Ordinance 22t>i�e
The =i151iabidtantsbfb l � of:Gilroy,by
the Boar$ oY Txaatebg of–said town,
do ordain as follows :
j Section 1. —That all Peace Officers re-
niding within the limits of the town of Gil-
roy, are hereby authorized to perform the
dutieu of special policemen for said town,
and for that purpose, until some other or-
dinance is made by the Board of Trustees
of said town, and in absence of any pro-
vision by ordinance repealing this, they,
and each of them are hereby constituted
and appointed special policemen for said
town, and they shall have power to serve
all process issued from the court of the.
Recorder of said` town, or any other" offi-
cer having cognizance thereof, and make
l arrests in all cases of breaches of any town
ordinance, to enforce obedience to all or-)
divances,and prosecute for all breaches
of ordinances; provided, however, that they
shall receive no compensation or salary for
their said services other than the some
fet -H as the Marshal, his deputies, or -other
policemen receive for similar services, gun-
less they be paid by private subscription.
.9eetiou 2 —it shall be the duty Otis
the Marshal and his deputies, to adrcuttb,
the Town Jail, all persons arrested fW
crimes or misdemeanors, committed in tifeij
town of Gilroy, and keep them until djis -tt
charged according to law. Arri�d when either k
of the said policemen mentioned in the'1}
first section of this ordinance, shall have'
arrested any person for a breach of thel
town ordinance the said Marshal or amyl
ofhis deputies then on duty, shall at once
receive said per son into custody of tho said
Marshal and detain him as herein before pro *�
Section 3. —Eaeh one 4 the folieemeny
hereby appointed shall at all hours, day Pei
night, have access to the Town Jail, fLt
the purpose of incarcerating the persoq
they may arrest, and for tire, purpose of
bringing thenbeforetile Recorder orothe
proper officer for trial, and for the,pta*
pose of doing either of these things, tihf
Marshal shall furnish said policemen, ^Wl*
the necessary keys for said jail, or havi
some person remain at said jail to receivol
said persons when so arrested, and to d
liver them into the hand8% of the offrcerff.
e- making the arrest, to be taken before that
proper court for trial, and to receive them
again when the punishment for the bread;
of tiny Hit ch ordinance shall be rtnpria}}
went in said jail. �:,.,il,
Section 4. —No peace officer, elected or
appointed, as the laws of the - State' or
County, or the United States directs,, and
is hereby authorized to ha special police-
man, shall appoint any deputy to act as po-
licoman, without the consent of the Board
ot'Trnstees; and the Board of Trustees
hall have power to remove any deputy apv
Pointed to act as policeman, when they
consider he is either incapable, or tran-
' seonds his duty, or it is necessary for any
muse to remove such
section 5 —Thi6 ordinance shall be in full
force from, and lifter its passa�, e.
Passed th4 l*[t day of November, A. D
' 1d6J.
Appromd+ Wm.G4ILL MILLS,
President of the. Board-of Trustoes,
Atte4 : JAs. Ktot)ky,
Clete, Taro. Tom'