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CDA Resolution 83-4 RESOLUTION NO. 83-4 A RESOLUTION OF ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATION OF DYSAN CORPORATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF GILROY RESOLVED, by the Community Development Agency of the City of Gilroy, California, that WHEREAS, the Agency is a redevelopment agency under the Community Redevelopment Law (Division 24, Part 1 commencing with Section 33000 , Heath and Safety Code) (the "Redevelopment Law"); and WHEREAS, an application dated RUG 31 ~983 , 1983, including supplemental materials has been received on behalf of Dysan Corporation (the "Application") which requests the aid of the Agency in providing industrial development revenue financing for certain identifiable facilities to be located in an area in the City of Gilroy currently under study for redevelopment; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS DETERMINED AND ORDERED as follows: The Application is sufficient under the Redevelopment Law. 2. The Application is accepted for further processing under the Redevelopment Law. Introduced at the meeting of the Community Development Agency of the City of Gilroy held on 6th day of September, 1983, by Director Ga~e who moved its adoption and passage, which motion was carried after being duly seconded, and passed by the following vote: AYES: Directors: ALBERT, GAGE, HUGHAN, VALDEZ and LINK. NOES: Directors: None ABSENT: Directors: TAYLOR and GOODRICH SECONDED: Director: VALDEZ APPROVED: Vice Chairman ATTEST: ~re~a~ RESOLUTION NO. 83-4