Ordinance 488
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NO. 488
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WHEREAS, experience during war and peace has demonstrated the need
for adequate disaster plans and for mobilization of the resources of the
community to cope with such disasters; and
WHEREAS, the state of California has created a State Disaster Council
to prepare a state disaster plan and to recommend mutual. aid regions; and
WHERFAS, municipalities have legal authority (Constitution, Article
XI, Section 11, and Military and Veterans Code Section 1571, as amended by
Statutes of 1945, Chapter 1024) to create disaster councils for the purpose of
formulating local disaster plans, including mutual aid agreements;
NOW, THEREFORE, the Common Oouilcil of the City of Gilroy does
ordain as follows:
Section 1. DISASTER. As used in this ordinance, the term "disastertt
shall include, but is not limited to, any extraordinary fire, tlood, riot,
storm, epidemic, earthquake or sabotage, or any enemy attack, which causes
or threatens to cause loss of life or property and in which occurrences the
responsibility devolves upon the regular constituted authorities tor the
maintenance of public peace and order and the preservation of life and
property. It shall not include any conditions resulting from a labor contro-
Section 2. DISASTER COUNCIL. MEMBERSHIP. The Gilroy Disaster
Council is hereb,y created and shall consist of the following:
a. The ~yor, who shall be chairman.
b. The Commander, who shall be vice-chairman.
c. The Vice-commander, appointed b<J the Mayor with the advice and
consent of the Common Council, who, in the absence of, or at the direction of,
the Oommander, shall act on his behalf on matters within the purview of this
d. The Ohiefs of Divisions as hereinafter provided.
e. Such other representatives of civic; business, labor, veterans,
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professional or other organizations as may be appointed by the mayor with the
advice and consent of the Common Council.
duty of the Gilroy Disaster Oouncil, and it is hereby cmpowered:
A. To develop a plan tor meeting any disaster. Such plan shall provide
for the effective mobilization of all the resources ot the community, both
public.and private;
B. To prepare and recommend for consideration by the City Council
ordinances necessary to implement the disaster plan;
C. To consider and reconunend to the Common Council for approval
mutual aid plans and agreements;
D. Others. (as determined locally).
The Disaster Council shall meet upon call ot the chairman.
Section 4. COMMANDER. POWERS AND DUTIES. There is hereby created
the office of Conunander. Such officer shall be appointed by the mayor
with the advice and consent ot the Common Council.
The Commander is hereby empowered:
A. To proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a disaster
and the termination thereat;
B. To request the Governor to proclaim a state of extreme emergency
in the area in and around the City of Gilroy when in the opinion of the
Commander the resources of the Community are inadequate to cope with the
C. To govern and di,rect the effort of the Gilroy Disaster Corps
in the accomplishment of the purposes of t'lis ordinance;
D. To direct coordination and cooperation between the chiefs of
divisions and resolve questions of authority and responsibility that
may arise between them;
E. To represent the Disaster Corps in all dealings with public or
private agencies pertaining to disaster preparedness.
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It shall also be the duty of the Commander, and he is hereby
empowered, during a disaster or when a disaster is imminent:
A. To make and iss'I,1e rules and regulations on matters reasonably
related to the protection of life and property as affected by such disaster;
B. To obtain vital supplies, equipment and such other properties
found lacking and needed for the protection of the life and property of
the people, and bind the city for the fair value thereof, and, if required
immediately, to commander the same for public use;
C. To require emergency services of any city officer or employee;
D. To requisition necessary personnel or material of any city
department or agency;
E. To execute all of his ordinary powers as
of the special powers conferred upon him by this ordinance, and all
powers conferred upon him by any other lawful authority.
Section 5. EXECUTIVE OFFICER. There is hereby created the posi-
tion of Executive Officer of the Disaster Corps. The Executive Officer
shall be appointed by the mayor with the advice and consent of the Common
Council. The Executive Officer shall be the executive secretary of the
Disaster Council and shall be Chief of the Division of Personnel and
Section 6. DISASTER CO~. GENERAL. Officers and employees of
the City of Gilroy, together with those volunteer torces enrolled to aid
them during a disaster, and all groups, organizations and persons who
may by agreement or operation of law be charged with duties incident to
the protection of life and property in the City of Gilroy during such
disaster, shall constitute the Gilroy Disaster Corps.
Section 7. 12IVISIONS OF DISASTER CORPS. The functions and duties
of the Gilroy Disaster Corps shall be distributed among the following
divisions of such corps, each division to be under the direction of
a Chief and, in his absnece, the first deputy and second deputy chiet,
respectively, appointed by the Chief, and said division to consist of
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the following forces, organizations and services, and such other forces,
organizations or services as may be included pursuant to the provisions of
this ordinance. The chiefs of divisions shall organize and train volun-
teers assigned to such division by the Personnel and Recruitment Division
and shall formulate the division plan which, when approved by the Disaster
COuncil, shall become a part of the disaster plan. The Chiefs of Divisions
shall include in the division plans recommended mutual aid agreements.
The Chiets of Divisions shall be custodians of special equipment and
other property which may be obtained trom any source and assigned to
such division b<J the Commander.
A. LAW AND ORDER DIVISIOIi. This division shall be under and subject
to the control of the chief of police, who shall be chief of the Law and
Order Division. The division shall consist of police personnel and
auxtliary police (volunteers).
B. FIRE DIVISION. This division shall be under and subj ect to
the control of the chief of the fire department, who shall be Chief of
the Fire Division. The division shall consist of fire department personnel
and auxiliary fire fighters (volunteers).
C. MEDICAL DIVISION. Tlds division shall be under and subject to
the control of the city health officer, who shall be Chief of the Medical
Division. The division shall consist of health department personnel and
medical service volunteers.
D. PUBLIC worore DIWION. This division shall be under and subject
to the control of the director of public works (city engineer) who shall
be Chief of the Public Works Division. The division shall consist of the
department of public works personnel and auxiliary personnel (volunteers).
E. 'Q'I'n..ITOO DIVISION. The chief of this division shall be a
citizen, experienced and engaged in public utilities business, appointed
by the mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. The
division shall consist of auxiliary personnel (volunteers).
F. TRANSPORTATION DIVLSION. The chief ot this division" shall be a
public official managing transportation facilities or a citizen, experi-
enced and engaged in such industry, appointed by the mayor with the advice
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and consent of the City Council. The division shall consist of auxiliary
personnel (volunteers).
G. COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION. The chief of this division shall be a
public official operating communications facilities (police or fire) or
a citizen, experienced and engaged in such industry, appointed b,y the
mayor with the advice and consent of the Oommon Council. The division
shall consist of auxiliary persormel (volunteers) and city personnel
engaged in communications work.
H. PERSONNEL AND RECRUITMENT DIVISION. This division shall be under
and subject to the control of the Executive Officer. It shall be the duty
ot this division to recruit all volunteer personnel, to enroll and register
such personnel, to keep adequate records thereof, and to assign such
personnel to other divisions of the Disaster Corps. The Executive Officer
may establish and operate a volunteer otfice.
I. AMERICAN RED CROSS. The American Red Cross in the City of
Gilroy will furnish food, clothing, shelter, registration and information
service, supplementary medical service when requested, and rehabilitation
to individuals and families affected by a disaster. The American Red
Cross will provide funds with which to finance all its relief operations.
The chief of this division will be the chairman ot the City of Gilroy
Chapter of the American Red Cross, or a delegated representative thereot.
Seotion 8. VOLUNTEERS. All persons, other than officers and employees
of the city, volunteering services pursuant to the provisions of this
ordinance, shall serve ,vithout compensation from the city. WhUe engaged
in such services, they shall have the same immunities as officers and
employees of the city performing similar duties.
Section 9. PUNISHMENT OF VIOLATIONS. It shall be a misdemeanor,
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punishablepy a fine of not to exceed $JP-. f.JIi, or by imprisonment for not
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to exceed"sit: JlUR~S, or both, for any person during a disaster:
A. 'Willfully to obstruct, hinder or delay any JOOmber of the Disaster
Corps in the enforcement of any lawful rule or regulation issued pursuant
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to this ordinance, or in the performance of any duty imposed upon him by
virtue of this ordinance;
B. To do any act forbidden by any lawful rules or regulations
issued pursuant to this ordinance, if such act is of such a nature as to
give, or be likely to give assistance to the enemy, or to imperil the
lives or property of other inhabitants of this city, or to prevent,
hinder or delay the defense or protection thereot;
C. To wear, carry or display, without authority, any means of
identification specitied by the Disaster Council.
Section lO. EFFKCTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force
and effect from."and after the date of its passage and approval.
ADOPI'ED AND PASSED this ~ day of October, A.D. 1950, by the
following vote:
AYES: Oouncilmen: George M.Mason,J.H.Wentworth,Dav1d
V.Stout,Dale D.Dan1els,Carl W.Pate.
NOES: OouncUmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: cTames B.Thom&s
City Clerk