Ordinance 481 I I \ ~ \f~\ \ ~ i l f' I'.;'" " t:, ~: }~-t,. . 6..-. r ":'" : ) , 8-9tJ . "'-;..1# ORDINANCE NO. 481 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 436 OF THE CITY OF GILROY, C0MMuNLY KNOWN AS THE "UNIFuRM BUILDING CODE", 1940 EDITION, BY FURTHER DEFINING THE WORD "BUILDING", AS USED IN SECTION 401 OF THE SAID "UNIF0RM BUILDING CODE", SO AS TO EXCLUDE MOVABLE CONTAINERS, BOXES AND DEVICES USED F()~ AUTOMATIC OR SELF-VENDING OF ME RCHAND I SE 0 THE MAYOR AND COMMON CuUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DO uRDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 10 That Ordinance No. 436 of the City of Gilroy, be, and the same is hereby amended, as follows: Section 401 of the "Unifcrm Building Code", 1940 Edition, as adopted by and made a part of Ordinance Noo 436 of the City of Gilroy, be, and the same is hereby amended by defining the word "Building" as the same is used in said Section 401 to read as follows: "BUILDING is any structure built for the support, shelter or enclosure of any chattels, animals, property cr persons of any kind; provided, however, t}at the word "building" as used in the "Uniform Building Code", is not intended, n0r shall it be c0n'" strued, to include or mean a c0ntainer, box, enclosure or other device not for the automatic 0r self vending of merChandise, erected or placed upon wheels or sleds so as to be readily m0vab1e, or not permanently attached to the ground, or to that which is permanently affixed to the ground if it does not occupy space in excess of 160 square feet and is n0t over 8 feet high, outside measurement~; no such c0ntainer, box, or device however shall be constructed9 erected or moved upon any property in the Fire District in the City of Gilroy with0ut the obtaining of a permit therefor, or unless it is so cC'nstructed so as to be at least one hrur fire resistant". SECTION 20 This urdinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and approval. ADOPTED AND PASSED this 7th day of August, 1950, by the fo11f"'wing vote: AYES: Councilmen: George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas,Dav1d V.Stout,Dale D.Dan1els, Carl W.Pate Councilmen: None NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen: None Approved: Attest: ~fft Mayoi-'. :rO-"" eCN~ City Clerk ~i\