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Resolution 2008-09 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING A/S-PUD 07-42, AN APPLICATION FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO CONSTRUCT TWO SINGLE- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL UNITS, ON APPROXIMATELY .28 ACRES LOCATED AT 736 GAGE COURT, THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SANTA TERESA AND THOMAS ROAD, APN. 808-47-009. WHEREAS, Randy Kirk submitted application A/S-PUD 07-42 requesting architectural and site approval of a Planned Unit Development ("PUD") to construct two single-family residential units on approximately.28 acres ("the Project"), which completes a 10 unit residential PUD at 736 Gage Court, the Northeast comer of Santa Teresa and Thomas Road, APN.808-47-009. WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), CEQA Guidelines Section 15303(a), this Project is categorically exempt from further environmental review as new construction or a conversion of small structures development; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed meeting on February 7,2008, at which time the Planning Commission considered the public testimony, the staff report dated January 10, 2008 ("Staff Report"), and all other documentation related to application A/S-PUD 07-42, and recommended that the City Council approve said application; and WHEREAS, the City Council at its duly noticed meeting on February 25, 2008 considered the public testimony, the Staff Report, and all other documentation related to application A/S-PUD 07-42; and WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which this Project approval is based is the office of the -1- Resolution No. 2008-09 ILLEZOTTEI754139.1 022708-04706089 City Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A. The City Council hereby adopts the findings as required by Zoning Ordinance Section 50.55 based upon substantial evidence in the entire record as summarized below: 1. The Project conforms to the Gilroy General Plan in terms of general location and development standards, and meets the requirements and intent of the Planned Unit Development ordinance. 2. The Project will fill a specific need of the surrounding area in that it is an in-fill development. 3. The Project does not require urban services beyond those that are currently available at the Project site. 4. The Project provides a harmonious, integrated plan consistent with the constraints of the property and City standards and policies. 5. The Project is an economical and efficient use of the property because it is an infill residential development, completely surrounded by existing residential uses. 6. The Project exceeds minimum City requirements for landscaping and open space. As a result of the constraints on the property and the use of the PUD flexibility, the Project will provide open space in the form of a park and other amenities. 7. The proposed project utilizes aesthetic design principles to create attractive two story residences what will compliment the surrounding neighborhood and development in Phase I. 8. The Project will not create traffic congestion, noise, odor or other adverse -2- Resolution No. 2008-09 ILLEZOTTEI754139.1 022708-04706089 effects on surrounding areas, as Thomas Road is well designed for this type of traffic. 9. The Project provides appropriate access, parking, landscaping, trash areas and storage. The provision of two car garages for each home meets the parking minimum standards. B. Application A/S-PUD 07-42 should be and hereby is approved subject to the conditions of approval set forth in Appendix 1 which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. C. This Resolution shall become effective if, and only if, and on the date that Ordinance No 2008-04 for application Z07-02 rezoning the property takes effect. If Ordinance No. 2008-04 does not take effect, then A/S PUD 07-42, without any further action required by the City Council, is denied. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of March, 2008 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ARELLANO, BRACCO, DILLON, GARTMAN, TUCKER, WOODWARD, and PINHEIRO NONE NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE I' ATTESt '; APPROVED: ~ ~ :Alb i eiro, Mayor -3- Resolution No. 2008-09 ILLEZOTTE1754139.1 022708-04706089 City of Gilroy Community Development Department Planning Division 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA (408) 846-0440 Zone Change Architectural & Site Review (PUD) January 10, 2008 File Number: Z 07-02 (Encompass # 07090031) A/S PUD 07-42 (Encompass #07090017) Applicant: Randy Kirk [c/o Jeffery King, 408-779-9141,] Location: 736 Gage Court (near the NE comer of Santa Teresa and Thomas Road) Staff Planner: Laura McIntyre ( REQUESTED ACTION: Z 07-02 Zone chan~e of 0.28 acres from Agriculture to R-l PUD. Staff recommends approval of this request. A1S 07-42 Plan review of2 additional homes to new 8 home existing subdivision. Staff recommends approval of this request with 90 conditions. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: PARCEL No.: 808-47-009 PARCEL SIZE: 0.28:f: acres FLOOD ZONE: D (undetermined), Panel # 060 340 0003 E, Panel Date: 8/17/98 Z 07-02, AS PUD 07-42 2 1/10/08 STATUS OF PROPERTY: Existing Land Use Vacant General Plan Designation Low Density Zoning Al STATUS OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY: Existing Land Use N: Residential S: Vacant E: Vacant W: Residential General Plan Designation Low Density Low Density Low Density Low Density Zoning Rl Al Al Rl PUD CONFORMANCE OF REQUEST WITH GENERAL PLAN: The proposed project conforms to the land use designation for the property on the General Plan map, and is consistent with the intent of the General Plan Document text and policies. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Categorical exemption from CEQA, Class 3, Section 15303 (a), "new construction or conversion of small structures. " ANAL YSIS OF ZONE CHANGE REQUEST The requested zone change is consistent with the General Plan. The requested zone of Agriculture A-I to Single Family Residential R-l PUD is appropriate given the surrounding land use and density of the neighborhood. The Applicant has plans for 2 homes on a 0.28:i: acre site, adding to the eight existing homes in the original PUD subdivision. Staff feel that the planned density is appropriate. Staff do not believe there will be any potential conflicts with existing uses. Staff feel that any environmental impacts from the proposed zone change will be insignificant. Section 50.51, of the Zoning Ordinance allows for Planned Unit Development approval if the following definition is met: (a) Land which is planned and developed as a whole. (b) A single development operation or a definitively programmed series of development operations, including all lands and buildings. (c) Including principal and accessory structures and uses substantially related to the character of the surrounding district. (d) A program of comprehensive and detailed plans which will include all site and architectural design plans. (e) A program that should include the operation and maintenance of such areas and facilities that will be for common use and benefit by some or all of the occupants of the development, but in most cases not to be provided, operated or maintained at the general expense of the City of Gilroy. Z 07-02, AS PUD 07-42 3 1/10/08 Staff believes that the proposed project meets the definition of completing an existing Planned Unit Development. The applicant requests Zone Change approval to rezone this 0.28 :i: acre site from Al (Agricultural) to Rl- PUD (Low Density Residential- Planned Unit Development). If approved, the proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) combining district will allow the applicant flexibility with City standards in developing this site. The applicant proposes to use this flexibility to develop 2 single family homes on lots less than 6,660 square feet and to provide reduced setbacks. As part of the development, the applicant will provide the following amenities in line with the PUD Amenity Policy: 1. Colored/stamped concrete 2. Formation ofHOA or LLD 3. Decorative or permeable pavers/pavement 4. Park 5. Energy-efficient building design 6. Increased parking The Planned Unit Development Combining District Statement of Intent states: (Zoning Ordinance section 26.10) "The intent of the PUD Planned Unit Development Combining District is to allow diversification in the relationships of buildings, structures, and open spaces in building groups and the allowable heights of said buildings and structures, while insuring adequate standards related to the public health, safety and general welfare of the community, and so doing to promote unified planning and development, economical and efficient land use, a higher standard of amenities, appropriate and harmonious variety in physical development, creative design, and an upgrading of the urban environment. " The PUD Architectural & Site review portions of this staff report will analyze this project's compliance with the PUD Statement of Intent and all necessary PUD fmdings. Concurrent processing of the Zone Change and Architectural & Site Review applications allows a comprehensive review of the overall development plan, thereby enabling a holistic approach to project approval. ZONE CHANGE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of APPROVAL to the City Council for this Zone Change request based on the above Staff analysis. The following findings support this recommendation: A. The proposed zone change is consistent with the site's land use designation on the General Plan map. B. The proposed zone change is consistent with the intent of the General Plan text. C. The proposal will not be detrimental to public welfare or injurious to persons or property in the vicinity. D. There will be no significant impacts as a result of this project. Z 07-02, AS PUD 07-42 4 1/10/08 I ANAL YSIS OF ARCHITECTURAL & SITE REVIEW (PUD) The Applicant is requesting Planned Unit Development Architectural & Site review for the approval of two (2) single-family homes on this 0.28:i: acre project site. The specific considerations of this project are as follows: Architectural Design The Applicant has provided two-story architectural elevations that are visually appealing from the front elevation. The side and rear elevations have additional detailing. Colors will be muted natural earth tones. The house to be located on Lot 1 will be 2,757 square feet and the house on Lot 2 will be 2,090 square feet. Each house plan has a two car garage. Setback exception Lot 1 meets all of the required setbacks. Lot 2 however, does not conform to the front, side or rear setback requirements due in part of the triangular nature of the lot. Streets and parking Three on street parking spaces will be delineated on Gage Court in front of the two lots. Provision of Amenities The Planned Unit Development (PUD) Combining District Statement of Intent (Zoning Ordinance section 26.10) requires projects within a PUD ".. . to promote unified planning and development, economical and efficient land use, a higher standard of amenities, appropriate and harmonious variety in physical development, creative design, and an upgrading of the urban environment." The applicant has provided some amenities as part of Phase I of the development, most notably the creation of solar energy-efficient homes, a HOA and provision of a small park. The applicant plans to provide colored/stamped concrete, decorative or permeable pavers as part of Phase II of the development. Fiodioe:s: In order to approve a Planned Unit Development, Zoning Ordinance Section 50.55 requires the Planning Commission and City Council to find that the proposed Planned Unit Development will: A. Conform to the Gilroy General Plan in terms of general location and standards of development; This project conforms to the Gilroy General Plan in terms of general location and standards of development. B. Provide the type of development which will fill a specific need of the surrounding area; This project will infill available land. C. Not require urban services beyond those which are currently available; All services are currently in place. D. Provide a harmonious, integrated plan which justifies exceptions, if such are required, to the normal requirements of this ordinance; The Applicant has worked with Staff to propose a quality development that is consistent with the constraints of the property and City standards and policies. E. Reflect an economical and efficient pattern of land uses; This project is an infill development in a residential area. F. Include greater provisions for landscaping and open space than would generally be required; As a result of the constraints on the property and the use of the PUD flexibility, the Applicant is Z 07-02, AS PUD 07-42 5 1/10/08 providing open space in the form of a park and other amenities. G. Utilize aesthetic design principles to create attractive buildings and open space areas that blend with the character of surrounding areas; These two homes will fit in with the surrounding residential neighborhood.. H Not create traffic congestion, noise, odor or other adverse effects on surrounding areas; and Thomas Road is well designed to accommodate the traffic load from these homes. I. Provide adequate access, parking, landscaping, trash areas and storage, as necessary. The provision of the two car garages per each home meets the parking minimum standards. ARCHITECTURAL & SITE REVIEW (PUD) RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of APPROV AL to the City Council for this Planned Unit Development Architectural & Site review subject to the following 90 conditions: See Appendix 1 for Architectural & Site Review conditions Respectfully, William Faus Planning Division Manager APPENDIX 1: ARCHITECTURAL & SITE REVIEW (PUD) CONDITIONS A1S 07-42 Master Plan review of2 detached single family homes. Staff recommends ilDDroval of this request with 90 conditions. Planninl! Division (contact Laura McIntyre at 846-0440) These 16 conditions are subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. 1. Expiration: This Architectural and Site Review approval is valid for one (1) year from the date of notification of approval. If any development for which this Architectural and Site Review has been granted is not established within this period, the approval shall expire. The Planning Division Manager may grant an extension upon an application request received prior to expiration. 2. Approval of the AS 07-42: Is subject to the applicant receiving approval of Zone Change application Z 07 -02. 3. Noise analysis: The developer shall prepare a noise analysis to determine the noise attenuation measures required for this project. These noise attenuation measures shall be incorporated into the project design prior to Building Permit approval. 4. Santa Teresa Boulevard fence: Decorative stone and stucco columns shall be constructed approximately every 30 feet along the fence line adjacent to Santa Teresa Boulevard. The actual design of the fence shall be subject to Planning Division review and approval. 5. Landscape of homes: The applicant shall landscape around the homes. The applicant shall ensure attractive front yard landscaping and dense landscape buffers adjacent to Santa Teresa Boulevard. 6. Street Trees: The developer shall be required to install street trees according to the Consolidated Landscaping Policy. The developer will be required to obtain a Street Tree Permit prior to installation of the trees. This shall be subject to the review and approval of the Community Services Division. 7. Landscaping: Landscaping plans shall be developed in accordance with Gilroy's adopted Consolidated Landscape Policy and provided to Planning staff, prior to the issuance of a building permit. The landscaping shall be continuously maintained in an orderly, live, healthy, and relatively weed-free condition, and the approved specific landscape plan. 8. Irrigation System: A plan for a comprehensive irrigation system in accordance with Gilroy's adopted Consolidated Landscape Policy shall be provided to Planning staff, prior to the issuance of a building permit. Z 07-02, AS PUD 07-42 7 1/10/08 9. Garages: two-car garages must be a minimum of20 feet wide by 20 feet long and clear of obstructions. 10. Conformity to Plans: The future building permit shall substantially conform to the plans and drawings submitted with this application and ensure appropriate setbacks. 11. Design: The structure shall utilize creative, aesthetic design principles to create an attractive building and open space to blend with the character of the surrounding area. 12. Building Colors: Building colors and materials shall be compatible with the natural landscape and must be indicated prior to this approval and detailed on building plans prior to the issuance of a building permit. Please submit color samples for the proposed house. 13. Space: There will be adequate access, parking, landscaping, trash areas and storage, as necessary. 14. Exterior Lighting: No unobstructed beam of exterior lighting shall be directed outward from the site toward any residential use or public right-of-way. 15. Mechanical Appurtenances: Mechanical equipment to be located on the roof of the building shall be screened by an architectural feature of the building, such that it cannot be seen from the ground level at the far side of the adjacent public right-of-way, whenever possible. 16. Archeological Remains: All building plans shall include a note as follows: "If archeological resources or human remains are discovered during construction, work shall be halted within 50 meters (150 feet) of the find until it can be evaluated by a qualified professional archeologist. If the fmd is determined to be significant, appropriate mitigation measures shall be formulated and implemented. " En~neerin~ Division (contact John Brice 408-846-0450) These 18 conditions are subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. 1. Roads shall not exceed 15% grade, shall provide 14 feet overhead clearance, and an inside turning radius of not less than 32 feet and outside radius of not less than 39 feet. 2. Grade transition from streets to driveways shall not exceed 2%. Other grade transitions shall not exceed 10% or be such that a 30-foot fire apparatus shall not bottom out. 3. Grading, Erosion Control, and Drainage plans are required and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division prior to building permit issuance. 4. Site preparation and fill construction shall be conducted under the observation of, and tested by, a licensed soils or geotechnical engineer. A report shall be filed with the City of Gilroy stating that all site preparation and fill construction meets the requirements of the geotechnical investigation. This shall be subject to review and approval by the Engineering Division. 5. The foundation design, based on soils tests, shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department. 6. All retaining walls shall be masonry and shall be a modular system, subject to the review and approval of the Planning, Building, and Engineering Divisions. 7. A sewer backflow preventer may be required, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. 8. A storm flow dissipater may be required, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Z 07-02, AS PUD 07-42 8 1/10/08 9. Any work in the public right-of-way shall require a Traffic Control Plan prepared by a licensed professional engineer with experience in Traffic Control preparation. 10. Infrastructure shall be in place prior to the issuance of building permit. ] ] . Replace and/or repair any damaged curb, gutter, and sidewalk. 12. All overhead utility facilities within newly constructed public streets shall be placed underground. 13. New and existing utility lines, appurtenances and associated equipment, including, but not limited to, electrical transmission, street lighting, and cable television shall be required to be placed underground. 14. All commercial and industrial driveways shaH be 35-feet wide minimum unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 15. Lot size and easements are to correspond with the tract map and need to be shown on the plan. 16. Any retaining wall in excess of 48 inches tall (from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall or supporting a surcharge) will need to have a building permit and engineering calculations (submitted to the Building Department). 17. Water pressure reducing valve or backtlow preventer may be required. 18. All previous Engineering Division review comments shall apply unless otherwise specified in writing. Additional comments may be added at any time due to incomplete plans, plan changes and mistakes, errors or omissions. Buildin~ Division (contact Jane Alexander 408-846-0257) These 20 building and 32 grading conditions are subject to the review and approval of the Building Division. 1. CONDITIONS FOR SITE AND BUILDING PERMIT In order to review, please provide the following: . Roof DrainslRainwater Leaders to be hard piped to storm drain system unless otherwise approved in writing. . Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control require a separate plan and permit. . Detached Retaining and Sound Walls require separate plans and permit. . Garden Walls require a separate plan with construction details. . Fire Sprinklers, Alarms and Hydrants require separate plans and permit. . Fence, Columns, Gates & Electric control devices require separate plan and permit. . Deferred submittals and Special inspection requirements shall be located on the Title page of the plans. 2. DESIGN PROFESSIONAL -This project will require a State of California registered design Professional to design, stamp and wet sign the construction plans. Provide a statement on the coversheet of the building plan review submittal plans stating the following: a. "I hereby acknowledge that my building plan review submittal documents are in conformance with the Architectural and Site approval. I understand that if my submittal is different from my arch and site approval, it will take longer to review my building plan review and additional fees may apply." b. Provide a signature of the architect/engineer of record agreeing to the statement. Integrate Design Elements: . A fully dimensioned plot plan with distance to property lines and setbacks. . Distance between structures. Z 07-02, AS PUD 07-42 9 1/10/08 . Building area. . Type of construction. . Type of occupancy. . Slopes and grade. . Show the location of all entrances and exits. . Show emergency egress to the public way. . Locate all utilities on site plan. . Show installation of Fire Sprinklers, Alarms and Hydrants. . Construction of exterior walls, openings and setbacks shall comply with 2001 CBC Chapter 5 and Table 5-A. Setbacks shall include those purposed by City of Gilroy Planning Division. . Provide Class 'c' roofing. . Chimneys shall have spark arrestors installed. . California Energy: Zone 4. . Fire Protection Class: 4. . Seismic Zone: 4. . Storm Water Roof Drainage: 1.5 inches/hour. . Wind Speed: 70. . Wind Exposure: C (If using "B" calculations must be justified). 3. BmLDING CODES - All construction shall comply with Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, T- 24 Energy and Accessibility, and City codes in effect at the time of issuance of the building permits resulting in actual construction. Put the version used for the design on the plans. All work shall conform to local ordinances and the following: . 2001 California Building Code. . 2001 California Fire Code. . 2004 California Electrical Code. . 2001 California Mechanical Code. . 2001 California Plumbing Code. . 2005 California Energy Code. SUBMITTIALS . Residential 4, sets of plans, 2 of the 4 wet stamped and signed for all submittals except the first. . Residential Alterations 4, sets of plans, 2 of the 4 wet stamped and signed all submittals except the first. . Soils reports 2 sets, wet stamped and signed. . Energy and Structural Calculations 2 sets, wet stamped and signed. . Engineered Trusses 2 sets, wet stamped and signed. As-Built Plans Dwellings three (3) or more stories in height, Townhouses and Condo Projects must be submitted in digital format before Certificate of Occupancy. 4. FIRE PROTECTION NOTICE - FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM: Regardless of area or occupancy separation walls, an automatic fire sprinkler system shall be required for the following: Z 07-02, AS PUD 07-42 10 1/1 0/08 · Any new commercial, industrial, or residential building 1,000 square feet or greater. . Any building in the Hillside Zoning. · Additions to existing buildings: this section shall apply to all existing Buildings if the entire building area, including the addition exceeds the area permitted by the current Building Code or this section, then the entire building shall be sprinklered. *Exception: Additions of less than 1000 square feet (either one time or cumulative after the adoption of this ordinance, need not be sprinklered unless otherwise required. 5. SOILS REPORT - A soils report shall be submitted containing design recommendations for footings, Retaining walls, and make provisions for anticipated differential settlement. 6. FEMA- This project may be in a flood zone and must meet the City of Gilroy "Floodplain Management Ordinance" #98-16. 7. FOUNDATIONS - All mitigation measures and design recommendations identified in the soils report approved by the Building Official MUST be reviewed by the soils engineer of record for conformance. Structural foundation design plans must also be reviewed by the soils Engineer of record for conformance to recommendations contained within the soils report. 8. FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS - Prior to requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall inspect and approve the mitigation measures and the foundation excavations. The soils engineer shall submit documentation to the Building Division, which verifies compliance with the recommendations specified in the soils report. 9. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS - In addition to the inspections by CBC Sec. 108, the owner or the engineer or architect of record acting as the owner's agent shall employ one or more special inspectors who shall provide special inspections when required by CBC section 1701. Please contact the Building Division at the time of plan submittal to obtain an application for special inspections. 10. STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS - Provide Structural Calculations verifying compliance with all applicable provisions of the adopted State Codes. Prior to request for final inspection, written verification by the engineer of record indicating conformance with the structural design shall be submitted to the Gilroy Building Division. 11. GRADING AND SHORING - A site development permit shall be required for all grading and shoring work. Shoring plans, calculations, etc., must be reviewed and approved by Building Division. 12. NOnCE OF EXCA V A nON-Prior to excavation, adjoining landowners shall be given notice of the date, location, and extent of the excavation in conformity with Section 832 of the Civil Code and copies shall be provided to the Building Official prior to the issuance of the grading permit. 13. EROSION CONTROL - The applicant shall submit an Interim Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. This can be incorporated on the Grading Plan. 14. DUST AND MUD CONTROL MEASURES. Contractors performing grading operations within the City where dry conditions are encountered shall adequately control dust or mud from spreading off-site or into existing structures on-site. Prior to commencement of the grading operations, contractor shall furnish details of proposed dust or mud control measures to the Building Official for approval. Failure to control dust or mud Z 07-02, AS PUD 07-42 11 1/10/08 from grading operations shall result in suspension of grading operations until adequate measures are in place to allow continuance. 15. RESIDENT AL POOLS & YARD IMPROVEMENTS - Plans and specifications shall be drawn of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to applicable codes and all relevant laws, ordinances rules and regulations of the following provisions. . California Health & Safety Code 115920-115929. . 2001 California Building Code Section 3150B-3154B. . City of Gilroy Building, Life & Environmental Safety Division Policy # CBC APP. CH. 4 & 1-4. . City of Gilroy Planning Division Zoning Ordinance Section 34 & 36. 16. BUILDING SECURITY - Provide details to show how the conditions of the Building Security Ordinance # 85-17 will be met. Frames, Jambs, Strikes: · Doorjambs shall have solid backing with no voids between the strike side of the jamb and the frame opening for a vertical distance of 6 inches. · In wood framing, horizontal blocking shall be placed between studs at door lock height for 3 stud spaces at each side of the door opening. . Door stops on wooden jambs for in-swinging doors shall be of one-piece construction with the jamb. Louvered windows: · Shall not be used when portion of the window is 12 feet vertically or 6 feet horizontally from an accessible surface or any adjoining roof, balcony, landing, stair tread, platform or similar structure. . All garage-type wood doors-rolling overhead, solid overhead, swing, sliding, or accordion-shall have panels a minimum 5/16 inch thick with the locking hardware being attached to the supporting framing. All exterior swinging doors of dwellings and attached garages and garage/dwelling doors shall have The following: . All wood doors shall be solid-core construction with a minimum thickness of 1-3/4 inch or with panels not less than 9/16 inches thick. . Doors shall be equipped with a single cylinder deadbolt lock. The bolt shall have a minimum projection of 1 inch and be constructed to repel cutting attack. The deadbolt shall have a minimum embedment of 314-inches into the strike. The cylinder shall have a cylinder guard, a minimum of 5 pin tumblers, and shall be connected to the inner portion of the lock by connecting screws of at least 1I4-inch diameter. . The inactive leaf of double doors shall be equipped with metal flush bolts having a minimum embedment of 5/8 inch into the head and threshold of the door frame. · Except where clear vision panels are installed, all front exterior doors shall be equipped with a wide-angle (180-degree) door viewer. The viewer shall not be mounted more than 58 inches from the bottom of the door. All dwellings shall display a street number in a prominent location on the street side of the residence in such a position that the number is easily visible to approaching emergency vehicles. . The numerals shall be at least 4 inches in height and shall be of contrasting color to the background to which they are attached. · The numerals and a light source shall be contained within a single weather resistant fixture. Z 07-02, AS PUD 07-42 12 1/10/08 Refer to the City Ordinance 85-17 for other provisions that are not on this list. 17. ADDRESS - Provide proper address for proposed project on each page of plans prior to submission of plans for initial building plan check. Provide Assessors Parcel number on title page. 18. CONSTRUCTION RESTRICTIONS -All construction shall be restricted to the following hours: . Weekdays (Monday thru Friday) 7:00 am to 7:00 pm . Saturdays 9:00 am to 7:00 pm . Sundays and City Holidays No Construction Activity Allowed. 19. PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE - A pre-construction conference shall be held at a time and location agreed upon by the City and applicant for the purpose of review and approval of construction procedures. The building owner/developer shall be represented by his contractor and primary subcontractor. The City will be represented by departments having conditions of approval on the project. 20. NOTE: This is not a plan review approval. When building permit application is made, additional comments may be added due to incomplete plans, plan changes from this Architecture and Site application, mistakes, errors or omissions. GRADING CONDITIONS 1. Temporary Bench Mark - Based on a City approved benchmark as shown on these plans. Elevation Location (to be entered when known). 2. All existing elevations shall be field verified by contractor unless otherwise noted. Any differences found for existing conditions or off site work compared to approved plans shall be immediately reported to the design Engineer and the Building Official for on-site conditions for determining how the project is impacted and any adjustments required. 3. All survey monuments shall be installed at locations shown on the corresponding final map before acceptance of the subdivision. Approval by Engineerinfl; Division. 4. Contractor shall not destroy or damage any existing permanent survey monuments. Any monuments destroyed or damaged shall be replaced at the contractor's expense. Approval by Engineering Division. 5. All on site work shall conform to the latest edition of the City of Gilroy Standards that are hereby made a part of these plans. Any proposed or necessary deviation from the Standards must be submitted in writing and written Building Official approval given prior to proceeding with work not in compliance with the Standards. 6. Developer or person in responsible charge of the work, shall arrange for a pre-construction meeting with the Building Division prior to commencing any construction. Coordination is required with the Engineering Division. An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the City of Gilroy Community Development Department, Engineering Division, upon completion of said meeting and prior to construction of any improvements within an existing or offered for dedication right-of- way, public utility easement or public service easement. A completed set of plans signed by the City Engineer is equal to an encroachment permit. Z 07-02, AS PUD 07-42 13 1/10/08 7. A grading permit shall be obtained from the City of Gilroy Building Division prior to any grading of building pads and/or any on site area. Applicant for the grading permit shall provide a plan review letter from the Soils Engineer with the plan submittal. A grading permit does not give contractor permission to commence any off-site grading. Only upon improvement plans City approval (plans signed by City Engineer) and completion of a pre-construction meeting, shall contractor commence off-site grading. 8. Contractor is to notifY the Building Official 2 working days prior to commencing any work phase. 9. Contractor shall preserve all surrounding property by confining operations to within the "Limits of Work" and/or within site property lines. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining access for all adjoining residents, places of business, and properties at all times and in a safe manner. Contractor shall make proper notification two weeks in advance and again three days in advance of any interruption in access or utility services to the above property owners or tenants, the City Engineer's Representative, and the Building Official. 10. Excavations on-site that obstruct existing required access for vehicles and pedestrians shall be backfilled, compacted, and temporarily paved with cold mix cut back type A.C. to allow for vehicular and pedestrian traffic prior to 4:00 P.M. The use of trench plates is allowed, provided the Contractor covers all edges of the plates with cold mix material. Non-skid trench plates shall be used in the pavement areas. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to maintain on a daily basis, including weekends, the amount of material necessary to maintain the trench surface flush with the existing pavement or walks. In addition, the Contractor shall respond to and correct shifting trench plates regardless of the time of day. If Contractor fails to correct sinking backfill material or shifting trench plates in a timely manner, City shall reserve the right to correct the problem and back charge the contractor. 11. To reduce a potential fire hazards, Contractor shall only use equipment provided with an approved spark arrestor 12. Right of Modification for onsite work: Approval of this plan does not release Subdivider, Contractor, Permitee, or Owner of any responsibility for correcting mistakes, errors, or omission, contained therein. If during the course of construction, public safety interest requires a modification of or a departure from these improvement plans or the City Standards, the Building Official shall have the authority to require such modifications and departures. Departures or modifications are to be properly documented by the person(s) responsible for project design and are subject to Building Official. 13. Off-Site and On-Site Water & Dust Control: Contractor shall provide a water truck on the work site at all times. Contractor will be allowed to draw water from the City of Gilroy Water Distribution System only after obtaining a hydrant meter from the Community Services Department and an inspection of the water truck for a proper backflow device or air-gap filling pipe. Developer has paid for off-site construction water which shall be used for site grading only. Contractor shall keep dust production to a minimum from construction activity to the maximum extent possible. Contractor shall clean all existing streets, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks affected by the project at the end of each working day. Z 07-02, AS PUD 07-42 14 1/10/08 14. Material Storage: No material shall be stored near the edge of pavement, traveled way, sidewalk, gutters, driveway, or shoulder line which may create a hazard for vehicular and pedestrian traffic, or wash into the storm drain system. 15. Trench restoration shall be according to City of Gilroy Standards. 16. Trench Safety: It shall be Contractor's responsibility to provide all necessary trench safety measures for excavations. All trench safety measures shall be in accordance with the latest CAL-OSHA guidelines. Contractor shall provide evidence of a CAL-OSHA trenching permit at the pre- construction meeting for all trenching over 4 feet in depth. 17. Joining Existing Pavement: Existing pavement to be joined by new pavement shall be saw cut vertical to provide straight, true and neat joints. Overlapping of existing pavement without saw cutting or grinding shall not be permitted. The vertical edges shall be tacked prior to paving. Terminals of all surfacing indicated on the plans shall join any existing surface in a smooth butt joint. Conform paving by method of abrasive grinding will be allowed upon approval of the City Engineer. 18. Sanitary Sewers: All manholes, sewer mains, and laterals on-site must pass a leakage test as described in the City of Gilroy Standard Details for Construction. After all backfill, testing, and pavement restoration has been completed, the contractor shall flush and clean all sewer lines 24 inches or less in diameter by the Wayne Ball Method. After the leakage test, but prior to paving, a television inspection shall be performed at all locations of newly installed sewer mains at contractor's expense. A television inspection copy is to be filed with the Building Official including a report on the inspection findings. The underground contractor must keep an accurate record of manholes and the distance between them and each wye branch lateral, and their direction. 19. Before any upstream sewers are constructed, the contractor shall expose and verify the elevation and location of existing sewer lines to be connected. 20. The end of each new lateral shall be marked as shown in City of Gilroy Standards. The concrete contractor shall stamp an "S" on the face of curb directly above the lateral. 21. Water Lines: Contractor shall not turn off or on any valves belonging to the City's water system without permission of the Water Division. Only Community Services Department personnel shall open the necessary valves to connect new piping. Failure to follow this requirement shall be considered an "unlawful connection" and may result in issuing of a citation and fines as specified in Section 13.04 of the Gilroy Municipal Code. The Water Division may authorize the contractor to operate designated valves. Z 07-02, AS PUD 07-42 15 1/1 0/08 22. Connections requiring shut down ofthe system shall be done between the hours of Midnight and 6:00 AM, and only upon coordination with the Community Services Department. 23. All on-site water piping shall be tested after completion of the trench backfill and compaction of the final base material, but prior to placement of the final paving surface. Water piping in landscape or turf areas may be tested prior to trench backfill if compaction is not required. 24. Contractor shall place marker posts adjacent to all air relief valves and blow off assemblies along water mains located in unimproved areas or fields. The markers shall be blue 72" curb-flex utility markers with an appropriate label. 25. The concrete contractor shall stamp a letter "W" on the face of curb directly above the water servIce. 26. Backfill & Compaction: Backfill material shall in accordance with City Standards. 27. Jetting and/or flooding of trench backfill material will not be permitted. 28. Any excess excavation material may be deposited onsite in areas and at depths designated by the Owner, and with written approval of the Building Official and the Soils Engineer. 29. The minimum relative compaction for trench backfill, subgrade, and base material shall be 95% throughout the project unless recommended otherwise in the Soils Report and approved by the Building Official. 30. Trench backfill: Contractor shall provide compaction test results of the lifts specified in the soils report to the Building Official from a certified testing laboratory at contractor's expense. 31. Any aggregate base that becomes contaminated during construction shall be removed and replaced with uncontaminated base. 32. Erosion Control An erosion control plan shall be required prior to any physical development of a property planned between October 15th and April 15th. Said plan shall meet the minimum standards and specifications of the Loma Prieta Resource Conservation District. In addition, see section 3316.3 a through d added to Building Code appendix chapter 33 for erosion control plans and wet season work approvals. Contractor shall be responsible for initiating the required erosion control measures during the above time period and obtaining Building Official approval for any wet season earth work of any kind. Z 07-02, AS PUD 07-42 16 1/10/08 Fire Marshall (contact J. Bretschneider 408-846-0430) These four conditions are subject to the review and approval of the Fire Marshall. 1. Roadways shall provide a minimum 20 feet of unobstructed travel. Road widths shall be as follow: a. 20 ft. no parking on either side b. 28 ft. no parking on one side. c. 36 ft parking not restricted. 2. Where parking is restricted curbs shall be painted red. Signage and curb painting shall be maintained in good condition. 3. All structures shall be provided with automatic fire sprinklers. This includes detached garages and/or granny units under 1,000 square feet as the PUD is outside of the 5 minute total response time area. 4. House numbers shall be clearly visible from the street. If the house is recessed the house number shall be provided at the driveway entrance and at a height of not less than 36 inches from the ground. All main address numbers shall be illuminated and a minimum of 2.5 inches in height with a 3/8 inch stroke and placed to read from left to right and/or top to bottom. Police Department (contact Kurt Ashley 408-846-0521) These conditions are subject to the review and approval of the Police Department No comments at this time. I, SHA WNA FREELS, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 2008-09 is an original resolution, or true and correct copy of a city resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 17th day of March, 2008, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 9th day of April, 2008. (Seal)