodwi are sivawnuow AJiva put skma)d 'sAtMAJIua se Bulmas of uop►ppe u) IMIS 4)48!3 put ImIS pj!41 it ImIS AaaaluoW 3uolt pait)ol aq of pasodoJd an sluawnuow AJiu3 WaJiS yival put Jams AaialuoW jo uo!paunul ay IT pue pails )sill put iaans AaJaluoW jo uowaunuw ayi le paie)ol aq of pasodoid an sivawimi AeMaleg •uMoluMoa jo iJeay mols!y put Moli!peA aJOw ayi oluw AJlua 142114E!y sivawnuow AJiva put ME uMoiuMoQ ayl oiu! AJlua a)unouut shma)eg •uMoiuMoQ ayi jo Al!ivap! pwls!p ayl aiowoJd put 4!ivap! of auras put s!segdwa u! )u!) an saJnieaj AtMald jtnsu asayl •uMoluMod ay olui uo!l!sutJl pue JEAUR jo asuas t $uipuoJd ui ieivawnJisui aq p!M sivawnuow AJlua put skmaieg sjuawnuoW Aj)u3 pue skmajEq V1 Public Realm HISTORIC DOWNTOWN GILROY ENTRY MONOMENT/ARCH LOCATED ON MONTEREY STREET AT THIRD STREET AND EIGHTH STREET i� THIRD STREET AND EIGHTH STREET � DOWNTOWN G(ILROY SPECIFIC PLAN KOV/EMBER 21, 2005 3dV:)SI:33)IIS JA N91S 1VNOID3110 8V1n)IH3A .Aaiun put kivaisisuoo ap!Aoad of suEis imis put 'sivawnuow blua 'shmald ayi jo sivauodwoo put gijaiew u8isap ioagai 1p'qs su8is ItuoiioaJ'p ayl •alAis ui irpwis inq skmald Au) ayi utyi Japews aq peys su8is asaql •uMoluMoa aq) punae suoiitool Aal it sutipaw wyiiM ao sapispeoa it Apuautuuad paoeld put 'padeospuel 'ig aq pinogs SAS paioaPS •o EA nlroiyaA of paivaijo aq 1p'gs su8is leuoiioanQ -suoiuejue isunoi put 's8wplmq oun 'guiVtd oggnd 'stale 8wddoys Aal aiouap of Bugagtl put SMOJJe leuonoajip giim u8is leuoiioajip uowwoo t apnlom ptgs wti8oad u8is ayi 'uMoiweoa ay joj wtiBoad u8is Ieuoiioaiip a jo ivawdolanap ayi ao} saugapm8 alt BwMOIIOJ ayi 'oia 'saiigioe► uoiituodsueai 'seed 'sonuaA aoutwjopad 'Aaejgq 'pty Aiio 'bus td oilgnd se gons suoiitupop pue saouaas iueiJodwi of uoiioaaip ap!Aad of waisAs U21S Ituoiioajip aAiptJpe put Rao a si uMOiuMOa ayi ui aoueuodwi Aal 10 su21S IEUOiilana vt Public Realm PUBLIC PARKING PARKING LOT IDENTIFICATION SIGN DOWNTOWN CtILROY SPECIFIC PLAK ®o■ IIIII& imp. :z PEDESTRIAN DIRECTORY SIGN PUBLIC PARKING PARKING DIRECTIONAL SIGN NOVEMBER 21, 2005 3arOsi33aiS 1/A S13NNV9 13311S -suogowoad puE slum lEpads aol 3uawasilaaepe apieoid of Alluipouad p 3"V aq kw siauueg -padolanap aq pegs (eniisaj ao Juaea lepads ap!M- Aiunwwo) E Suquasaidai )igdej8 puE o8ol mydadde uE g;iM slams •w igoad AS 041 w papnpui aq IlEgs spaepueas )g8il Ban uo asn aol sgLg jo uauuEg saaung laaals SON U IJ38N3AON NVIJ rOMMUS AOS'll'O, NAOINAOG •lie )ilgnd ioj samuniioddo osle ait su8is put seals Sugeas •saulua put 'siiels 'spell 'say)uaq uo 8mad olw paiti831w sail aeileio)ap jo wioj aq) ui aq ut) liV •a)ue)yiu8is jo a1doad put Aiolsiy anbiun s,eait ayl 8wluasaidai sitinw se padolaeap aq ue) io oared io ezeld a se y)ns suoile)ol Aaj o3 sueulsapad l)eiut of ainleaj 8wpug km it se pasn aq ut) lie )ilgnd •sluawaja imm io swelunoj a4!1 sainleaj iaylo io 'ainl)nils 8uwgwip t 'suoivafoid oapu se y)ns 'eipaw aeii)eialui ut aq ut) lie 311gnd -lie itumpunj put sainldln)s Apidialw se y)ns sa)aid ia8iel ui io iasu JIM e uo Suwputq affil se y)ns sluawala peuis w paleai) aq ue) iI •suoilt301 jo Alauen e w pasn aq ue) lie )Ilgnd skmagessed ueulsapad 8uole io seztld 'slams se yms 'sands )ygnd isow it palsa88ns an sa)aid in )ggnd ioj suopmol -sands ueulsapad iayl0 io 'soased 'weld 'sjjeMapis jo luawuoiuua ueulsapad ay a)ueyua of km 8um8ului ue si lie )ilgnd jo uoiltiodio)ul •)la 'slg8g laails 'say)uaq '8uued se y)ns sluawaeoidwi uE(pn iaylo jo u8isap ay) oluw paleiodiom io sa)aid lenpuipw auole puels se iaylia lit altiodio)m of spoylaw snouts apuoid p1noys wei8oid lie )ilgnd ayl •umoluMoa ayl jo spaau put nilsual)eiey) ayl laaw iallaq of wti8oid 8uilsim ayi 8uuopel put 8wugai iapisuo) Alit ayl leyl papuawwo)ai si U 'ianaMoy :wei8oid , sa)eId )ilgnd w lib„ paysygelsa ue sey Apuasaid Ali) ayl •Aliunwwo) a savituosiad ApeaA Alit ayi jo sl)adse snouen 8uiluasaidai w slsilie Ie)ol ahha of wei8oid slit ud •Aliunwwo) a jo iaueiey) put Algeuosiad ayi Swssaidn jo km lueliodwi ue si lit )ggnd jo Aeldsia lav onend NMOlNMOa 3Hl NI 3)N3183dX3 318V80WN V 31V38) NV) iVV )118nd 18V )I180d 10 W80J V 38 NV) SNIV1N003 wital )!19nd IA 11 +. 3dV3S133HIS I/A DDS 3Nl HIM Ol 3903 031Vln)IIVV NV 30H O1nOHS Wnd v + MM Umn asn NI A111191 1 101 03N91S3O 38 O1nOHS S3)VdS VZVld •amldlnos E ao `ainlEal zalcm E 'sauu yliM eloRiad a 'ptM 8upEas Mol zo zaluEld E q)IA (Moll )91EJ1 hyadwi lnoyliM) paugap aq pinoys )MM-48nozyl ueizlsapad of uado yoiyM sa3pa Ezeld • -ands algtiuolwoo alean pue tztld aq) au9ap of (')ia `SwdtospuEl 'sayouaq luwppnq) aflpa paieln UR ut aeey pinoys sezeld 'algistal WON . •pa3eznooua oslE si sluawala zo sainleal aiis aaylo put saazl to 8w1y8ildn •sly8il palunow -ITEM put, %42il alod 'spzEpoq H211 sE yons 'slggil paluauo ueijisapad alezodzomi put salpuEOiool oMl a3van pinoys sezeld w 2u[14311 •sayoui 91 to ly;liag wnwixew E yuM ig2iay w Mol aq Ileys 8uw14811 ands oggnd •Alves oggnd paniaojad put Itaz of ainquluoo Ileys stazE ayl 'SIEAI)sal put '(spuelsputq) luawmelialuo 13uilEas zoopino se yons sailmon paaisap to agues E aiepowwom of pau8isap aq IIEys put asn IEOisAyd aol Aliligixag gjlA pau;lisop aq 11Eys sands Ezeld SUEld •sauwlap!n2 BwMopol ayi of aaaypE IIEys uMOIuMOO ayi ui sezeld put s>Ned )ilgnd •shigld put `luawwelzalua 'sluaAa zol sailiunizoddo man put 'Auunwwo) to asuas a plmq 'luawuo.neua aeq)tJalw ut a)EOJo JEyl sailuiloE uewny jol sapiunuoddo 3uwo8uo apinad Ileys soared put sezeld yioq 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S33rdS 3118M awr 'S03SVJ 'Srzv'ld 3OWNTOWN CILRC- 11111111111 1 rJ �T, I �L ('� I� r ( rl �\ L r� l G it / � Loir WO SllAU N13MI39 S39VANI1 3GIA01d S03SVd SIMS •su8is ltuoi»aJip apnl)uw put iy paM aq ptys soared . •saimaj DIEM aAi PtJa)ui put saimcllms 'saznimis itimavyJe se y)ns sjuwod Imoj amodJom OsIt ptys soared •slJtJ alJuiq put 'gwdmsputl ')Je )ggnd 'sap affleJO)ap 'BulAed aAi)wiasip 'swtwnoj Builuup 'sumunoj 'sJa)ueld BwayBy MIeJOJap 'Bwatas st yms sal ;ivawe uewsapad apuoJd •syJed /seztld put spafoJd lti)uapisaJ uaaAgaq sahjuil put 'saaam aua)Ef pe put sioafad lEquapisaJ uaa#4aq sahjuil juawuoJUua laaJas ayi put 2upp d oilgnd uaaAuaq sahjug apuoJd pegs soared -sands )ygnd 3s341 jo uBisap ayj jo ued l0aaw ue an aJnim put 'wJoj 'Jolo) Aisap tzeld JIUM ay1 olui pa3eJodJo)ui aq ptgs seaR pa)ejJns pJey st paM se saaA apeys put Buidospuq Ojos vns Jo /put uieJ woJj uoipaloJd apuoJd os pakinom AlhoJas ale (tloBJad paJam -auu •a•i) sezeid put s)Jtd jo Jalawuad ay Buole stale paJaAo) •saJnitaj JajtM aAIDWIw put saJnldIms 'saJnunJas lempapy n se y)ns s)uwod Ie)oj amo(Jomi osle pegs sezeld •s m anA)iq put 'Bwde)spuel In )ggnd 'saki) aAileJo)ap BulAed ampuilsip 'sumunoj Builuup 'sJa)utld ImiyBg ammoap Bwntas ajg samuawe uvAsapad apuoJd SOMd SOOZ la MMINUGH NVIJ a1.1133dS AOSI1, NAOIN OG •aznjmzls ayi jo mdwi lensu ay ampaz dray of sape3tj uo sawA put Swdmspuej 8uipuozd zapisuo) •aznunzls ayl put stale pared uaaAiaq papieozd aq pinoys duls hidempuel jo laaj uaeas jo wnwiww V -stair paced jnqt Ap)azip Sou saop aznunzls aq) ityi os pamol aq pinoys aznjmzjs ay 'zoog punoz8 ayi uo papuozd lou si Iiejaz azayM zoog punoz8 ayl it sands ueulsapad ayj luozj pinoys sands (itjaz 'algiseaj put aleudozdde azayM . •Swplmq zeln8az a jo suoilzodozd 8wj3agaz uwe8e 's8wuado jo wylAyz a clean of suwnloo louzaA yjiM do ualozq aq pjnoys s8wuado (tluozuoH ale)s ueulsapad a ajean of samezlua ueulsapad put zelroigae le saznunzjs sylazj zo shiuMe 8wppe zapisuo) . • saznlmzls gulped jo joidAj si leyi apeiej Irjuozuoy SuOl ayl ampaz put saulua juanr of aznlmzls 8uwplmq ayj uo seazr Aal le ladezrd ayl of pappe aq pjnoys g3iaH •jsazajuw (ensie ppe put suzamd Mopeys alean of jailaz alezodzooui pinoys slaued asayl luipp nq zeln8az a of ztliwis azow suogzodozd aznjmzjs ay ani8 put SwpIinq aq) zoy)ur of saznunzls ayi jo zauzo) ayj le zn»o p1no4s 8mssew jvjuejsgnS • aznlmzls aq) jo sauy ltluozuoy ayi aziseydwa -ap of szagwaw Ienlzae arty p1noys 8wwrzj ayl Arid Swlzed panInmzeun ue alg ssal put Buiplmq zeln8az a alit azow look aznhnzjs ayj dray piM Suiwezj ayj •sMopuim jo amiradde ayj alean of s8wuado of 8wwezj ppe of anudozddr aq Arw li sast) awos ul •s8wuado a8rze8 2upped leluozuoy 'Suol ueyl s8wuado MopU1M alg azow look of s8wuado aq) u8isaa •8uiplmq ztjn8az a jo mivagaz suopiodozd aznwils ayj ae18 01 •sauyapm8 SwMOpoj ayl of azaypt pjnoys saznlmzls 3uppEd zggnd pd wilenala ayl alrwwop jou pinoys uzajled 8wjitz put )pap ayl luwppnq ztin8az a ioagaz imp suoniodozd aznjmzjs ayl ani8 dray it4l pappe sjuawala put pan Lowe aq p1noys suoijeAala 'aznlmzjs aq) jo look ayj azutyua Apeaig Put saws �tiuozuoy ayi ualjos of •jooz leg a ynM sauy �rjuozuoy 8uozjs Aq pajtwwop A��e)idAj air saznAnzjs Bw)Zed s3an mviS smimavd 80011 aNnoa9 3H1 1V 0301AO8d 38 alnOHS 3)VdS 11V131 L C F *1 � - FoIll QW-..,A 38nlln81S 3H1 30 S83N80) 3H1 1V 8n))O a1nOHS SSVH Malmo 1V11NVISUS WlEal )gqnd J 'SISAIeut 31W00030 ayi }o prd se put uoiieivawaldwi jo agens yea it paipnis aq pinoys nso) paseanui asayl •sauawaeoidwi yms yiiM papposse aq piM nso) aneuaiwew pasea»ui ley pazidom aq pinoys ii ianaMoy :uAko)umop injssanns a of JMQU) aie saiiivawe aAipeiiid iaawgu3 A') ayi Jo Iteoidde put MaIAai ayi uodn ivapuadap Alaiiiva si spiepuei$ 141) woij uoiieuee iol nsanbai 6uq •ainpniistiluw gwisixa yiiM uoipniisuo) Mau aiejiaiuw of iapio ui put uejd igi)adS aqi jo shed put 'sapilod `ivaiuw ayi paw put iapeiey) utuisapad aq) a)utyua of iapio w spitpueis 141) w uoiieuen JOJ Mopt piM urld 39i)adS ay 'aiojaiayl •puisia AtMaieg ay idana nPuisia utld )yi)adS ayi )o HE }o iaptiey) ueuisapad ayi a)utyua of IP02 utId )yi)adS t osle si 11 •aie}laM put 'ANes VILA 3ilgnd of sa)yi.nes gwlew inoyiiM sieal iayrea %AOJIig }o iaptit43 ayi awtyua put weiuwew of si ueld )yi)adS ayi Jo sIeog ayl jo auo -nvuuip Iielai put spoogjogygiau WHO sii put uMOiuMOa ayi azuaptity) 'yiMoig %kiunwwo) ay jo Ainiva) a ueyi ai0w iano padOlaeap MA y)igM 'swaisAs iggn put 'skm utuisapad 'skmpeoi guiisixa ayl •spiepueis ainpniisqui /41) w uoiituee iO) Mopt of ueld )gi)adS ayi )o ivaiui ayi si 11 Anpunog uMoiuMoa ay uiyliM spit puElS ainpniiseilul )ilgnd wog} suoPeueA •ivawala DIMS yea ioj pasodoid an suoiiepuawwom put paqu)sap an suoiiipuo) 2uilsix3 •tale uEld )yi)adS ayi wyiiM snieias )ygnd iayio put'ainpniistilw Maua'iaieMwiois a)SEM piIos'iaieMaiseM'iamm'14iligow put uoiitln)m guiuiaiuo) sanssi sassaippe iaidty) siyl molimoomiml S31,Lllltt3Vj 31111nd UMV 3SRIMUST ad MIIA V11 Infrastructure MONTEREY STREET FROM LUCHESSA AVENUE TO TENTH STREET HAS TWO TRAVEL LANES EACH DIRECTION SEPARATED BY A CENTER MEDIAN MONTEREY STREET FROM EIGHTH STREET TO SIXTH STREET HAS TWO TRAVEL LANES EACH DIRECTION SEPARATED BY A CENTER MEDIAN AND PARALLEL PARKING ON BOTH SIDES Of THE STREET CIRCULATION AND MOBILITY The Specific Plan area is centered on three major roadways (Monterey Street, Eigleberry Street, and Railroad Street) and the intersecting streets between Leavesley Road and Luchessa Avenue. The Specific Plan area is also service by a number of transit agencies. The Amtrak bus connection and CalTrain provide passenger rail service and Valley Transit Authority and San Benito County Transit provide bus services. Existing Street Network Characteristics Monterey Street Monterey Street forms the backbone of the study area and exhibits a variety of configurations through the length of the study area. The curb to curb street width, excluding sidewalks, is 66 feet. • from Luchessa Avenue to Tenth Street, Monterey Street has a shoulder but no sidewalks, two travel lanes in each direction, and a center median. • from Tenth Street to Eighth Street, Monterey Street has sidewalks on both sides, parallel parking on both sides, two travel lanes in each direction, and a center median. • From Eighth Street to Sixth Street, Monterey Street has sidewalks on both sides, parallel parking on both sides, one travel lane in each direction, and a center median. • From Sixth Street to Fourth Street, Monterey Street has sidewalks on both sides, parallel parking on one side and angled parking on the opposite side, one travel lane in each direction, and a center median. • From Fourth Street to Leavesley Road, Monterey Street has sidewalks on both sides, parallel parking on both sides, two travel lanes in each direction, and a center median. Eigleberry Street Eigleberry Street runs parallel to Monterey Street on the western side of the Downtown area. The curb to curb street width, excluding sidewalks, is 48 feet. • from Tenth Street to Eighth Street, Eigleberry Street has parallel parking on both sides and one travel lane in each direction with no center median. • from Eighth Street to First Street, Eigleberry Street has parallel parking on one side and diagonal parking on the opposite side, and there is one travel lane in each direction with no center median. `WII N CAIRO' SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 21, 2005 nionl symiml 3NV1 13AVV1 OIS H108 NO JNIIIYd 1311"" SVH BUTS OV011M 13311S 3H1 10 SIMS H109 NO 9NIA1Vd ONV NOID3VIO H)V3 NI S3NV1 13AVIIl OMl SVH 13311S 1813831913 IIA •s)!un leiivap!sai Mau 00911 )sowle put (jalua) slit 8u!uuojiad put, Ivin)ln) Aojl!g pasodoid ay) 8wpnl)u!) ands 8wplmq le!»awwo) Mau jo laaj arenbs uoyl!w auo Alg2noi jo luawdolaAap ayl apnplu pinoM utld 39!)adS ay) 'paAoldwa suolldwnsst )uawdolaAap ay) uo past8 •aj!l sl! JOAO ME utld )y!oadS ay) luy)!M paloadxa aq pino) leyl )uawdolanap aJnlnl jo lunowe ay) Ise)aloj o) tare Ueld )y!)adS ayl o) Aldde of suo!)dwnm )uawdolanp put asn -purl jo las a dolaAap of jaylagol palioM dnoig disag W88 )e siauueld asn -puel put jjrls Aojl!9 jo 141) -SZOZ 48nayl 'sjeaA OZ jo aj!l a sey utid )9!)adS a41 •eaje puel jo sane 091 AjgRnoj do alrw Aay) my salmlplu Bare utld )y!oadS ayl UMIA sla»ed putl ayl jo Aaoluaeu! ud •ean ueld )y!)adS ay) u! ands Swplmq Sullsin jo )aaj arenk uolp!w 9' 1 Alanwlxadde air Alluaum ajay) Ieyl salewllsa A)g ayl •padolaAap aq o) )aA anq ley) purl jo shied JUDEA awos ll!)s are aJayl 'JaAaMOH •s)uawdolaAap 8u!)s!xa y)!M putl Aq pa!dm)o Alurwud si tale veld )y!)adS ayl uorldu:)sa(l "4(ud •ueld )y!)adS ayl a)epowwom o) tare Apn)s ay) u! saht'q) Jay)o put samseaw u010111w spuawwom put 'switi suo) >lioMlau ainlnj Ituua)od saypuap! 'utld )y!)adS ay) jo )nopl!nq y)!M pa)r!mse wash uollruodsum Bmpunouns ay) o) svedwl ay) s)uawn)op slsAlrue uo!)ejmm uolleuodsuej) $141 veld )ypadS pasodoid ay) joj paunpuo) slsAleur uolleln»!) uo!)tljodsueJ) ayl jo s)lnsai ay) uuasaid gu!MOIIoj ayl '(All) ay) y)!M ON uo s1 slslleud uoueln)n) put uo!)rliodsutal alaldwo) 34D 'Jul 's)ue)lnsuO) uogruodstwil uoBexaH Aq paunpuoa srM Apn)s )yjtj) )uapuadapu! ut 'ssa)ojd urld )y!)adS ay) jo )jrd sd slsAIeuq uoi)elmai) uoimiodsueil Swasix3 •uelpaw Ja)ua) ou y)!M uoluaa!p y)ea ul autl JOAN) auo put sap!s yloq uo Rupped laptied aM4 s)m)s aql Iaaj 8f jo 's4leMap!s Sulpnpxa 'ylp!M )m)s qJm oI qmo a sey laaj)s sson uMo)uMoa Ivid/4 ayl laans ssaD jL):)►dAL •uelpaw ia)ua) ou y)!M uo!uajlp yea w autl laeeo auo put sap!s yloq uo 8u» lied lallejed sey IMIS ptojl!ey yaajjS simal of laai)S Aoal!g plo wojj •Iaaj bV s! 'slleMap!s 8ulpnpxa 'y)p!M hails qjm o) garo ayl •rare uMo)uMoo ayl jo ap!s uaa)sta ayI uo )aanS Aaaa)uoW o) laprred suns )aaj)S ptoal!ta )sans pnajMj S®OZ `1Z H38N3n,®N NVIIJ 313133dS AOS -11'3 N A®IN A00 •) O#40U (dW3) weJgoJd luawahutW uousaguo) ayl uo palool suogJasJaluw saiouaa,n anuanV tssayml put laauS AaJaluoW '61 laaJaS qjual put taaJjS Inulsa4) -[I laaJ)S gjual put ImIS JaputxalV 'Z I )aanS y)ual put aaaz3S AaJa)uoW -11 WAS ywaeaS put WAS AaJaauOW '01 jaaJaS yx!S put )aaJ1S AaJaauoW •6 (Paz!ltuB!sun) laaJiS 4ax!S put )aaJ ;S g3Jn4) '8 ;aaJ3S Pj!41 Put aaaJ1S AaJa)uoW I lams IsJ! j put iaaJ)S AoiaauoW •q (pazlltug!sun) iaaJiS isz!j put )aaJiS AJJagalg9 'S iaaa)S 1w j put imiS q)Jn4) '6 peon hisanea-1 put anuaeV AeJJnW •f peon Aalsaeeal put aaWIS 1saJOj •Z (..dW)) Ptoy Aalsaeeal put WAS AOJaauOW 'i suo►pasialuj Aprns 1 •Molaq pay!auap! 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(311) sJaauw8u3 uogeodsuril jo ainigsul aq) Aq paysilgnd se 'saieJ uoilvaW dui algeJgdde ay ivawdolaeap ay jo azis ay o1 2uiAldde Aq paiewisa seM ueld JyiJadS ay yiiM palti3osse ivawdolaeap Mau paivafad ayi Aq pamaW )yjrj) jo apniiu8ew ayi -shun lequapisaJ Mau put (a8e)ooj aJenbs) a)eds Smplmq leoJawwo) Mau jo swJai w apew aJt utld )9i)adS ayi yiiM paiei)osse suoivafoJd ivawdolaeap ayi •alg gene m saieJ uoiieJaua3 dui y)igm Joj sauohim asn -puel algeahuew of pampa, aq of pey em Ueld oypadS aq) jo lequaiod ivawdolaeap ayi `sad/4 ssawsnq put sasn puel lequaiod jo aBueJ ap!m t apnpw pinoM ueld )9!)adS ayi asma8 uonoaauaf) 01P4Oad aammiszalul IIA p� £� 38f11MIl1SYMAAlI III► d •Ja)dego siy) }o uoi)oas Ja)e) a ui pauitluoo air sauuar)yap 8uwnanb ayl mzdwi o) AiEssaoau saJnstaw uond w papuawwooaJ ayl •£•L afgtl ui pazuewwns air Jn000 PPOA sapuaioyap 8umanb aJagm s)uawaeow uznl put suoilvaof agl •algtf!tee ApuaJmo si 1t41 ands a3EJO)s 341 paaoxa pfnoM leyi sananb afOiyan aouauadxa p1noM suoq)asJaluw Apnls ay) ie sluawaAOw uJnl leopp) ag1 Lo )sow loafad ueld oyioadS ay) )o ivawdOlOAap ayl Pm leyl a)eoipui sl RM ayl TL algtl w pazuewwns air sisAlm suoi)eJado uouoasJa)uw 041 Jo silnsaJ ayl •umpasJa)m ay) ggnoJy) 8uipaaooJd woJj auel )ey) w oyjeJl Ioolq put aut) )uaoefpe ue oiuw Aids )y8iw )uawaAow um) auo w sananb 'anssi ue sawooaq ands a8vzo s alenbapeui uayM •aoiAuas Jo laeal paml ofeo ay) 8wzifeaJ Jana waJ uoivasJa)uw ay) )uanaJd p1noo sananb apiyae Jo} ands ahio)s alenbapm Aq pasnto swalgoJd suoneJado oy}eJ) 'suoi)eooI awns It a)enbape Jeadde Arw owas jo slanal paiefnoleo g8nog)IV wivasJalui ue It suogipuoo oy #tJ) alenfeea o) ssaoad ay) }o )uauodwoo )utlJodwi ue si sisAfeue suouWado uoivasJalui agl •suoiloasJa)w pazilmis put paziIeu8isun paualas Joj suoi)eJado uomasJa)w jo sisAfeue ue y)iM pa)uawalddns seM aouJas fo SIMI uoivasaa)ui uafoJd }o sisjim ayl PS14DUV SUOr1DJadp UgrPaSJa)Uj •suouipuoo ))afoJd Japun Ieuls oy)eJl E }o uoilene)sui )ueJJEA of y8noua y8iy air umpasJam )aaJ)S qwS /iaaa)S yoJny) ay) it sawnJOA Jnoy ->had Wd pauafoJd ayl JaeaMOH •uoiloasJa)w laaJ)S )sJIJ paaJ)S kuagap!3 ay) It pagspes aq lou p(nOA lueJJeM ledis Jnoy -lead ayi ley) awipw suouipuoo )JafoJd Japun SISAJeue )UEJJEM 1e0is ay) }o s)fnsaJ ayl •)uawalddnS eiuJo}ge) a)!nW £OOZ Put (axnw) saouaa fa)uo) oyjeJl wJojiun uo p'nueW £OOZ ay1 ui paquosap £# lueJJeM`1ue.ueM leuBiS JyLeJl JnoH ->Itad ayl uo put (amias Jo jaeaf •a) suoiPasJalw ay1 )e suoilipuoo himado ayl Jo siseq ayl uo passasse si uouezgeu8is Jo; paau ay) 'lpnis vyl Jo3 SIS14DUV )UDJJDM fDAS :)d)DJI •Ja)dego $iy) jo uOlVas JaM e w pauie)uoo air sloedwi DIAJas fo IMI aidiliw o1 LJessaoau saJnseaw uout811iw papuawwooaJ agl •JEA palefaJ- )oafoJd jo uomppe ay) Pm MA AS Jo slaeal ajgeldam it amado of anuiluoo pInOA suoi)oaslalm Apnis 8wuiewal ayl laaJ)S y)xiS put )aaJ)S yoJny) :suol)ipuoo 1JafoJd Japun ioedwi aoiluas }o janal )utoyiu81s a aney p1nom uoi)oasJalui auo 'oyjeJ) pamaua3 -uafad Jo uoilippt ayi qvm leyi a)eoipui s)lnsaJ agl f L angel w pazuewwns air sisAlEut aoitias 10 laeal uoipaUalw agl }o slfnsaJ ayl •suoivasJa)uw Apnis Jaylo pe Joj ) Lo pJepuels MAJOs Jo faeal a put :uomasJam anuaed essayonl /)aaJ)S AaJaluow ayi Jol put wAS ylual uo suoi)oasJaiui Apn)s ay) Joi a jo pJepuels (s01) a IAM }o laeal a uo paseq payiluapi aJaM suoiloasJa)ui Apn)s ayi It suedwi oyLeJl S!S�Duv axwaS Jo (anal uorpasJaluf sasAlEud uOlVaslalul PON Wi Infrastructure Signalized Intersection Levels of Service Summary Exisdng Background Project Cumulative w/o Pro►. Cumulative + Project General Plan LOS Peak Count Avg. Avg. Avg. Change Avg. Avg. Change Avg. Intersection Standard /a/ Hour Date Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS in Delay Delay LOS Delay LOS in Delay Delay LOS Monterey Street and Leavesley Road' C AM 4/28104 29.1 C 29.5 C 31.1 C- +1.6 33.9 C- 36.7 D+ +2.8 37.5 D+ PM 4/28/04 26.5 C 27.7 C 33.2 C- +5.5 30.3 C- 38.1 D+ +7.8 43.8 D Forest Street and Leavesley Road C AM 4/28/04 14.5 B 13.6 B 13.3 B+ -0.3 13.2 B+ 13.0 B+ -0.2 13.0 B+ PM 4128104 110 B+ 14.4 8 13.9 B -0.5 17.0 B- 16.8 B- -0.2 18.0 B- Murray Avenue and Leavesley Road C AM 4/28104 24.4 C+ 23.4 C+ 23.6 C+ +0.2 23.1 C+ 23.5 C+ +0.4 23.8 C+ PM 4/28104 28.6 C 29.5 C 32.4 C- +2.9 31.7 C- 36.6 D+ +4.9 $0.9 D- Church Street and First Street C AM 2123105 12.7 B+ 13.1 B+ 15.5 B +2.4 13.1 B 15.5 B +2A 18.0 B PM 2/23105 16.6 B 18.2 B- 32.6 C- +14.4 19.9 B- 39.9 D+ +Z0.0 50.3 D- Eigleberry Street and First Street /b/ C AM 223105 8.2 A- 8.5 A- 10.9 B+ +2.4 8.7 A- 11.3 B+ +2.6 7.0 A- PM 223105 8.8 A- 9.0 A- 9.9 A- +0.9 9.2 A- 10.3 B+ +1.1 9.7 A- Monterey Street and First Street C AM 223105 15.2 B 15.6 B 16.6 B +1.0 16.1 B 17.5 B- +11A 17.2 B- PM 223105 17.9 B- 18.9 B- 28.6 C +9.7 20.5 C+ 38.0 D+ +17.5 38.7 D+ Monterey Street and Third Street C AM 428104 11.9 B+ 10.7 B+ 9.9 A- -0.8 10.1 B+ 9.6 A- -0.5 10.5 B+ PM 428/04 6.0 A 5.6 A 6.6 A +1.0 5.2 A 6.4 A +1.2 6.9 A- Church Street and Sixth Street !c/ C AM 2123/05 9.2 A- 9.8 A- 14.2 B- +4.4 10.4 8+ 16.2 C+ +5.8 93.9 F PM 2123105 14.8 B- 21.6 C 221.1 F +199.5 30.5 D 257.6 F +227.1 330.8 F Monterey Street and Sixth Street C AM 428/04 11.5 B+ 10.9 B+ 11.5 B+ +0.6 11.3 B+ 12.0 B+ +0.7 20.3 C+ PM 428/04 12.8 B+ 12.9 B+ 30.2 C- +17.3 13.3 B+ 36.9 D+ +23.6 110.3 F Monterey Street and Seventh Street C AM 428104 14.0 B 13.9 B 16.0 B +2.1 13.6 8 15.8 B +2,2 15.8 B PM 428104 14.5 B 14.2 B 24.1 C+ +9.9 13.9 B 26.5 C +12.6 26.5 C Monterey Street and Tenth Street D AM 428/04 14.7 B 161 B- 20.0 B- +3.1 17.4 B- 20.9 C+ +3.5 21.2 C+ PM 428104 19.3 B- 20.1 C+ 27.9 C +7.8 20.6 C+ 31.4 C- +10.8 32.4 C- Alexander Street and Tenth Street D AM 428104 14.9 B 15.7 B 16.8 B- +1.1 17.4 B- 19.2 B- +1.8 19.3 B- PM 4211104 16.7 B 17.4 B- 22.2 C+ +4.8 19.9 B- 32.1 C- +12.2 34.6 C- Chestnut Street and Tenth Street D AM 428/04 26.7 C 25.6 C 25.1 C+ -0.5 27.0 C 27.2 C +0.2 28.2 C PM 428104 30.3 C- 30.3 C- 32.5 C- +2.2 31.7 C- 38.9 D+ +7.2 44.6 D Monterey Street and Luchessa Avenue D AM 223/05 25.4 C 27.4 C 27.8 C +0.4 47.3 D 45.7 D -1.6 27.4 C PM 223/05 28.1 C 32.7 C- 34.0 C- +1.3 139.3 F 132.3 F -7.0 65.2 E Notes: /a/ Current LOS standard obtained from "Level of Service D Areas" Map, page 6.11, of the Gilroy General Plan. lb/ The reported delay and corresponding level of service for one- and two -way stop-controlled intersections are based on the stop - controlled approach with the highest delay. !c/ The reported delay and corresponding level of service for all -way stop-controlled intersections represents the average delay for all approaches at the intersection. CMP intersections are denoted with an asterisk ('). Entries denoted in bold Indicate conditions that exceed the City's current level of service standard. 0 -Denotes Project impact IAULt /.l - lIbNALILLU INItMtLIIUN LU) )UMMAN► DOWNTOWN CILROY SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 21, 2005 Project Conditions Queuing Analysis Results Background Conditions Storage Total Worst -Case Required Lanes Storage Peak Vehicle Storage Intersection Mvmt. /a/ ft. /a/ Hour Queue /b/ ft. /of Vehicle Queue /b/ Project Conditions Required Change in Additional Storage Queue Storage ft. /d Length Needed Monterey Rd. and Leavesley Rd. WBL 2 975 /d/ PM 21 WBT/Ft 2 1,614 PM 33 NBL 1 205 PM 4 NBR 1 270/s/ PM 14 525 825 100 350 26 39 8 16 650 975 200 400 +125 +150 +100 +50 none none none 130 Murray Av. and Leavesley Rd. WBL 1 250 PM 14 350 15 375 +25 125 Church St. and First St. NBL 1 75 PM 6 WBT 1 620 /f/ PM 12 150 300 10 16 250 400 +100 +100 175 none Monterey SL and First SL NBL 1 235 PM 7 EBL 1 250 PM 10 EBR 1 250 PM 3 175 250 75 11 12 5 275 300 125 +100 +50 +50 40 50 none Monterey S1. and Third St. NBL 1 1g1 275 PM 0 0 1 25 +25 none Monterey St. and Sixth St. NBL 1 60 PM 2 SBL 1 60 PM 1 50 25 3 2 75 50 +25 +25 15 none Monterey SL and Seventh St. NBL 1 55 PM 1 SBL 1 60 PM 1 25 25 2 6 50 150 +25 +125 none 90 Monterey St. and Tenth St. NBL 1 150 PM 5 SBL 1 165 PM 9 WBR 1 215 PM 3 WBT 2 430 PM 26 WBL 1 75 PM 5 125 225 75 650 125 12 14 6 32 6 300 350 150 800 150 +175 +125 +75 +150 +25 150 185 none 370 75 Alexander SL and Tenth St. SBL 1 105 PM 3 EBL 1 95 PM 5 75 125 7 8 175 200 +100 +75 70 105 Chestnut St. and Tenth SL SBL 2 /h/ 270 PM 15 375 22 550 +175 280 Monterey St. and Luchessa Av. EBL 1 100 PM 4 100 8 200 +100 100 /a/ Number of lanes and storage based on existing Intersection geometrics. /b/ Expressed in number of vehicles. Based on design vehicle queue calculated by TRAFFIX. /d Calculated based on 25 linear feet per queued vehicle. /d/ One of the westbound left -turn pockets is a trap lane for the third westbound travel lane on Leavesley Road between Forest Street and Monterey Street. The storage space shown assumes that vehicles in the left-turn trap lane can queue up all the way back to Forest Street. /e/ Right -turn pocket length measured from railroad crossing arm to end of pocket. R/ The storage space reported is the distance to between Church Street and Monterey Street. /g/ The northbound left4um movement from Monterey Street on to Third Street occurs from the shared throughtleft -turn lane. The storage space reported Is one -hat the distance to Fourth Street. M One of the left -turn pockets Is a shared through/left-turn lane. The queue length shown assumes that half of the through cars queue up In the shared through/left-turn pocket. TABLE 1.2 - PROJECT CONDITIONS QUEUING ANALYSIS RESULTS V11 INFIRASTRUCTURE V11 Infrastructure Summary of ueuing Deficiencies Intersection Movements With Storage Deficiency Monterey Street and Leavesley Road Northbound Right Turn Murray Avenue and Leavesley Road Westbound Left Turn Church Street and First Street Northbound Left Turn Monterey Street and First Street Northbound Left Turn Eastbound Left Turn Monterey Street and Sixth Street Northbound Left Turn Monterey Street and Seventh Street Southbound Left Turn Monterey Street and Tenth Street Northbound Left Turn Southbound Left Turn Westbound Through Westbound Left Turn Alexander Street and Tenth Street Southbound Left Turn Eastbound Left Turn Chestnut Street and Tenth Street Southbound Left Turn Monterey Street and Luchessa Avenue Eastbound Left Turn TABLE 1.3 - SUMMARY OF QUEUING DEFICIENCIES NOVEMBER 21. 2005 Pia+ t A u}` 1 Y4� ' 3anlMaisYaAN1 Ili, •wei2oid aai uedwl )yJeil s,Ai1) ay w papnpui iou an pue ueld laiseW uollelmn) )gjeil s,b) ay ui paylivapl Alsnouaid iou alaM sivawaeoidw asayj -peon Aalsamal Jo yinos'anuaeb AeiinW uo auel punogylnos puo)as a ailnbai p1noM s.% •anuaed AeiinW ie peoy Aalsaeeal uo pappe aq ia)pod um-i)al punogisaM puo)as a 1e41 papuawwom si it sainsvaW uquvB'PW AJossa-'aN - pvoJJ Aalsativ91 puo anuanbAvunW v0oid aai 13edwl )yJeil ski) ayi ui papnpur iou si pue ueld laiseW uolielmil) 391% s141) ay ui payguaPl Alsnoleaid iou s m ivawaeoidwi siyl •peo2 Aalsaeeal uo sauel punogisea oMi layio ayi woaJ auel 2ulA10 i uini -14811 ayi aieaullap Alieap of punogisea amnsip cloys a giro pasiei a 2ulpuaixa to peoy Aalsaeeal uo sauel iayio ay woiJ auel hiAiam ayi saienclas ieyi aurl 4114M HOS aP1M ayi 2uole sioieaurlap auel alglxag 2uyleisul :apnpur pino) swaiumidwl ymS •sinoy plead 2ulinp sdolaeap ieyi ananb ayi uailoys ApumU!u21s pinoM uini w s14l •u imado 2uluuni -aaiJ of paloisai aq p1m ivawaeow siyi ieyi yms apew aq auel 2uula)ai uini -iygu puno94ilou ayi of sivawanadwi ieyi papuawwo)ai sr 11 'aJOIMyl Inds a2vois waiim ayi Aq powpowwo»e aq pino3 Algegoid pue alay papodai s1 iegm ueyi ssal aq pinoM yi2ual ananb lenim ayi uayi 'umi-iy29 2uluuni -aaiJ a all alow aieiado of ivawanow um-1429 puno941Jou ayi Moll? p1noM ieyi paivawaldwl aq pino sivawaeoidwl Jl •oiul uirn of auel punogisea aelsnpxa ue aeey Aay1 g2n04i uaea 'peon Aalsaee01 punogisea uo )y}eli of plalA isnw Aayi JI se s141 It siaelip )sow •saielado auel uini -iy211 ayi w lyJeli Moy uo paseq pawio}lad seM uopelmlo ananb ayi ieyi aiou of iuepodwl si it -iaaliS AalaiuoW Jo apls isea ayi uo palmol 2u1P11nq ayi 2urysllowap inoyilM al9lseaJ iou s1 ananb wnwixew paualoid ayi aiepowwo»e of ial)od uini -iy211 punogyuou ay 2ulPuaiq sainsvaW uoilo8►uW AJDssaaaN - pooa AalsanvaI puo laWIS AlJaluoW i)uisla ivawssassq igaua8 ruo1j mi - puns ivawaeadwl o1JJeil . uuisla soon ollaW :uogez11eu21s pue sivawaeoidwr wimsiaiur loJ sal2amis 2ul)ueuy 2ulMopoJ ayi Jo auo laplsuo) pinoys lhuno) Ail) Aoil19 aqj •a191suodsai Alalos s1 locus aleeud aq) Ji ivawdolaeap ilgigoid kw pue Apso) WE uogezlleu21S pue sivawaeadw uoivasmul •pasodoid ale siialoid asoyl ieyi awls ayi it eiep )WEii iumi /pawlidn uo paseq salpnis lyJeil leivawalddns wioJiad of waloid ivawdolaeap la2Jel ayi pannbai Aq pags11dwom aq pino) 2uuoiluow ymS •paiueileM s1 sivawmidw ay Jo y)ea uayM auruuaiap of PieeuoJ aeow uMOiuMOa ayi u1 sualoid ivawdolaeap lenpulPul se paloiluow aq pinoys Molaq passmslP sumpasiaiur pauedwl ay 'ueld a2uei -8uol a si Ueld )y1)adS ayi asmag •suompuo) ivalad lapun suolielado uoluasiaiul algeida»e pue piepueis vi"Os Jo heal s,Ai1) aq) uleiulew o1 Aiessa)au sainseaw uonr2mw papuawwo)ai pue suedwl uoposiam aq) are Molaq pagliisad saanseaW uoijt2iaiW papuawtumay pue si)Edwl uoipasmul V11 Infrastructure Church Street and First Street - Necessary Mitigation Measures It is recommended that the existing northbound left -turn pocket on Church Street be extended to 300 feet as shown in the City of Gilroy Traffic Circulation Master Plan. This change would require removing parking on the east side of Church Street for about 400 feet south of the intersection. Monterey Street and First Street - Necessary Mitigation Measures It is recommended that the existing northbound left -turn lane on Monterey Street be extended by 40 feet. This may require modifications to the existing raised median island on Monterey Street between First Street and Third Street. To reduce the occurrence of the eastbound queue blocking the Eigleberry Street/First Street intersection, a "Keep Clear" pavement legend could be installed at that intersection. These improvements would be an interim step to the ultimate improvements shown in the City's Traffic Circulation Master Plan. Church Street and Sixth Street - Necessary Mitigation Measures These impacts could be mitigated by installation of a traffic signal at this intersection. All four approaches to the intersection should be restriped to include a separate left -turn pocket and a shared through /right -turn lane. This would require removing parking on both sides of the street on each approach to the intersection. The signal phasing should be modified to include protected left -turn phasing on all approaches. With implementation of these improvements, the intersection operations would be improved to LOS B during the AM peak hour and LOS C during the PM peak hour under project conditions. These improvements were identified in the City's Traffic Circulation Master Plan and are included in the City's Traffic Impact Fee Program. Monterey Street and Sixth Street - Necessary Mitigation Measures No physical improvements at the intersection are recommended under project condition. The queuing conditions in the northbound left -turn movement would not cause a significant operational problem. In the downtown area, there are multiple signalized locations where the northbound left -turn movement can be made, so traffic will tend to balance among the alternative turn locations such that no single location is significantly worse than the others are. Left -turn queues on Monterey Street at Sixth Street could be controlled by strategic placement of directional signs at downtown gateways. This would divert traffic bound for downtown parking facilities away from Monterey Street and onto Eigleberry Street. Monterey Street and Seventh Street - Necessary Mitigation Measures Mitigating this impact would require lengthening the existing southbound left -turn pocket by 90 feet. The primary reason for the heavy southbound left -turn queue at this location is the lack of eastbound roadways connecting Monterey Street with Railroad Street. A significant amount of development (about 116,000 square feet of commercial space and 513 residential units) is projected on the parcels bounded by Old Gilroy Street, Tenth Street, Alexander Street, and the railroad tracks. Most of the traffic accessing these parcels from the north would turn left from Monterey Street onto Seventh Street. Extending the existing turn pocket appears feasible but would require modifications to the existing raised median island on Monterey Street between Sixth Street and Seventh Street. This improvement was not previously identified in the City's Traffic Circulation Master Plan and is not included in the City's Traffic Impact Fee Program. TV W N GILROY SPECIFIC PLAN s -0ti NOVEMBER 21. 2005 F�N t 3anianaisvaJN111A yL algel w pawewo) si Mile passmsip sainseaw uo4e2iiiw AjEssam pue suedwi aq) )o Ajewwns q •u010asialw sigi aoj ueld JaiseW uogelmn) )WTjj %141) ayi w uMogs ahjmd ivawanoidwi ampin ayi Jo uopod a do saslew ivawmidwi siyl •anuaed essay)nl Jo Sal isaM all) BuwuaP!m ajinbaa pinoM ivawamidwi siyl 'AJEssa)Ou si iaspod um-1 1al punogisea tool -001 purrs a 'ananb wni -ilal punogisea wnwlxew pavaloid ayi aiepowwom of sainsnaW uorlo84.IW AJnssa�aN - anuany ossay3nl puo laWIS AaJaiuoW •wei8ad aai uedwl )WzJI %A') ayi ui papnpui iou si pue ueid jaiseW uoiielmji) 39jul %141) ayi ui papuapi AlsnoiAwd iou SeM ivawaeoidwi sigl •umuasJaiui 041 J0 8al yiaou ayi Smduisai Aq papIdwom aq um siyl -ands alleJois jo iaal SLI sapuoid iaspod yea ieyi yans papuma aq pinoys siaspod uani -i)al punogyinos ayl'inog stead Wd ayi Suunp ivawanow wni -1)al punogyinos aq) w sananb ap!gan wnwlxew pawfoid ayi aiepowwo»e 01 Japao ul sainsoaW uoilD nuW Ajt)ssa3aN - laa�iS yival pua 1aaas inulsay:) •weiRoid as j uedwl )OleJl %/w) ay w papnpui iou an pue ueid jaiseW uoulmn) ayfejl %Av) ayi ui papuapi Alsnoieajd iou MA sivawaeoidw Mill 'uoiAasAaiui WAS ValpamS AajaiuoW ayi ie aAoge papuawwom asoyi gjIA paiewpJ00) aq pinoys uoivauaiul 1awls yivalpaui5 Japuexalq ayl le sivawanoidwi ayl •paieuiwila aq Aii pe} aphimW ueipul jawoj ayi oiw tripod wni -8al punogisaM Swu[xa ayi ieyi annbai PlnOM siyl 'JanaM011 aq) 10 Sal isaM aq) 8wdulsai Aq paysildwone aq um sigl •iaal SOl Aq pauayi8ual aq pinoys auel wni Euiisixa ay `ivawaeow wni -4al punogisea ayi w ananb apiyaA wnwlxew pauaload ayi alepouswo»e of •uOlVas"lul ayi J0 8al Pou ayi lluwduisaj Aq paysgdwom aq ue) siyl -inoy dead all) gwanp sananb apiyae wnwlxew paualad ayi ampowwo»e of japio ui iaal OL Aq pauayyhal aq iaspod wni -ilal punogyinos ayi ieyi papuawwo)aJ si 11 sainsoaW uorioBriiW 6JossaOlaN - laaJiS yival puo 1aanS .1apuoxaly •weJEad aai pedwl )Weil %/41) ay ui papnpui iou aye pue ueld MIN uopElmn) )yle l s,Aii) ayi ui papuapi Alsnouajd iou ajaM anoge passmsip sivawaeadwi ayl •Apnis leivawalddns siyi Buiunpuo� �o� algisuodsa� aq pinoys sdui �noy -stead 001 uegl ajow amauall P1noM ieyi uMOIuMOd ayi ui pasodoad luafoad ivawdolaeap Jolew iuy aq) ieyi paiqpus sey Au) ayl •saanseaw uoiWilm papuawwom ayi aiepowwom of jopwo) imiS yival ay hole Alessam sivawaAoidwi all) 'lieiap avow w 'A)iivapi 01 paiinpuo) aq Apnis 2uuaaw8ua leivawalddns a ieyi papuawwom si it •sailmidde Ile uo guwseyd wni -ilal pavaioid of uoimado leu31s )WEA ayi to uOis,anuO) ay si suoiupuo) asoyi SOME of uOQVOI slgi ie papuawwo)aj uaaq sey ieyi luawaeoidwi ayl •say)eojdde 1aajiS yival ay uo 8uiseyd wni-i }al paioaioad aoj siueijeM siaaw Alwajim uoiiiavaiw ayi ieyi paieoipw sey Ali) agi'Alleuoiuppd'sivappm, to aagwnu pauadxa- ueyl- jay8iy a siigiyxa pajiS yival pue 1miS AajaluoW Jo umpauaim ayl '(SOOT `I I Aaenjgai) ApniS sisAleud uoisglo) )y}eal Aalig jo Ali) ay of 8uipjo»y •u pasiaiui 1miS givalpaajiS japuexald ayi ie Molaq papuawwom asoyi 41iM pam pion aq pinoys uopasiaiui 1miS ylualpaajIS AwaluoW ayi w s7uawaeoidwi ayl •sspeJi limps ayi pue )aaaiS AajaiuoW uaaMiaq WAS Pal 2uivapiM pue 2UISS01) pealiea aq) Suivap!m aambai p1noM ivawaeadwi siyl •iaal SL Aq pauayi8ual aq pinoys tripod wni Suilsixa ay 'ananb wni -i al punogisaM wnwlxew papaloid ay aiepowwom of •Suol iaaj SL I weal ie aq pinoys sauel gioq pue pappe aq pinoys auel wn1 -ilal punogyinos puo�as a 'ivawaeow wni i�al punogyinos ay ui ananb apiyae wnwlxew d •A,essmu pawfo ayi aiepowwom of si tripod wni -ilal punogyinou loo} -OS I puwas e'amb wni -4al punogyinou wnwlxew paualoid ay awpowwom of samsoaW uo.QnAriiW A-Ivssa:)aN -loan$ y1ua1 pun laaai$ AaaaluoW V11 Infrastructure Project Freeway Segment Analysis Project traffic volumes on the study freeway segments were established by adding to background freeway volumes the estimated project trips on freeway segments. The results of the analysis indicate that all of the directional freeway segments analyzed would operate at an acceptable LOS D or better under project conditions. Summary of Intersection Impacts and Mitigation Measures Intersection Type of Impact Necessary Mitigation Measures Monterey Street and Leavesley Road Queuing 1. Improve operations of northbound right -turn movement. Forest Street and Leavesley Road — None Murray Avenue and Leavesley Road Queuing 1. Add second westbound left -tum lane. Church Street and First Street Queuing 1. Add second westbound through lane, and 2. Add second westbound lane on First Street west of Church Street. Eigleberry Street and First Street -- None Monterey Street and First Street _ Queuing 1. Extend northbound left-turn lane 40 feet, and 2. Add "KEEP CLEAR" pavement legends on First Street at Eigleber y Street. Monterey Street and Third Street -- None Church Street and Sixth Street LOS 1. Install traffic signal and 2. restripe all approaches to include a separate left-turn lane and a shared through /right -turn lane. Monterey Street and Sixth Street — None Monterey Street and Seventh Street Queuing 1. Extend southbound left-turn pocket 90 feet. Monterey Street and Tenth Street Queuing 1. Add a second 150 -foot northbound left-tum pocket, 2. Add a second 175 -foot southbound left-turn pocket, and 3. Lengthen westbound left-tum lane 75 feet by restriping. Alexander Street and Tenth Street Queuing 1. Extend southbound left -tum pocket 70 feet and 2. Extend eastbound left-turn pocket 105 feet. Chestnut Street and Tenth Street Queuing 1. Extend southbound left -tum pockets to 275 feet each. Monterey Street and Luchessa Avenue Queuing 1. Add a second 100 -foot eastbound left-turn lane. ERSECTION IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES GILROY SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 21, 2005 s®®Z °iZ H38W3 ON NVIld 31. :sMOIJOj st M 1aaa1S AaaaluOW 8uoJe suoile,n8yuo) laails pasodad ayj •)yjtji I)olq put 1aajls ay; uo dols 1ou op laazlS AazaluoW uo sassauisnq ay; 01 saijaegap 8uilew slm„ 1ey1 os 1aaj1S AaaaluoW ieau siaails apis ay; uo pallelsuw aq pinoys sauoz Suwpeol -Aiessazau aq piM sl)rul /Jangap Joj suoilepowwom aleuwalJe 'uoivajip y)ta w auel aPuis a o1 iaaj1S AajaiuoW Moneu of sued aininj aq) y ;iM 1aajis AajaluoW uo )y}ezl 42noay; o; aApewallt Itgua;od a awo)aq p1noM 1aajiS 1nulsay) '1M1S SlAal it agpuq iaaj1S 1nu;sg) ayl jo uoi;aldwo) yllM •laaJ1S AazaluoW woIj 1Jaeip 1y$iw 1ey1 )yjeal ygnoayi leuoilippe alepowwom o; 1lpedo Ituoilippe apuoid o1 'alyseaj lualxa ay1 01 `1aaJ)S Ping o; apew aq pinoys sluawaAadwl •sainoi yln0s -41aou altwalle jay10 put slawls ;ua)t(pt of ljiys Jj!A laaaiS 6ajaluoW sasn 1puann) ley; )yjejl g2noayl ay1 put `iaauS ylual put peol Aalsaeeal uaaM;aq Sugami )yjt,l joj alna g2nozyl a se asn aoj alqu!sap ssal aq ll!A laazls ay; 'ajojajayl •laajlS 6aaaiuoW 8uiluoaj slue,ntisai put sdoys ay; JOj punoq )yjt„ ueulsapad put )yje,i zelmiyaA 1001 alepowwoM 01 aJow uoiVunj piM )MIS AazaluoW 'UauaO) umpasialw aq) 1e sino qlnq gugielsw put 'shisson ueulsapad I)olq -piw 8mptlsui 'slItMapis ayl Swuap!A Supped al8ut 8uipe;sui 'slaajls ay; 2UTAOUEU Ag •AtpO1 ajayl si 1eyM ueyl ;uaiajjip ymw si 1ey1 jopi.uo) iaajiS AajaluoW a sasodoad ueld )yizadS ay jo uoisie ayl 7aaj gg $i '91EAapis Ewpnpxa 'ylp!A jams qjm of qan) (£ puo'Z'j suorDas ssaD aas) laarls Aajaluow aan�ma�sea�u� IIA • From Luchessa Avenue to approximately Tenth Street and from First Street to Leavesley Road, Monterey Street will have sidewalks on both sides and landscaped parkways between the sidewalks and the street. There will be a bike lane and two travel lanes in each direction. A center median will divide the travel lanes. IPA V L U Sidewalk /Parkway �Bike � Travel Travel Median Travel L Travel Bike Sidewalk/ Parkwa 15' 5' 12' 12' 14' 12' 12' 5' 15' OMONTEREY STREET FROM LU(HESSA AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY TENTH STREET AND FROM FIRST STREET TO LEAVESLEY ROAD VII INFRASTRUCTURE 19V1 V11 Infrastructure • From approximately Tenth Street to Eighth Street and from Third Street to First Street, Monterey Street will have sidewalks and parallel parking on both sides. There will be two travel lanes in each direction. A center median will divide the lanes for most of this distance; however, a center turn lane may replace the median at some intersections. OMONTEREY STREET FROM TENTH STREET TO EIGHTH STREET AND FROM THIRD STREET TO FIRST STREET 15 , 4 DOKTOWN' wr G"[ILROY SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 21, 2005 ' - _. _ _..���� r� 44�iYAtY6 ''.�Yr:'01'etV.�^WP+[•; From Sixth Street to Third Street, Monterey Street will have sidewalks and diagonal parking on both sides. There will be one travel lane in each direction and no center median. PLAN VIEW OF IMPROVEMENTS ON MONTEREY STREET FROM SIXTH STREET TO THIRD STREET ,EET Fr FP Ll LIA I - r J r r SOOZ `IZ U38143AON NVqld NJOUS ALOS'll'3 N AOINAOG 133815 15811 01133815 HIN31 W011 133915 1813831913 (�) 5l L 5 ,ll lL 5 ,L i J P A i •a lIeMaP!S lallejed MUG laneJl 1aneJl eugs lalleJ •laajls ayl }o saps yloq uo saucy al!q put 8u!ped lapcjed aq p!M ajayl •uo!paq yea w aucJ latic1l auo aee4 II!M laajls kuagag!3 l aaals !SJ!} of laaals yival woad sMOpo} se s! laajls Ajjagal3!3 hole uo!lejn84uo) laaals pasodad ayl •case uMOluMOp ajo) aq) say)caj l! ago }aq lams AmluoW }o }}o sa!1!l!)e} Supped uMOluMOp ayl jo} punoq )y}en uae!p o1 laajls y14213 Put `laaAs yluaeas 'laajls pj!yl 'laajls puo)as aeau laaais 6ajaluoW uo papclsui aq p1no) suB!s ayl sailg!)e} Suppcd ssa»e of laas Auagaj8!3 0l )y}ejl l)aj!p of pasn aq osle p1no) suB!s IeuowanQ wails yluanas Put `laaais ylx!s laans pnyl le Aiessa)au aq Am lonuo) dots AeM -pe MaN •sa!ly!)c} Bw>I,ed Bu!ssa»c jo} lams AajaluoW o1 an!lewalle ue se lams s!yl asn of pual p1noM )!}}cjl palclaj uMOluMOa avow luap!}}a avow laajls ljjagal2!3 uo laall ylnos -yljou Bu!lcw Al •sa!1!�pc} Bwppcd ayl put lamas AajaluoW uaaMlaq uMOluMOp ayl u!yl!M Bu!iclroip si leyl )gJcai ayl alcpowwo»e o1 laajls joi)apo) c sc padolaAap aq pinoys laajls Ajjagap!3 •laa} gti s! `qleMap!s Bwpnpxa `ylp!M lamas q,n) of qan� ({, uowas -ssaD aas) laaj1S tij aga}Sr3 aanmamajul 1111A ed aaals !SJ!} of laaals yival woad sMOpo} se s! laajls Ajjagal3!3 hole uo!lejn84uo) laaals pasodad ayl •case uMOluMOp ajo) aq) say)caj l! ago }aq lams AmluoW }o }}o sa!1!l!)e} Supped uMOluMOp ayl jo} punoq )y}en uae!p o1 laajls y14213 Put `laaAs yluaeas 'laajls pj!yl 'laajls puo)as aeau laaais 6ajaluoW uo papclsui aq p1no) suB!s ayl sailg!)e} Suppcd ssa»e of laas Auagaj8!3 0l )y}ejl l)aj!p of pasn aq osle p1no) suB!s IeuowanQ wails yluanas Put `laaais ylx!s laans pnyl le Aiessa)au aq Am lonuo) dots AeM -pe MaN •sa!ly!)c} Bw>I,ed Bu!ssa»c jo} lams AajaluoW o1 an!lewalle ue se lams s!yl asn of pual p1noM )!}}cjl palclaj uMOluMOa avow luap!}}a avow laajls ljjagal2!3 uo laall ylnos -yljou Bu!lcw Al •sa!1!�pc} Bwppcd ayl put lamas AajaluoW uaaMlaq uMOluMOp ayl u!yl!M Bu!iclroip si leyl )gJcai ayl alcpowwo»e o1 laajls joi)apo) c sc padolaAap aq pinoys laajls Ajjagap!3 •laa} gti s! `qleMap!s Bwpnpxa `ylp!M lamas q,n) of qan� ({, uowas -ssaD aas) laaj1S tij aga}Sr3 aanmamajul 1111A Railroad Street (See Cross - section S) Curb to curb street width, excluding sidewalks, is 44 feet. The proposed street configuration along Railroad Street is as follows: • from Old Gilroy Street to Lewis Street, Railroad Street will have widened sidewalks and parallel parking on both sides. There will be one travel lane in each direction and bike lanes on both sides of the street URAILROAD STREET FROM OLD GILROY STREET TO LEWIS STREET r- '� soot 'Iz V31IN ON NY'Id MAM3d$ A0811'3 NAO1NA00 -sands )o Alddns algelieAt ay to lua»ad OL pagmoadde uoilelnwm)t SuNtd laaals -go aleeijd ayl ajagm ppolq auo Aluo seM M41 put 'Alddns Supped hails -}lo )ilgnd ayl )0 1ua»ad 08 papNm sapiyae )o uoilelmnm ayl aJa4m ppolq auo Aluo stM aaayl -Alddns Suplied laajls -uo algelitee ayl to lua»ad OL papaa)xa uoiltlnwm)e wnwixew ay ajagm sppolq anol put Alddns 8uplied laans -uo algtlieee ayl )o lua»ad 06 papaa)xa sapiyan )o uoilelnwn »t ayl aaa4m ppolq auo Aluo seM MY AtpplaaM 08Mne ut uo leyl Moys sllnsaa ayl •4)olq uMoluMop y)ea Jol sapiyae pa)ped to uoiltlnwn»e wnwixtw ayl awwaalap of poijad dead Aep -piw ay1 Sujnp paluno) ajaM sands Supped aleAud put )ygnd w 2ui4jed sapiyae )o jagwnu ayl uorioinwn:):)y 8uqiod -vnoy y ueyl aJow Jo) Supped 1ua»ad OZ put unoy 6 of Z io) Supped 1ua»ad L 's,noy Z ueyl ssal ao) paplied sapiyae ayl to ivawad fL lnoge paMoys sllnsai AtpanleS -unoy 6 ueyl ajow io) 2ui laed lua»ad ff put s,noy 6 of Z jo) husked lua»ad (I 'sinoy Z ueyl ssal ao) Supped PIMA AepslaaM ayl )o lua»ad 6S lnoge yliM'lummy leyMawos aiaM slol 8mplitd )ilgnd hails -go aol slinsaa ayl -sanoy 6 ueyl avow col Suplaed lmaad 8 put unoy 6 of Z jo) Su»ptd lua»ad L 'sanoy Z utyl ssal jol Supped lua»ad SS yliM jeliwis ajaM sllnsai AtpinleS aql -unoy ajow jo t jol pa)ped lumad Z I lnogt put sanoy 6 of Z aol pa)ped sapiyae ayl )o lua»ad 8 Alalewixojddd -ssal ao sinoy Z jo) poped sands laajls -uo 3ilgnd 8wsn sapiyan ayl )o lumad 08 AepplaaM a8eiaee ut uo leyl awipw sllnsai ayl -uoileuuolui uoilEjnp Supped AepinleS put AtpplaaM a8eiaee ayl auwjalap of slot Supped jams -yo )ilgnd put sands 8u>Iaed laajls -uo )ilgnd jol poijad inoy -8 ue im paunpuo) aiaM sAaAuns aleld asua)ri uopina 2gWDd •slol Supped )ilgnd lmls -go w sands l6Z put sands Suuhtd )ggnd laaJls -uo 66S apnlwi sands )ygnd ayl to lua»ad fq Jaylo a41 'Ja1u3) 11su94 Awlig ayl le palMol aie sands Sullied )ilgnd ayl )o lumad LE Alaltwixaddd -slot Bwplied lams -))o alteud ul palool sands t18 Alalemoaddt put sands Swplaed )ilgnd LSZ'I sapnpui siyl 'Sands 8uplied Ielol ILO`Z to slsisuo) Aalig uMoluMop JO) AIOIUaAUI Supped SOOZ a4l Aaoluanul 8u!*)Dd •slol Supped hails -go ao) pasn aye NO (sam I.V Ala)ewixoadde) sla»td I Z sey uMoluMop ay 'uoilippe ul •sveds 8uipptd L96 of pasn puel to som f•S lnoge sey jalua) lisueil Aalig ayl •puel luMe )o same I•f Alg2noa jayloue put weds Iei»awwo3 JUDEA )o laa) aienbs 000'9Zl lnoge oslt si ajayl •saaAoldwa 068 Alalewixoadde put weds Iepjawwo) paidm)o )o ml aitnbs 000'68S lnoge sapnpu Alwann) Aoaiig uMoluMop •Apn1s ayl Jo) l48isaano papuoad a»o) slstl ayl put Aalig )o Ali) ayl wa) He1S • uMoluMoa ayl uiyliM luawdolanap Ieumawwo) put Ieiluapisai ainln) aquas of algeliene aq Ipm 8u» lied )o Alddns alenbape ut leyl ainsua dlay of suoilepuawwom padolaAap osle Apnls ayl •Apnis Supped ayl a panloem east uMoluMop ayl )o lualxa ayl sMoys N ain8ii :ease uMoluMop ayl w Alddns k4nd Suimn a p )o Ajtnbape ayl alenitea 01 Awlig )o Al) aq1 Aq pauoissiwwo) seM Apnls sigl (•Ali) a41 411m alg uo si ApnlS Supped alaldwo) aqD -)ul 's1utllnsuo) uoutlaodsutal uO2txaH Aq pampuo) seM Apnls 8u ped luapuadapui ue 'ssa)oad utld 3gi)adS ayi to lied sq suoi)ipuo) Sul lard 8ullsix3 aan ;ma�rea�u� i�lll� JIB ��1 I :1:m1111111 SIIIII: �.11111�11111:1111�11� r� Public Parking Lots ""MM"'ll Private Parking Lots Vacant/Undeveloped lots DOWNTOWN CILROY SPECIFIC Downtown Public and Private Parking Lots 0 In - Parking Study Area Boundary PLAN) J��►` — rrm group IN FIGURE 1.2 - DOWNTOWN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PARKING LOTS ter; V11 J § # sooz Iz a3e143noN NYId MAM3d$ A08113 NAO1N1►00 s sal yni SuplJed aininj SupuoJd ui awepmS )iseq awos apuoJd sawaJajaJd put saMapual POW asayl •saanuruls Supped Supnpu Bopped paJano) pue Supped laaJls -oo JalaJd AlleJaW sluopisaJ loot •sa)uelsip SuplleM algeuoseaJ wyliM OR Aayl se Suol se 'samuruls Supped Suwpnpu 'sapili)tj SuplJed jams -go w plied of hijpm Allensn air Aayl lnq 'JaAoldwa Jia41 Jeau pied of JajaJd oslt saakidw3 •uoileulsap papualru Jiagl Rau palmol slol SuplJed a)rpns Jo 1aaJls -uo Jajoid put BuplJed wa1 -uoys aJisap Apt)idh sJawolsm pejal •sluapisaJ Mau put saabldwa a)Ujo /lielaJ'siawolsm lieiaJ apnl)u IM asayl •sJasn }o spur l xseq aaJyj Jo} SwplJed leuomppt aJrnbaJ jpm oueua)s wawdolanap aJn1nj ayj AM ayi Io pua JaySiy a41 uo aq o1 pual Him sands Mau jo Jagwnu 041 tui lied Jot pasn Suiaq Apuann) si leyl AuadoJd uo Jmno sluawdolanap 341 Ji 'JanaMOH AM ayl Jo pua Mol ayi uo aq o1 pun 1pM puewap Supped Mau ayl uayl 'Supped Jot pasn Suaq Apuann) lou si imp purl uo m»o A041 11 •Jn»o dew sluawdolanap Mau aq) OJayM in g Alueuawn ay1 of anp si sands algissod jo ague, ayl •ueld )yi)adS ay w paleldwaluo) juawdolanap ayl 01 algelnquue puewap SuplJed paledi)ijue aq) laaw of papaau aq Ipm sands Supped Mau OSL 01 OOS ley) sal UM uOgtxaH •sluawdolanap Mau anihadsoJd palls ApadoJd awos jo spaau SuplJed a p laaw dray of pasn aq pino) leyj Alddns Snipped jo snldms a aney leyl uMojuMoa ay1 uiyliM seaJt Auew OR aJayl ley) lsaSSns osle eiep uoilelnwn»e Supped ayj •smr SuplJed lemawwo) put ltijuapisaJ uaaMiaq AlJtlmiued'sailiunlJoddo SuplJed paJeys agnnoma of leilualod ayl sly ueld ivawahuq Supped ayj •saijili)ej Supped Mau 2u1inilsuo) Aq law aq 01 ally ll!M puewap SuplJed AN my jo pe 1ou 'saris juawdolanap amin; jo uoije)ol )yioads aq) uo Supuadap'JanaMOH -sands Supped 000'l JOAO ApySils Jo) paau a alEMW lllM uMO1uMO0 ayl uyjiM luawdolanap Mau Io lunowe siyl 'sjuawdolanap lepJawwo) put leiluapisaJ Jo} sale, SuplJed jad4 uo past8 -shun leiluapisaJ Mau LSZ AlalemoJddt put luawdolanap ltnJawwo) AN Io laaj aJenbs 000`001 Jano apul a Lo Suisisuo) em Apnjs Supped uMOIuMOp ay1 WTIA Oueua)s luawdolanap aJnlnj a sJapisuo) ueld )yi)adS ay j sagiumaoddo luawdojanaa UAO)UAOa ainin j •slol SuplJed 1aaJls -#o asn o1 spouad JaBuol Joj Supptd sahiyan Amon put asn Jawolsn) auilnoJ Jol smog ssauisnq lewJou Suunp algeliene air sands Supped 1aalls -uO 1ey1 amsua o1 aq pinoM weJSoid puewap SuplJed siyl jo paBa leJauaS ayj -saseanui putwap Supped se sppolq juan!pe o1 puedxa pue eaR WO) uMOIuMOa 041 UIPM Aaq pino) weJSoJd sryl •sliwil awn put smog Supptd jo luawa»ojua apnpu pinoM jeyj ueld luawaSeueW Supped a Sudolanap uSaq pinoys An) ayl 1e41 sjsaSSns siyj •aJO) uMOluMOp 041 a WAS AaJaluoW Suolt Supped )ilgnd Joj puewap SuoJjs a si aJay1 1ty1 pauuuaiap Apnls ayj `eaR uMolunop ayj w juawdolanap Jo lanai Sulsixa ayi atlas of awnbape snadde Alddns Supped iltJano ayi ieyl 1)e} 0y1 avdsaa I# uonvpuau W03Qjj ffui>Jlod •1uamad OL utyj aJow }o uontlnwmn SuplJed )ilgnd hails -yo ue paMoys pholq auo Aluo put `1uamad OL JOAO jo suoilelnwn»e laaJls -uo paMoys sl)olq oM1 Aluo •uoileinwn»e Supped }o slaaal JaMOI paMoys AlIvaW sllnsaJ Aep -piw AepmjeS ayj aanima ;sequi , IIIA Parking Recommendation #2 New residential developments within the downtown should strive to provide one parking space per unit on -site and be located such that 0.15 parking spaces per unit are available for use either on- street or in off - street public lots within the immediate vicinity (one to two blocks) of the development. New commercial developments should strive to identify adequate employee parking in private, off - street parking lots and should work closely with the City to ensure that adequate customer parking is available within the immediate vicinity (one to two blocks) of the development. New Parking Development Opportunities Hexagon identified 22 potential sites totaling to approximately 26 acres that could be considered for future off - street parking facilities. An amount of land equal to only about 20 percent of this area will likely need to be converted into parking facilities to meet the needs of Specific Plan. This suggests that there will be many reasonable parking location alternatives to consider as development plans begin to materialize. Parking Recommendation #3 The most immediate parking need identified in this study is in the Downtown core along Monterey Street. The businesses in this area will benefit from implementation of the recommended Parking Management Plan in order to regulate parking hours and duration; however, it is advisable to begin evaluating alternative ways of providing additional off - street public parking to serve the Downtown core area. Example alternatives include: • Developing off - street public parking lots east of Monterey Street behind the existing buildings and west of the railroad right -of -way, and • Acquiring underutilized properties that have good street access for new public surface parking lots. VII INFRASTRUCTURE soot 61Z a38w3AON NY'[d M3M3ds AO8713 N&Oiltj ayi to moil ayi itau algellen hotas bioud anq sasng •sdals 8mlellogau A11royl!p aeeg kw oyM auoAue iol io sa)uap Aig!gow io uleg)laagm asn oyM aldoad iol ia!sea 8ulpieoq agew of sdwei io slay 411m padd!nba air sasnq pd •samias Aalloii io snq ieln8ai Sunn io of Rullla8 woil ways Tumid iegi sampgeslp yilM slenpulpu! iol a)!Aias qin)- of -qim 'padd!nba -1 }!l siaNO i!sutiieied VIA •algel!eAt osle air sassed leuolgay put 'AjyluoW 'ylnoA •palgeslp ayi put siowas iol algel!ene air saiel pampay 'JUM t sAep uaeas saleiado a3was snq dlA ayl laNOW /u!13eW paagl)o3 01 ialua) ilsueil Aoi1!g - IZI ssaidx3 . iaaiis uopulQ aso( ueS of agallo) utlutg/Aa1!g - gy ahoy . esaial is put Inns my of iaiva) i!sutil Aal!g - 61 ahoy . lei!dsoH aslnol -IS of ialua) i!sueil Aa1!g - L 1 alnoy . :ease Aluno3 yinoS ayi 431m uo!ieis u!eillt) Aoil!g ayi 1iauuo) of anus sainoi snq VJA eJe13 elueS inol gulAopol ayl -(VW A lioyinq iusueil AalleA ay) ggnoiyi llsueil )!lgnd Aq panics osle s! ME ueld )ypadS agl aBallo) uel!Aeg /Aal!g/eis!ineq 'uen( ueSNaisllloH - apingS a8allo) uepag . AaialuoW /stu!ltS 'uiejlle) /Aoi1!q/ja)s9loH - allingS uweille) . m1noi BwMollol ayi qm uweille) of uo!ieUodsueii sapuoid osle i!sueil Aiuno3 oi!uag uts •Aa1!g put osputii ueS uaaMlaq o!Aias l!ei sapuoid uleillt) •oivaweJOeS put kg lse3 ay1 g8noi4i aso( ueS woil D!Aias sapuad y)!yM alnoi uleii iopwo3 Ioi!de3 ay1 yi!M 1)auuo3 Allool put So agi inog2nagl a)lAias ap!AOid su!tii 4eaiwq •uopnS Aoi1!g s!yl aieys sag)eo) ltjiwd put swell iainwwo) uiealle3 •Aoil!g uMoluMop ui uoileis ayi to luoil ui pamol si awl sleiiwV agl of 8msluig snq a iol doss Eu!pieoq V'Aoil!g ulyl!M a)!Aias )!sued ssew ideals of uo!lmol AiEwud ayl si uo!leis s!gl •8wpied Aep -pe aail put 'sauoydalal )llgnd 'iallays Auassed 'll!I iley)laagm a 'siasliol apblq siaHo (iaaiiS Aaia)uoW uo paie)ol) uogeiS u!eJlle3 Aoil!g aql *01"as psueil Supslxa Aue Aq panias iou s! `3aa31S ylual to yinos `ease ueld )gpadS ayi to uoniod uiayinos ayl 'iaAaMOH IM veld )ypadS agi u!gi!M paieDol Alleiivao sl ialua3 mueil Aoil!g agl •samias llsueil Su!ls!xa Aq panias paM si ease ueld )ypadS ayi to uogiod uiagl3ou ayl ssmv ;lsueil 8u11six3 MIMI 11SNVVl IIVwlad 3HI SI NOUVIS NNIM 101119 3Nl AOd119 NI 1SIX3 SNOIIdO NOIIVIVOdSNVYl 10 Al MA V S aanmalsu}ul 11A MOP" FP)MI, SOOZ 'lZ V38W3AON NVIJ NJEO S AOSIO N AOIW OG •Aii) ayi Jo4 sueld Suwsnq Auunwwo) aJnin} Aue w papnpui aq eair uMOiuMO4 ayi ieyi papuawwo)aJ si it •VJA Put AOJIig ;o All) ayi yiiM uoiieuipJOO) 42noJyi AoJlig w mAjas snq hunwwo) lvol Swppe fo leiwaiod ayi aJOldxa of anuquo) •apJi) IJed laneJl Jeau `iaaJIS AaJaiuoW }o pua yinos ayi it uaiva) qof ainin} ayi of Put eaae Ueld )ypads ayi Jo uoiliod uJayinos ay auras ieyi sainoJ snq popuedxa Jo Mau Smivawaldo jo Appysea; ayi amwJaiap of Aiuoyind uo miodsail AalleA ayi yiiM aiewpJOO) •a)ihJas punoyAaJg of suoii)auuo) pasnnui Japisuo) . 'SMAJas iisueJi Swisixa anuiiuo) •dool apinys /AapoJi uMOiuMOQ a Japisuo) . suoiiipuo) ssa»d ipul posodoJd •sa)was snq qlA )n042nojgi uo[ieuuo)uw apuoid sivamedwi lensu yiiM suosiad Jo} suSis aline) put 'sivamedwi Suueay yiiM slenpuipui Joj spJeoq Aeldsip lensu luud aSJel 'sivawa)unouue )gewoine put JoieJado •sawpge paiiwg yiiM slenpieipm Jo) a)uaivanuoJ pappe ue se alJiyae aanmnseajul IIA 91 3HniNIalsrMAN[ IIA 'siMls asayl uo 8unlied palhe ap!sgjm to amasaad ayl uo pasEq paienlEea aq pinoys slaaau asayj uo sauel al!q jo Aiijgsea) ayl 'JaeaMoH •iaajjS japuExald jo 1aajiS peojpq uo pue laajlS kuagap!3 uo sauel al!q Aq paiepowwom aq pino) ease uEld )ypadS ayi uIPM uoiielmju al)biq yjnos -4)JON • sauel 81!9 yinOS -yiJON leuoiiippq dolaeaa •iaajiS inuisay) pue `iaaJiS jsaJOI 'iM1S euueH '138AS 9»ny) uo sauel al!q pauueld ayj 41iM jajua) lisueal Aal!g aqi juil pinoy 1! asnvaq lueuodwi Alielmilied aq pinoM jaajiS yluaeaS uo auel qq snonuiluo) V •uMol to iced yijou ay pue peoy Aalsamal of uauuo) pinoM y)lyM'anuaed AeinW uo sauel al!q pasodad ayi of ease uMoluMop aq) j)auuo) pinoM anuaed }ool uo auEl al!q q-Aojl!g }o jajua) ayj w sEan Ielluap!sai aq) pue ease uMojuMoa aq) uaa#4aq uOIVauuo) p008 E ap!ead pinom laaaiS pjiyj uo sauel 01!g 'laaalS AaJaiuoW to jsaM jaal1S yluaeaS pue 'anuaey fool `jaajjS pny j apnpuw sauel al!q of apejSdn ayi jol saiep!pun poop -sauei al!q II ssel) of (III ssel)) sainoi al!q jsaM -1sEa pasodoad ayi UpOdn Aq payslldwo»e aq pino) s141-EajE Apnis ayi ulyliM pappE aq sauel al!q i ssel) 1saM -lsea Ieuolllppe jEyj puawwo3ai si 1! 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Li!)tde) nonaasai %A i) ayi put p8w f•6I si waisAs Aojl!g jo Al!) ayi jo Ai!)edeo Swdwnd wnwixeW •sauoi ainssaad japm aaayl auras ieyi SJ!onJasai a8tJois xu osle WE ajayl -Aojl!g jo sassau!snq Put sivap!sai 000'S6 aiewlxojdde ay1 Alddns ieyi sham aaieM 148!a saieaado Alluaum put luawuedaa samuwaS Ai!unwwo) Aojl!g ay Aq pamwas s! Ails ayi •aajmby u!seg Orn ayi ulgi!M sa)mos IIaM aaieM- punoj8 woaj sawoo Alddns jaieM ledl)!unw ayl •jeaApaaj -aa)e 000'051 si plalA leuo!lvado ayi put wnwlxtw jeaALlaaj -ane 00f'tib si u!seq -qns ayi joj pla!A jaleMpunoA a3vane waai -hol ayi ieyi paiewllsa s! 11 -laaj -aj)e 000'SL6 jo hinde) ahiols t sey u!stq -qns ayl •sasn puel Ieuisnpu! put 'led!)lunw 'Ie!ivap!sai lsow aoj amos jaieM algtiod %Aojl!g st samas uiseq -qnS jaimpunoig se8en ayi -i)afojd AalleA Itiiva) ayi put, i)afojd aaieM alels ayi woij aaieM sijodw! aMA)s -Aojl!g jo lseayljou put isaMyijou ay of sa!i!I!oej a8jey)aj samado Apuann) aMA)S ayl l4uno) EJell eluts w buah luawageuew meM ledl)uud ayi '(aMtJS) Puis!a aaieM AapeA EJel) ewes 041 w painol s! Aojl!g jo 41) ayl suopipuo) AjddnS aaieM Bwjsiq �IJ aanamisea }ul IIA 91 3antNIalsYMAHI 11A 'AI!) ay yuM 019 uo s! yo!yM 'aNW alaldwo) ay; in punoj aq un uo!Imolu! leuoll!ppV •east ayi o) DIADS altnbapt ainsua of sawl!)e) paialle jo Mau jo sahEY InsAyd Aue aj!nbai lou ll!M poload pasodoad ay; ley) pawuua)ap seM 11 •(QNW) uollejepaa an!leBaN paldwl,l Ueld )y!)AS Aoal!g uMOJuMO(l ayi u1 pa)tnleea alaM sl)edwi 13aloid suopipuo) aaaeMalseM pasodOJd •iaaw8u3 Ai!) ay; jo uo!pt}s!les ay of put apo) ledl)lunW ayi jo suo!suoid alge)yddt yi!m a)utpao»e w pauS!sap aq pinom suolsuaixa auy jamas Mau Aue put 'b) ay) u! luawopt A .mde) camas Suipidaa saNtwpao Ai!) 1le jo suo!suad ayl of ajaype of paj!nbai aq P1noM luawdolaeap amini •p8w S l aq of palew!lso s! AiiAv ino -pl!nq amen} ayl 'suo!sutdxa weld pasodad y 1M •Aal!g jo Al!) ajllua ay woaJ p8w 1 •f }o a3fJane ue WAIDW lueld ay) Allow) weld luawieaal m maiseM VM8)S ay of jalemalsEm ay; Baum uayl ley) jamas Joidaojalul ut oim saNJE43s!p sadid }o )pomlau V •sits- ap -lnO put siams ui pa)eld ua4o isow an sadid asayi 'ja)awe!p ui say)ui g a8e,aee uo Put Jamau aq of pun sadid 'jaluao Al!) ayl )o y3uou put Isom aq) of •sluawasea put sAape ui paltni!s an y)!ym Jo Autw 'sadid Aep ja)awt!p y)u! -q 'japlo ypm pnimas Alutwud si taae umolumoa ayl •sail m of of saywi y woij jalawe!p u! 8u!2uej sadid yl!M'waisAs jamas himiS a samado Aoal!g jo Ai!) ayl •wa)$As luauneaji aalema)sem A)!) ay }o awtuaw!tw put lyg!sjaeo ay) aoj alq!suodsai s! Au) ayl jo uo!su!a Suuaaulh]l ayl weld wawieail MEMOS" uJapow a s! put 0661 w ll!nq sem lutld VM8)S ayl - (VM8)S) AluoyinV Jaltma)seM leu018al Aluno) ylnoS ayi Aq pamas s! Aoa1!g jo Ai!) ayl suoiiipuo) immalseM 8l11six3 S00Z U 1138 ON NVld 013103dS A01111'3 N A0IN A00 '141) ayl 411M OI9 uo s! 914M 'ONW aaaldwoo ay) ui punol aq um uo!leuuojui leuola!ppd wit ay of amias awnbape amsua of sagypel paJallt Jo Mau Jo sa8ut4) ItJ!sAyd In aJmbaJ lou II!M pa(oJd pasodoJd aya wyl paumapp seM )I •(ONW) uo!ItJtINQ aelldaN Re8 N veld oy!oadS Aoal!g uMo;uMoa ay; w pawnitea aJaM spedw! Pa(Old suogipuo) aiseM pgoS pasodoJd •sampnj lesodslp aiseM p!los Imol ay) uo svedw! )umg!u8!s aeey p!M ki) ay w pa)eJauag aiseM p!los jo pnowe aye saseanui Al ;eaafl wya ease veld )y!)adS a41 u!41!M }uawdolaeap Aud •spaau Iesodslp aiseM pgos %A[) aya ageuew of Aaptde) pypuel Jol samnuJaq Jap!suo) isnw hid ayl •slaaM AJaAa POW110) Mou sl aiseM pool y)!M paulgwo) aiseM PRA •s8eq )!aseld put 'Ielaw dEns luilsodwo) aiseM poo} sapnpu! W41 weJBoJd 8uypbaJ papuedxa put Mau a panels Alwam AoJI!g to Al!) 041 'llypUel adnlepeng put uohe) A(p!N apnpui ease ayl w sllypuel algtl!ene Jaylo 'llOPutl Jayloue ya!M WJluoo oa aee4 II!M HAS Put AOJI!g }o 141) a43 'Apedn pn} say)eaJ v uayM •aw!a slyl n A ;pedv wnwixew of asop s! II!IpuEl ssed ONVEd aya 'JaeaMoN •Atp Jad aiseM p!los ledmunw to suo) 000'1 of do 8ulu!wJad lkipnj IesodnP III ssel) a si put swalsAS aiseM IDJON Aq pamado si 119pue1 sstd o)ay)ed 041 'IIOPuq ssed ONVEd It pamol osle kg!oti lsodwo) t 'nwt8J0 AOIIeA ynoS o) paiJodsum si alsEm pJeA ueap put 'aso( utS ui swaisAS aiseM lib Aq pamado 'AJapbal ayl oa luas an salgepbaJ 'llyputl sled o)ay)td of uale; s! ah(PIR 'UOIRIS Ja)sutJl ay) wOJ j 'uolmS Ja;sutJl ulueW ueS aye o) uo!uallo) s i suodsm) BOAS '£ I OZ I!aun ml II!M mmo) wane) ayi'spaau gulpbaJ put lu!doaMs pails' aiseM p!Ios sli to pt Jo} (BOAS) •oui Bu!pbq put Itsods!0 AaIItA y)noS y)!M s nuo) 141) ayl •JtaA Jad aiseM p!los to suol 000'86 Jaeo sampoJd 4)igm Aojl!g to 141) ay w AJOaepuew aJe sammas 8wpbaJ put ltsodslp aiseM p►los le!JJawwo) put le!luaplsal suoilipuo) aiseM pros 8uiisix3 J aanmalsealul 3antMaIsVaAN1 11A •Ail) aq) yuM aly uo si y)igm 'aNW aialdwo) ay w puno} aq un uolitwojul IEuolllppq -EaJe 041 01 a jun awnbapE aJnsua of sawlhel paJalle Jo Mau Jo sahty Ind d AuE aJmbaJ iou II!M ualoJd pasodoid ayi ley paummp seM 11 •(GNW) uolieJePap MQE&N pa1e8111W Ueld 3ypadS AoJllg uMoiuMoo aq) ui palEnitea aJaM suedwi WIN suop puo) ahuiva waoaS pasodad -youru w suorlEJiumo) memllod asta»ul of pai)adxa lou si put A3llenb Jairm }o wim iasaJd of Suluinjad sivawaJmbaJ leJapaj put aiels Ile yuM Aldwo) of paJnnbaJ s! uEld )yhadS ay yuM paiehosse ivawdolaead •pJeog loJwo) Aultno Jai% IEUOlBaa Ae8 o)slJueJi uES ayi jo wimpsunl ayi Japun are q)igm 'sauEinqui su Jo Aeg o)siweJ3 ueS ayi of BwweJp Awno) EJEI) MES y1JOu }o suopiod paieu8lsap asoyl of Aluo Aldde Alivanm Pu)sla JOIEM AN FJEI) ENES 041 Aq paJalslulwpE wEJBoJd a)JnoS iulod -uoN %keno) ayi wolf 8ul8Jawa sivawaJnnbaJ AillEnb JawmwjoiS •uea)o ay o)ul ulEJp Allenivaea IE41 slauuey) ulEJp wins jo )poMlau ayi of sluawdolaeap alleeud woaj Suing JaiEM uuo)s jo Aillenb ayi aielnBaJ of saJnstaw urelm luawaldwl of paJmbaJ si Au) ayi 'wEJBoJd BuluuEld ivawdolaeaa miqua imad ayi jo suoluas Japun saBJEy)slp JaieMwJOis ur s immllod jo loJlum ay Jo} saJnseaw pasodoJd jo uonmij ivapl apnpm sivawaJmbaJ uogmIdde muod •simad paielai AulEnb Ja1EM umgo isnw sawledmurnw awos put umm a)yns o1 siueurureiuo) ampoJiul of lelivaiod ayi aeEy yolyM sampnj leuisnpru 'uowppe ul •imad s,ainS ay Japun aBEJaeo) Jo} WWI }o DRON E uwgns of put (dddMS) Ueld uolivaeaJd iueinllod Jai% wJoiS E anclaJd of paJmbaJ aJe uoimnsuo> Jof aJe uE JOAO ;o amynis!P aJmbaJ q)igm WON •salru SIM Aq paJmbaJ we Ja1EMuuols Jo saBJey)slp Jof silwJad •ud JawM ueal) aq) jo sahllod pEoaq a41 yuM Aldwo) of JapJo w suJEJBad ivawa3NEw Ja1eMUJJOis aeluadsaJ may am nsul of suoppsunl Ivol paiepuew (S30dN) waisAS uolitulwll3 AfLI)sIQ )ueinllOd IEuO0EN a4)'6661 ul •walsAs ayi w Auncin alEwllln aiEnbapt ainsua o1 sJadolaeap Aq il!nq put pau8lsap On wyi waload MareaJ of paau nlM Au) ayi •paunJisuo) put pauutld WE Aayi sE sluawdolaeap )!Dads aiepowwom o1 pau1sap aq of paou II!M suolsualxa ump viols aJnin3 •islxa Aew sa"anyap Walsh put wtJBoJd amuaiuiq 1aaoS pun3 leJauag ayi g3nOJ4i papun} 1ou aJe sluawmidwl ureJp uuois `aJojaJayl 'sll!q Jagm put, JaMas JIM) yuM sunpiYsiawnsuo) Aq pled saaj aJlnJas wolf palwauaB punt, asudJaiva ay woJj sivawmidwi waish ulEJp Uuois Jo} Opnq pawu8lsap ou si aJayl •sulstq uonuaw/uopuaiap om put slauuey) uado Jo say)ilp wua)u! Osle We M41 •Imw paieBrwo) jo apEw awos yuM aianuo) Apsow aJe sadid ayi •slauuEq) Jolew asayi jo ON O1ul uleJP 914m sadld jo slslsuo) Aluewud waisAs uJEJp UJJOis SAD ayl •J M3 AaJoW yinoS put JlaaJ) AaJoW yiJON 'JlaaJ) suOl l 'JlaaJ) seBEn Qmg isaM `y8nols JOI N 'JlaaJ) se8en 'JlaaJ) seen apnl)ul AoJilg puno,¢ put ul slauuE4) Jofew ayi •paysJalEM JlaaJ) sE8en a41 puE paVORM JlaaJ) sten aq) :spaysJaitM Jofew Oml ulyuM sail Aoallg jo Ail) aql Aeump viols astanm pule kipcIeauuad HUMP ivawuoJreua utyn ue jo lvidAi aiaJwo) Put ilEydse st yms smpns pJEN •AlipcIrawaad acInspuel put awnloe Ilt}urEJ Bulpnpul 'sJoplej snoJawnu Aq pavapt si uolBaJ E w pump 03EUIEJp wJOiS suompuo) ahuma waois 8w3six3 3!)YNIYba HHUS l Infrastructure K re �; C2 ENERGY Existing Energy Conditions The Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG &E), an investor -owned utility, has traditionally been the sole provider of electricity for the City of Gilroy. PG &E provides electric service to about 4.4 million customers (households and businesses) throughout California and is regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission. PG &E owns and operates the Uagas substation located on the east side of Gilroy. Transmission lines (115 q run predominantly around the perimeter of Gilroy with some lines along Highway 101. These transmission lines are located in dedicated rights -of -way owned by PG &E, who provides for maintenance. In older areas, utilities are sometimes moved to underground facilities for either aesthetic or safety reasons, with costs typically borne by PG &E (Rule 20A) and /or the City. The City collects fees for projects on fully improved streets with overhead lines in plane. These fees are later used for undergrounding. PG &E also owns and maintains most of the street lights in the City (with a few exceptions of some lights owned by Caltrans). Proposed Energy Conditions Project impacts were evaluated in the Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). It was determined that the proposed project will not require any physical changes or new or altered facilities to ensure adequate service to the area. Additional information can be found in the complete MND, which is on file with the City. vi W1 DOWNTOWN CIILROY SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 21. 2005 �'. I � -� 91 3aUOnaisYaAHl 11A 'Au) ayl gIlm aly uO sl 914M 'aNW alaldwoo aq) w punol aq un uoiltwjOJui leuOnipp>) 'ease ayl of amias alenbape aansua of sailipml paiallt jo Mau jo sa8ueyo leoisAyd Aue annbai lou II!M loafoad pasodad aq) Ieyl paumalap seM it •(aNW) uoileaepaa amidq pals; wW ueld )ypadS Aalig uMoluMoa aq) w palenlena waM sloedwi loafoid suopipuo3 lojeS )ilgnd pasodOJd 'Ali) ayl Aq papuoad samias put !ltls Alalts oilgnd to lunowe ay; w aseanw aleuoiuodoid t aambai 1l!m Ali) ay w uoiltlndod w aseanw lue3yiu8is Aud •hipmj 2u!lsixa ay; It llun jelnpow paleouge}aid t jo uoilippe aq) aq kw uoilnlos Amodwal d •SMA OZ lxau ayl aol luamedoa aoilod aq) }o spaau aq) laaw of pauadxa si Alilioq Mau ayl •LOOZ to Suuds aq) w 2uujn000 A)uEdnoo0 put uonaldwoo levy yliM `SOOZ to jawwns aql w lnls of palnpayos si uoilorulsuoo put pasegoind uaaq sey Alaadoad ayl -tale ueld oypadS ayl ui osle si yoigm'ImiS ApMoa put IaaAS euutN uaaMlaq paleool ails a uo padolaAap 8uiaq si uoilels aoilod Mau e'spaau aminl asayl laaw of • spaau Suylels £10Z aql Iaaw of Taal aaenbs OL6'80 to azis hipnl a jol paau a pauafoid osle 1001)o aun f w Apnls q •sallipnj aoilod ledioiunW to Aatins apiM -alelS L661 ayl uo paseq 'liouno) hi) aq) Aq 100Z aun f ul paldope seM aaAoldwa gad laal aienbs £LZ JO paepuelS aoedS Alilpei e 'UOwppt ul •£OOZ to aunt ui liouno) All) aql Aq paeadde ueld leiouewl Ali) ayl w paltpdn put 1002 aunt w li)uno) All) aql Aq paAaddt ueld lenidaouo) b1pei aoilod ayl w paldope MA saaAoldwa ielol to %qj It gis ujoMs -uou put uoilelndod 000'1 aad S•i to oilea sjaoylo uwoMs to spnpuelS oise8 ayl •uoildo algtu a IOU si Suwplmq Ruwlsin ayl SuwllywlaJ leyl pamwialap uaaq seq a :Aouaioyla leuoilounl put Alilenb lunlonils'azis to suual w alenbapm si Al pnj aoilod Swlsin aq) 'JaAaMON •ease ueld oypadS ayl uiyliM si q)igA ` MIS euuesoy 01£L It paltool uOiiels ayl to lno samado Alluanno luawljtdoa aoilod Aojlig jo Au) ayl •leaaua8 w wsuaalunlon paseanui put sloaled yoleM MFJ2 put p004Jog42lau st yons ` ms of aji1 P1noM luawuedaa aoilod ayl my swei8ozd snojawnu an azayl 'uO9ippe ul •11aM se papunl put pallhls Alalenbapt swei8ad umluaAajd awin sv aas of ajg P1noM luawutdaa aoilod aql '1aAaMON •speo AouaBaawa 11e jol 8uylels alenbape peq Iuawuedaa aogod 04) `6661 JO SV •sitaq leoiydej8oa8 anol olui papuip si Ali) ayl All) aq) w (suulsia 0110d) sMe luaJallip Jaeoo leg) sleaq olm uaoy}o aoilod ayl hiziudio Aq aoivas sapuoid luawindaa aoilod ayl suoilipuo3 ka}eS )ilgnd 3URSIX3 JLA WS 3118nd soot U I3sNMON HVId :)131a3dS AOS -11'3 NAOINA00 •Aii) ayi Pm al9 uo si y)igm 'aNW aialdwo) ayi w punoj aq ue) uoiiEwjojuw leuoiiippq •Eaje ayi of animas aitnbapE ainsua of saps pE) paaailt jo Mau jo saBuEq) lE)isAyd Aue ajinbai iou II!M i)afojd pasodoid ayi ley paumaiap sm it •(aNW) uOQEJepaa affl?&N paR2111W veld NPAS A011i9 uMOiuMO4 ayi ui paienleea MA sptdwi uafoad suogipuo) uopnoid aiii posodad •Auk ayi Aq papuoad sa)iejas put MEis uoii)aiojd aiy }o iunowt ayi w aseanui aieuoiuodoad E annbai Ipm Ai) ayi ui uoiieindod w aseaijw iunyiuls AuE 'jaAaMON -lie) jad sainww ino1 japun it 'sjEaA le,aeas ised ayi jano ApEais put Mol pawEwai sey awn asuodsaA a2EJaAE ayl •sPiAsip aJy 0M4 oiw 4) ayi 10 uoisuip uo pasEq )noAel )i4dtj2oa8 of Smpio»e of papuodsai aae a)i,uaS jol sllE) -eaAE ueld 39i)adS ayi 10 isaMyiaou ayi of si MIMS sEwiuq sE1 ayi aliyM EM uEld )gpadS ayi )o iseayinos isnl paimol si uoiiEiS inuisay) ayl •anua asuunS 088 it paivol'uoiiEiS asijunS put'anuaey uaJM fofo paie)ol'uoims sewiud sEl `iaaaiS inuisay) OLOL iE palmol 'uoiiEiS inuisay) :suOQEis aJy MY sEy A!) ayl •Aii) ayi of samJas asuodsai AIuaBJawa put' uopinoid aJy sapuoad ivawmdaa ani Aalig ayl suonipuo) uoihaioad aJ'l 2wlsix3 N0110 Md 381,E roll aan ;misealul J I004)S Jaue4) IeuOd 13 - (wei2oad) ApmS juapuadopul looq)S 4$1H - IooPS Aea A!unwwo3 . 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DOWNTOWN GfILROY SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 21, 2005 lI NOIlY1N3W31dWI III/A •ivawisaAw aleeud paiisap ueiue o1 si lioya Swuueld jo ad/4 siyl Jo JEOS alewilln aq) 'iol�as )ilgnd ayl Aq paieiliuw ua4o si taie ueld t ioj pauOisuua spiepuEls wawdolmap pawlas jo uoprai) put sasn purl algEmope )9i)ads ay }o luawdolaeap seaiayM •umieivawaldwi ueld ay w sioiias alEeiid put )ilgnd ay yloq saeloeui ApeA14 urld )gi)ads aMINMO uy 1NUMAN) OINON003 31VAAJd inoeV ONtb9 NV3 NVId OIAMUS V AOH •luawdOlaeap leiwapisai jo aged aq) S immi pion¢ o1 shun IEiivapisai 9LS`I ayl 10 ummolle algixag E Swysilgeisa iapisuo) Iiwno) hid aq) ieyl spuawwo3ai a3iol Istl ayl sieaA 01 ixau ayl 10 432a 101 pauadxa si eait iooD IEi»awwo) Jo laaj aienbs SWO put shun IEiluapisai Mau 6L JO a8eiaer Itnuut ue'aieu s14l W 'ainunilstJUI s,Ai1) ayl 01 sivawaeoidwi )limp Suwnbai lnoyuM palioddns aq pino3 ieyl MOwe algtuoseai E aq of siugnsuo) uEld )9!)adS put NE)S Aq pawwialap sEm luawdolaAap ItuoiuppE siyl •Airpunoq uEld )gi)adS am -091 041 uiyliM s)iun Iv uapisai Mau 9L5'1 put taie ioog Imiawwo) Mau jo iaaj aitnbs Oo5'666 )o Iaeal ivawdolanap uedsalil ieaA- A1uaM4 E paidam put paipnls sey a)iOi Istl utld )9i)adS uMOluMOa ayl SIV03 1NMOUA30 MV3A-A1N3ALJ. NVId OI.MUS •sluawanoidwi uMOIuMOp aq) 01 uMOIuMOO ayi w paleiaW air imp saaj 13Edwi 2unmipap 'o1 paliwg 1ou 1nq 'Suipnpui 'swawanoidwi uMOIuMOp JOI DAM anUOAai E 8wysilgeisa iapisuo) pinoys Am) ay 'uoilippe ul •suouquawwom uoneluawaldwi of suoplos Alawil put 3psilm pug of paimbai aq Arw sisAltue put Apnis iaylin} sam uieva) ul •Au) ay jo uonriado SuloS -uo ayl }o vEd t sE pazilEumpigsuw aq 11!A Aoilig uMOIuMOa of sahq) woij Smnme slgauaq Aliunwwo) ay Arm siyl ul 'wti8oid sluawanoidwl IEiide) Irnuue ayi w papnpui put awil iano sivawliEdap Ali) snouee Aq wo Pam) aq Ipm suoum asayl jo y)e3 weld )9i)adS aq) Aq pasodoid suogE to AiEwwns E suwewo) ,utld uoiuE„ uogEwawaldwi ayl •uoivas siyl w passaippE WE y)nw Moy put 04A'uagA'MO4 01 SuuElai suonsanb aql •aininj ay ioj uEld )ilsiltaj a wasaid of Tapia w SHIP puo) )IwOUO)a 10 sisAltuE uE put suolitpuawwom ueld Ieiauag 'lnduw Amunwwo) uo pasEq si 11 'Aoil!g uMO1uMOa w 92UE4) aeilisod aleai) 01 1001 E si uEld )gpadS ayl -uEld )9!3adS ayi ui pauipno air 1Eyl sigauaq Aliunwwo) Auew aq) apuoid put uEld VMS ay luawaldwi of AiEssmu air )Ey1 suopm ayi sassaippE iaidty) siyl moire 100a1Ni N oi.LVia�3 N 3 Ia�t 0I11A soot `IZ MORMON NVId 31313MS AOM13, N OXNA®G •sagiunijoddo luawdOlaAap uMoiuMoo aitiyni put aiowoad of aapio w amiusuis aai mdwj guuAauay put 'luawdolaAap ainud aieudaddt joj algelitAt tape ueld )yi)adS ayi w sawadoad pauASO -ki) Sui>lew Aq „sails hunizoddo„ Suwieaa) ''ainwimi}m )y 3ads- pa(ozd jo -aiis ui gupsaeul . .suoiieeouai aptj guiplmq st yms sasodind luawaAoidwi Aiiadozd put ssawsnq snoueA jo} siurA jo/put sueol gwpuoad 'rani put saa} Inol snoueA Eunnpai ao gusAitM . 'wejgad saAiivawi ;uawdoIaeap a guipuad . :saAiitgwi Jo sadh BwMopoj ayi aAJOAw ue) saequa I ayl •si)a(ad luawdolaAap Aaj pue 'siaumo Aizadad 'sassawsnq tan of sanquaow Jepueuy uaaipui Jo ioaaip 8uipiAozd Ag •q •ivawuoisnua uegan ayi jo uoipunj put jeadde jensu ayi aeozdwi of nutydwoo apo) pawtyu3 put 'sassauisnq ease ueld )yi)adS of amisisst 1e)iuy)al 'siutuai ssawsnq ampadsozd put uawnsuo) of yioq east ueld )goads ayi }o gmialaeW . 'sivawisaew (admspuei put adtxiams •g•a) „Aivawe,, put ainvnzistijw ap!AS -eazd 'sassa)ad ivawapiiva put Smniwaad paugweaiiS • 'saiiaadoid paitpidelip put pazipinjapun ;o ivawdoIaeapU age,no)ua of spieputis )uawdolaAap ,paseq paepueis put uuo}„ pazilti) ads ygnayi Aiisuap paseanui 2ulmolly -spaau wpm of aAisuodsaz si ieyi guiuoi sauyod zo suope }o sadAi gwASOpoJ ayi apnpuw AM aaieJis siyl •sasn PUEJ snoueA JOJ putwap ia>New gugitAajd ip!m ivaisisuoo si ieyi „IUOWUOJIAUa wawdolaeap aAnnpuo)„ a guiieaio Ag •t :luawdOjaAap aitnud aieiipul ueo Aiijedi3iunw t ieyi skA zottw oAu an ajayi '2uilEads Alptoig uoiJe ;uawaldwi NOIlY1N3W3'[dWI III/A •iodaa wezl put IN AD PIO aqi 3uipnl)w 'aaioezeyo suMOiumoo aqi of ppe oslt s3uiplmq )uoislq pazoisal •siutzneisaz put 'sdogs klenads 'sazois anbiiue Jo taze azoo a 3unean 'sassawsnq 3wisixa pouweiaz put can aqi of sassawsnq Mau awos ueziit padlaq aeeq taze uMOiuMOO aqi ui sizoOa uORMIeueag •sialino litiaz a3ze1 put `sales aligowoint 'suoiieaado alesalogm'3uuni)e}nutw 14211 se qms saiueiue leuisnpui put leioiawwo) lrinilmu3e-uou oiui awn zaeo payiszaeip azow awooaq seq Awouoza sAozl!g •ivawdolaeap Ituisnpui put, 1ei)zawwo) jeiivap!saz Mau zol putwap g3iq 3upuauadxa an sauisnpm ummilsuo) put ivawdolaeap aieisa ltaz IE)q slaozed paziliinzapun zo iutoen Aka) 411M '„ ino 11mq„ A1a3zel si eaze ueid )yioadS ayl •raze utld oyizadS aqi ui saiiiunizoddo ivawdolaeap azninl }o a3utz msiltaz aqi amanyw lliM iegi suompuoz 3unsixa Gal jo Azewwns a si 3wM011ol aql •(sivawazmbaz 3wpled snozauo `3 a) ivawdolaeap of szauzeq leiivaiod zagio ssazppe ieg) suouln3az gum paldnoo }i aeiiza#a azow apew aq uez sahtq) 3uiuoz aitudozdde 'zaeoazow •silnsaz iumq!u3is kJae inoge 3uwzq um 3utuoz w a3ueq) a '3wuoz 3unsixa zapun paiiiwzad iou si iegi asn puel algezisap a zo} puewap aieipawwi si azagi l! 'Al EIRS •asn puel zelmiized a zol puewap wpm UAVapun ue si azagi ssalun ivawdolaeap uezue iou 1pm dew a uo 3uwoz 3w3ueq) 6ldwiS •taze ueld zyioadS aqi 3umaMe suompuo> >igdez3owap put wpm aqi jo hipumiapun )iisyaz a uo paseq si ueld oyioadS sigi 'ueld )gizadS aeivaya ue sq V38V Nrld 01JIOUS NI 1V11N310d 1NDWOMA30 !)N13N3nlAN( SNOI11aNO3 MKON033 J Vill Implementation u IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN The vision and goals presented in the Specific Plan are supported by the following Implementation Action Plan. The Implementation Action Plan provides a summary of Specific Plan recommendations and is presented in a table format providing a dear listing of the major programs, projects, and actions needed for implementation. The table also identifies the responsible agency or party, potential funding sources associated with each action (if warranted), and suggested timing of the actions. The table is organized to discuss regulatory actions, programs, and improvement projects for the entire Specific Plan area, with specific direction for each planning District. Implementation Action Plan to Priority: 1 = Short Range (1 -2 years), 2 = Mid -Range (3- 10years), 3 = Long -Range (10+yrs) Responsibility Responsibility: E = Engineering Division, P = Planning Division, BLES = Building, Life & Environmental Safety Division, CS= Community Services DMA = Downtown Merchant Associations Priority Lead Support REGULATORY ACTIONS Preparation of CE QA document and Adoption of Specific Plan I P Creation of policies requiring reciprocal access agreements between parcels 1 E P Pre aration and adoption of development incentive Program 1 P P TABLE 8.1 - IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN NOVEMBER 21, 2005 Implementation Action Plan Priority: I= Short Range (1 -2 years), 2 = Mid -Range (3- 10years), 3 =Long-Range (10 +yrs) Responsibility Responsibility: E = Engineering Division, P = Planning Division, BLES = Building, Life & Environmental Safety Division, CS= Community Services DMA = Downtown Merchant Associations Priority Lead Support IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Area Wide Improvements Develop and lWlement Wayfinding System and comprehensive Sign Program 1 DMA E/P Develop a Downtown Gateway/Entry Gateway/Entry Monument Master Plan and designs 1 DMA E Streetscape Master Plan for Monterey Street -- streetscape master plan, design development an PS &E 2 E P Streetscape Master Plan for Eigleberry Street -- streetscape master plan, design development and PS &E I E P Streetscape Master Plan for Railroad Street -- streetscape master plan, design development and PS &E 1 E P Streetscape Master Plan for streets intersecting Monterey Street -- streetscape master plan, design development and PS &E 1 E P Master plan for Gourmet Alley -- design development, specific standards for public and private improvements 2 E P Master plan for railroad corridor for beautification and screening 2 P E Prepare street and intersection analysis and improvements 2 E P Create a storefront and fa ade improvement program in the Downtown area 2 P BLES Develop a Plaza Master plan identifying key locations and conceptual designs for plazas P E Prepare design plans andspecifications for plaza located at SEC of Monterey Street/Fifth Street __= E P Prepare design plans andspecifications for plaza located at Hornlein Court E P Develop a Paseo Master plan Identifying key locations and conceptual designs for paseos P E Construct gateway at First Street 1 E P Construct gateway at Tenth Street I E P Construct monument signs at Third Street and Eighth Street 1 E P Establish reciprocal access easements west of the railroad tracks between First Street and Seventh Street to provide continuous alley and parking access 1 E P TABLE 8.1 - IMPLEMENTATION AGION PUN VIII IMP"LEMENTATION J Vill Implementation Implementation Action Plan Downtown GilrO S ' c Plan Priority: 1 = Short Range (1 -2 years), 2 = Mid -Range (3- 10years), 3 Long -Range (10 +yrs) Responsibility Responsibility: E = Engineering Division, P = Planning Division, BLES = Building, Life & Environmental Safety Division, CS= Community Services DMA = Downtown Merchant Associations Priority Lead Support PROGRAMSISTUDIES Area Wide Improvements Prepare a scope of work and retain an economist to devise implementation strategies and options including financing options, phasing, and funding sources 1 P Prepare a development monitoring program and improvement phasing program I P E Create a PR Campaign: newsletters, website, promo DMA Create a beautification awards recognition program 2 DM Tailor existing art in public places program for Downtown 2 DM S Develop a Downtown Gilroy Loo I DMA Study, organize and establish a Property Owner and Business Improvement District (including evaluation of boundiLies and whether to include entire Downto 2 DMA P Prepare a Parking Management Plan for the Downtown area to establish shared parking ons and a arkin in lieu fee ro am 2 E DMA Lelati a Parking Management Plan for the Downtown area to establish locations for parking s ublic parking lots and additional public parking facilities 27 E P IABLE 8.1 - IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN s �3 � •�_ =gam S� xTx Tt . O NTO` N GILROY SPECIFIC PLAN j NOVEMBER 21, 2005 I F NO[1y1N3W3ldWI 1111A sllEMapls )ilgnd ayi wojj alglsu Alivauiwad 3wwp joopino ao /puE oiled 'ezeld 'pieAiano> >ilgnd ahssed )ygnd of uado skmle 'oared hoped zapun -I)nl ao punoa8zapun se 3ui )pcd palojd ails -uo Jo %08 iseal it Jo ivawdolanaa :(auiva)ul ay Jo anlEe ay paa)xa ao iaaw isnw anleA) 3wMOpoJ ayi Jo Aue 'oi pailwll iou an inq 'apnpul Aew uonnlosaj 1!)uno) Aii) Aq paugap sigauaq )ilgnd sl)Egias put iy3iay joJ aweueA Ailsuap lelivaplsaj ul aseaDul uq puisi0 veld )gpadS zad Ane AM 914M saaJ iiwzad put saaJ uedwi Jo uoiiewwila ao uolpnpal VVI w aseanul ud :3wMOlIOJ ayi Jo AuE 'oi paiml iou an inq 'apnpuw Aew uminlosaj 1!)uno) Ail) Aq paugap saelwawl •sjEaA aepuain aAg jad awo ueyi uaiJo ssal iou put jeaA iepualm gad awo uayi uaiJo ajow iou inq 'awn AuE iE sigauaq )ilgnd put samuam ay puawe kw 1!)uno) Aii) ayl •uounlosaj aiendas w 1!)uno) Ali) Aq paidopE se aq ll!m sigauaq )ilgnd put sanliunul 0tl •asuadxa youMo Auadoid ayi It lEsleiddE uE pnpuo) ll!m Aii) aq) 'uoiisanb w si sivawmidw ayi Jo aniee ay Ji •sivawaeoidwi ayi Jo anln pasodde aq) paaoxa iou ll!m Anpunoq ueld )ghadS ayi ulyilM siauMo Aijadad of pazaBo samuam Auy -w9ap 3ui lid paglivapl ue paajo) of pied aq of saaJ 3ulped nail -ul Molle ll!m Ali) ayl •anliva)w ue se MAIM 3unlaed jayo w uoiivaiui s,All) ayi In sl it •ueld 3gnadS ay Jo 1noiddE 3wMolloJ saAliuOul ayi idope ll!m 1!)uno) Ai!) ay put uolieivawaldwl joJ 1!)uno) Ail) ay of uoliepuawwom E of joud pazAleue aq ll!M auiva)ul yea Jo sigauaq put siso) ayl •uolieivawaldwl a3ue43 auoz aq) se awls awes ayi it passamid aq of uopnlosay 1!)uno) Ail) amEdas E se wej3ojd saenua)ul uE idope ll!m Ail) ay `onsuapEAEy) paload put saliluawe pajlsap Anon of japio ul •paysggeisa uaaq anq spuislp 3m�liEd 'uolilppE ul •sommolle asn -paxlw put, lulssamd ueld /ummildde pailpadxa 'saaJ pampa] se yms paaayo uaaq aney slseq Amodwai e uo sannuawl lEdl)lunW •uMoluMoa ayi Jo uolienleileN put sassaulsnq Jo uolpeiiie ayi AN sanliva)w ledhlunw 3wpinoad ul aAnnoad uaaq sEy Aoal!9 Jo Ail) ayl S3AliM33NI soot U a3RN3/AON III iiiii I ; , 111111 1 1111111 � I I ii I ii vp ell � aa;iiwwo) ahjuaH )uo)siH 0) ayl waJ uoiitpuawwom put MalA01 y3iM'bolUanul samosay )uoasiH ayl w S put 'y'f pasta sainimis amosay )uo)s'H Jo )uawaeoadw aeisuayajdwo) Jouaaui put JouaM lt)oi Put 'uoiaenouaJ'uoi3teiasaJd -kAk- jo -jy8u ptal!ej ayp jo )saM yaajjS AajaiuoW Jo apis sea ayi uo s8wplmq Jo jtai ay at UvEd )ygnd Jo auawdolaAap put ulsap ay put ands aelmiyan /UlAsapad aoopino ut st 6allV iauunog Jo )uawdolaeap put u8isap ayj sapnlwi siyl -(sluawa)utyua wjis ao /pue `AtMald tztld )ilgnd •a•, sands )ygnd put uoiie)q!)ntaq NAD JO) suoiinquluo) uoissiwwog suq 141) aya waJ uogtpuawwo)aj put Maim gjiM'potds put pails 6laitudoidde Ji lit )ggnd Jo uoisuoad . uoijEjuawaldwi •byod Jo janEw t se puna8japun pa)tld aq o; annbai pinoM 41) aya ity sailipm apnlww iou saop siyl •;aoilS AaaaluoW Jo apis isaM ay uo laIIV iauunog holt put Suwplmq ay put s1m) pewpej ay uaarlaq )aaj)S AaJaluoW Jo apis uMSR ayl uo sailipin sapnloui siyl waloid aya Jo JEW put 'apis luoil ay) at 'alod isajeau o; alod isanau 'sapipjn Ht Jo 8mpunoilopun POTENTIAL FUNDING MECHANISMS Several major categories of funding mechanisms are potentially applicable to the Specific Plan area: • Formation of a Business Improvement District (BID) to fund various improvements and activities within selected sub areas (described further below); • General Fund allocations for planning efforts and program administration; • Redevelopment funds; • Grant funding, and • Funding allocations through the City's annual Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) process (for major infrastructure improvements in the Specific Plan area). Business Improvement District. A Business Improvement District (BID) or Property and Business Improvement District (PBID) are mechanisms for assessing and collecting fees that can be used to fund various improvements and programs within the District. The range of activities that can potentially be funded through BID /PBIDs is broad and includes parking improvements, sidewalk cleaning, streetscape maintenance, streetscape improvements (i.e. furniture, lighting, planting, etc.), promotional events, marketing and advertising, security patrols, public art, trash collection, landscaping, and other functions. Within areas of the Specific Plan area, the following activities would be ideally suited for BID funding: • Marketing activities (including planning, media/banner development, special events organization, and ongoing advertising); • Landscape and streetscape improvements; and • Parking improvements (see additional discussion below). There are several legal forms of BIDS authorized by California law. The most common are districts formed under the Parking and Business Improvement Act of 1989. Business Improvement Areas (BIAS) formed under the 1989 law impose a fee on the business licenses of the businesses (rather than the property owners) operating in the area. The collected funds are used to pay for the improvements and activities specified in the formation documents. A similar assessment procedure was authorized by the Property and Business Improvement District (PBID) Law of 1994. The distinction is that the PBID makes the assessment on the real property and not on the business itself. )(/III IMPLEMEHTAfiION �J Vill Implementation While it was beyond the scope of this Specific Plan effort to conduct a feasibility study for the formation of a Business Improvement District (BID) or Property and Business Improvement District (PBID), it is recommended that this step be pursued during the initial stages of the Specific Plan implementation. Generally speaking, the BID format works well for marketing and other programmatic activities that serve to directly benefit area businesses (i.e. tenants), whereas a PBID may be more appropriate for permanent physical improvements that stand to improve property values in the area. It should also be noted that given the size and diversity of the Specific Plan area, it may be appropriate for separate BIDS or PBIDs to be formed for different planning Districts in the Specific Plan area. In this way, the collected funding could be more specifically targeted to the unique improvement and programmatic needs of each planning District. J VIVJ DOWNTOWN GtILROY SPECIFIC PLA NOVEMBER 21, 2005 � KEY SHORT -TERM DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS ,f r ft The following section discusses key short -term public improvement projects that the City should undertake to demonstrate the potential of the Specific Plan and its commitment to improving the public realm. Projects and actions shall be guided by the directives of this Specific Plan. These projects are to be initiated immediately`A upon adoption of the Specific Plan. I. Develop Public Para Downtown (Southeast corner of Monterey Street and Martin Street) A focused effort to develop improvement plans for a plaza in the downtown should be undertaken as a priority action. The effort should include: a. Acquire property; b. Development of a program and request for proposal; c. Development of conceptual design plans; d. Preparation of schedule for implementation and opinions of probable costs; e. Design development and Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS &E); and f. Public relations strategy to communicate with area businesses and ensure public awareness and participation. 2 Improve Monterey Street (first Street to Third Street and Eighth Street to Tenth Street) A focused effort to develop streetscape improvement plans for Monterey Street from First Street to Third Street and from Eighth Street to Tenth Street should be undertaken as a priority action. The effort should include: a. Development of a program and request for proposal; b. Preparation of schedule for implementation and opinions of probable costs; c. Design development and (PS &E); and d. Public relations strategy to communicate with area businesses and ensure public awareness and participation. 3 Implement Downtown Sign Program and Entrance Monuments A focused effort to implement the City adopted sign program should be undertaken as a priority action. The effort should include: a. Finalize sign and monument designs and identify appropriate sign locations; b. Development of cost projections for each of the identified sign locations and types; c. Preparation of a phasing plan, schedule for implementation, and prioritization of installation; and d. Design development and (PS &E) for phase I improvements. VI-11 Implementation 4. Conduct Parking Management Plan A focused effort to create a Parking Management Plan, including the enforcement of parking hours and time limits, should be undertaken as a priority action. The effort should include: a. Development of a program statement including: Methods for optimal utilization of existing parking spaces and facilities, Evaluation of shared parking program and policies, Employee parking policies, Types and time limits for various parking spaces, Public parking directional sign program, and Identification of new public parking facilities, conceptual designs, estimated costs and priority implementation schedule; b. Develop parking policies and enforcement, preliminary designs for priority public parking facilities, and parking sign program; c. Preparation of schedule for implementation and opinions of probable costs; d. Prepare implementation documents, including policies, projects, and programs, for future parking facilities; and e. Public relations strategy to communicate with area businesses and ensure public awareness and participation. Improve Railroad Street (Lewis Street to 6th Street) A focused effort to develop a streetscape and improvement plan for Railroad Street between Lewis Street and 6th Street should be undertaken as a priority action. The effort should include: a. Development of a program and request for proposal; b. Development of conceptual design plans, traffic analysis if necessary, and road improvement plans; c. Preparation of schedule for implementation and opinions of probable costs; d. Design development and (PS &E); and e. Public relations strategy to communicate with area businesses and ensure public awareness and participation. DOWNTOWN GIJILROY SPECIFIC PLAN NOVEMBER 21, 2005 NoUrrINUTUN1 111A 'ltsodoid aoj isanbaj put w0oid a }o ivawdolaeao T :apnpui pinogs iuopa agl iaaaiS Ajjagal3l3 put iaaaiS AajaiuoW uaaMiaq iaaaiS gig8!3 . Simi peojl!ej put iaaaiS AajaiuoW uaaMiaq iaaaiS givaeaS iaaaiS Aaaagal8!3 put iaaaiS AajaiuoW uawaq iaaaiS givaeaS . sipeii peojl!e, put iaaaiS AajaiuoW uaaMiaq iaaaiS Aojl!9 plo • simil peojl!eJ put iaaaiS AaiaiuoW uaargaq iaaaiS gix!S • iaaaiS Ajjagal813 put )aajiS AajaiuoW uawaq iaaaiS gix!S • simai peojl!ta put iaaaiS AajaiuoW uaaAlaq )aajiS u!ueW . )aaj1S A,jagal8g put laajiS AajaiuoW uawaq WAS 444 slptJi ptojl!ej put iaaaiS AajaiuoW uaaMiaq iaaaiS s!Ma3 . iaaaiS A,jagap!3 put iaaaiS AajaiuoW uawaq iaaaiS gianoi . :panoidwi aq pinogs stage iaaais ap!s himopol agl •uo!i)t Ai!aoud a se ualeijapun aq pinogs ease ueld )g!)adS agi u!g1!M maxis ap!s jol sueld ivawaeoidwi put utid jaiseW adensimIS a dolaAap of yoga pasmoj d eaid uey -)yvadf ayj uiyiiM VaaJ)f apil Midull I •Apnis andaid put s!sAltut impuo) •q put 'Apnis agi jo suoliepuawwom 8wivawaldw! u! 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uoileigdde ayi `iue�giu3is aq of pawuuaiap si ivawpuawE ay1 jI iue�yiu8isw �o )ungluals si luawpuawE ayl aay)NA auwuua)ap uEld )ynadS ay puawe o) isanbai a jo le13iwgns Aue jo skp 3upyoM ual wyiiM Ilt'ys jahueW uoisiAla 3wuueld ayl sisAJEUV REIS '4!J (Z91 S I § sauwlapmg V03)) hd Alyena IE)uawuoaieu3 eiuwojye) ay) Tim aMPo»E w Aalig jo A3!) 041 Aq pawwaalap aq IIEgs sisAleue leuoi)ippe y)ns aoj paau ayl •A,essam aq kw sisAleue lEluawuoauua leluawolddns 'ivawpuawe 0y1 jo ainieu ayl uo 3wpuadaa •)uawroop Ieluawuaieua paidopE aq) of anilelaJ smdwi s,)uawpuawt' ayl jo sisAlt'ue ue apuoad isnw lumiddE ao /pue Ali) ayl • -ueld )ynadS ayi puawe of paau 041 a)eaau03 ley) sanssl joluyal ao 'Iei)os ')lwouo)a ayl alvipw pinoys )umildde jo /pue Ali) ayl •sa3uey) yms JO) paau ayl ivawmop isnw ueld )yi)adS ay) puawe of slEsodwd AuE 'ueld )9i3adS ay) jo uoi)ejedaid ay) w Aauow put awil jo lunowe luvq!u3is a paisanw sey 41) ay) OUTS •paisanbaa ivawpuawe ayl 3wuldap lut'nalai ajagm `luawpuawe dew jo weAtip asn puel pasieaj put (oajayi Winn jo) 001 ueld )gi)adS pasim apnpw pinoys uoilewjojuw slyl •paimbai a3ueV ayi )uawn)op o) uoilEwjojm palieiap Aq paiuedwo m aq isnw uEld )ypadS ayl puawe o1 slesodad •aweuipjo 3wuoZ Aoalig o) 3wuweljad suogipuo) Put swJal AuE 411A a)uEpJo»e w A IeAadde Iem3uo ay 3wmp pasodwi suoilipum Put suual Aut' 411A awEPAM ui 'A)i) ayl Aq A JauMO Auadoid It'npuipw AuE'aadolaAap a Aq pamiim aq kw uEld )yi)adS my o) sluawpuawq ,;Apoq 8AI)Elsi3al ay Aq Aaessam pawaap sE ualjo se papuawE aq Aew„ uEld 39i)adS e ley) salt's AIJEap (f5659 §) apo) luawuwaeog Eiujojile) ayl •eualu) paxy AlaAQElaa Aq pa3pnf aq isnw sivawpuawe uEld )yi)adS Aue )nq'Alipyng jo aaj3ap awos wEluoo ueld )yi)adS ayi w paivasaid samlod ayl 'a)El)ip spaau Al) Jo suompum >iwouo)a st' pasuai aq of paau kw ueld 39padS a 'awl) Jaeo � � lN3N0N3NV NVIJ 3IMUS UOIIEJISIUIWPV uEld xf 61 N0I1Xv1SINIWav myld X1 •apo) auawwaeog eiaojille) ayl )o f 5659 § 4 11M awepJone w yuawpuawq ueld )yi)adS aya uo 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City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 City File Number: Project Description: Name of Project: Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan Nature of Project: Infill and redevelopment plan to guide the character and growth of the six identified downtown districts. Project Location: Location: 160 contiguous acres within and surrounding downtown Gilroy. The site extends from LeavesleyRoad/Welbum Avenue intersection in the north to Luchessa Avenue in the south. The eastern boundary is generally the alley on the east side of Railroad Street, and the western boundary is the alley between Eigleberry and Church streets, with a portion extending westward to Dowdy Street between Sixth Street and Seventh Street. Assessor's Parcel Number: Not applicable. Entity or Person(s) Undertaking Project: Name: City of Gilroy Address: 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 Staff Planner: Gregg Polubinsky, gpolubinsky Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan 2 September 6, 2005 Negative Declaration Initial Study: An initial study of this project was undertaken and prepared for the purpose of ascertaining whether this project might have a significant effect on the environment. A copy of the initial study may be viewed at the City of Gilroy Planning Department offices. Findings & Reasons: The initial study identified potentially significant effects on the environment. However, this project has been mitigated (see Mitigation Measures below which avoid or mitigate the effects) to a point where no significant effects will occur. On the basis of the whole record, there is no substantial evidence the project will have a significant effect on the environment. The following reasons will support these findings: ➢ The proposal is a logical component of the existing land use of this area. ➢ Identified adverse impacts are proposed to be mitigated on -site and a mitigation monitoring and reporting program have been prepared. ➢ The proposed project is consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the General Plan of the City of Gilroy. ➢ City staff independently reviewed the Initial Study, and this Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgment of the City of Gilroy. ➢ With the application of the following Mitigation Measures the proposed project will not have any significant impacts on the environment. ➢ The Gilroy Planning Division is the custodian of the documents and other material that constitute the record of proceedings upon which this decision is based. Air Quality The following mitigation measure shall be incorporated into grading plans for projects located within the Specific Plan area. AQ -1. Developers shall specify in project plans the implementation of the following dust control measures during grading and construction activities for any proposed development. The measures shall be implemented as necessary to adequately control dust, subject to the review and approval by the City of Gilroy Engineering Division: The following measures shall be implemented at all construction sites: • Water all active construction areas at least twice daily; • Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose. materials or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard; • Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply (non - toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas and staging areas at construction sites; Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan Negative Declaration September 6, 2005 Sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved access roads, parking areas and staging areas at construction sites; and Sweep streets immediately (with water sweepers) if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent public streets. The following measures shall be implemented at all construction sites greater than four acres in area: • Hydroseed or apply (non - toxic) soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more); • Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply (non - toxic) soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.); • Limit traffic speeds on unpaved roads to 15 mph; Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to public roadways; and • Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. The following measures are strongly encouraged at construction sites that are large in area, located near sensitive receptors or which for any other reason may warrant additional emission reductions: • Install wheel washers for all existing trucks, or wash off the tires or tracks of all trucks and equipment leaving the site; • Install wind breaks, or plant trees/vegetative wind breaks at windward side(s) of construction areas; • Suspend excavation and grading activity when winds (instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 miles per hour; and • Limit the area subject to excavation, grading and other construction activity at any one time. Cultural Resources CR -1. For projects proposing changes to a known historic resource or any structure 50 years or older, the City of Gilroy shall ensure that the City's Historic Neighborhood and Historic Site guidelines are followed as a component of the environmental review (CEQA) process for that proposed project. Any significant impact to a historic structure would be considered a significant adverse environmental impact according to CEQA and would require preparation of an environmental impact report (EIR). CR -2. Due to the possibility that significant buried cultural resources might be found during construction, the following language shall be included on any permits issued for the Specific Plan area, including, but. not limited to building permits for future development, subject to the review and approval of the Gilroy Planning Division (pursuant to Gilroy General Plan Policy 5.07): If archaeological resources are discovered during construction, work shall be halted within 50 meters (165 feet) of the find until a qualified Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan 4 September 6, 2005 Negative Declaration professional archaeologist can evaluate it. If the find is determined to be significant, appropriate mitigation measures shall be formulated and implemented. CR -3 The environmental review process for projects pursuant to this specific plan shall include consultation with the Northwest Information Center's Project Review Program through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the City of Gilroy, which provides a summary letter that contains information about the presence /absence of archaeological sites historic buildings, and previous study, The letter would also provide a recommendation for whether additional study is necessary If additional study is recommended that additional studv shall also take place during the environmental review process Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan 5 September 6, 2005 Negative Declaration CR 3. In the event of an accidental discovery or recognition of any human remains in any location other than a dedicated cemetery, the City shall ensure that the language is included in all permits in accordance with CEQA Guidelines section 15064.5(e), subject to the review and approval of the City of Gilroy Planning Division: If human remains are found during construction there shall be no further excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains until the coroner of Santa Clara County is contacted to determine that no investigation of the cause of death is required. If the coroner determines the remains to be Native American the coroner shall contact the Native American Heritage Commission within 24 hours. The Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the person or persons it believes to be the most likely descendent MLD) from the deceased Native American. The MLD may then make recommendations to the landowner or the person responsible for the excavation work, for means of treating or disposing of, with appropriate dignity, the human remains and associated grave goods as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. The landowner or his authorized representative shall rebury the Native American human remains and associated grave goods with appropriate dignity on the property in a location not subject to further disturbance if. a) the Native American *Heritage Commission is unable to identify a MLD or the MLD failed to make a recommendation within 24 hours after being notified by the commission; b) the descendent identified fails to make a recommendation; or c) the landowner or his authorized representative rejects the recommendation of the descendent, and the mediation by the Native American Heritage Commission fails to provide measures acceptable to the landowner. Hazards and Hazardous Materials HZ -1. Prior to issuance of a demolition permit for any structures within the project area, the structure(s) shall be evaluated for occurrence of asbestos, lead, and/or other hazardous materials. The City of Gilroy Hazardous Materials Program would perform oversight of cleanup and investigation of hazardous materials and hazardous waste contamination. HZ -2. The contaminated site, located at Sixth Street and Monterey Street and that is included on the CORTESE and CalSites lists, shall be remediated to the satisfaction of the California Department of Toxic Substances Control by the property owner and/or applicant, prior to the issuance of any building permits associated with redevelopment of the site. Prior to remediation it is likely that a Phase I and/or Phase II environmental site assessment would be required. Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan 6 September 6, 2005 Negative Declaration Noise (Construction Activity) N -1. The City of Gilroy Community Development Department shall review development applications to determine if the specific project operations or construction activities could result in ground- -borne noise or vibration. If ground -borne noise or vibration is determined to be possible, the city shall require the potential impacts to be studied and mitigated through the environmental review process (CEQA), prior to the approval of entitlements. N -2. The following measures shall be incorporated into project plans for development within the Specific Plan area to mitigate construction noise, subject to the review and approval of the City of Gilroy Engineering and Building divisions: (Modified Gilroy General Plan EIR mitigation measure 4.7 -B): a. Limit construction activity to weekdays between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM, and Saturday between 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM, with no construction on Sundays or City holidays; b. Require that all internal combustion engine -driven equipment are equipped with mufflers that are in good condition and appropriate for the equipment; and C. Locate stationary noise - generating equipment as far as possible from sensitive receptors when sensitive receptors adjoin or are near a construction project area. Traffic T -1. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Church Street/Sixth Street intersection. The first proposed development that would result in an unacceptable level of service at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: a. Signalize the intersection; b. Re -strip all four approaches to include a separate left -turn pocket and shared through/right -turn lane; C. Remove parking on both sides of the street on each approach to the intersection; and d. Modify signal phasing to include protected left -turn phasing on all approaches. This improvement is included in the City's traffic impact fee program. Developers within the project area shall pay into the traffic impact fee program. The first development to cause the LOS to decline to an unacceptable level shall finance and construct the improvement, subject to reimbursement from the City through the traffic impact fee program. Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan 7 September 6, 2005 Negative Declaration T -2. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street/Leavesley Road intersection. The first proposed development that would result in an exceedance at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Make improvements to the northbound right -turn receiving lane such that this movement could be restored to free - running operation. Such improvements could include (1) installing flexible land delineators along the wide solid white line that separates the receiving lane from the other lanes on Leavesley Road, or (2) extending a raised curb a short distance eastbound to clearly delineate the right -turn receiving lane from the from the other two eastbound lanes on Leavesley Road. These improvements would provide physical barriers that prevent drivers on eastbound Leavesley Road from merging into the receiving lane too early. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. T -3. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Murray Avenue/Leavesley Road intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an exceedance at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Add a second westbound left -turn pocket on Leavesley Road at Murray Avenue. This would require a second southbound lane on Murray Avenue, south of Leavesley Road. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. T -4. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Church Street/First Street intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an exceedance at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Extend the existing northbound left -turn pocket on Church Street to 300 feet as shown in the City of Gilroy Traffic Circulation Master Plan. This would require removing parking on the east side of Church Street for about 400 feet south of the intersection. Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan 8 September 6, 2005 Negative Declaration This improvement is included in the City's traffic impact fee program. Developers within the project area shall pay into the traffic impact fee program. The first development to cause the exceedance shall finance and construct the improvement, subject to reimbursement from the City through the traffic impact fee program. T -5. The City. of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street/First Street intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an exceedance at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Extend the existing northbound left-turn lane on Monterey Street by 40 feet. This may require modifications to the existing raised, median island on Monterey Street between First and Third streets. To reduce the occurrence of the eastbound queue blocking the Eigleberry Street/First Street intersection, a "Keep Clear" pavement legend could be installed at that intersection. These improvements would be an interim step to the ultimate improvements shown in the City of Gilroy Traffic Circulation Master Plan. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. T -6. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street/Sixth Street intersection as development occurs. Once the City determines that directional signs would assist with circulation in this area, the City shall require the first development resulting in the need for these signs to implement the strategic placement of directional signs at downtown gateways to divert traffic bound for downtown parking facilities away from Monterey Street and onto Eigleberry Street. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. T -7. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street/Seventh Street intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an exceedance at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan 9 September 6, 2005 Negative Declaration a. Lengthen the existing southbound left -turn pocket by 90 feet. This improvement would require modifications to the existing raised median island on Monterey Street between Sixth and Sevenths streets; OR b. Add a second southbound left -turn pocket. This improvement may not be feasible because it would require widening the road and adding a second eastbound lane on Seventh Street. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. T -8. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street/Tenth Street intersection as development occurs. The first major project proposed in the downtown that would generate more than 100 peak -hour trips shall be responsible for conducting a supplemental engineering study to identify, in more detail, the improvements necessary along the Tenth Street corridor to accommodate the recommended mitigation measures. In general, the anticipated improvements. are as follows: a. Add a second 150 -foot northbound left -turn pocket to accommodate the projected maximum northbound left -turn queue; b. Add a second southbound left-turn lane to accommodate the projected maximum vehicle queue in the southbound left -turn movement; both lanes should be at least 175 feet long; and C. Lengthen the existing turn pocket should be lengthened by 75 feet to accommodate the projected maximum westbound left-turn queue. This improvement would require widening the railroad crossing and widening Tenth Street between Monterey and the railroad tracks. The improvements at the Monterey/Tenth intersection should be coordinated with those recommended below at the Alexander/Tenth intersection. According to traffic collision data summarized in the City of Gilroy Traffic Collision Analysis Study, the intersection of Monterey Street and Tenth Street exhibits a higher - than- expected number of accidents. Additionally, the City has indicated that the intersection currently meets warrants for protected left -turn phasing on the Tenth Street approaches. The improvement that has been recommended at this location to address these conditions is the conversion of the traffic signal operation to protected left -turn phasing on all approaches. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan 10 September 6, 2005 Negative Declaration T -9. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Alexander Street/Tenth Street intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an exceedance at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: a. Lengthen the southbound left -turn pocket by 70 feet to accommodate the projected maximum vehicle queues during the peak hour. This can be accomplished by restriping the north leg of the intersection. b. Lengthen the eastbound left -turn lane by 105 feet to accommodate the projected maximum vehicle queue in the eastbound left -turn movement.. This can be accomplished by restriping the west leg of the intersection. However, this would require that the existing westbound left -turn pocket into the former Indian Motorcycle facility be eliminated. The improvements at the Alexander/Tenth intersection should be coordinated with those recommended above at the Monterey/Tenth intersection. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. T -10. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Chestnut Street/Tenth Street intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an exceedance at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Extend the southbound left-turn pockets to provide 275 feet of storage space in order to accommodate the projected maximum vehicle queues in the southbound left -turn movement. This can be accomplished by restriping the north leg of the intersection. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. T -11. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street/Luchessa Avenue intersection as development occurs The first proposed development that would result in an exceedance at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan I 1 September 6, 2005 Negative Declaration Add a second 100 -foot eastbound left -turn pocket to accommodate the projected maximum eastbound left -turn queue. This improvement would require widening the west leg of Luchessa Avenue. This improvement makes up a portion of the ultimate improvement package shown in the City of Gilroy Traffic Circulation Master Plan for this intersection. This improvement is included in the City's traffic impact fee program. The first development to cause the exceedance shall finance and construct the improvement, subject to reimbursement agreement with from the City. T -12. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street/Leavesley Road intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an unacceptable level of service at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Add a second northbound left-turn lane and a second southbound left -turn lane. Implementation of these improvements would restore intersection operations to LOS C during both peak hours. These improvements not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. T -13. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Murray Avenue/Leavesley Road intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an unacceptable level of service at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Add a second westbound left -turn pocket on Leavesley Road. Implementation of this improvement would restore intersection operations to LOS C during the PM peak hour. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. T -14. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Church Street/First Street intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an unacceptable level of service at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan 12 September 6, 2005 Negative Declaration Add a second westbound through lane, strip a second westbound lane on First Street west of Church Street, and remove parking on the north side of First Street west of Church Street. Implementation of this improvement would restore intersection operations to LOS C during the PM peak hour. These improvements are not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. T -15. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street/First Street intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an unacceptable level of service at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Add a second eastbound left -turn pocket on First Street at Monterey Street. This improvement may require First Street to be widened at the intersection. Implementation of this improvement would restore intersection operations to LOS C during the PM peak hour. This improvement is included in the City's traffic impact fee program. Developers within the project area shall pay into the traffic impact fee program. The first development to cause the LOS to decline to an unacceptable level shall finance and construct the improvement, subject to reimbursement from the City through the traffic impact fee program- T-16. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Church Street/Sixth Street intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an unacceptable level of service at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Install a traffic signal at this intersection. Restripe all four approaches to the intersection to include a separate left -turn pocket and a shared through/right -turn lane. Remove parking on both sides of the street on each approach to the intersection. Implementation of this improvement would restore intersection operations to LOS B during the AM peak hour and LOS C during the PM peak hour. . This improvement is included in the City's traffic impact fee program. Developers within the project area shall pay into the traffic impact fee program. The first development to cause the LOS to decline to an unacceptable level shall finance and construct the improvement, subject to reimbursement from the City through the traffic impact fee program. Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan 13 September 6, 2005 Negative Declaration T -17. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street/Sixth Street intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an unacceptable level of service at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Restripe the east and west approaches (Sixth Street) to include separate left -turn pockets and shared through/right -turn lanes and eliminate curbside parking on Sixth Street near the intersection. Implementation of this improvement would restore intersection operations to LOS B during the AM peak hour and LOS C during the PM peak hour. These improvements are not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. T -18. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an'effect on the Monterey Street/Luchessa Avenue intersection as development occurs.-The first proposed development that would result in an unacceptable level of service at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Add a second northbound left-turn lane, a free - running eastbound right -turn lane on Luchessa Avenue, and a southbound receiving lane on Monterey Street to accommodate the eastbound free right turn. These improvements would require widening Luchessa Avenue west of Monterey Street and widening Monterey Street south of Luchessa Avenue. Implementation of these improvements would restore intersection operations to LOS C during the AM peak hour and LOS D during the PM peak hour. This improvement is included in the City's traffic impact fee program. Developers within the project area shall pay into the traffic impact fee program. The first development to cause the LOS to decline to an unacceptable level shall finance and construct the improvement, subject to reimbursement from the City through the traffic impact fee program. T -19. The City of Gilroy shall monitor the parking situation in the downtown. When determined by the city to be the appropriate time, the city shall develop a parking management plan that would include enforcement of parking hours and time limits. This program could begin within the downtown core area and expand to adjacent blocks as parking demand increases. The general effect of this parking demand program would be to ensure that on -street parking spaces are available during normal business hours for routine customer use, and. encourage vehicles parking for longer periods to use off - street parking lots. The first stage of implementation should be on the following streets segments: Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan 14 September 6, 2005 Negative Declaration a. Monterey Street between Third and Eighth; b. Eigleberry Street between Fourth and,Sixth; C. Fifth Street between Eigleberry and Monterey; d. Sixth Street between Eigleberry and Monterey; and e. Martin Street between Monterey and the railroad tracks. These are areas that currently exhibit parking occupancy rates of 70 percent or more of the existing supply. These areas likely would be the first to develop parking problems in the near term as future development and reuse of vacant buildings occurs in the downtown. From this first stage area, the scope of the program should be expanded outward as future development growth and parking conditions dictate. T -20. Adequate parking shall be provided in the Specific Plan area. The city shall determine the appropriate measures to accomplish this. Twenty -two potential sites, totaling approximately 20 acres, were identified in the parking study, which could be considered for future off -street parking facilities. Measures may include, but not be limited to the followings: a. Provide one parking space per unit on -site for new residential developments within the downtown and be located such that 0.75 parking spaces per unit are available for use either on -street or in off -street public lots within the immediate vicinity (1 -2 blocks) of the development. b. Provide adequate employee parking in private, off -street parking lots for new commercial developments. These developments shall work closely with the city to ensure that adequate customer parking is available within the immediate vicinity (1 -2 blocks) of the development; C. Identify and construct new off -street public parking facilities such as (1) developing parking lots east of Monterey Street behind the existing buildings and west of the railroad right -of -way, (2) acquire underutilized properties that have good street access for new public surface parking lots, and (3) designate some off - street parking facilities as long -term parking lots to accommodate the parking needs of employees and residents. Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan Mitigation Monitoring Program Introduction CEQA Guidelines section 15097 requires public agencies to adopt reporting or monitoring programs when they approve projects subject to an environmental impact report or a negative declaration that includes mitigation measures to avoid significant adverse environmental effects. The reporting or monitoring program is to be designed to ensure compliance with conditions of project approval during project implementation in order to avoid significant adverse environmental effects. The law was passed in response to historic non - implementation of mitigation measures presented in environmental documents and subsequently adopted as conditions of project approval. In addition, monitoring ensures that mitigation measures are implemented and thereby provides a mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of the mitigation measures. A definitive set of project conditions- would include enough detailed information and enforcement procedures to ensure the measure's compliance. This monitoring program is designed to provide a mechanism to ensure that mitigation measures and subsequent conditions of project approval are implemented. Monitoring Program The basis for this monitoring program is the mitigation measures included in the project mitigated negative declaration. These mitigation measures are designed to eliminate or reduce significant adverse environmental effects to less than significant levels. These mitigation measures become conditions of project approval, which the project proponent is required to complete during and after implementation of the proposed project. The attached checklist is proposed for monitoring the implementation of the mitigation measures. This monitoring checklist contains all appropriate mitigation measures in the mitigated negative declaration. Monitoring Program Procedures. The City of Gilroy shall use the attached monitoring checklist for the proposed project. The monitoring program should be implemented as follows: The Gilroy Community Development Department should be responsible for coordination of the monitoring program, including the monitoring checklist. The Community Development Department should be responsible for completing the EMC Planning Group Inc. 1 Mitigation Monitoring Program Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan monitoring checklist and distributing the checklist to the responsible individuals or agencies for their use in monitoring the mitigation measures; 2. Each responsible individual or agency will then be responsible for determining whether the mitigation measures contained in the monitoring checklist have been complied with. Once all mitigation measures have been complied with, the responsible individual or agency should submit a copy of the monitoring checklist to the Community Development Department to be placed in the project file. If the mitigation measure has not been complied with, the monitoring checklist should not be returned to the Community Development Department; 3. The Gilroy Community Development Department will review the checklist to ensure that appropriate mitigation measures and additional conditions of project approval included in the monitoring checklist have been complied with at the appropriate time, e.g. prior to issuance of a use permit, etc. Compliance with mitigation measures is required for project approvals; and 4. If a responsible individual or agency determines that a non - compliance has occurred, a written notice should be delivered by certified mail to the project proponent within 10 days, with a copy to the Community Development Department, describing the non - compliance and requiring compliance within a specified period of time. If non - compliance still exists at the expiration of the specified period of time, construction may be halted and fines may be imposed at the discretion of the City of Gilroy. 2 EMC Planning Group Inc. Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan Mitigation Monitoring Program Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan Mitigation Monitoring Checklist Step 1 Prior to approval of development applications, the following mitigation measure shall be implemented CR -1. For projects proposing changes to a known historic resource or any structure 50 years or older, the City of Gilroy shall ensure that the City's Historic Neighborhood and Historic Site guidelines are followed as a component of the environmental review (CEQA) process for that proposed project. Any significant impact to a historic structure would be considered a significant adverse environmental impact according to CEQA and would require preparation of an environmental impact report (EIR). Party Responsible for implementation: Gilroy Planning Division Party responsible for monitoring. Gilroy Planning Division CR -3 The environmental review process for projects pursuant to this specific plan shall include consultation with the Northwest Information Center's Project Review Program, through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the City of Gilroy, which provides a summary letter that contains information about the presence/ absence of archaeological sites, historic buildings, and previous study. The letter would also provide a recommendation for whether additional study is necessary. If additional study is recommended, that additional study shall also take place during the environmental review process. Party Responsible for implementation: Gilroy Planning Division Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Planning Division N -1. The City of Gilroy Community Development Department shall review development applications to determine if the specific project operations or construction activities could result in ground - -borne noise or vibration. If ground -borne noise or vibration is determined to be possible, the city shall require the potential impacts to be studied and mitigated through the environmental review process (CEQA), prior to the approval of entitlements. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring.- Gilroy Planning Division T -1. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Church Street /Sixth Street intersection. The first proposed development that would result in an unacceptable level of service at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: EMC Planning Group Inc. 3 Mitigation Monitoring Program Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan a. Signalize the intersection; b. Re -strip all four approaches to include a separate left -tum pocket and shared through /right -turn lane; c. Remove parking on both sides of the street.on each approach to the intersection; and d. Modify signal phasing to include protected left -turn phasing on all approaches. This improvement is included in the City's traffic impact fee program. Developers within the project area shall pay into the traffic impact fee program. The first development to cause the LOS to decline to an unacceptable level shall finance and construct the improvement, subject to reimbursement from the City through the traffic impact fee program. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division T -2. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street / Leavesley Road intersection. The first proposed development that would result in an exceedance at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Make improvements to the northbound right -turn receiving lane such that this movement could be restored to free- running operation. Such improvements could include (1) installing flexible land delineators along the wide solid white line that separates the receiving lane from the other lanes on Leavesley Road, or (2) extending a raised curb a short distance eastbound to clearly delineate the right -turn receiving lane from the from -the other two eastbound lanes on Leavesley Road. These improvements would provide physical barriers that prevent drivers on eastbound Leavesley Road from merging into the receiving lane too early. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. Parry responsible for it implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division T -3. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Murray Avenue / Leavesley Road intersection as development occurs. The 4 EMC Planning Group inc. Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan Mitigation Monitoring Program first proposed development that would result in an exceedance at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Add a second westbound left -turn pocket on Leavesley Road at Murray Avenue. This would require a second southbound lane on Murray Avenue, south. of Leavesley Road. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring. Gilroy Engineering Division T -4. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Church Street /First Street intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an exceedance at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Extend the existing northbound left -turn pocket on Church Street to 300 feet as shown in the City of Gilroy Traffic Circulation Master Plan. This would require removing parking on the east side of Church Street for about 400 feet south of the intersection. This improvement is included in the City's traffic impact fee program. Developers within the project area shall pay into the traffic impact fee program. The first development to cause the exceedance shall finance and construct the improvement, subject to reimbursement from the City through the traffic impact fee program. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring. • Gilroy Engineering. Division T -5. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street /First Street intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an exceedance at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the .following improvements: Extend the existing northbound left -turn lane on Monterey Street by 40 feet. This may require modifications to the existing raised, median island on Monterey Street between First and Third streets. To reduce the occurrence of the eastbound queue blocking the Eigleberry Street /First Street intersection, a "Keep Clear" pavement legend could be installed at that intersection. These improvements EMC Planning Group Inc. 5 Mitigation Monitoring Program Downtown Gilroy Spec Plan would be an interim step to the ultimate improvements shown in the City of Gilroy Traffic Circulation Master Plan. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division T -6. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street /Sixth Street intersection as development occurs. Once the City determines that directional signs would assist with circulation in this area, the City shall require the first development resulting in the need for these signs to implement the strategic placement of directional signs at downtown gateways to divert traffic bound for downtown parking facilities away from Monterey Street and onto Eigleberry Street. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division T -7. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street /Seventh Street intersection as development occurs. The fast proposed development that would result in an exceedance at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: a. Lengthen the existing southbound left -turn pocket by 90 feet. This improvement would require modifications to the existing raised median island on Monterey Street between Sixth and Sevenths streets; OR b. Add a second southbound left -turn pocket. This improvement may not be feasible because it would require widening the road and adding a second eastbound lane on Seventh Street. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring. Gilroy Engineering Division 6 EMC Planning Group Inc. Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan Mitigation Monitoring Program T -8. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street /Tenth Street intersection as development occurs. The first major project proposed in the downtown that would generate more than 100 peak -hour trips shall be responsible for conducting a supplemental engineering study to identify, in more detail, the improvements necessary along the Tenth Street corridor to accommodate the recommended mitigation measures. In general, the anticipated improvements are as follows: a. Add a second 150 -foot northbound left -turn pocket to accommodate the projected maximum northbound left -turn queue; b. Add a second southbound left -turn lane to accommodate the projected maximum vehicle queue in the southbound left -turn movement; both lanes should be at least 175 feet long; and c. Lengthen the existing turn pocket should be lengthened by 75 feet to accommodate the projected maximum westbound left -turn queue. This improvement would require widening the railroad crossing and widening Tenth Street between Monterey and the railroad tracks. The improvements at the Monterey /Tenth intersection should be coordinated with those recommended below at the Alexander /Tenth intersection. According to traffic collision data summarized in the City of Gilroy Traffic Collision Analysis Study, the intersection of Monterey Street and Tenth Street exhibits a higher- than- expected number of accidents. Additionally, the City has indicated that the intersection currently meets warrants for protected left -turn phasing on the Tenth Street approaches. The improvement that has been recommended at this location to address these conditions is the conversion of the traffic signal operation to protected left -tum phasing on all approaches.. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division T -9. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Alexander Street/Tenth Street intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an exceedance at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: a. Lengthen the southbound left -turn pocket by 70 feet to accommodate the. projected maximum vehicle queues during the peak hour. This can be accomplished by restriping the north leg of the intersection. EMC Planning Group Inc. 7 Mitigation Monitoring Pro_yrem Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan b. Lengthen the eastbound left -turn lane by 105 feet to accommodate the projected maximum vehicle queue in the eastbound left -turn movement. This can be accomplished by restriping the west leg of the intersection. However, this would require that the existing westbound left -turn pocket into the former Indian Motorcycle facility be eliminated. The improvements at the Alexander /Tenth intersection should be coordinated with those recommended above at the Monterey /Tenth intersection. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources "are identified in the Specific Plan. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division T -10. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Chestnut Street /Tenth Street intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an exceedance at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Extend the southbound left-turn pockets to provide 275 feet of storage space in order to accommodate the projected maximum vehicle queues in the southbound left -turn movement. This can be accomplished by restriping the north leg of the intersection. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring. Gilroy Engineering Division T -11. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street /Luchessa Avenue intersection as development occurs The first proposed development that would result in an exceedance at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Add a second 100 -foot eastbound-left-turn pocket to accommodate the projected maximum eastbound left -turn queue. This improvement would require widening the west leg of Luchessa Avenue. This improvement makes up a portion of the ultimate improvement package shown in the City of Gilroy Traffic Circulation Master Plan for this intersection. 8 EMC Planning Group Inc. Downtown Gilroy Spec Plan Mitigation Monitoring Program This improvement is included in the City's traffic impact fee program. The first development to cause the exceedance shall finance and construct the improvement, subject to reimbursement agreement with from the City. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division T -12. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street /Leavesley Road intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an unacceptable level of service at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Add a second northbound left -turn lane and a second southbound left -turn lane. Implementation of these improvements would restore intersection operations to LOS C during both peak hours. These improvements not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division T -13. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Murray Avenue /Leavesley Road intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an unacceptable level of service at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Add a second westbound left -turn pocket on Leavesley Road. Implementation of this improvement would restore intersection operations to LOS C during the PM peak hour. This improvement is not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division T -14. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Church Street /First Street intersection as development occurs. The first EMC Planning Group Inc. 9 Mitigation Monitoring Program Downtown Gilroy Spec Plan proposed development that would result in an unacceptable level of service at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Add a second westbound through lane, strip a second westbound lane on First Street west of Church Street, and remove parking on the north side of First Street west of Church Street. Implementation of this improvement would restore intersection operations to LOS C during the PM peak hour. These improvements are not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division T -15. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street /First Street intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an unacceptable level of service at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Add a second eastbound left -turn pocket on First Street at Monterey Street. This improvement may require First Street to be widened at the intersection. Implementation of this improvement would restore intersection operations to LOS C during the PM peak hour. This improvement is included in the City's traffic impact fee program. Developers within the project area shall pay into the traffic impact fee program. The first development to cause the LOS to decline to an unacceptable level shall finance and construct the improvement, subject to reimbursez6nt from the City through the traffic impact fee program. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring. Gilroy Engineering Division T -16. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis fot any.proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Church Street /Sixth Street intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an unacceptable level of service at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Install a traffic signal at this intersection. Restripe all four approaches to the intersection to include a separate left -turn pocket and a thared through /right -turn lane. Remove parking on both sides of the street on each approach to the intersection. Implementation of this improvement world restore intersection 10 EMC Planning Group Inc. Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan Mitigation Monitoring Program operations to LOS B during the AM peak hour and LOS C during the PM peak hour. This improvement is included in the City's traffic impact fee program. Developers within the project area shall pay into the traffic impact fee program. The first development to cause the LOS to decline to an unacceptable level shall finance and construct the improvement, subject to reimbursement from the City through the traffic impact fee program. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division T -17. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street /Sixth Street intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an unacceptable level of service at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Restripe the east and west approaches (Sixth Street) to include separate left -turn pockets and shared through /right -turn lanes and eliminate curbside parking on Sixth Street near the intersection. Implementation of this improvement would restore intersection operations to LOS B during the AM peak hour and LOS C during the PM peak hour. These improvements are not included in the City's traffic impact fee program, therefore, would be developer funded if no other funding mechanism is in place. Potential funding sources are identified in the Specific Plan. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division T- 18. The City of Gilroy shall require a traffic impact analysis for any proposed development project within the project area that is expected to have an effect on the Monterey Street/Luchessa Avenue intersection as development occurs. The first proposed development that would result in an unacceptable level of service at this intersection shall design, finance, and implement the following improvements: Add a second northbound left -turn lane, a free - running eastbound right -turn lane on Luchessa Avenue, and a southbound receiving lane on Monterey Street to accommodate the eastbound free right turn. These improvements would require widening Luchessa Avenue west of Monterey Street and widening Monterey Street south of Luchessa Avenue. Implementation of these improvements would restore intersection operations to LOS C during the AM peak hour and LOS D during the PM peak hour. EMC Planning Group Inc. I 1 Mitigation Monitoring Program Downtown Gftroy Specific Plan This improvement is included in the City's traffic impact fee program. Developers within the project area shall pay into the traffic impact fee program. The first development to cause the LOS to decline to an unacceptable level shall finance and construct the improvement, subject to reimbursement from the City through the traffic impact fee program. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible fir monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division T -19. The City of Gilroy shall monitor the parking situation in the downtown. When determined by the city to be the appropriate time, the city shall develop a parking management plan that would include enforcement of parking hours and time limits. This program could begin within the downtown core area and expand to adjacent blocks as parking demand increases. The general effect of this parking demand program would be to ensure that on- street parking spaces are available during normal business hours for routine customer use, and encourage vehicles parking for longer periods to use off-street parking lots. The first stage of implementation should be on the following streets segments a. Monterey Street between Third and Eighth; b. Eigleberry Street between Fourth and Sixth; c. Fifth Street between Eigleberry and Monterey; d. Sixth Street between Eigleberry and Monterey; and e. Martin Street between Monterey and the railroad tracks. Party responsible for implementation: Gilroy Engineering Division Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division T -20. Adequate parking shall be provided in the Specific Plan area. The city shall determine the appropriate measures to accomplish this. Twenty-two potential sites, totaling approximately 20 acres, were identified in the parking study, which could be considered for future off -street parking facilities. Measures may include, but not be limited to the followings: a. Provide one parking space per unit on -site for new residential developments within the downtown and be located such that 0.75 parking spaces per unit are available for use either on -street or in off-street public lots within the immediate vicinity (1 -2 blocks) of the development. b. Provide adequate employee parking in private, off -street parking lots for new commercial developments. These developments shall work closely with the city to ensure that adequate customer parking is available within the immediate vicinity (1 -2 blocks) of the development; 12 EMC Planning Group Inc. Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan Mitigation Monitoring Program c. Identify and construct new off -street public parking facilities such as (1) developing parking lots east of Monterey Street behind the existing buildings and west of the railroad right -of -way, (2) acquire underutilized properties that have good street access for new public surface parking lots, and (3) designate some off -street parking facilities as long -term parking lots to accommodate the parking needs of employees and residents. Party responsible for implementation: Gilroy Engineering Division Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Engineering Division Step 2 Prior to approval of demolition permits the following mitigation measure shall be implemented HZ -1. Prior to issuance of a demolition permit for any structures within the project area, the structure(s) shall be evaluated for occurrence of asbestos, lead, and /or other hazardous materials. The City of Gilroy Hazardous Materials Program would perform oversight of cleanup and investigation of hazardous materials and hazardous waste contamination. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Planning Division Step 3 Prior to approval of building permits the following mitigation measure shall be implemented: AQ -1. Developers shall specify in project plans the implementation of the following dust control measures during grading and construction activities for any proposed development. The measures shall be implemented as necessary to adequately control dust, subject to the review and approval by the City of Gilroy Engineering Division: The following measures shall be implemented at all construction sites: • Water all active construction areas at least twice daily; • Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose materials or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard; • Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply (non - toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads; parking areas and staging areas at construction sites; • Sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved access roads, parking areas and staging areas at construction sites; and EMC Planning Group Inc. 13 Mitigation Monitoring Program Downtown Gilroy SDecfic Plan • Sweep streets immediately (with water sweepers) if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent public streets. The following measures shall be implemented at all construction sites greater than four acres in area: • Hydroseed or apply (non - toxic) soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more); • Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply (non - toxic) soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc); • Limit traffic speeds on unpaved roads to 15 mph; • Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to public roadways; and • Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. The following measures are strongly encouraged at construction sites that are large in area, located near sensitive receptors or which for any other reason may warrant additional emission reductions: • Install wheel washers for all existing trucks, or wash off the tires or tracks of all trucks and equipment leaving the site; • Install wind breaks, or plant trees /vegetative wind breaks at windward side(s) of construction areas; • Suspend excavation and grading activity when winds (instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 miles per hour; and • Limit the area subject to excavation, grading and other construction activity at any one time. Party responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring. Gilroy Planning Division CR -2. Due to the possibility that significant buried cultural resources might be found during construction, the following language shall be included on any permits issued for the Specific Plan area, including, but not limited to building permits for future development, subject to the review and approval of the Gilroy Planning Division (pursuant to Gilroy General Plan Policy 5.07): If archaeological resources are discovered during construction, work shall be halted within 50 meters (165 feet) of the find until a qualified professional archaeologist can evaluate it. If the find 14 EMC Planning Group Inc. Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan Mi6yadon Monitoring Program is determined to be significant, appropriate mitigation measures shall be formulated and implemented. . Party responsible fur implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring. Gilroy Planning Division CR -3. In the event of an accidental discovery or recognition of any human remains in any location other than a dedicated cemetery, the City shall ensure that the language is included in all permits in accordance with CEQA Guidelines section 15064.5(e), subject to the review and approval of the City of Gilroy Planning Division: If human remains are found during construction there shall be no further excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains until the coroner of Santa Clara County is contacted to determine that no investigation of the cause of death is required. If the coroner determines the remains to be Native American the coroner shall contact the native American heritage Commission within 24 hours. The Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the person or persons it believes to be the most likely descendent MLD) from the deceased Native American. The MLD may then make recommendations to the landowner or the person responsible for the excavation work, for means of treating or disposing of, with appropriate dignity, the human remains and associated grave goods as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. The landowner or his authorized representative shall rebury the Native American human remains and associated grave goods with appropriate dignity on the property in a location not subject to further disturbance if: a) the Native American Heritage Commission is unable to identify a MLD or the MLD failed to make a recommendation within 24 hours after being notified by the commission; b) the descendent identified fails to make a recommendation; or c) the landowner or his authorized representative rejects the recommendation of the descendent, and the mediation by the Native American Heritage Commission fails to provide measures acceptable to the landowner. Party responsibleforImplementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Planning Division HZ -2. The contaminated site, located at Sixth Street and Monterey Street and that is included on the CORTESE and CalSites lists, shall be remediated to the satisfaction of the California Department of Toxic Substances Control by the EMC Planning Group Inc. 15 Mitigation Monitoring Program Downtown Gilroy Specific Plan property owner and /or applicant, prior to the issuance of any building permits associated with redevelopment of the site. Prior to remediation it is likely that a Phase I and /or Phase H environmental site assessment would be required. Party Responsible for implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring. Gilroy Planning Division N,12. The following measures shall be incorporated into project plans for development within the Specific Plan area to mitigate construction noise, subject to the review and approval of the City of Gilroy Engineering and Building divisions: (Modified Gilroy General Plan EIR mitigation measure 4.7 -B): a. Limit construction activity to weekdays between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM, and Saturday between 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM, with no construction on Sundays or City holidays; b. Require that all internal combustion engine- driven equipment are equipped with mufflers that are in good condition and appropriate for the equipment; and c. Locate stationary noise - generating equipment as far as possible from sensitive receptors when sensitive receptors adjoin or are near a construction project area. Party responsible far implementation: Applicant Party responsible for monitoring: Gilroy Building and Engineering Division 16 EMC Planning Group Inc. I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 2005 -87 is an original resolution, or true and correct copy of a city resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7th day of November, 2005, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 11 th day of January, 2006. U J City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal)