Ordinance 434
o R DIN A NeE !i o. 434
WHEREAS, on May 28, 1940, the President of the United States
created a Council of National Defense and an Advisory Commission
thereto for the purpose of asslsting in the coordination of the
various governmental, industrial, agricultural, economic, and
other activities essential to preparing for the defense of the
United States; and
WlffiREAS, the Council of National Defense and its Advisory
Cownission have recommended that the National Defense Program and
activities related thereto be carried on through regular govern-
mental channels insofar as possible; and
WHEREAS, the Council of National Defense and its Advisory
Commission has officially requested the California Council of
Defense to assist and to expedite the formation of local councils
of defense; and
WlffiREAS, the City of Gilroy desires to assist in the program
of National Defense by coordinating all of its public and private
facilities, resources and activities with the program aforesaid;
The Common Council of the City of Gilroy does ordain as fo110ws:
There is hereby created the Gilroy Defense Council.
The Defense Council shall be composed of the
fuayor, who shall be ex officio chairman of the Council, the City
Clerk, who shall be ex officio secretary of the Common Council,
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and such other local officials and citizens as may be appointed
thereto by the Mayor with the approval of the Common Council. The
~ayor shall designate one of the members of the Local Defense Council
as vice-chairman, who shall preside at all meetings of s aid council
in the absence of the Mayor. The Secretary, subject to the ~ayor's
direction, shall be responsible foY' coordinating its activities,
keeping its records, conducting its correspondence and performing
such other duties as the said Council may from time to time require
of him.
SECTION 3. The members of said Defense Council shall serve
for a term of one year and until their successors are appointed
and qualified. A four-fifths vote of all the members of the
Comrr.on Council will be required to remove any member of said
Defense Council from office prior to the expiration of' his term
of office. Vacancies on the Defense Council shall be filled by
appointment by the Mayor, with the approval of the Common Council.
SECTION 4. It shall be the duty and responsibility of the
Defense Council to coordinate the activities within the city of
governmental and private agencies, and of individuals, cooperating
in the defense effort; to stimulate public interest and participation
in defense activities; to consider and recomnlend to appropriate
governmenta.l authorities plans for the public safety, health and
welfare; to pla.n a major disaster program, capable of functioning
in a defense emergency; and to perform such other advisory functions
as may be requested of it by officials of the city, county, state~
and Federal agencies engaged in the defense effort.
Said Council shall receive, acknowledge and appraise proffers
of facilities, services and ideas originating within the community
and make appropriate disposition of same; clear information
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concernjng defense programs and objectives among cooperating
a~encies; recommend adjustments or arranGements necessary for
prompt assimilation of government programs for defense to the
appropriate officers, departments or agencies; receive requests
for assistance from the State Council of Defense and from Federal
defense authorities and transmit these requests to the proper
city authorities or agencies; accumulate or assist in the
accumulation of information regarding local governmental,
financial, economic, industrial and human facilities and re-
sources and transmit any such facts, as well as other necessary
information, to the State Council of Defense and to Federal
defense authorities.
SECTION 5. There is hereby created as permanent comrrd.ttees
of the Defense Council: (1) COmr:1ittee on Civil Protection, which
shall consider defense matters relating to the public safety,
including the preparation of a disaster preparedness plan to be
recommended to the City Council for adoption as an ordinance;
(2) Committee on Human Resources and Skills, to assist in the
registration of persons for defense work of all kinds, to cooperate
with governmental aGencies in making plans for defense training of
skilled workers and other persons engaged in defense work requiring
special training, and to analyze and report to the Defense Council
on all proffers of assistance from private persons and organiza-
tions. The Common Council by resolution shall create such other
permanent and slJ.ch temporary comrni ttees of the Defense Council as
the Common Council deems necessary, shall define their duties with-
in the purpose of this ordinance and may abolish any such co~nittee.
The ch8 :i.rman of the permanent committees of the Defense Council shall
be designated by the Defense Council Chairman from among the members
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of the Defense Council appointed as provided in SECTION 2 of
this ordinance. r,~embers of permanent committees other than the
chairman and all members of temporary cornmi ttees shall be appointed
by the chairman of the Defense Council and need not be members
of the Defense Council.
This ordinance is hereby declared to be an
emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of
the public peace, health and safety, and shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage as required by law. The
following is a specific statement showing the urgency of this
An emergency exists in the United States and in this State in
providing adequate National and Local Defense. It is necessary
that all information be gathered relating to National Defense and
to provide for the proper cooperation and coordination of public
and private agencies so that adequate Local Defense may be provided
-for at as early a date as possible.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after its passage and approval.
ADOPTED AND PASSED this second day of June, A.D., 1941, by
the following vote:-
Councilmen: George A.Mart1n,George M.Mason,
James Batter$by ,J .H. Wentworth.
Councilmen: None
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