Ordinance 27ORDINANCE NOC s7 oi`dirtancesin conflict -with this or•dim AN ORDINANCE REGULATING LICENSES.. The Inhabitants_o'f th City of Gilroy, by the Mayor; midi Common Council, do or- d nn as follows: Section 1. It shall be udlav,fuf for nny person withiathe c,oiporatr, limits Of tlae City of Gilroy to pti sue any calling er liansactany husiness specified in this or- dmn Lace, wit hill the limits of said City, uu- til he, she, or they. shall have obtained it license therefor from thou, proper officers of said City. j Section 2. 411 licenses shall be -paid s quarterly, in alvance,in gold coin of the 1 United States, and all persons.arerequirec to produce the same to the Marshal of said g City, if so, required by hinn' when apply - re iug for the renewal of the same; and in ,e• case any person or persona fail to take out ,d a license for the current quarter, as here - Fo .inafteiprovided, within ten days after the first day of January, April, July and Octo- re tier, they shall be subject te.. pay an addi- tiou offibe per cent: over and above the lot' amount of' such license, and be subject to .1.the penalties provided by. section twelve of' of: this ordinance. Section 3. Every person or firm doing business-as bankers, express agents, or r. brokers, or engaged in one om 'a71 of the following Occupations, to wit In buying or selling- foroig-u or mlard bills of e' ch nL,e, time or sight drafts, gold dust, bars or bullion, notes, lands, martgages, nr other; pvidence,of'indebtedness, State, City or Comin -ty stock$,.or stocks of incorported companies; and every person, ho' use, firm or corporations engaged as common carri- ers, in expressing, transmitting or convey- ing gold dust, bats, bullion. coin or general merchandise from any one place to another; Orin carrying, on transacting or following the business of 'a, bill, bullion, •exchange, real est,,V, steel,, scrip or merchandise bro- heroragent; or engaged in tno employ - inentorbhsioessof discounting promissory ; uot".orothor negotiable paper, or procur- ing the same to be done for pay or reward.; or engaged in the business of lending -money on mortgage or other collaterals, or pro- caring the loan of money for gthers oil mortgage or other secu iiies for a compeu- sation; all such per,_cns, firms. or corpora- tions, their agents or representatives, shall pay for a quarterly licence to carry on any (h• all of the foregoing business or employ- ment as specified in the following SCHEDULE: Those whose commissions or gross .pro; its will amount to ton thousand dollars or upwards per quarter, shall pay a license of fifty dollars per quarter. Those whose commissions or gross prof, - its willamount to five thousand dollars and under ten thousand dollars per quarter suall pay a license of twenty -five dollars Pei- quarter. Those whose commissions or gross prof- its willamountto twenty- five hundred dol- lars and under fm:e timousaud dollars per quartm• shall pay it Iiccuse often dollars per quarter Those whoan, connn lions or gross prof - its are under tieenty -lle hundred dollars pun quarter shall p.ty it liueu;;e of five dol- Ltr per quarter. actiwt 4. Every person, horse or firm, ­a,g;ged in keeping a hotel, boarding or u�hing bunco every restaurant, eating cotl'ee,oy-ter, om ot: her refreshment s «Loon, booth of siu,d ; and all merchants, ituctioneers, grocer,,, druggists, jewelers, ruomners, ei�� ;u dealers. hardware dealero upl ;olsterer,, mereh ;rnttailot•s,livery stable k"'Ters, and all othur business not exempt by the State haw: +, shill pity quarterly fitr a li(,;useto lice 1) tho same, accurdwg to the av" rag u gross monthly reecipts or st�lcs, as n iu the following SCIIEDUIE' - Monthly gross reecipts of five thou - sat:d dollars and llpwards, a quarterly li- ceuse of fiften d„L'ars. 2. Monthly gross receipts of two thou- ' fivo thousand dol - are hereby repealed. '<, met Section i4. This ordinance shall take ef- fect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor. - passe-d and approved this t irty -first duy- of M,irch, A. 17. 1 d Approved, , WnI. GIM MILLS, Ma.yoi Attest, 111:\nv WANGENIIEIM, City, Clerk. Ayes— Councilmen Rether, Kiddey Sovenoakesand Pierce. Noes —None, Absent —None.