Ordinance 486 I I ) ~.",. t , { c'Z '17 t.'. 1-.;. .f'. * ORDINANCE NO. 486 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE NO. 468 AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 422, KNOWN AS THE "ZONING" ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY, PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF RESTRICTED "Cl" OR RESTRICTED BUSINESS DISTRICTS AND THAT "Cllt DISTRICTS SHALL HAVE THE SAME YARDS AS tiC" DISTRICTS WITH CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS, AND ELIMINATING PARAGRAPHS 2 AND It- OF SUBDIVISION (e)OF SAID SECTION ?t AS ADDED TO ORDINANCE NO. lt22 BY SAID CRDINANCE NO. 4680 THE COMMON C0UNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DO. CRDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 10 That Section 7* of Ordinance No. 422 as amended by Section 3 of Ordinance No. 468 of the City of Gilroy be9 and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 7*. Regulations for ItCl" Districts. The following regulations shall apply in all "Cl" Districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 12 of said Ordinance No. 4220 (a) Use Permitted: 1. All uses permitted in tlAtl and "B" districts. 2. All uses permitted in "CtI districts, except the following: One sale liquor business; all other uses which in the opinion of the Planning Commission are objectionable by reason of odor, dust, smoke, gas, noise or vibration, or which would impose hazard to; life or pr~perty in the neighborhood. 3. The use of power driven machinery incidental and accessory to any of the uses permitted in "C1" districts. j (b) Yards Reauired: 10 Same as required in "e" districts except that in any "C1t1 district any portion of which fronts on Eigelberry Street, or on Hanna Street, no building shall be hereafter erected o~ placed upon the property wi thin four feet Or"ll the E1celberry Street property line or within four feet of the Hanna street property line. (c) Other Re~ulationsl 1. If a tlCl" district. occupies bo~h sides of a street Which is intersected or interce'pted by a street the.' line of which is the boundary~~tween such "C11t district and an adjacent residential district, and such "Cltl di'strict does not occupy an entire block facing such intersecting or intercepting street, then except upon the securing of the use permit, as provided in Section 12 of this ordinance, no use which is -not permitted in any residential district shall hereafter ~be es.tabll:Shed' in,-sucb:: blo<:k in ,\1~ . . \'ii.' " ~ ",. l. ',~ ~..._".- ...;,..:..;, ..":; ii ,<:.., ,,,~;,,"'.'.':~ __, _~...L ......__,~_... . .,_.....I~,_~._.~ _...".-....""-- .._ _~~_~....... ~_ ...ii~.... .~ " ~..J .'. I 'f't'..." "7 2'16 such nCl" district in such manner as to front intersecting or intercepting boundary street, but, except upon the securing of a U3e permit as aforesaid, any such use shaLl front only on the street which isintersected or intercepted by such boundary street. 2. No alectric or other signs shall be places or set above the sidewalk or parking strip extending along the street or in front of the property line in said district. Section 2. All ordinances, or P1 rts nf ordinances, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This o~dinance shall be in full torce and .~f.ct from and after its adoption and approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6t:tt day of Se:p~ember , 19'0, by the following vote, A YES . Councilmen. J.H.Wentworth,James B.ThoDas,David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels,Carl W.Pate. Counc ilment None NOES I ABSENT I CouncilmenI' George M.Mason. APPROVED I AT!~"ST t !J.I~r Pro-tam G~~ Cl ty leI' -2- ~...- ..