Ordinance 567
Ordinance No.-iQ2
WHEREAS it is necessary to authorize, create and establish
certain positions and classifications of city empl9yees and to
provide for salaries and wages and working conditions, now there-
fore, be it ordained by the City C~uncil of the City of Gilroy.
This ordinance shall be known as the Classification and Com-
pensation Ordinance.
The words and terms herein defined shall have the following
meanings in this Ordinance and in any other Ordinance classifying
and fixing the salaries and compensation or authorizing the em-
ployment of personnel in any department or office of the City of
a. "City service" or "service of the City" means all posi-
tions in all departments as herein defined, that are sub-
ject to control and regulation by the City eouncil of
the City of Gilroy.
b. "Class" or "class of positions" means a definitely re-
cognized kind of employment in the City service designed
to embrace all positions having duties and responsibili-
ties sufficiently similar so that the same requirements
as to education, experience, knowledge and ability may
be demanded of incumbents, and the same schedule of com-
pensation may be made to apply with equity.
c. "Title", "class title" or "title of class" means the de-
signation given to or name applied to a class or to each
position allocated to the class. Its meaning is set forth
in the corresponding definition and class specification,
and it is always to be used and understood in that sense,
even though it may previously have had a broader, narrower,
or difference significance.
d. "Position" means a group of current duties and responsi-
bilities assigned or delegated by competent authority,
requiring the full or part-time service of one person.
e. "Employee" means a person legally occupying a position in
the City service.
f. "Allocation" means the official determination of the class
to which a position belongs or the assignment of a posi-
tion to an appropriate class.
g. "Reallocation" means a reassignment or change in alloca-
tion of a position from one class to another.
h. nCompensation" means the salary, wage, allowance and all
other forms of valuable consideration earned by or paid
to any employee by reason of his service in a position,
but does not include any compensation for expenses in-
curred incidental to employment.
i. "Continuous service n means employment with the City with-
out break or interruption. In computing continuous ser-
vice for the purposes of this Ordinance neither military
leave of absence nor leaves of absence with pay on account
of illness shall be construed as a break in employment or
service. An absence because of resignation, dismissal,
leave of absence without payor layoff on account of lack
of work, lack of funds, or abolishment of positions shall
be construed as breaking "continuous service".
j. "Anniversary date" means the date an employee begins his
current continuous service for those employed after the
effective date of the adoption of this Ordinance. For
all othericemployees it is the effective date of the adop-
tion of this Ordinance.
k. "Anniversary year" means the completion of one full year
of continuous service from the anniversary date.
a. The salary ranges listed herein are hereby established
as a basic pay plan, and are hereby applied to the seve-
ral classes of postions as indicated in related resolu-
Standard" Salary Hourly Equiva1entJ Steps
Range Number of Step A A B C D E
1 0.92 160 170 180 190 200
2 0.98 170 180 190 200 210
3 1.04 180 190 200 210 220
4 1~10 190 200 210 220 231
5 1.15 200 210 220 231 243
6 1.21 210 220 231 243 255
7 1.27 220 231 243 255 268
8 1.33 231 243 255 268 281
9 1.40 243 255 268 281 295
10 1.47 255 268 281 295 310
II 1.55 268 281 295 ~IO 325
12 1.62 281 295 310 325 341
13 1.70 295 310 325 341 358
14 1.79 310 325 341 358 376
15 1.88 325 341 358 376 395
16 1.97 341 358 376 395 415
17 2.06 358 376 395 415 436
18 2.17 376 395 415 436 458
19 2.28 395 415 436 458 481
20 2.40 415 436 458 481 505
21 2.52 436 458 481 505 530
22 2.64 458 481 505 530 556
23 2.78 481 5iO'.~ $]0' 556 584
24 2.93 505 530 556 584 613
25 3.08 530 556 584 613 644
26 556 584 613 644 676
27 584 613 644 676 710
28 613 644 676 710 745
29 644 676 710 745 782
30 676 710 745 782 821
31 710 745 782 821 862
32 745 782 821 862 905
33 782 821 862 905 950
34 821 862 905 950 998
35 862 905 950 998 1048
b. General adjustments in salary ranges made hereafter by vir-
tue of general increases or decrease in salary levels or
cost of living in the community shall be made by adjusting
classes upward or downward to the appropriate standard sa-
lary level herein provided. Where the salary range for a
given class or for several classes is revised upward or
downward, the employees holding positions in classes af-
fected shall have their existing salary adjusted to the
same relative step in the new salary range.
a. Upon the taking effect of this Ordinance, the salary of
each officer and employee shall be adjusted to the next
higher step in the new salary range for his class above
his present rate of pay; provided that no adjustment may
be above Step E in any range and provided further that,
where the amount of increase resulting from such adjust-
ment is less than one-half the difference between the
salary steps just below and just above his present salary,
then an additional adjustment of one additional salary
step shall be made.
b. An employee with less than six months service shall be
adjusted to the first step of salary range and their con-
tinuous service shall be deemed to have started as of
the date of their orig~nal appointment.
c. An employee with more than six months of continuous ser-
vice shall be adjusted to not less than the second step
of a salary range and his anniversary date established
as of the effective date of the adoption of this Ordtnance.
d. If any officer or employee is receiving a salary above
St~p E of the range for the new class, his present rate
is hereby encorporated as an approved additional rate
for the class, but no other employee may be adjusted to
it, and the rate shall no longer be in effect after the
termination of the employment in that class of the in-
cumbent in whose behalf it is authorized.
a. In positions included in the City service, except as
otherwise provided in these rules, appointment to any
position in any class shall be made at the minimum or
A step, and advancements from the minimum rate to the
maximum rate shall be made by successive steps in the
salary schedule for the class.
b. In the event that an employee entering upon City ser-
vice is found to possess more than the normal qualifi-
cations for a position through former training and/or
experience, the City Administrator should submit to the
City Council written proof of such qualifications, and
the City Council may. then, by minute order, provide that
such employee shall enter City employment at a step to
be determined by the City Council with the advice of the
City Administrator.
c. Advancement in the salary rate of an employee from Step
A to Step B shall be made on the first day of the next
month following the employees completion of six months
service in such class. Advancement from Step B to Step
C shall be on completion of one years service in Step B.
Advancement from Step C to Step D and from Step D to Step
E shall be upon completion of one year's service in each step.
d. Nothing in this section shall be construed to mean that
advancements through the salary steps shall be automatic.
Such advancements shall be made in the discretion of the
City Council upon the recommendation of the City Adminis-
trator and the appropriate department head. Such recom-
mendations shall be based upon satisfactory performance
by the employee.
It is hereby declared to be the policy. of the City that over-
time work is to be discouraged. If in the judgment of the City
Administrator work beyond the established work week is required
he shall report the circumstances to the City Council and he shall
not obligate the City to compensate for such overtime in any form
or manner except en the specific advance authorization of the City
Council. Provided that in case of emergency, to prevent loss of
life, damage to property or discontinuance of essential public ser-
vice, the appointing authority may authorize such overtime pend--
ing the earliest opportunity to seek approYalyof:a~heuefutyieeuncil.
When overtime is authorized, it shall be compensated for at the
equivalent of the employee's existing salary or in equivalent time
off. Provisions of this section shall not apply to department heads.
a. Every employee who shall have been in the service of the
City continuously for one year shall annually be allowed
vacation leave of ten (10) working days with pay.
b. Every employee who shall have been in the service of the
City continuously for ten years shall annually be allowed
a vacation leave of fifteen (15) working days with pay.
c. Vacation earned in one anniversary year may not be taken
during such anniversary year, but must be taken during the
next succeeding anniversary year, unless, due to unusual
circumstances, the City Council by order entered in the
minutes prior to the expiration of such time, authorizes
an employee to take such vacation during the second suc-
ceeding anniversary year. Any employee who continues in
the service of the City after the period in which he
must take his vacation, but who elects not to take such
vacation forfeits his right to such vacation or payment
in lieu thereof. An employee who has completed his first
year of continuous City service shall have earned a va-
cation with pay for such year of service.
d. Vacations shall be taken at the time or times desi~nated
by the department head.
e. In the event that an employee who has been employed by
the City for one year or more is dismissed or resigns
from the City service, shall be entitled to receive a
payment in lieu of any vacation earned in an anniversary
year preceding the date of his dismissal or resignationt
but not yet taken or forfeited, pilius vacation earned from
his last anniversary date to the date of his dismissal or
resignation. No employee shall receive any payment in
lieu of vacation while he remains in the service of the City.
The legal holidays observed by the City shall include: New
Years Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence DaYt
Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
a. Each City employee, not including extra help, is entitled
to one day of sick leave with pay for each calendar month
worked on the submission of satisfactory proof to the de-
partment head of the necessity for sick leave. For any
absences in excess of three days an employee may be re-
quired to submit a doctor's certificate showing the need
for the sick leave.
b. No employee shall be entitled to receive any sick leave
with pay until he has been continuously employed by the
City for a period of six months.
c. Sick leave may be accumulated to a maximum of thirty days.
No sick leave with pay may be granted in excess of this
On computation of anniversary dates, time served in a parti-
cular classification or other rights and privileges granted here-
under by virtue of continuous service shall not be deemed to be
interrupted by military service either upon indefinite leaves of
absence or military service for fixed periods of time relating to
annual training programs in the various branches of the armed ser-
vice of the United States. Time granted to employees for the pur-
pose of attending annual training programs in the various branches
of the military service shall not be deemed to be vacation time
and employees shall be compensated for the time expended in such
training programs at the regular rate for employment in his class-
ification and step.
Employees recalled to or inducted into armed services for
indefinite periods of time, or for training periods ~n excess of
fifteen working days shall not acquire rights for sick leave or
vacation pay during time served in such service.
This Ordinance shall repeal all other Ordinances or parts of
Ordinances in conflict therewith.
If any section, sub-section, paragraph, sentence, clause or
phrase of this Ordinance, for any reason, is held to be unconsti-
tutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity
of the remaining portions or sections of this Ordinance. The City
Council of the City of Gilroy, California declares that it would
have passed this Ordinance, and each section, sub-section, paragraph,
sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that
anyone or more section, sub-sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses
or phrases may be declared unconstitutional or invalid.
This Ordinance, insofar as it appertains to present elective
officers of the City of Gilroy, shall take effect at and from the
beginning of the term of office of the elective officials of the
City of Gilroy next commencing after the adoption of this Ordinance;
and as to the appointive officials and employees of the City of
Gilroy, it shall take effect from and after the first day of March,
PASSED and ADOPTED this 3 day of March, 1958 by the following vote:
Councilmen Pate, Gallo, Rush, Sanchez, Petersen,
and Wentworth
Councilmen none
Councilmen none
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