Ordinance 511
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NO. 511
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\f.E1EREAS, the C1 ty Planntng Commiss 5.on of the City of Gilroy
has heretofore proposed that Ordinance No. 422 of the City of Gilroy,
generally knovm and designated as the tlZoning Ordinance", be amended
by changing the boundaries of D:1.str'icts or Zones A, B, C, and D as
hereinafter set forth, and has regularly a60ptecl a resolution to
tlJa t effe ct; and
VuIERBAS, the said Planning Com~ission has heretofore fixed a
time for hearing protests and objections to said amendment and
zoning changes and has given notice of the time and 'Dlace of hearing
objections thereto as required by law and has held the hearing on the
29th day of Oc tober, 1953; and
1NHEEEAS, at the time of said hearinG objections were made to the
said re -zoning and the said Plann5ng COntmission procee'.::.ed to be ar
such objections and after duly considering the 'matter did adopt a
resolution recommending to the Common Council of the City of Gilroy
that the said zoning changes as proposed be made; and
VmEhEAS, the recommendation of the said Plann ing Commission
has been d1.J17 communicated to the J;TP'7or and Common Council of the
City of Gilroy and the said Common Council
hgs her~tofore adopted
a resolution fi:>~ing Monday, the 23rd day of November, 1953, at the
hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. asthetime and 'Dlace of hearing object5.ons
to the said re-zoning and has dnl~T caused notice of the time and
place of hearing to be given as requirel by law; and
ffHEREAS, the said Common Conncil did, on thj.s 23rd day of
November, 1953, at the hour and place designated in the said notice
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proceed to hold the said hearing and heard objections to the said
proposed re-zoning, and having duly considered the matter and having
determined thet the said amendment to the said Ordinance No. 422
should be adopted as hereinafter set forth,
SECTION I: Ordinance No. 422 of the City of Gilroy, generally
known and desie;nated as thenZoning Ordinance" of the said City, is
hereby amended in the following particulars, to-wit:
A. That there be taken from "D" Zone as established by
the said Ordinance Ho. 422 of the Cit7 of Gilroy, as amended, and
placed and included in "C_Itl Zone as est~blished in said Ordinance
and amendments thereto, the fOllowinG ('les cri bed pr operty:
Commencing at a point on the westprly line of
Alexander Street distant thereon 149.50 feet
Northerly from the point of intersection of the
westerly line of Alexander Street with the north-
erly Lne of Old Gilroy Stree t ;rurm in['; thence
at right angles to the southwesterly line of
Alexander Street to the northeasterly line of
Ra:Llroad Street and thence at rip;ht angles in a
southeasterl'y direction to the northerly line
of Old Gilroy Street, and thence jn an easterly
direction along the northerly line of Old Gilroy
Street to its intersection with the westerly line
of Alexander Street; thence northerly along the
westerly line of Alexander Street to the point of
ALSO L,ots 1 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Grant I s Block in
the City of Gilroy
That the follow~np; described property in the City of Gilroy
be taken from "C" Zone and included in "C-l" Zone, to-wit:
Commencing at the point of intersection of the
easterly city limits of the City of Gilroy .
with the nort~erly line of Old Gilroy Street,
and runn ing thence j.n a northwe sterl;/ 0. irection
along the said easterly city limits to a point
that is 150.00 feet measured by the shortest
distance from the northerly line of Old Gilroy
Street; thence running in a westerly direction
at a uniform distance of 150.00 feet from the
northerly line of Old Gilrov Street to the
northeas'terly line of Lot 4" in Block 2 South of
Range 7 Bast of the City of Gilroy; thence in
a southwesterl;' direction parallel vlith the
southerl;T line of 'Eighth Street to the south-
westerly line of East Street; thence fn a north-
, .
westerly direction along the southwesterly line
of ~ast.Street to the line dividing Lots ,I and 2
in Block 2 ~outh of Ran,i'e 6 E~?st of the (jity of
Gilroy and thence in a southwesterly direction
along' the said di vidin[ line to the center line
of the alley rllilnlng through said block; thence
in a southeasterl;T direction to the northerly line
~f Old Gilroy Street; thence in an easterly
direction along the northerly line of Old Gilroy
Street to the point of beginning.
ALSO, all that part of Block 2 South of Ranrce 6
East", of the City of G::.lroy that lies South of
Old ~ilroy Street.
ALSO, all that part of Block 2 South of Range 7
l:..ast of the vity of Gilroy that lips south of
Old Gilroy Street.
ALSO, Cor.'lmencing at the point of intersectlon of
fue northeasterly line of Carmel Street with the
southerl;" line of Hecker Pass HiE",hway and running
thence in a southeasterly direction along the
northeasterl', line of Carmel Street to a point
thereon that j,s 140.00 feet measured by th.e
nearest distance to the southerly line of Becker
Pass Highwa~T; thence in an easterly direction and
Darallel with the southerly line of Hecker Pass
fIighwa'J! to the south-we s tcrly line of Hanna Street;
thence in a northwest! rl~' direction along the
south "cs terl:' line of Hanna Street to its inter-
section with'the southerbr line of Hecker Pass
Highway; thence in a westerly direction along the
southe rly line of said He cker Pass Highway to the
point of beginning.
ALSO~ Lot 6 in Block 5 North of Ran?e 4 West of
the City of Gilro~T.
ALSO, cOr1r:'lencing at a point on the easterly line
of Carmel Street distant thereon 150.00 feet
northerly from the point of intersection of the
said easterly line af Carmel Street with the
northerl;r line of Hecker Pass Highway; thence in
a southerly direction along the easterly line of
Carmel lJtreet to the northerly line of .decker Pass
Highway;runrdng thence, :in an easterl','T d:i.rect:1.on along
the northerl;" line of Hecker pass Highway and the {norfu-
erly line of First Street to a point t~erean 150 feet
northe8.s ter].',.' of the nos t s01.J.the rl y corner of .wo t 46
of the Uurrie s Addition; thence in' a north'll'le sterly
direction and naralle1 VIi th the northeaster};T line
of Hanna Str"et to the southeasterlT line af an alley;
thence in a southwest~rly direction alonr the south-
easterl;! line OJ said alley to the northeasterly line
9f Hanna Stree i~; thence in' a 'westerly direction' across
rtanna Street to a point ;~hereon in the line dividing
Lots 13 and 14 of Loupes l\:ortl".ern Mdi tion, the ,
same be:i,np; in .Plock 6 N. of llange 5 dest or the lIity
of G:ilro;t; running t'.1ence in a southwesterly
direction alonG the line divi(inE said Lots 13
[J,nd 14 j.n s::d.d Laupes Northern Addition to' the !~lost
nort~8rlv point of Lot 18 in said Addition, and
thence along the line dividine: Lots 13 and 19 in
a northw8 S tc 1"1;" dire ctj,on to the eas terl,' line of
- -
Lot 20 in said Addit~on, and thence in a
northerly direction along the eastf~rl~ line
of said Lot 20 to the northeasterly corner
there of; . thence alon r the northern boundary
line of Lots 2() to 29 inclusive to the easterly
line of Sarrent utreet or lJowdy Stree,; ;thence "
in a we 8 terJ.:r dire ct :'Lon 2nd parallel with the
northerly line of Hecker rass Hi~hway to the
no rtheasterlv corr.er of Lot 15 of said Loupes
Northern Ac1dl t'i, on to the (ji ty of Gilroy; thenc(:
alone the northorl;" li'e '1' Lots 15 to 28
inclus ive to the easterl-" l:ine of C.0rmel Street
and the point of borinninc.
That the fol10winf' de;;Gribec; l)ro~)ert:r in the Ci t~;,. of Gilroy be
taken from "B" Zcne and included j,n tiC_Ill Zone, to-v/it:
Cornr,1encinr' at a noint ~ n the v/esterJ.' line
of CarmelUStrE'et~ a t tIle northeastc:rl~' corner
of Lot 22 of LOHnes North rn Add jt ion to the
Gitv of G:l1ro", :~he same bei in block 6 H.
of' r'Ln:~'e 6 '.!c'ot, ["IV' rn:'ltl:'!,llp- thence :in a
'we 3 ter Iv dirncti all nlo"l0' the nort'~" orl," line
of Lc,ts" 22 to 25 L1CllJ,s5~ve to the eas'terlv
line of i.Jublot ,11 of the L,.,s Anh'1as Partition,
and thenoe :1.n 0. northcrl;' d5.rect:Lon alonf" the
said e:c',stcrl:c l:J,YJc: of saj,d Partition to 'i~he
northeas terl;T corner tlle"c; of; th, noe in a
':/e s ter l' dil'octi on all'll" the north8r17 line
of sa },d' l.::l1}, blot 41 to the nortllVle s 'l;arl~r corner
thereof; thence:n a sOl1thrrl;, d:1rection alan'"
the v/es>rl:c Ij.lle or said S11blot 41, 45.00
feet; thence ~,n c we~jt' 1'1, direct:Lclj,;ral1el
wi t~1 the-,,;>nor>th::'rl-;- lL18 c:':' Heclcer Pas;,; Ei;::hway
to the Dorthe9,str:'rl:- l:i.,e 01' Vl8.'TIsnd L::ne;
thence in 8. ;:;o'JthoG.sh:r'l:- cUrect:~:)n along
the nOl"t'loc1stf:rb- line of Wa"lo.nc1 ,Lo,ne to the
nnrther1,\T line of Hecker Pa~j's ="Ii,":hwa~-; thence
in 2,n easterl~ direct:~oJ.1 alc,n'~ the J1ort1.' erl,.T
line of said Hecker Pas~3 I-iii(1~h1,Vf1_~r to the e8,sterly
line of Carmel Str:C:'e;~~1"hence alonr' the eostt"l"l'v
line of Carmel Street '(in a northerl;' direction"
to the ~oint of becinninp.
'rhat the followini':' descr:i.bed pronert;{ in the Cit~T of Gilroy be
tal{en from uB" Zone and included :i.n "C_lll Zone, to-wit:
Com~1encj,nc at the pOillt~ c!' ji.1terseot:ion of
t13,e eo,sterl7' l,~,ne or 1::1.11,,;1" Avenue vlith the
S011t::er1-,7 line of Hecker Pass EidIwaV and
',' '.'
running tl'ulce hl a soutl"el~l~' direction along
the e8stc:rl:,' Ijne of' said Jl.venU8 190.00 feet;
thence ~,n 8. northN\sterl'," direction to a point
on the sOlJthv.restr rJ.:~ line of }'rincev0,11,EJ '
0treet tl..c,t 's 150.0Q '''8e1~ therElon southerly from
the South line of' Hecker Pass Ejchw8~"; t}:.ence
in ~, nortl'!''I'18str:cl'" d5r"ctj,oD ;'llor'" the s01...1th-
','!esterl~- 1:1no of ~)aic:i rrincevc-lle USt~.t to
.;-11 an, ~-''''c~ ..,1 ,r l-i ..~o .r"; Ii, 1-0 ".l:-Jn c ~T. ~1,- 1 ,""" .~
,,"v ,;)O~lu..""l ,j" ,~~I,,~ 0-, Oc,.",r c""S "_-'(,_1\/a,:, D.~ld
tl~ence 5,n 8 VIeS rl~' cLr8ct~on alonc; the sO'l...lth-
or l~;' li'~ r: of SD id ==e o;'~cr t'as s ==~ :']1':;8,: to the
point of bOfinninf.
That the following described property locate9 in the
City of Gilroy be taken from liB" Zone and included in lie-I"
Zone, to-wit:
Lots I, II and 12 of Block 5 North of Rance
7 West of the City of Gilroy.
That the following described property located in the
City of Gilroy be taken from "D" Zone and included in "c"
Zone , to-wit:
Commencing at the point of intersection
of the westerly line of Monterey Street
with the most southerlv line of Lot 5 in
Block 2 South of Range ~ I West of the City
of Gilroy and running thence along the
southwesterly line of Monterey Street to
the southerly city limits of the City of
Gilroy and the nee in a southwe sterly
direction along the said southerly city
limits 150.00 feet to a point equidistant
from the westerly line of Monterey Street
and the easterly line of Eigleberry Street
and thence in a straight line at a uniform
distance of 150.00 feet from the south-
westerly line of Monterey Street to the
southerly line of said Lot 5 in Block 2
South of Range I West of the City of
Gilroy, and the nce in an easterly direction
along the southerly line of said Lot to the
point of beginnjng.
That the following described property located in the
L;ity of Gilroy be taken from "B" Zone and placed in and made
a part of "C_I" Zone, to -wi t:
All that part of Block 2 South of Rante 5
East of the City of Gilroy lying north of
Old Gilroy Street and also all that part
of Block 2 South of RanGe 6 East, north of
Old Gilroy Street and west of the alley
extending through said block from Seventh
Street to Old Gilroy Street.
That the follovJ:i,nr described property located in the t1ity
of Gilroy be taken from liD" Zone and placed in and made a part of
"ClI ZonA, to-wit:
COLmencing at a point on the northerly ~ine
of First Street, distant thereon 150.00 feet
westerlv from the Doint of intersection of the
westerl~ line of ~~nterey Street with the
northerly line of First Street, and running
t>ence alonp~ the norther line of First street
to the easterl-:T line of the alley Wllj. ch forms
the eastcrl;7' boundary of Lot 1- of the G'urries
AdcHtion to the Ci t:; of G:11r07T, and running
, thence along the sail easterl:T line of' said
alley in a northerly direction to ;the most
northerl:"r corner of Lot~; of saic: Subdivision;
running thence in a westerly"direction along the
northwesterly line of Lots 2, 3, 4,and 5 of.,said
Subdivision to the most easterl''T corner of .Lot b
in said Subdj, vis iort.; th~nce in a northerly direction
along the easterly line of Lots 8, 9, 10, II and 12
of said Subdivis.ion to the mo:'t northerl:r corner of
said Lot 12 and thence along the northwesterly
continuation of the said line 328.67 feet to the
northerlv boundar,T line of the said G'lrries
Addition' to the City of Gilro;T; thence North
870 501 E. 45.00 feet; thence in i)northwesterly
direction narallel with the westerlv line of
l\!on te,rey S~reet to the northerly city lin1.i ts 0 f
the Uity of Gilroy; thence along the northerly
cit:~ lindts of the Cit;T of G:~ lroy in a northeasterly
direction to the wes terl7/ line of honterey Street;
thence in a southeasterly direction along -che west-
erly line of Lonterey Street to its intersection
with the nortYcl'l:r Ij,ne of P:1rst Streut, and thence
along the northerl';v' line of First Street 150., 0 feet
C,~O the point of beginning; EXCEP'I1IlW, hall/ever, all
that portion of the said premises now in lIClI Zone.
ALSO, commencinf~ at the point of intersectio'~! cf
the easterlv line of Monterey Street with the
noutherl;,r boundary line of S;'blot 5 as said S1.J.blot
is designated upon Map No.4 accompanying the
report of the referees in the partition suit of
Henrv Miller et al vs. 1.Iassev'llhomas et al- in the
Supe~ior Court of the State ;f California, in and
for the County of Santa Clara, and runninG thence
in a northeasterly direction along the -moutherly
line of said ~ublot to the westErlv line of the
Southern Pacific Ra:i,lroad Compan;y' ~ right of way;
thence :in a northwesterly directj,on alonG the
said line 0 f said riGht of way to the sOllthorl:r
line of Casey Street; thence in a southwesterly
direction along the said line of Casev Street to
its intersection with the easterly li~e of
Monterey Street, and thence ~n a ~outheasterly
~irection alonf, the easterly line of Monterey
IJ "'r t to t' -l t f 1 i .
lJ ee De po~n 0 Dee; nnlns.
irhat the f 11 . d 'b II II
_ 0 oW:1ng ,escrl eO. premises be taken from B Zone
and placed in and included in "C_llI Zone, to-wit:
Commencing at a point on the northeasterly line
.... .,," . -"!'
.. ~.. ...
.. .
. ..
of Chestnut Street 150.00 feet measured by the
nearest distance southerly of the south line of
Old Gilroy Street, and running t~ence in an easterly
direction parallel 'with the southerly line of
Old Gilrov Street to t.e southwesterl-v line o:i
Maple Street;thence along the southwesterly
line of Maple Street in a northweste~ly direction
to the southerly line of Old Gilroy Street, and
thence in a westerly direction along the southerly
line of Old Gilroy Street to its intersection with
the northeasterly line of Chestnut Stre~t, and
thence along the said line of Chestnut Street to
the point of beginning.
Reference is hereby had to the maps and general zoninG ordinance
of the said City now on file in the office of the City Clerk.
B. That the boundaries of the said Districts and Zones
be changed so as to accomplish the foregoing chan ges in the territory
of the respective zones.
SECTION 2: ~hat the Map of the Zonin~ Ordinance of the said
City of Gilroy be made to conform to the chanees herein set forth.
~hat should any part of this ordinance be declared
by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, all the rest
and remainder of said Ordinance shall continue to be valid and in
full force, the Common Council hereby declaring that it wOlJ,ld have
adopted said remaining portion of said Ordinance irrespective of ~he
invalidity of the portion that has been declared void.
SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect
from and after its passage and approval. ,/2 ,.
ADOPTED and PASSED thhJ 23-u1day of v/~ , 1953, by the
following vote:
Counc ilInm: Pate t Kenne dy t Gallo , Whit e t Ronald
Coun c i lInen: None
ABSEwr :
Councilmen: Rush
Oi ty ~erk