Ordinance 40e CHINES 1, LAUD,, 4410g.li- Section g MRDIN 9. l �ya n CE NOo 40. i ails Ic _ pin 1 nt ti` c,h usiness e of win crown carried on, X 6rdimI to iiixand collect a � . @e shall sea q n t_• > license for each tax on certain piofeious, tr such ace of bu u e ,and pity therefor husrpt ,the corporate lime a the soon of fzve eta rs: GltyOf :" k 0144yor and Common Council ti A, e CtiNCI R rS, ETC k`i'C, j ection 10. The manager or lesaee of du ordain air j each company of concert singers or -ere- follows: i o person or persons; firm o assd4q do shall, within: the coporat© Waders, and the proprietors of each circus, huxl qy the City of Gilroy, be allowed: Menagerie or other exhibition shall pay as tO PAt pl, I I calling, tfrI of profession,= fohoti`s : or transact any business hereinafter melt! For a concert, per day, $5. tioned', until he, she, or they have tal`elli Foracircus or rouncgerie, per day, $15. out 4 beense therefor and paid forthesamg� for ani other exhibition per day, $5. its ig llel'einafter provided,.and for an d CeC, �l DANCING SALOONS. Violation of this Ordinance the party s41� The owner or lessee of any house where offending shall, on conviction in any court wines,ninli at }nit ou%l�quors are sold by Of competent jurisdiction be punished by a the bottle or °g ass Q%d`wheit d4neing is tine Dot exceeding one hundred dollots -, or carried on slitiU p y quu,rtpirlj', for a by imprisonment in the City Jail not ex- l tense to carry rrtktt3sanre caum $300, seeding thirty days, or by both such line anti shall p< for 'separate dense for the no imprisonment. v Salo of sots ` per, malt'- r spirituous o'fine 2. All licenses "issued under' liquors, as r rafter provided by this and by virtue of this Ordinance shall be Ordinance; the owner or 14see of p ni hlaq fot'm, sr 9,d by the City any house wl re will", malt or °'ape `tuous lectoif and coon of signed by the liquors aiN-, d by the glass or bothe, and' Mayor and City Clerk, and shall have set where fenisrles tiro employed t wtrit upon forth t116 name of the party to whom the. and 4)a ver the same to cr t iers, shall license is granted, the nature of the trade, pi,,y)-qu,4 terIv, for a, license. t a •y On the profession or businoss be, she, or they are s re�t the rats o' $25 for each female' licensed to pursue, the time for v,hich the e yed, and sI J, pay for a separate same is gr tilted, the date thereof and the ,lie it e for the sale of such wines, malt amount paid therefor. and "spirituous liquors as hereinafter pro- The City Clerk shall keep an accurate vided in this Ordinance. account in a book to be entitled and label- ed "City License Book," of all license de- EXPRESS, STAGE AND FREIGHT COM- � livered to. the_ City Tax Collector, tSte PANIES. quarter for which issued and the amount thereof. He shall have printed fort;Hvith anti bound in a book form, blanks tor' licenses fm the Castling year, with a sn- paratQ tib,Cor the City Clerk and one for the C* Ni" "Colleetor.. T)h Itv:,Tax Collector shall'f oil the flip v s' Of January, Apf'fl; :July an er, of' each •year, return to the City _�,'lerk all licenses issued to ;WMfor the ,prec quarter, remaining unsold, and Clerk shall balanee and close the ;ceount with the Tax Collector for � �r Qding 4ttAilef diA 80itift a detail- ed r • 1' the same b the_.C.ornmon On sir first regular meeting held id fV, bnths aforesaid, k Section 3. All license, except a,s other- Wise herein provided, shall be paid quarter- ly in advance; and all persons having taken out a license under this Ordinance are required to exhibit the same in some compicuous place where they do business, and to produce the same when applying to the Tax Collector for a new license; and in case anyperson or persons, firm or asso- ciation rats to take out a license for the current quarter as is hereinafter provided, prior to the fifteenth days of January, July and Ocber, he, she, or they shall be subject to pa an addition of ten per cent. over and above the amounts preseribou herein for such license. AUC'rIONEES. Section 4. Every person, firm or asso- ciation, engaged in the business of selling real estate or personal property by public outcry, whither to the highest or lowest bidder, shall pay quarterly for a license to I carry orQhe same, the sum of seven dol- lar�: BANKERS. Section 5. Every person, firm or asso- ciation, having a place of business ill the City, engaged in the business of banking, loaning money, buying and selling ex- change, receiving on de'po =it bullion or Coin, shall pay quarfo'rly for a rie'ense to I on such businetst the surn of seven dollar's; Sect.iO e tbarbershops shall purchas a 4 dlrcense for each) Chair in s ird o 6114 pay therefor the siltri f. free dollars. BILLIARD TABLES AND BOWLING ALLEYS. Section 7. The proprietors, owners or occupant of every house in which a billiard table or bow(ng alley is kept for public use or hire, shall pay quarterly for it license to keep the sane, five dollars for each table or pair of alleys. BROhERS, FACTORS AND GENERAL AGENTS. Section R. Every persan m firm en- gaged in the business III meal estate, or personal property of ally description whatsoever, as the agent, far for or broker of another, shall pay quarter - IV for a license to carry on tiro Baltic the the sum of five dollars. Section 12. Every person, firm or asso- ciation, engaged in the business of trans- mitting letters or other packages, forward- ing and carrying gold, bullion, coin or fr•eightq or transporting paBserogers for hire, frtin the City of Gilroy to any other place,'an _d,WIlt) have it placeUf businoss in the;, C,, an agency therein, or any Telegra onpany, who have an office in said city,;' ; and who telegraph messages from said city to any other place for hire, shall pay quarterly for a license to carry on Buell business aceording to his or their monthly receipts as ill the following sche- dule : 1 irst- class- Alontlily receipts or sales i over $1,000, quarterly license, $U) 00. Second - class - Monthly receipts or sales under $&o and over $500, $10, Third - class=- Monthly receipts Or males under $500, quarterly license, $5 00. GROCERS, IVIEHCIIANTS AND TRADERS. Section 13. Every person, firm o• asso- ciation, engaged in the business of selling, by wholesalo or retail, except as other- wise kro viled t trams 9 n icgr . 1 wines liquors, groceries a books, statione.y, drugs, I e rei'ohs `.�aronware, hardware, or china furniture, dry - goods, or other -afo 9 of merchandise, shall pay quarterly €or ileoitse to carry on such business in maid city; accot•'ding to his or their average monthly roce'p'ts or sales as in the schedule: First-class-Monthly receipts or sales, over $$5,000, quarterly license, $25 00. Second - class - Monthly receipts or sales, under $5,000, and over $4,000, quarterly license, 20. Third -lass- Monthly receipts or sales' under $$4,000, and over $3;000 quarterly license, $15 00. Fourth- ek,ss- Monthly receipts or sales under $3 ;000,`and over $2,000 quarterly licen gtif $10. Fifth- class=Aiontbly' receipts or sales under $$2,000, and over $1,000, quarterly liconse, $7 50. Sixth - class- Alonthly receipts or sales under $$1,000, and over $500, quarterly license $5 00. p Seventh - class - Monthly receipts Or sales $500 and under, quarterly license, $3 00. HAWKERS AND PEDDLERS. Section 14. Every person, or firm, en- gaged in the business of hawking or ped- ling, or itindirant vending of dry - goods, ci- gars, tobacco, jewelry, groceries, or other wares or commodities, except grain; p'ro'- visions, vegetables, tiny, fruit or mills, shall pay- quarterly for a license to do the Cattle; the sum of $15 00, or by fife &S,, fo'r it day, $3 00. And every person or firm, 6tricror lessee, Of a Oagon or vehicle used in the itI40 -ant peddling. of ,frok, vegetables, or milk shall pay alicense foreiretr birugon or vehicle so used $$1 00' per day; provided, that any owne't or lessee of any wagon or vehicle nnt�l in the business of peddling milk in said City shall pay quarterly license there- f'or of $3 00. HAY YARDS, CORRALS AND BARNS. Section 15. Any person, or firm, keep. ing it h ty y trd, barns, Corrals, sheds, or other - earclosare for the sale of horses, mules, or other animals, hay, grain (or wagons, in the corporate limits of the city, wall pay quarterly. for it license to keep the same, the sum of $5 00. HOTELS BOARDING AND LODING DOUSES. Section 1G. Every person, or firm en- gaged in the business of keeping a public hotel, boarding or lodging house, shall pay quarterly for a license to keep each of the same according to his, her or their average monthly receipts, as follows: first- class - Monthly receipts $$1,000 and over, quarterly liconse, $15: Second - class- Aloithly receipts ewer $500 and under $1,000, quarterly license, $10. Third -class - Monthly receipts over $250 and under $$500, quarterly license, $$5 00. Fourth class- Monthly receipts under $250, quarterly license, $3 00. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Il Section 17.- L+° Cry fire,or life insurance company, having co r agerncy in the corporate Ilmits of t rtv, and any person enizaged in the burin of insurance, who has all office or an a ens therein, shall pay quarterly, for a cense carry of the same, the sum o ' $5 00. LEVEi€Y STABLE $ETPEIIS, Section 18. Every person, Or firm, en- gaged in the business of keeping it livery stable, where b(ii•se:s Or vehicle9 are kept for sale or hire, shall pay quarterly, for it license to carry on the same, the Bunt of $7 00, LUMBEII YARDS. Section 19. Every person, or firm. en- gaged in the business of keeping it Iumber yard, for the deposit and Rate of Iumber, . shall pay quarterly, for a license to keep the same, the surn of $15 00. MANUFACTURERS OF LIQUORS AND 141, r DEVERAGES. Section 20. `1gvery,persoa, or firm, cn gaged in the m nlufacture, of wines, cider: (1 soda, sarsaparilla,'valt or spirituous Ii quo's, shall pay a oarterly liconse to carry on the same, the s¢in of`$$15 00. A14REETS. Section 21. The p'ropiietnt' or owner of and pufilio Market, where meat, fish or vegetables are sold, shall pay a quarterly licenso as follows: Where, meats are sold, $10. Where vegetables or fish are sold, $5, PAWN BROKERS. Section'2 1 very person, or firm en- gaged in the business of it Pawn broker, within the corporate limits of the City, shall pay, a (limtcrly license, to carry on the same, the sum of ,'10. And all per- sons, or firms, englageLr in such business, shall keep a book, wherein shall be enter- ed the names of all parsons, when known, who have deposited any article with them, the character and value of such article, the amount advanced theron, and the time when redeemable or subject to sale, such book and the articles therein enumerated, and the shop or place of busi- ness of such person, or firm, sh�lAl at all times be open to the examination of the City Marshall, or any regular pel�eerDan. PUBLIC CRIER AND ELL-RYISGARS. Section23. Ever erson ® , s a Iniblie -crier or bt - inger, shall, pity a °'quar- terly license of 3. REsTktt1:Agfi , Section 24. Every person, Ol- ga, fin � ti ed in keeping It restaurant, eating house, coffee, oyster, or other refreshment saloon, booth, shed, stand, or other place of enter- tainment, shall pity quarterly, for a license to keep the same the sit at of $5 00 ; pro- vided, where wines, malt or spirituous li- t uors are sold by the glass or bottle, to be c1ranh on the premises, in any hotel, res- taurant, eating house, eotice, oyster, or other refreshment saloon, booth, shed, stand, or other place of entertainment, or in any boarding or lodging house, the owner or occupant shall take out and pity for it meparntc license, as hereinafter provided for in this Ordinance. RETAIL SALOONS. Section 25. livery person, or firm oil- gaged in keeping a bar -room or public sae loon, where wntc_a, malt Or spirituous Ii. quor, (t Bold by the glass or bottle, to bl: drunk on tire premises, shall pity quarterly f'or It license to keep the same, tine sum of 3l i 11 i i1 I' SHOOTING GALLERIES, � Section 26. livery person, or firm, en- gaged in the business of keeping it pistol or ritlo shooting gallery, shall pay guar. terly for a license to carry on the same, the 811111 of 5 00. TRADESATEN, Section 27. Every person, or firm, on- gaged ill carryiug m1 business as gun- smiths, newspaper1) blishers, undertakers, lu c psis of dagu r • a t photograph gal - lcucs, both hot o r intelligence offices, sh ill pay qu, r for a license to carry ou st, lib ,the sum of $3 Oo, m �❑ e person, or fir, engaged - iu c u rii he business of bakers, black - smiths, painters, gas - fitters ur plumbers, or `wheelughts, shall pay a quarterly license to carry on the same, in the sum of $3"'r>'0. VEHICLES OV ALL BINDS. Section 284. The owner, or owners, of ally stage, coach, omnibus, carriage, hacks cab, b tgoy, dray, cart, wagon or other vehicle employed for thee, or public use, within the corporate limits of the city, shall pay quarterly, for a license to use the same ; for one -horse vehicle, $3 00; for two -horse vehicle, $5 00. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Section 29. Every person, or firm, en- gaged in keeping a cigar aniptobaeco stand or store, shall pay a quarterly license to keep the same, the sum of $5 0o. MISCELLANEOUS, Section 30. It shalt be the duty o'f, the City Tax Collector, to keep in his office a book, to be styled and marked "City Lioense Book " wherein he` shalt eafeY the names of all persona, a!owiattanss and firms, to wliom license has b dii issuet�;' the ehardetee aftlie' respective callings or. ocetipatiaos; %Flt+ time for which the liceuso' has lie" if grunted, the irate avid expiration thereof, alid UM aulolith received in each ca,ae =and to furnish to the Common G`�'u'ncil, at each regular meeting, 1111 ab- s0acto;fthe same for the month just end - od rot a faihu•c, to einnply with tho pro - ot this Section, the Tax Collector e hale to instant removal from of, -16OLLECTOR'S PEH. * etion 31. In addition to the sums krerally specified to be paid for licenses, Pb. sold under the provisions of this Or- 'oe, the Tux Collectot,shall be entitled ,reef, as his• fee, -tiir his own use, the atf 'of7r, cents,-gold or silver eoin. ection id 1 «Phe 'pax Collector shall keep his office open, and bo,present thereat, between the hours of 11 O'clock A. at. and 1 o'clock P. m. of every day, Sundays and holidays excepted, to issue licenses. And it shall be the duty of every person treat whom a license Aux is due and owing, to ;plty the Maine at the office of trite' City Tax t Acollector. during the hou're hb is req'A ired r -* this Ordinance to keep his office open, kand no personal demand or notice by the Tas Collectt(m, to stwhi p'er'son owing such license tart;'' h�a l W necessary, to the pon- sN:hti4;'s cat tlems'`�Yrdinance. t:ection 33. All licenses now issued, and held by any person, firm or associa. tion, under any ordinance of this city, shall be valid and reinai11 in full force and effect, according to their tenor and pur- port; but rill licenses issued hereafter, shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. The quarters shall be tarn' from the first days of July, October, Jaint- ary and April, of each year. Section 34. The monthly receipts and sales mentioned in the foregoing Sections of this Ordinance, shalt be made by the per- son, or some menbor of the firm applying for the fieenao, by taking the average re- ceipts or sides, ofhisortheirbusinesM for the three wouths prior to the current quarter; and an abstract of the same shall be verified by the oath ofthe party and left with 'Tax Collector. If any person or person shall fail to make such abstract or average, it shall be the duty of the Tax Collector to make such estimate, and the same shall be taken, treated and deemed as the esti- orate of the person or firm so failing or neglecting. It shall bo the duty of t when requested to do so Collector, to institute ci alf of the city, before a ipotent jurisdiction, for t to amount of the Ucense d ou or firm, who are liable tax under the foregoing pi is Ordinance and refuse do; -and a civil Q„ suit hall not be deemod a waiv .to prosecute Ahe person , fora violation of the for It shall be the duty e m to to see that the provisio Ofd uance are .rigidly enforced, a. Will - o makes an arrest for it vio troy.' "it, upon his own knowledge, shalt i`E's(tieive one -Borth of the fine. Sbution 37. All ordinances and parts ordinances in coufiiet with the filregoi ar(=lt+su!e'by repealed. Sdf,tfon 38. This Ordinance to take fe> t,au'd be force from and after its approi by;the Mayor. Passed this 30th day ol'June, A. D. 1�; by the follow, ng vote : Ayes — Councilmeu Finley, Ilan, Morey and Isaac. I�Ii1y'- Absent — Councilmen Howard a. Reither. Approved: J. M. BROWNE, blayur Attest MO. T. CLARK ,.W'; City City.'