Ordinance 300 R DINAN U ii, No. 31.—An Or.
dinance to-amend Ordinance No. 15,
appointing a Poundheel,(,%
1 he Citizens of the City of Gilroy by
the Mayor and Common Council, do or.
dain as follows:
Section 1. That the Wore- in Section
2nd, Ordinance NO. 15, passed and ap-
proved the 15th day of June, A D. 1869,
reading thus: "That the Marshal is hereby
appointed Poundkeeper for the town of
Gilroy." is hereby repealed
Section 2. That a Pomidkeeper shall
be appointed by the Mayor and Common
Council, who may receive a majority of
the votes of the Board,
Section 3. That the Ponnd.keeper shall
perform alt the duties prescribed in Or-
dinance No. 15, and shall hold the offlee at
the Pleasure of the Board of Mayor and
Common Council.
Section 4. This Ordinance to be in force
and fullefl'ect from and after its passage
and approval.
Pa'sscd and approved this?bth day of
April, A. D..1870.
Attest: �Vns, GILL MILLS, Mayor.
Ayes — Couucilimen Pether, Kiddey,
Sevcnoalies, Pierce.
Noes —Novo.
Absent —None.