Ordinance 28OR�i1112kNGU 1110. 28.
An Ordinance to Amend Ordinance
Na. 11, in Sections 2 and 12 of the
Same,; Concerning. Collection of Li-
I he irrhYibitants df the City of Gilroy by
the Mayor and Common Council, do or-
dais as follows:
Section 1.. That the words in section 2
of ordinance No l], reading thus. "The
Marshal, on the first Mondays of January,
April, July, and October of each yewr re-
turn to the Town Clerk all licenses issued
to him fur the precedingg4arter remaining
unsold, and the Clerk shall balance and
closo the licelise account for the pa•eceding
quarter, and submit a detailed report of the
same•fo the Board of Trustees at the first
regular meeting of the said Board, held iu
the . months aturesuid -," are hereby re-
Section 2. That the Marshal shall set-
tle with the City Clerk for all licenses de-
livered him, two weeks after the issue of
said lieet.se to him, and at any other time
that by vote or resolution of the Common
Council he is required to settle; and the
City Clerk shall balance all license accounts
at the end of each quarter, and submit a
detailed report of the mine to the Mayor
and Common Counil at their first regular
meeting thereafter.
Section. That section 12 of said ordi-
nance No 11 is hereby repealed.
8edtion4. That the City Marshal shall
receive for his compensation fur collecting
all license money, a certain percentage to
be apowed by resulu.iou or ordinance of
tke Mayor and Common Council.
Section 5: This ordinance to be in force
and full effect from and after its passage
and approval.
Passed and approved this (6th) sixth day
of April, A. D. Id70.
Wm. GILL MILLS, Mayor.
1itt.LY KIDDY, . City Clerk, pro Lena.
Ayes— Kiddey, Rether, 6evenoakes.
Noes —None
Absent --Z. Pierce.