Ordinance 43If
n Ofdmspce m rel�ti� u, P1 1 yin .
oy w j4lr vvrirtoj'. g
e, it pr ised, Uy the Mayor at Cqqm-
_ � 4 of tho Cityiof Cilre�- as tbl-
lose F vo
! by gra .'d Don; is bete
{e r &
j C l of G
and tiler: sign;; supply file -
City of G oCweth good una f„_, e ti at.er I
for the Eof tacnty -five �c lira, hmir
and of _ tiseige of this Ordinance - 'v
pn -vide t they rsdl courr�l ie, their
rrrrl gy. rcPduee good and pure. tenter 1
01, use tva; _o eightee,s months {Tom the
date of t ` passage of the. Or Al urte.
Set i 4'Ihe'eec exclusive ri 1 t is here-
by €F Doe ukt rfe.Itr sire rud D-
8 h zind teen to lay- pipes
thi ou. t�ndadl the streets of chi s City
(hn txrr'op ion),` vv ins t the l uLlee dfa— !n
mind ht require ire tot the pui 1 o e of sup- l
pyilrg g' £}ter 1 puU w eter to e e m1 -bit-
acts file t oI to, Ole pe r e d of t euty live
Year"', ill �. provided rjj� A 1;If,- er said ie,rm it
sh ref uo^ 1 Ia I�j For ury otl e r per,on,
corporlit -on', to lay pipes for it
like purpoAc nearer titan tWo i;et six ru -
ches of those ltid by All Kenzie. ?5• Buick
line' their`assegns eveepf wlot r Uw'y Bony
rcennnn i eA@eoss eitch etu,r.
elu ir trou " In' cncisrdu etiou - f the. c � � ,
e p' vI O-VEi herein g aut d to lei ill'
McKonzior & Buick, and t neir r s,igus it is
hereby tp�'� qd to and in behalf of said lk c
d{elnzrfl l mil and their a,; runs to and
With said (Nett that rf s,ru City m cr cash
LAO use sa iji v rte r foe fire pnrposc s and toe
the, Use of' the Engine flocs taoy ni 3
and hzlr have file ieec use thereof for alt I -!
such p", - nposas pay,nrd to •cei,l'1leivenzic 8
Buick and Glr< r assign only, the cost of I
c!+ustructing M' c, plugs, and coelcs, and the
❑ eessary eunnections tr tlr the main's of''
the company-
Sect ou`a:4. R.11 the streets, alleys, or 1.
puhlioVlaces, along or throne li which the 'I l
mains and distributing pipes for eonduct.
ing said- f;eslr, and pu o.wa.te.r, may be laid
the dirt'or'.othr maferial displaced in 2
laying such pipes, shall be replaced in all
cases. and fixed in as -,,00d ordor and con -
j ditionas it Wily have b,,en motor tithe pipes
were lnid, roil all rea-onable dispatch
sha.il be used in escu%atini; auil laying such
pipes so as rcv1; to csa„ airy till lleoossary
obstruction to the :�t �s, alleys,; orkublie
ground., tar mgfl whrc,r the'sarpa.inay pass.
The main pipeA shall uot3k f Iesij,dialli -
ter then seven (7) inch an ta.ticieut
stre ngfh to carry out th. I of this
Section u. 111 th rrglt t ereiu grant-
ed to klcl ?o-u�ic & Bmel IidTtheir as-
sign's, sn?li in' no way 0u(11 te,,,to. pre�uent
Cho el o" resercunr3, t ipviter`�%on
file propeity lit airy pert n, or-,Peril _bns.
wirinn the hairs of th City, or the ,eon.
et!ier ng of Wmier fro wolla or reservoirs
made or erect 1 to the preuui es_ of other.
persons, whenver such is dondas ttier
of, a oumrodat_on and netpr bU'siI for
Sc.etion S. After ,k.e expiration of throw
years, from the date of the passage of this
Ordinance, and on' the e;spirntioh of every
three years thereatti r L] c Cununon ('01111- oil may estal:,i.eh rate,, of charges for wa-
ter Which , rill not r eeeed tlu so charged
by other w; le r c e mp nn s sirphlyrng of l ear e
`own' n) fur >ra e, o[ i liho rumb`tr of
rail b a is e h I w l e "ate, works are, I
strppined ey m our.tain crater, and pro,id-
ed further, whenever complaint shall be
made of exhorbihent, or unroasonable
eharges fix water, i� rinall be the duty of
the Common Cour_ed to examine into fire
matter and if in i'_osir +iniou said com-
pltuutis justly muds, Ali! he expiration of
tluj terms as aforesaid, they shall notify the
owners, or manses of water works,
that It committee of two of said Common
Council will ba appoinnted, mentioning, the,
'tune and place, When sr i,a Courueit, ire vJ11
moot two persons appono -ed by d_t.d Me-
yerl-yio & Buicsk and their assigns for till,
re;rpose of determining ill relal;011 to tho
k rl f
I Ll .l
i_complaipt 'undo, and if said Committee
k"! crimrot agree as to the rate of clu'rtres
If) fie mate for th 1 f
4 "
e sa c, o «acel, by said 1 1
1 Mckenzie & Buick, or their asig rs, then 1
a r nrripn¢SSUalI be eleeted by said Commit
e ee, to de't �rmi e between them, a m ryori -�
tyof �ln shall be sutfiuen to eAublidl
1g, the -fate water charges for such tern-,
rf. said :11c "ZiO & Buick or their assigns
shall fail to appoint such committee, af&e� I
being duly uti�ed so to do by the Corn- I
it Couno -or such Committee t h
v en a-
p ted alts n t or refuse to . pmeet �r
an aonfr tl,'committeo appointed
Iry the'' CO, _1b Council, the -Common 1
Counci] site itself the right to ! t ' t
estah<li�h rtes or chaugea for
AU term.
Seption , ty reaerve to itself, r
{the n 'ht hpis saidmater wovkaand , 1 ` ()`�t'
rnat�rraftapiration of twenty years
at rp4 t+ O 'uxaed value as it may de-
�taatl a Ordinance shall
eirmcT mud h n`foroa from uud uffar its
paexnge and lroval.
�'ae#ed th]*Wentp -ninth day of August,
A-114879, 4 f the following vote
�Ayes=— CfYtioeiLnen Finley , Howard. ow, and and � � l '' � l � � � ' f (� � l •t 11 � � U2ti
� Icaao' 1 t
NS ,44, 04 c Hanna
Absent— CSu1cilm en ra rey 1l t.' P�tQ f Cllt /
l C t I f
and liei-
Approved .;: d. M. 13R0WNL.
Attest Gco. T. CLARK. �}
City Clerk. 914,