Ordinance 34rdinance for tke assess ing.at d• Col- t o trevenue for the use of the City e`Il�ay9' and Common Council of: the City of Gilroy,;du ordain as follows: Seetion::=1 , •AU `aiiuual all valorem taxi of fifty cents upon:oach one ,hundred dol- I'ars valuo of all taxabilt property is hereby levied,�ixnd• directed to be collected and paid, -tot, city purposes, - upon the assessed value oi`Rl.l property vvitlilti the'city limits, both -real -true personal,, made taxable by the laws of''the State of California for hate and County purposes. All taxes to io paid in gold orsiiver coin of the United Mates. Section 2. All of tl}e taxes levied un- 9er the provisions or by authority _of this Drdivanca are hereby mad© a lien against Hie property assessed, aa)d it lix n. shall at- tach upon the real property for tho tax levied upon the personal ' pr -oporty of the, owner of such roal property, wb'ieh .lieu' shall attach un tha seeond,Aondayin June, in each year, on all p2ape'ty v. -ithin tho city -limits and all, property vvhennver -zit roac,heR the city-, f.ud shall not _be sAtis- ficd or removed until aWf libe taxes tire Maid or tho proporty lies. abig1taly vested m a purchaser Under a' Salo for such taxes. Section J. All property, .4 every kind and nature whatsooyer,. within the city limits, sliall be subject - to taxation,. and shall be assessed `aoc;ordingly, except such �roporty us is exempt #4ini State and County taxation. Section 4. All pabOrty'n the�..ccity of Gilroy; shall he tazbd as,'" p I rat or " porsontfl property." 'A tei real estate," when used in ON be nan'ehnll be deegaed and taken to eqe , , ailiiciUClude, and it its hereby deelared t#', weatttt��,,and in- clude, all houses {buildlp&; 'irces;'ditchee, structures, or other , rhoPents, built i or erec.,ted . upon any - 1and, tot her such land be private property of property of Vie State of California, or' df the = United States, dr of and CA., rAtiou or of the County'Uf Santa Mara' .tl s otrn rahip of,; or claim; to, or poseessio 6lght uj' pessesRiaR of, any withiq nth. m:114nits ; and the claim by, or' he p; Y, person,rflrm, corporation's iation,a' companp to any'land ; ani tsnme shill' 1� ,i.st under the head.ot `ieaT estate "4 t'h�erm "person' proporty�a' ` wh6i#t isod 'ii this Ordinance andMakento mean,and.itis``hef; Glared to mean and include all hone ii and kitchen fnrnitnre ; X11 lavY,. iea ands m llahobus libranes '.'s library, and tho libraries ofmint�t rs� of the Gospel.) all:goods,'Wg s tin chandiie; all chatte�ls,•ot;:ev lescugtions ; all moniees. lopositin bank or dvitli_ m nlonles at interest so�`pI ell the amount exceeds tlie.;,„5 ye of indebtedness, payablu,tjh t tli the party assessed ; stocks., of" -on hand, horses, mules, oxen, calves, e ' ptt]e; hogs, sheep, goats, jacks and ;je to ;an d cattle of every description ; wog n e.,clirrlih es, buggies, omnibuses, stag 4a e', coaches,', sulkies, (-;arts, drays, _velodied aMand all othey vehicles, whether Tor us .pl asure otlke; all machines inert', all nd improvements, &IF capital loan - e , 'invested, or en,plo ed in Any trade, eominetce or buvuless ;what oevdi ; the capital' stock of all eovporakions, conspa- nies, associations or individuals doings busi- nom or leaving an office within the city 0 limits ' 411 money, property artil,effects;of every kind and nature, exc.ept'.real estate, of or in the possession or under the control (: of all banks, banking assocl4tib6e, iustitu- tions or firms; bankers; 4n6noy' lenders and brokers, and all property :of every kind and nature within the city limits not in- eluded in the term real estate," as said term is dednd in this a. All �o 'u n RI Ip � sl p p fi sl sl u se In of Rl �L gi a EN ly; which said unified -bi the soli making and W the statement reia+fh reel ? - give n;p or ner name; orr'snulf, rcfus& to verifj ;.suds statement he or.she shall be guilty iiif a misdemeanor, aud' shall -be ar- rested,' upon complaint, of tile. City, As sensor or his deputy, and upon cgnvlctfon thereof before any Court of &uhpetont jurisdiction in said city, ho or she alraH be f ugished by a Fine in any sate <`not kioeecl ing $100, or by iinpr isonmen_t in the City Jail not Axceeding thirty ;days. If the owner of any propert a pot assessed to another person, shall be a' 960 e,'f Itnkgown; or if any person owningl ciarmmg any property,or.havint>thQ nhis•orher possesiiou, charge ar.-, lh to Utahei the statement. rmrlA ihnf .,.A+;.,,: on ingly, ig kn shall owner ±e etlon 9. Ulf or be tore, it lint Moil date is September, in e tell ye u, the A5 romptnv cla +' se s:or shall deliver to ilw Common Cvuu property may hie I cil the Assessment Roll, to which lie she Pt'11isiuns of tlaia i add the following oi,til pay the taxes so "I du soleaunly sweat that I have made thefou th vveoh a; dihn( nt iuquiiy into the name, of all tax ofthO nolioe mc; able ruodioauls ui the city oCGiltov ; that shall be the chat} i I hitve diligently invostigated and asp }r it) tell days tlwr� u taiie, the de cript.iou tattle anel to t C'ityAttorncy t shile e f till tax able property in said cili all tine h delineluen that 1 114v? e, ill all ca es, sought and put „each together vv law a the i•ue owner, trine description,, and property, and a st true vale e (it' all pI•oporty assessed, to the � are, delinquent. Ill best of y abilitj ; and th atthe `toreguing is o the City Clerk a full true aud corre t o sesnment Roll �„vit, w -high shill t ntaete if accordau +c vvdh tliO laws of the scribed to by State of Cahfo 'aia aud °Ordinances of, the affect that sac, eft~ of Gilroy ration, as+ociutl Alto till pruporty of vv hatsoever. nature or whom any prope, kind. described it) Section 4 of this Or_ both been assesso diaaucc, brought or cart'icd into the said taxes so aasosivd city of Gilroy, after the said Assessment "paid" marked of Roll is so delivered to tlae C tenrmon Conu person firms ce: oil, by -tLo City Asses3er, the City keens- company, aud f or shall! immediately proceed to assess in foot up,tbc union the manner and berm as by thi Ordin yttuoe paid, !and credit prostribeills and toed u suclfadditionaC as_ aamunt. sessuaerlt, properly ifieel by his oath, to I� Section ]9. tire Board of Egaul ion, at or before the receives 'such, a meeting of said Board next precet intr the �� Colleetdr, Uteei last meeting of the siiiin of taxes dale she' -Section 10. The Coitirt neil shall due:aud demand constitute a Board of R t,Qver luquent, ae Cft which �'he Mayor shall pie ­�tke shall be tpe duty City Clerk shall be the Clerk thcrcoi;,;sai slitute proceedu lioardehall meet on the first.. g after tent jurisdiction the Assessment Poll is co � do- taxes due; toget,l livered to tho Common C provided The I Section 1I. Oil thq g l yv " the Attorney shalt, delivery, of the As lent fN i,� to the troll, the defend Common Council, as prvi dt d H, Section 9 event t{i he. a of'this Ordinaneo, they shall 'cause notice that the City -11, t+ to till giv «�n in it new fished in hnquent list to fu the t iiyjot'Gilroy that the�113oardOfl qual -" published in said nation Will meet ou the iolloN�ing Monday, suits are institut, to hoar complaints and to equalize assess � taxes the, costs ments. shall be added to Section 12. The Board of Equalization lization od Iroir ,aud drli shall have lrower to determine all nom Soction•20.., V plaints made in regard to the assessed value ti -eyed to any p. of any property, and miry "change, and co,r_ i or crn•poratiuu reet any valiation, either b� adding there- real c t,afe, or v, tow deducting theretioln if they decuiif' all tho real csta the shun fixed ill the 1ss�essulent ]till persons, comlfa eiithur above or ~below its valao , whethe v tion ,ball amen unknoiNii th. th toperty such sum wit, hued by thou owpe or A ,um of ill file Khali, b of tuI t tih� y ~hull due e flje Clef t� eons, e ompuuiy, tti �s8see uara P 's; ihsu, and in n le is here }r -irade ®f st3ssor, ve a )ta12 o.o Ih person'Inx , b } °.et at the en& of °sac r' -4 e ter der iced m the ost office, oe h`} her i as ors d hill City Attorney t 8 s of Arsons sowtl se r Bice, n unit the day vtheu tho y devLarc d to ire p , will u t nr the cas upon h ni eo neglecfur g I r re fir �h�e e stet© c, anfi slowing a r uas au slutll uurnidun' licit as regm ;ed' . ^titlq {� rrtl❑,�fk his I able flow to appear. .Tn 'determ(uma thlo,, Ordinance; -'and it ir-hereby e'tJ1e duty value of property, the Board ruxcv he,u ll v'lione, of the City Attorney to pro' be all or testlmony issue anpwrigs for vvitucsu s, aud assrr�ae d and it sons sp o &nd`mg. p' 1 song sir attendance, either on wotiun 1 axColiector i ,f ati r of the Board or any patty in rr,e I -lane diut�, Section G. 1'ho owner oa folder of any to res. of their t,:ess stock fn any firm, incorporation, Company' 3., A majority of the member+ rill sash taxes; or assu<iation, the entire capital of which is oftlu, non Coiirucil shall be sufficient the City At +, invested in pioperty which is assessed, shall to conatit�..ethel3uard of Ilquutir �tion, and , shall bo reque: not be assessed iwtividually for his stock in a rnalority of tin membt r, present shall. dO- ' or, to institut such company or association; .nAir shall any ternlill' lie aetr621 of the Board. tion of fell sue uhf t ll havinbean interest a I rases i d t the i Soctnto 14. 1'he Bo rid of 1�7qualiz t i pkent lea soli 1 y l tion Nblill continue it, se.,sioll , from shall be partnership or firm prokrty, if such pro , trmu to jifue, nutil rho c nd of the seennd cases its is lu party is assessed to the. partnership or weck'a(ter t4reir first uu +et n� > >, vvhc.n their Ordhianee. firm; provided, that in case whenpatrfiner- `sittiu s shall,;c(tase, unless cumphtinta be Sect iuut'1. ship property is assessed each =partner' then peuding� amd. unde ti limned, iu which ^ power to a i i, And be lahle for,the whole tax thereq eaa_� they may, ut their discretion, eoutinue, hi� own cost i until such tax shnlhhave been paid. I their sessions fr6m time to time utltilsuch ack hO shall b, Suction, 7. The City Assessor shall pre- eounplau,ts are disposed of', and no longer. Section pare and keep nn Asessment Roll, with Section 15. soon its tin liyauli brought for the prop r headings for the different columns ration is Courpl e he City Clerk shall made, tae pro u a well lGw,d book or books fmnistia'i e;nis0 dupliitate "A veiteilt Rolls to 4t sncla.,ent shallb ­ .wivact- by the Common Council for that purpose.• pre,+pa d, which shalrocfitain the assessaleut• edin the ware n .nisi, aud all ptal,pas quad fhcrr shall Ili,, entered in such book or as .maginaully wade �ani1 equalized by the notices in such suits, tncludiug the suit - books, under tho proper headings First— Board, <and to witigh -- shall be added s aims, turd other process of env Court, In alphabetical order, the names all tax- kcolunw showing the' amount of taxes clue shall b o servcil and executed in the stone Paye rs, vvhOn known, find when not known, from each part} assessed which Duplicate wanner as is prodded by tta0 laws of the words the "unknown owners ; aud wile'° Assessment Roll lie shall certify to bO Cor- State of California for commencing and airy person refiises or neglects to make the ' rest, and deliver the same to the City Tax conduetiag suits and tier v ing, similar papers' statewent required try Section 5 of thus e Collector, charging hint vvith the amount i , therein for the eollection oft axes levied for orduia lleo, that fact shall be written uui thereof. oil receiving the Duplicate Boll, State and County purposes ; provided, that des ha or her name in' said column I itshall bo the duty of the City 'lax Collected. in all Baits commenced in Justices' Courts Second —An intolligible description of all tc control 0 forthwith, the collection of under this Ordinauee, the City Marshal real e state aud 1hOrnature of tin, improve- taxes, aril fur that purpose he shall remain . shall have the same authority and be vested inen thereon. Third —The cash value of for four weeks inhis offiee, froiii 10 dclock - with the same power in relation thereto as all re ,f t -tate and iarprovumeuts. Fourth I .v Ito 3 o 'clock Y. ➢7 of'eacti day, is liven to the Sh riff b the laves of the' —The c a 1r value of -all personal proq rtv 1 - ' y' y h p y _ �._ personal i excepted, to receive such taxes; State of Cali fi iiia fn suits for the collection t Fifth —'1I�t t( tad value of all property as Section 16. When the Duplicato As of taxes lovied for State and County pm• ,Osseo. Ili till cases where tilt Asseasor se ssment Poll has been de livereato tho said poses. way deem It necessary to administer err be publishedeis }rincwsprtpetr�nthe there Cit} ffi�r "upo ui pac�li2walo habitat of tl it lath to the inhabitant or tax-payer, he three eonscentn'e weliks, requiring iii Gilroy not exempt from taxation, here shall adiniuister the stnne in the sauce man 1 h Y, t ner and accnrdiug to the requirements e( payers to come forward and payitFXgir fixes by Iavieil, for the purpose of keeping in rc- nei at �lesordin under the laws of the within four weeks after the publihatiou of pair the roads and streets in" said city, State �t California. such notice. c said it is hereby trade the duty of the City Sett oat S. ill) City Assessor and his Section 17. Whenever any takes shall : Assessor to assess and collect the saine at sureties shall be, and they are hereby be paid to the City Tax Collector he shall the time of the assessment of real turd made livable, for the taxes on all tatxatbk execute a receipt to the party paying the personal property in said city. cue Ho shall also, alt the same time Passed and approved this 6th day f props ate within the his limits which is ru u-k upon the Assessment Roll the word June A. D. 1S7U b the following to ; not rise 3sei1, through has neglect. "paid"'and b whom, and the date, fur A e s C o incilitr <r Forley, Hanna, Bow- which it column shalt be reserved on tile ard, Morey, Isaac,Reit'her. roll, headed etReuuurks•" Attest; GEO. T. Cr..nttx, City Clerk, J. M. BRgWNE, Mayor.