Ordinance 482 '~--- , "( \ - I ~,.,: / I \ )" /' -\\ A;~ '}. ORDINANCE NO. -482 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 0F GILROY AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 452 PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF TRANSACTluNS AND THE CARRYING ON OF CERTAIN BUSINES8ES, TRADES1 PROFESSIONS, CALLINGS AND OCCUPATIONS IN THE CITY OF GILROY BY REDUCING THE LICENSE TAX FOR AMUSEMENT DEVICES AND PIN BALL MACHINES PROVIDED FOR IN SUBDIVISluN NOS. 2 AND 42 OF SECTION 22 OF SAID ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CO~~ON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 10 Subdivision 20f Section 22 of Ordinance No. 452 of the City of Gilroy is hereby amended to read as follows: 20 AMUSEMENT DEVICESo Each owner of any device used for amusement, pastime, or entertainment shall pay $15.00 per year, in advance, for each and every device operated by such owner. The license fee shall in no way license nor permit the operation of a machine or game which is unlawful under the state law or local ordinances, nor license nor permit the operation of a lawful machine or game in an unlawful manner, nor permit the operation of any machine or game in which the element of chance predominates 0 No license issued for any machine or game shall be trans- ferable, and no such license shall be valid, except for the identical game 0r machine for which the same was issuedo SECTION 20 Subdivision 42 of Section 22 of said Ordinance No. 452 of the City of Gilroy is hereby amended to read as follow~1 420 PIN BALL MACHI"f'.J'ES 0 Each owner of any pin ball machine shall pay $15.00 annually, in advance, for each machineo SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage; any owner or operator of an amusement device or Pinball Machine covered by this ordinance who has paid a license from July 1, 1950, based upon Ordinance No. 452 before it was amended by this present amendment shall have said license refunded and he shall pay a license from July 1, 1950, as provided for in this amendment to said OrJinance No. 4520 SECTION 40 All Ordinances, or parts of Ordinances, in conflict herewith are hereby repealedo ADOPTED AND PASSED this 7th day of August, 1950, by the fOllowing vote: AYES I NuBS: Councilmen: George M.Ma8on,~.H.Wentworth,James B. Thomas ,David V .St cut ,Dale D.Dan1els, Oarl W.Pate. Councilmen: None A 13SENT : Councilmen: None Approved: Attest: ~Q.~ City Cler ~ ~ ')-; ~~~l Mayo "-em