Ordinance 138Jf U ORDINANCE, NO. 138. For laundries, additional to family, rate. 100 -- For water power for sewing ma- AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE WATER chine ..... .............. .. 3 00 ' RATES TO BE CHARGED AND COL— For water.. power . for gas machine, t 'd LECTED FOR.FURNIsHING` WATER .TO from..... ... ... ..x$2.00 to 10 00 THE INHABITANTS OF SAID CITY OF For irrigating gardens and lawns, GILROY BY THE CITY OF- GILROY. in addition to household rates, The Mayor and Common Council of the first 50 square,yards4..........., 25 City of CTilroy do ordain as follows: For second 50 square yards.... 20 SECTION 1. The following water rates For each-:20 yards in excess thereof 05 , are hereby established, and the City of For water carts for' sprinkling Gilroy is hereby authorized to charge streets, ; for each 1000 gallons- and ; 15 and collect for the use of water fur- The fallowing rates shall be Dished by it in the City of Gilroy the charged per 1;000 gallons, to wit " following sums per mouth by the year, For hotels, lodging houses and such sums as ma be to -wit: , y For tenements ocenpied by a r Ingle agreed upon in proportion to the family or private boarding house, water used, not to exceed, by if more than five _persons, exclus- agreement or Otherwise, for 4000 =_ ive of children under '8 years of gallons ..:.......;. .....:......:. 15 age...... ` $1,00 For building and, ,plastering pur- For tenements occupied by a single poses, for each 'barrel' of lime family or private boarding house, slacked.. i ...... t........ 10 , of five persons or less, exclusive For each barrel of cement........ l0 of children under 8`years of age. 75 For making mortar and dampen -'x Fear restaurants and satin g Douses ' ing brick,, for each 1,000 brick... 2 For water. used for ur oses other - $2.00 to 4 00 p P yt F or `drug, grocery and hardware wise than herein specified, , the "ystores, fish - and. meat markgts, charges shall be fixed in aocord' -. harness shops, pciuting Offices', . , : 75 ance with the amount of water 50 . used; and` at rates proportionate For all other stores and offices.... k , For warehouses from. ,.$1:00 to 3 with those above set forth. .00 For saloons, from ... , ; .$1.00 to 200 SECTION 2. Persons desiring tO us For salesrooms, from. .... $1.00 to 200 water for a Period less than one ear,'. For photograph galleries, from for;temporary use, must make airan .. $1.00 to 300 Iiments with the Water Comm' ommittee For public wntei closets, first -one., 100 a Inman Council for such For each additional closet. , ...... 75 n' stance shalh the Cpminittee.ma y For bath tubs used in bathing es- dte,tor such use of less,, than`doitple, ,k`1 tablishments,, boarding houses, a monthly rates named,in the f, rb hotels and barber shops, per tub, 50 Ilgoiug schedule. For bakeries, in addition to family e SECTION '3. Consurno ;s making ex rates, for each 25 barrels of flour cessive or wasteful use of water will bey ;: used.: 1 50 charged an additional rate to be,deter�'� For soda or other fountains......, i oo mined by the Water .commit tee•afte f ,; For blacksmith and wagon shops investigation of such cases. ° using hose to cool wagon tires... 1 00 SECTION ?4. No charge,Z41l , e •made For livery stable containing 15 for', water furnished to the Public horses or less, including water School, Catholic School, Free Reading for washing vehicles and hardness 7 50 Room and the Benevolent Sooiety an For each additional horse .......... 50 other public charitable nstitution For public feed and sale stable, For, water, furnished to religious orgaxiti k for 6 horses or less... . , ....... 200 izations or ocieties one -half rates shall For each additional horse........ 30 be•chargedt Ir a For Omnibu6.or stage stable for SECTION 5. This ordinance shalltake, � }4 each horse therein.. .......... 50, effect on the first day of July, 1899, ands For steam engine working 10- horse " remain in force for and during the ' _ryr i power, or less,..... 100 space.of one year thereafter. For each additional poise power so SECTION 6. All Ordinances and.parts V • used...... Q5 of Ordinances in .confliet with -this For barber' shop where one barber - Ordinance are hereby repealed. x x chair is used..........; , ..... 75 Passed this 27th day of February, A , For each additional chair so used. 25 D. 1899, bythe, following voter For fountains, to be used not over Ayes: Cleveland, Eustis;, )Iines, 6 hours per day, for one - sixteenth Thayer, and Wentz. � a inch jet.....' :..... ....... : 200 Noes: For one- eighth inch 'jet, used as Absent: Moore. above ........ .................. 4 00 Approved: H..R. CHEE03,Rp, a For one - fourth inch jet, used as Mayor 'abovec....... 800 Attest: S. W. KROUSEN,. For water4roughs on sidewalk ... 50 City.Clork. , Uf t cp i� i 'rte