Ordinance 21ORDINANCE NO. 21. #=
An Ordinance for the Protection
of trees growing in the Public
Streets and Grounds of the 'Gown of
The Inhabitants of the town of
Gilroy, by the Board of Trustees of
said town, do ordain as follows:
SEC. L It shall be unlawful for
any person or persons to cut down,
bark or otherwise mutilate or injure
any tree growing or standing in any
of the public streets of the town of
S� e. 2. Any person violating this-
ordinance, upon conviction before the
Reeorder or any Justice of the Peace,
:Having liis office within the corpo-
rate limits of the town of Gilroy,
shall be punished by a fine not ex-
ceeding fifbp dollars, and sliall be
imprisoned in the town jail until the
fine be paid, at the rate of one daya
imprisonment for every two dollars
of the fine; provided, howeper, it
shall not to unlawful for any person
to cut down any such tree in said
streets of said town, having first ob-
tained permission to do so from the
Board. of Trustees of said town.
This Ordinance to take effect ou
and after its passage.
Passed and approved this 16th d"
of August, mg.
President of the Board of 'Trustees.
.Attest: H. WaxGEWE � y,
Clark of the Berard.