Ordinance 19to
Gilroy, by the Board of Trustees of ink
town, do ordain as follows: Qrdi�a
SEC. 1. No person or persona shsull
ibit n o :k ores r bu
dig up, or otherwise disturb or carry
ess houses along the streets of the
away any dirt or soil in any street or 'town of Gilroy from exposing goods
public square or ground in the town ',
ares, merchandise and ,pro uce op
of Gilroy, or deposit any dirt o the side - walks, provided, the ,same'
other substance or material in any be confined to the inner side of the
street or public square or ground, -walks and so disposed as not'* -'
or block up, or in any manner o F
p revent the free. use of the side -
struct any street, or do any act r
elks by the public. And
I nothing
thing whatever so as to cause anv
in any street or to, ntq
i this ordinance shall be donstrued
who are
fere in any manner whatever w
to rohibit persons
upon, or otherwise improving lots
the free "passage over or upon any
upgn; the public streets of -said to*A
street in said ,town. 1roin using the side of the streets for
SEc. 2. No person or persons shall` ;'depositing such dirt as may be excar- .
deposit or place or cause to be de-
vated or such lumber or other build -
posited or placed in any street, lane, `,
in material as may be \used in
alley or lot, or in any square or Vub -i,
lie ground in 'said town of Gilroy,
building or improving their lots, ;
rovided, that the person or persons '
any dead animals, filth or other of-
o desiring to deposit such dirt
fensrve matter or any other kind of,
lumber shall first obtain permissid
.1. SFc. 3. It shall be the duty of the.
so to-do from the President
Board of Trustees or the town War-
Town Marshal, whenever he may`
steal; and, provided further, that any
find that any obstruction cr vuise'ae,
dirt or lumber or other building ma-
exists as aforesaid, to dis'eovcr the
terial when so deposited in anY
author of the same, and notify him
street shalLremain therein no long
to remove such obstruction or to
abate such nuisance, within twenty -
than is absolutely necessary*
This Ordinance to take effect
four hours from said notification.
And it shall be the duty of the 'Mar -
and after its passage.
Passed and approved this of
steal, should he be unable to find the
day f August, 1869. ' ,.
y g
person or persons who have been
of a violation of Section 1 or
Board of Msnz
the Brd of Truste
of Section 2 of this ordinance, to
cause the obstruction to be removed
President of
Attest: clerk of the Boa
or the nuisance to be abated at the
cost of the town; and whatever ex- -
pense may accrue in the performance
of such duty shall be a charge upon
-t,_z pm-.ty � . parties cans ing k?s� ,•
structiou or nuisance, and =,r be b
collected as other debts in all aettOu G
ih the name_ of the Inhabitants of the
town of Gilroy, before the 4teorder
or any Justice of the Peace having a
his office within the incorportte lim-
its of said town. f
- SEC. 4. No pig pens shall be per-
mitted within the incorporate limits L
of the town of Gilroy, so as to be of-
fensive to any re ident family or
inhabitant near by. And no slaughter
house, hide ,yard or other business: ,
or occupation shall exist or be car-
ried- on within the limits of they
town of Gilroy.
SEc. 5. Any person or persons vio-
lating either or any of the foregoing
sections of this ordinance shall be
punished, upon conviction before
the Recorder or hi within
Justice f
the Peace haying
the incorporate limits of the town of
Gilroy, by a fine for each and every ;
offense in a sum not less than five
nor more than one hundred dollars;
and, in default of payment of the
fine imposed, by imprisonment in the
town jail at the rate of one daffy for,
two dollars of the fine.
Clerk of the Board. SEC 6, One conviction for viol
An Ordinance to Prevent
structions and Nuisances.
The Inhabitants of the tow
tion of Section 4 of this ordinan
shall not be a bar to another prose
cution and conviction for the, same,
Ob- offense,, when the person or psxP
offending permits such Pig .
n of slaughter- liter hide yard, e �..„
remain after having been onep,
secuted therefor; but he or she
be considered as Viol atng Said s -J
every day that such i
,,ailghter house. hide yard, e is
permitted to remain upon his lti'r
premises, and be punished apc"Td°