Ordinance 627
The governmental forces of the City of Gilroy shall be organized into
the following depertmental and official categories and the head of each de-
partment or office shall be known by his respective title as shown:
CI ty Counci I
Office of the Clty Administrator
Office of City Clerk
Office of City Attorney
Department of Finance
City Administrator
CIty Clerk
Ci ty Attorney
Director of Finance
Department of Public Works
11 TLE
Director of Public Works
Department of Police
Department of Fire
Office of Civil Defense
Chief of Police
Fire Chief
Assistant Director of
C i vi 1 Defense,
S.C.C. Dept. of Public
Hea I th
Department of Health
Department of Parks and Recreation
Director of Parks and
City Librarian
Department of Library and Culture
/ ')H
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1 i
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a. TIME. Regular meetings of the City Council shall be held on the first
and third Mondays of each month at 8 olclock p.m. Whenever the day fixed for
any regular meeting of the Council falls upon a day designated by law as a legal
or national holiday, such meeting shall be held at the same hour on the next
succeeding day not a holiday.
b. PLACE. All meetings of the Council shall be convened in the Council
Chambers in the City Hall, 10 South Rosanna Street, Gilroy, California. If,
by reason of fire, flood, earthquake or other emergency, it shall be unsafe to
meet in the place designated, the meetings may be held for the duration of the
emergency at such place as is desig~eted by the Presiding Officer of the Coun-
ci 1.
c. PUBLIC. All meetings of the ~ouncil shall be open to the public, how-
ever, the CIty Council may hold executive sessions to consider the appointment,
employment or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or
charges brought against such officer o'r employee by another public officer, per-
son or employee, unless such officer or employee requests a public hearing. The
CoutlCU may efso exclude from 6ny. SLtch'public or private meeting. during the
examination of a witness, any or all other witnesses in the matter being investi-
gated by the Council.
Special meetings of the City Council shall be held under the conditions
and in the manner set forth in Article IV, Section 408 of the Charter.
Section 2.2 COUNCil AGENDA
In order to facilitate the orderly conduct of the business of the Council,
the City Clerk shall be notified not later than 2 o'clock p.m. on the Thursday
preceding a regular Council meeting of all reports, communications, ordinances,
resolution, contract documents or other matters to be submitted to the Council
at such meeting. Immediately thereafter the City Clerk shall arrange a list of
such matters according to the Order of Business and furnish each member of the
Council, the CIty Administrator, the City Attorney and each Department Head with
a copy of the same prior to the Council meeting, and as far in advance of the
meeting as time for preparation will permit.
The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Council and shall have a
vote but shall have no veto power. The Mayor shall have authority to preserve
order at all Council meetings and to remove or cause the removal of any person
from any meeting of the Council for disorderly conduct, to enforce the rules of
the Council, and to determine the order of business under the rules of the Coun-
ci 1.
... 2 -
In case of the temporary absence or inability of the Mayor to act the~a~r
Pro Tempore shall preside. In case of the absence or disability of both the
Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore the Council shall elect one of tis members to act
as Mayor Pro Tempore.
Upon the arrival of the Mayor, the Mayor Pro Tempore shall relinquish the
chair upon the conclusion of the business immediately before the Coumcil.
The Mayor, or in his absence, the Mayor Pro Tempore, shall take the chair
at precisely the hour appointed for the meeting and shall immediately call the
Council to order.
The Mayor or Mayor Pro Tempore shall preserve strict decorum at all re-
gular and special meetings of the Council. He shall state every question com-
ing before the Council, call for the vote, announce the decision of the Council
on all subjects and decide all questions of order, subject, however to an appeal
to the Council, in which event a majority vote of the Council shall govern and
conclusively determine such question of order.
Section 2.4 QUORUM
A majority of the entire membership of the Council shall constitute a
quorum to do business, but a less number may adjourn from time to time. In the
absence of all members of the council from any meeting tI the City Clerk may
declare the same adjourned to a stated day and hour.
If he does, he shall cause written notice of the adjournment to be given
in the same manner as provided for special meetings in Article IV, Section 408
of the Charter.
Promptly at the hour set by this ordinance on the day of each regular meet-
ing, the members of the Council, the City Administrator, the CIty Clerk, the
City Attorney, the City Engineer, and the DIrector of Public Works shall take
their regular stations in the Council Chambers, and the business of the Council
shall be taken up for consideration and disposition in the order appearing on
the Council agenda which order shall be set forth by resolution. With unanimous
cousent of the Council business may be taken up out of order.
Unless the reading of the minutes of a Council meeting Is requested by a
member of the Council, such minutes may be approved without reading if the
Clerk has previously furnished each member with a copy thereof.
a. PRESIDING OFFICER MAY DEBATE. The Mayor or Mayor Pro Tempore may de-
bate from the chair, subject only to such limitations of debate as are by these
rules imposed upon all members.
- 3 -
b. GETTING THE FLOOR. Every member desiring to speak shall address the
chair, and upon recogoition by the presiding officer, shall confine himself to
the question under debate, avpiding all personalities and indecorqu~ language.
c. INTERUPTIONS. A member, once recognized, shall not b~ Jnterrupted
when speaking unless it be to call him to order. If a member,whlle speaking,
be called to order~ he shall cease ~p~king until the question of order be
determined and, if in order, he shan be permitted to proCEled.
d. PRIVilEGE OF CLOSING DEBATE. T~e Councilman moving the adoption of an
ordinance or resolution shall have the privilege of clo$J'ng the debate.
e. REMARKS OF COUNCILMAN. A CounciJ~n may request, through the Presiding
Officer, the privi lege of having an abstrac;~ of 1,1.5 statement on any subject
under consideration by the Counci I entered I" the minutes. if the Counci I con-
sents thereto, such statement shall be entered; provided, however, any Council
member without Council consent shall have the'ri9ht to have the reasons for his
dissent frOm, or protest against, any action of t~e Council entered in the min-
f. S~OPSIS OF DEBATE. The Clerk may be directed by the Presiding Officer,
with consent of the Council, to enter in the minutes a synopsis of the discussion
on any question coming regularly before the Council.
g. RULES .OF OROER. Except as, otherwise provided in this chapter, "Robert's
Rules of Order Revised, 75th Anniversary Editionll shall govern the conduct of
the meetings of the City Council.
Any person desi ring to address the Council at a meeting shall first secure
the permission of the Presiding Officer so to do; provided, however, that under
the heading IlPETITIOHS~ WRITTEN AND ORAl,lI after being recognized by the Pre-
siding Officer, interested parties or their authorized representatives may ad-
dress the Council on matters concerning their interests. Preference shall be
given to those persons who have notified the City Clerk of their desire to
speak far enough in advance to allow the same to appear on the agenda of the
Counc i I .
After a motion is duly made and seconded by the Council, no person other
than a member of the Council shall address the Council without first securing
the permission of a majority of the Council to do so. This address, upon the
subject to be voted upon, may not exceed three minutes duration and no person
may speak more than once at this time.
Each person addressing the Council shall stand and give his name and address
in an audible tone of voice for the records. All remarks shall be addressed to
the Council as a body and not to any member thereof. No person, other than the
Council and person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any dis-
cussion, either directly or through e ~ber of the Council. without permission'
of the Presiding Officer. No qUe~t'Oft ,hat, be tsk'd' tounellmen except through
the f~esldlng officet\
~ \ . ~ " . ~
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Section 2.11 VOT!NG BY COUNCIL
No member of the Council shall be allowed to explain his vote or discuss
the question while the roll is being called, and no member, shall be allowed to
change his vote after the vote is announced by the Presiding Officer.
Section 2.12 ADJOUR,NMENTS,
The Council may adjourn any regular, adjourned or special meeting to a
time and pla~e specified in the order for adjournment. Whenever an order for
adjournment fails to state the hour at which the adjourned meeting is to be
held it shall be at 80'cloek p.m. on the day specified In the order for ad-
j ournmen t .
All matters may be considered and passed upon at such adjourned meetings
as could have been considered 'and passed upon at the meetings from which such
adj ourn....u were taken and sha 11 be deemed to be a continua ti on of the meet-
ing from which the adjournment was taken.
A motion to adjourn, except during roll call, shall always be in order
and decided without debate. When a motion is made and seconded to adjourn,
it shall be in order for the Presiding Officer before putting the question, to
permit any member to state any fact to the Council relating to the condition
of the bus I ness of the Counc i I wh i ch wou I d seem to render i t improper', to adj ourn
at that time. Such statement shall not be debatable and shall not be of more
than two minutes duration.
The CIty Council is the governing body of the CIty and Its powers and duties
shall be as set forth in the Charter.
The Office of City Administrator is established by the Charter.
The powers, duties and responsibilities of the City Administrator shall be
as set forth in the Charter. In addition to thoseresponsfbl1ities therein set
forth it shall be his responsibf lIty to cause to be prepared ItAdministrative
Manuals" setting forth administrative rules, regulations and procedures neces-
sary for the prope~ functioning of and coordination among all departments of
city government. T"ese ''Administrative Manuals" shall be consistent with the
Charter and City ordinances and shall not require adoption by the Council.
In the office of City Administrator there'shall be a;
Division of Personnel headed by the Director of Personnel. The Director
of Personnel shall be appointed by the City Administrator and shall be respons-
ible for and required to;
- 5 -
a. ~~t",d MeetY"9s Attend all meetings of the Personnel Commission and
act as its Secretary.
b. OrdtftAnce Cause to be prepared and the. Council shall adopt a personnel
ordinance ~hich shall provide for the adoption:by resolution of personnel rules
and a posit,i,on classifil;8tlonandcompensation,plan for city employees.
c. Adtnl,.lster Rules Administer all personnel rules not 'specifically r..
served to the Council.
d. Personnel Rules Prepare and recommend to the Council the adoption
amendment, revision or repeal of such personnel rules as the Personnel Commis-
sion may advise. '
e. ,fosl~ion C,lasstflcation Plan. Maintain a position classifil;8tion plan
for City employees.and make such reCOl1l1lendations to the Council for its Improve-
ment as the Personnel Convnission may advise.
f. ~cpDensatlon Pla,n Maintain a plan of compensation for City employees
and recommend such revisions as the Personnel Commission may advise.
g_ Tests for. Positions Publish or post notices of tests for positions in
the Classi/f~d Service; receive applications ther~for; conduct the grade tests;
certify to the person having the power of appointment a list of all persons eli-
gible for appointment to the appropriate position In the Classified Service; or
he may recommend that these services be performed under contract.
h. P~sonnel History Maintain appropriate personnel history records of
each employee and notify the City Administrator of dates for step Increases In
pay for those eligible for the same.
i. Job RequJrements. Provide each new employee with Information regarding
his job requirements.
j. ~ounctJ RequIrements" Perform such other duties as the Council may re-
quire by ordinance or resolution.
Section 4.0 OFFICE
The office of City Clerk is established by the Charter. This office shall
be under the direct control of the City Clerk as to statutory duties but subject
to the general administrative direction of the City Administrator.
The powers and duties of the City Clerk shall be as set forth in the
- 6 ..
Section 5.0 OFFtCE r
The office of City Attorney is: establ ished by the Charter.
The powers and duties of the CIty Attorney are set forth in the Charter.
In addition to those powers and duties therein set forth, the City Attorney
shall be responsible for and be required to:
a. ~9.s1atl~ Keep the Council and City Administrator informed as to
all legislation affecting the City government.
b. .~nsuranceandClail'!)!: Process all insurance matters and claims against
the City.
c. MeettnS! Attend designated meetings of boards, commissions and spe-
cial committees of the City government, and represent City Departments and of-
fices before State or local courts, boards or commissions when there is opposing
d. ~roposed LeQlslatton Prepare and promote state and federal legiala-
tion proposed by the City.
e. Annexatlon ProceedJ}!S!,. Process all annexation proceedings.
Section 6.0 CREATION
The Department of Finance is hereby created.
Section 6.1 OFFICE
A Director of Finance shall be the head and shall be appointed by the
City Administrator with the Consent of the Council. The City Administrator
shall serve as IIDirector of Finance" until such time as the growth and expan-
sion of City services demands an increase in staff and personnel for this of-
In all cases where the duty is not expressly charged to any other depart-
ment or office, it shall be the duty of the Director of Finance to act to pro-
mote, secure and preserve the financial and property interests of the City.
The Director of Finance shall:
a. F t S~ I $upe.rv 1 sf on QV-'f qff-l ceu Exerc i se genera I super\11 s i on over
all officers of the CIty regarding the proper management of the fiscal concerns
of their respective offices.
... 7 -
b. Examine 8oo~ Examine the books of each department from time to
time, and see that they are kept in the proper form.
c. l~r~ O,eUt<<l~f PaYOl~t$, and Fhtil~ta~ le~rts See that the offi..
cers receiving money deposit the same in such banks as the Council may desig-
nate when thereto required, and that all necessary financial reports are made
by officers, and shall report all delinquencies in such payments or reports
to the Administrator.
d. ~lIty UDm Def.atl1.~ qf 9!ftc.e.t. Report the default of any officer of
the City to the Administrator who shall, with the consent of the Council,
direct the City Attorney to take immediate legal measures for the recovery
of the amount for which such officer may be in default.
e. ,bcb an;d CoUater.al Have charge of and keep in a safe deposi t box
in a bank or banks, all bonds and securities which have been purchased by the
City and all bonds of banks deposited with the CIty as collateral for protec-
tion of City funds. Bonds owned by the City will be cashed only by order of
the Counc i I .
f. Cus'aov and Dtsbu:rsement of Mont,es, Have custody of all montes paid
to the City and shall disburse City monies upon warrant of the City Auditpr.
g. Ass. I stant , Appoint, with the consent of the Council, an'IAssistant
Director "of Finance" who shall assist the Director of Finance with such duties
as may be delegated to him.
The Department of Finance shall be divided into the following Divisions
and Supervisors thereof:
a. DIVISION OF ACCOUNTS. Under the direct supervision of the City Auditor
who shall be appointed by the City Administrator. The City Clerk shall serve
as City Auditor until such time as the growth and expansion of City services
demands an increase in staff and personnel for this office.
The City Auditor shall be responsible for and be required to:
1. Accounts Maintain a general accounting system and accounting
cQntrot~ f9r al. depart~ts, offices, boards, commis$ion$ and agencies of
~f.t.y 19Qvernment.
i . "." "
'\' .~ '
c .' .' 2.' prescribe Form pres",.,c~i,~, ~e the fo~m of aC~~\H,1t~ ~",d reports to be
rendered to t'im. . ,
'3. Audit Accounts ~am'ne a.,~ ~",dit tl'le accounts of all officers
~n~ departments, subject to the approval of the C'ty Administrator.
ii" oj
4. ~'nancial Statements
monthly audited statements of all
b~lances,and such other financial
c! I" !MY requi re.
f;; , .l
Submit to the C'ty AdmJnistrator and Coun~il
receipts and d'sbursements;'~ash on hand, fynd
statements as the City Adm'ni$~rator or C?un-
!, , ; ~"Il'
- 8 "
: ~
5. Budqet D.!:!.~J.!! Give such assistance in the preparation of the
budget as may be required by the City Administrator.
6. ~221~-!2QESt Contracts, etc. Be charged with the custody
of the official bonds of City employees, except his own, which shall be In
the custody of the Finance Director, and with the custody of all deeds, mort-
gages, contracts, contract bonds, judgements, notes, debts and choses In action.
7. Pavr~M~~ Prepare and record the monthly payroll and
voucher all ealims against the CIty and prepare the necessary warrants and
checks for payment thereof.
8. J,g!',g....!nd !n!!r~~t Pa~able Re~ist~ MaintaIn a Bond and Interest
payable register and other records correctly showing all the capital assets
and liabIlities of the City.
b. DIVISiON OF PU~CHASE Under the direct supervision of a City Pur-
chasing Agnet, who shall be appointed by the City Administrator, and he shall
be responsible for and be required to:
I. lYrW.J.1.!lll Do a 11 the purchas i ng of mater i a Is, supp lies, equ I p-
ment and services for all departments. divisions, offices, boards, commissions
and instItutions of City government with the exception of the Library and
Culture CommissIon.
2. Specification! -Prepare standard specifications for materials,
supplies. equipment, and services wherever possible.
3. 'urchas~r~!1 Maintain a purchase order system and Issue a
purchase order for every purchase which shall be sIgned by him or the City Ad-
ministrator, and authorize for payment no claim of a~y vendor unless the pur-
chase order number appears on the invoice.
4. S9mpeti tive P.c..ocess~ EstablIsh and uti I ize competf tlve pro-
cesses by endeavoring to purchase at the lowest price consistent with the
quality required.
s. Records Keep Informed and maintain a record of vendors and
sources of supply for all classes of purchases, price trends and other related
ma tter .
6.Sto~! Establish and operate a system of stores for the bulk
purchases of com~ly used items, when so approved by the Council.
7. ~.Lr!.y. of fY!~!2.! Refer to the City Administrator for approval
any request for the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment or services
which he deems unnecessary or which Is not provided for In the budget.
8. Sell Pe~soFal ~r<opertx Sell. subject to the approval of the City
Administrator, such personal property as, in the opinion of the department
head, officer, board or commission controlling it. will not be needed for
further public use, except that such personal property having a value of more
than fifty dollars shaH have the approval of the Council prior to sale.
- 9 -
9. Budqet Duties Give such assistance in the preparation of the
budget as may be required by the City Administrator.
10. .b.~alJ-U: Conduct the transactions of his office In strict con-
formity with Sections 703 and 1109 of the Charter and with provision of State
law applicable thereto.
c. DIVISION OF BILLING AND COLLECTION Shall consist of the Billing
Section and the Collection Section. This Division shall be under the direct
supervision of the Director of Finance who shall delegate such duties and
responsibilities to personnel in the administrative service as may be re-
quired for the proper functioning of these Sections and the proper protection
of City monies.
I) The BIIlinq Section The responsibilities and duties of this Section
sha II be:
a. The billing of license fees, permit fees, rentals. water charges,
sewer rental charges, charges for special services, deposit charges, and
any and all other charges for services or materials to be made by the City.
b. The accepting of applications for service and handling of customer
c. The maintaining of accounts receivable and customerss deposit ledgers.
d. The malntainl*g of meter reading schedules for the billing of water
and sewer services.
e. The performing of the mailing functions of the various departments
of the City.
2) The Collection Section The responsibilities and duties of this Sec-
tion shall be~
a. The performing of all the functions of collecting and depositing of
monies receivable and due the City.
b. The collection of all taxes, special assessments, water charges, de-
p.slt charges, sewer rental charges, license fees, permit fees and any and all
other revenues collectable by the City.
c. The receiving and custody of all monies receivable by the City from
any source, and the issuing of receipts therefor.
d. The safekeeping and the depositing of all monies received, in such
depositories as may be designated by the City Council. in compliance with the
provisions of the State laws governing the hand1ing, depositing and securing
of public funds.
- 10 ...
Section 7.0 CREAT!ON
The Department of Public Works is hereby created.
Section 7.1 OFFiCE
A Director of Public Works shall be the head and shall be appointed by
the City Administrator, with the consent of the Council.
In all cases where the duty is not expressly charged to any other de-
partment or office, it shall be the duty of the Director of Public Works to
act to secure and preserve the physical properties of the city aod to direct
and control all the functions assignable to this department. The Director of
Public Works shall:
1. !YE.lk,!'2r~S-,&!!iUJ.~1l1!ies Supervise the construction, inspection,
maintenance and operation of the Cityis public works, water supply and fire
hydrant systems.
2. pui ldIll~..2~ Ins.!ill~tJ.2!!! Direct and be responsible for the pro-
per maintenance of City owned'butldings, and installations which are not di-
rectly assigned to another department or office or which may be assigned by
the City Administrator.
3. ~.-!!nd fu'.:.9~Jla.tLon1 Enforce the laws, ordinances and regulations
relating to work done in public streets, easements and rights~of.way and
administer all rules and regulations governi~g the connection to and use of
the sewer, storm drain and water supply systems.
4. $nqin~eerinq W.2.r,,~' Perform or direct all phases of engineering work
required in connection with the functions of the City not otherwise assigned
to another department or office.
5. i~~~_Work Approve for acceptance after proper inspection all
contract work let by the City effecting streets, alleys and the sewage dis-
posal, storm drain or water supply systems.
6. .8!!:~nd ~~~~1!l9! Attend all meetings of the Planning Commission,
and act as its secretary until such time as expansion of City services re-
quires the appointment of a Planning Officer who shall then assume the duties
of Secretary.
7. Other Duties Perform such other duties as may be required by the
CI ty Adm(ni'stra't"Or-:-
- 11 -
The Department of Public Works shall be divided into the following Divisions
and Supervisors thereof:
a. DIVISlm~ OF STREET AND SEWER MAINTENANCE shall consist of the Street
Maintenance Section and the Sewer Maintenance Section. This Division shall be
under the direct supervision of a Street and Sewer Foreman who shall be appointed
by the City Administrator.
1. The Street MaIntenance Section The responsibilities and duties of
this Section "S'haTi~-to: --
a) Maintain the Clty's street and alley system in a state of good re-
pair and in a condition safe for use of the general public.
b) Block off any defective or unsafe sections with adequate lighting
and protective devices during repairs and to provide for necessary detours.
c) Provide and operate a regular sweeping and cleaning schedule to
keep the streets and alleys in a clean and sanitary condition.
d) Perform all authorized construction projects for the extension,
widening, rebuilding or other improvements to the street or alley system not
let to private contract.
e) Perform all necessary cleaning and maintenance of publ ic parking
f) Maintain the central yard for the housing and storing of depart-
mental equipment and supplies in a clean and orderly manner.
g) See that the automotive and other equipment used by the Street
Maintenance Section is regularly serviced and kept in a clean condition.
partment as
Perform such maintenance of parkways as may be assigned.
Work in cooperation with other divisions and sections of the de-
2. The Sewer Maintenance Section The responsibilities and duties of
this section ~all be to:
a) Maintain and operate the City's sewage disposal plant, and the .
sewage disposal and storm drain systems; including the removal and prevention
of stoppages and the making of any necessary repairs.
b) Perform all authorized projects for the extensions, improvements
and betterments to the sewage disposal and storm drain systems, not let to
private contract.
c~ Maintain the central yard for the housing and storing of depart-
mental equipment and supplies in a elean and orderly manner.
- 12 -
d) See that the automotive and other equipment used by the Sewer
Maintenance Section is regularly serviced and kept in a clean condition.
e) Establish a program of annual maintenance of the sewage disposal
and storm drain systems and keep appropriate records as required.
b. DIVISION OF WATER MAINTENANCE Under the direct supervision of a
Water Foreman, who shall be appointed by the City Administrator, and who shall
be responsible for and required to:
1. Gene~1 Water S~sJt~ Operate and maintain the general water sys-
tem for supplying the requirements of the various water consumers of the City.
2. .~~p'inq Plants a~1_~rvoirs Operate and maintain the pumping
plants, reservoirs, supply lines, central valves and storage valves of the
3. Fire HvdraQ!! MaIntain the general fire hydrant system of the
4. Custo~~r ServJ~ Check for water leaks on private premises
when so requested by the consumer, and perform such other lawful services as
necessary to promote good will between the city and the water consumer.
5. Constructioq Perform all authorized construction projects for the
extensions, improvements and betterments to the water system, not let to pri-
vate contract.
6. Central Yard Maintain the central yard for the housing and stor-
Ing of departmental equipment in a cl&an and orderly manner.
7. EQuipm.!!!! See that the automotive and other equipment is regular-
ly serviced and kept in a clean condition.
8. Maintenance Establish a program of annual maintenance of the
water system and keep appropriate records as required.
9. ~appinCl Provide accurate mapping and necessary records for all
new mains and services.
10. Cooperation Work in cooperation with other divisions and sec-
tions as assigned.
c. DIVISION OF BUilDING MAINTENANCE under the direct supervision of a
Building Maintenance Foreman who shall be appointed by the City Administrator.
The Director of Public Works shall serve as Building Maintenance Foreman un-
til such time as the growth and expansion of City services demands an increase
in staff and personnel in thts office.
The Building Maintenance Foreman shall be responsible for and be required
- 13 -
1. Janitorial Service Provide janitorial service for the City Offices
and other public buildings ~s a'~.gRed.
2. Mainten?nce and Repair Remodel, maintain and repair the Public
Buildings and facilities as required and requested.
3. !atiqn2.LfJ.!9.. Properly display, remove and care for the national
flag, and other flags on appropriate occasions, during hours and in the manner
provided by law and custom.
4. Repair Services Provide construction and repair services for the
various departments of the City as directed.
d.DIVISION OF TR.~FFfC ENGINEERING Under the direct supervision of a
Traffic Engineer, who shall be apr~inted by the City Administrator. The Di-
rector of Public Works shall serve as Traffic Engineer until such time as the
growth and expansion of City services demands an increase in staff and per-
sonnel in this office.
The Traffic Engineer shall be responsible for and required to:
I. Street ~!~~ Provide for approved street and highway marking
which includes painting parking stalls, limited parking zones, pedestrian
caution signs and the placing of city limit signs.
2. Traffic Devices Provide.'for authorized installation of traffic
control signs which inclUdes traffic signals, stop signs, warning devices, cen-
ter strips on streets and highways and pedestrian cross walks.
3. lraffic Survexs Conduct traffic analyses and surveys which includes
the taking of speed checks, ascertaining traffic volume and making studies for
acci dent prevention.
4. Studies and Recommendations Make street system studies which
includes reports and recommendations as to the City's existing system and
the need for future street extensions, widening and new installations.
5. Coordination w.ith Police Department Coordinate activities with
Police Department Traffic Safety functions.
6. Contract Services Until such time as the growth and ,expansion of
the City services demands an Tncrease in staff and personnel in this division,
any of the above listed services may be perfonned under contract with a public
or private firm or agency. Such contract to be signed by the City Administra-
tor with the advice of the Director of Public Works and the consent of the Coun-
e. DIVISION OF ENGINEeA1NG~ The Division of Engineering shall be under
the direct supervision of the City Engineer, who shall be appointed by the
City Administrator. Until such time as the growth and expansion of City ser-
vices demands an increase in staff and personnel in this office the work of
City Engineer shall be performed under such contract with either public or
private engineering agencies as deemed necessary by the City Administrator
upon the advice of the Director of Public Works and consent of the Council.
- 14 -
When requested by the Director of Public Works~ with the consent of the
City Administrator, the City Engineer shall be responsible for and required to:
I. P~blic 1~2Yemerts Supervise and perform the preparation of all
required plans and specifications relating to any and all public improvements,
including the designing, drafting and estimating.
2. !!a!l.!l.~ep'iP9. and '~pectIOQ Provide the staking. mapping and
inspecting of work in progress in the field and perform other related work as
3. Chang~~~n Public Works Proiect! Engineer and process for approval
any essential changes on public works projects fOUQd to be necessary while work
is in progress.
4. .f.!...lln.9...SLQqc:~~.rc!! Prepare and file i!1 the office of the Direc-
tor of Public Works all necessary permanent offtcial maps, records, reports, '
documents and data in connection with the completed work as performed.
5. Prepa~cuments Prepare all the necessary forms, notices and
contract documents for public works and other projects to be let by bid and
make necessary reports for payment.
6. Lands. Easements and R1JLhts-of-Way Supervise and perform the ac-
quisition of all lands, easements and rightsc.of-way req41red by the City and
maintain suitable maps and records showing these holdings.
7. Subdi~-'sion Ma..e.L~_d Aqr~~ents Certify approved subdivision
maps. prepare and process subdivision improvement agreements and supervise,
coordinate and inspect the required installation.
f. DIVISION OF BUILDING INSP"tTION. The Division of Building Inspection
shall be under the direct supervision of the Building Inspector, who shall be
appointed by the City Administrator.
The Building Inspector shall be responsible for and required to~
1. l.!!spect Pla!!! Review and inspect all prel iminary and final blue-
prints, drawings and tracings which are submitted for approval prior to the
construction, erection or alteration of any building or structure to insure
compliance with the applicable Building~ Plumbing. Electrical, Gas~ Heating
and/or other pertinent codes adopted by the Council.
2. Issue Perm!!! Issue the proper permit to the appllc~ If approval
is granted for the construction, erection or alteration as specified in the
proposed plans being submitted.
3. Make Inspect~! Make required inspections during the various
stages of work progress to insure that all factors meet the demands and re-
quirements of the applicable Code.
4. .k...ondemn Bui ldi!!9!. Condemn unsefe bui Idings and inforce the cor-
rection of hazardous conditions, or cause their removal by the use of proper
legal proceedure.
- 15 -
5. Administer Zoninq Ordinance Administer the Zoning Ordinance and
investigate and report on requests for variances, special use permits and ap-
plications, fer rezonilllg.
6. ~QsinJl-of Contractors Enforce all laws and ordinances re-
lating to the proper licensing of contractors and sub-contractors.
7. Maintain Records Maintain proper and adequate files and records
of a 11 work perfO"r'ffied.
h. DIVISION OF PLANNING. The Division of Planning shall be under the
immediate supervision of the Planning Officer who shall be appointed by the
City Administrator. The Director of Public Works shall act as Planning Of-
ficer until such time as the growth and expansion of City services demands
an increase in staff and personnel for this office. Certain planning services,
as are deemed necessary by the City Administrator, may be performed under con-
tract by an agency, either public or private. Any contract for planning ser-
vices shall be approved by the City Administrator upon the advice of the Di-
rector of Public Works and consent of the Council.
The Planning Officer is responsible for and required to:
I. Master Plan Prepare and administer a master plan for the order-
ly development of the City, including such precise plans as may be deemed es-
sential. '
2. 2!udies and Survell Conduct studies. surveys, and other inves-
tigations considered necessary to prepare for the City's future growth.
3. Recommendations. Subdivision! Review and make recommendations,
on the acceptibility of proposed subdivisions and their compliance with mini-
mum requirements for public facilities, street and traffic patterns, land
use regulations and necessary dedications.
4. Assist Planninq Commission Provide all necessary assistance to
the Planning Commission,.
Section 8.0 CREATION
The Department of Police is hereby created.
Section 8.1 OFFICE
The Police Oepartment shall be under the direct supervision of a Chief
of Police who shall be appointed by the City Administrator, with the consent
of the Counc II .
In all cases where the duty is not expressly charged to any other depart-
ment or office, it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to act to preserve
the peace and maintain law and order in the City. It shall be the duty of
the Chief of Police to supervise the functions of the divisions of the Depart-
ment of Police. Until such time as the growth of the City demands that police
officers be assigned to the individual divisions, all officers shall be assign-
- 16 -
ed to and perform the duties of all division. When the Chief of Pollee deems
it necessary to activate any division he shall report the same to the City
Administrator who shall traasmit said report to the City Council with his re-
commendations thereon. The Council shall decide as to the activation of the
division. When a~y division is activated an officer of appropriate rank shall
head the division.
The Department of Police shall be divided into the following divisions:
a. DIVISION OF GENERAL ENFORCEMEilT. The responsibilities end duties of
this division shall be to:
1. .fr.Qs~Lf~:?~ Execute and return a II court process papers Is-
sued by proper legal authcrity.
2. Powers Exercise all powers that are now or may hereafter be
conferred upon sheriffs' and other police officers for keeping the citizenry
secure in their persons or property.
3. Control Control nuisances, prevent disorderly conduct, and keep
the peace.
4. Enforce Laws Enforce the general laws and ordinances of the
City, County ~State.of California.
5. Re~2!:!!! Keep such records of police activity as may be deemed
necessary by the Chief of ~olice or required by the Council. Such records
shall be open to persons having proper interest therein and such inspection
shall be in conformity with the specific provisions of the various State Codes.
6. .:!!il Superv i se the j ail.
7. Other Duties Perform such other duties as may be appropriate
to this division.
and duties of this division shall be to:
I. ~etect~ Investigate complaints, interrogate suspected persons,
apprehend felons, secure warrants. book prisoners. examine and present valid
evidence to the Courts, and maintain report and record files of the disposition
of cases.
2. Prevention Establish, maintain and supervise a crime prevention
program utilizing all the best methods and modern techniques for eliminating
conditions conducive to the commission of crime, especially among juveniles;
promote and support all worthwhile activities which encourage observance of
law and high standards of good citizenship.
.. 17 -
c. DIVISION OF TRAFFIC CONTROL. The responsibilities and duties of this
division shall be to:
1. Traffic Control Make accident investigation reports for the cor-
rection of traffrc-haza~diS;-patrol streets, alleys and highways, and enforce
traffic laws.
2. ~! Operate and maintain the desk and communications units,
patrol the assigned areas of the CIty, operate the radar unit, issue citations,
make arrests, inform the Director of Public Works of any inoperative or dam-
aged street lights, signs, traffic control devices and structures, and perform
related services as required.
3. ~~strian Saf~~ Control traffic at major crosswalks at or
near school crossings, etc. by utilizing part time crossing guards and the
organization of school boy patrols.
d. DIVISION OF TRAIN~NG. This division shall be under the direct super-
vision of the Chief of Police. The responsibilities and duties of this divi-
sion sball be to promote the proficiency of the department's members by the
administration of training, study and physical conditioning programs.
e. DIVISION OF ANIMAL CONTROL. This division shall be under the direct
supervision of the Poundmaster who shall be appointed by the City Administra-
tor. It shall be the duty of the Poundmaster to:
1. Animal Requlation Enforce the City ordinances pertaining to ani-
mal regulation and control.
2. Stra~ Animals Impound stray animals.
3. Dead and Injured Animals Remove and dispose of dead and injured
animals from streets or public places.
Section 9.0 CREATION
The Department of Fire is hereby created.
Section 9.1 OFFICE
The Department of Fire shall be under the direct supervision of the Fire
Chief who shall be appointed by the City Administrator with the consent of the
In all cases where the duty is not expressly charged to any other depart-
ment or office, it shall be the duty of the Fire Chief to protect life and pro-
perty by preventing and eliminating fire hazards and by controlling and extin-
- 18 -
guishing fIres. It s~~ll be the duty of the Fire Chief to supervise the func-
tions of the divisions of the Department of Fire. Until such time as the
g~wth of the C!ty demands that fire officers be assigned to the individual
divisions, all officers shall be assigned to and perform the duties of all
divisions, with the exception of the Division of Volunteer Personnel. When
the Fire Chief deems it necessary to activate a,lf division, he shall report
the same to the City Administrator who shall transmit said report to the City
Council wi th hi s recommendations thereon. The Council shaH deci de as to the.
activation of the division. When any division is activated an officer of ap-
propriate rank shalJ head the division.
The Department of Fire shall be divided into the following divisIons:
a. DIVISION OF FIRE PROTECTION. The responsibilities and duties of this
division shall be to:
1. .E!.<..ti.!!.9uishlns....Elres Supervise al t matters relating to the extin-
guishing of fires and the protection of all property Impaired thereby.
2. Enforce laws Enforce all laws and ordinances relating to the ex-
tinguishing of fires.
3. Investjqation Investigate and report to the Department of Police
in all cases where there is reason to believe that any fire is the result of
a crime or that a crime is committed in connection therewith.
4. ~~!n.tain EQui~eru. Maintain in efficient. operable condition the
fire fighting equipment and fire prevention systems and facilities assigned to
the Department of Fi reo
5. Public Rescue, The public.rescue and resuseftation of fire victims
or other ~rgency casualties.
b. DIVISION OF FIRE PRlVENT!ON. The responsibilities and duties of this
division shall be to:
I. Inspect Bui I din~s Inspeet bui ld,ings for safety and conduct school
fire dri1Js.
2. Fire Preventig,t! Melke frequent inspections of all property within
the City in the enforcement of fire prevention regulations.
3. Abatement Cause the abatement or removal of fire hazardous
bu 11 d i ng5, i i t ter, j u"nk. unclil 1 t i va ted weeds' end shrubs and other i nf 1 amnab Ie
c. DIVISION OF TRAINING. This division shafl be under the direct super-
vision of the Fire Chief. The responsibilities and duties of this division
shall be to promote the proficiency of the department's members by the admin-
istration of training. study and physical conditioning programs.
- 19 -
d. D1VIS~ON OF VOllmTEER PERSONNEL. This division shalt be under the
direct supervision of the Fire Chief. This division shall be subject to the
Rules and Regulations of the GIlroy Volunteer Fire Department insofar as they
are In conformance with the provisions of the Charter, Ordinances and Rules
and Regulations adopted by the Council. It shall be the responsibility and
duty of this division to: '
I. ~uiti~~ Recruit such volunteers and auxiliary personnel as
may reasonably be required to augment regular Fire Department manpower.
2. !!:!!.n i n~ Oeve 1 op such courses of tra i n i n9 so as to deve lop the
efficiency and abilities of the volunteer fireman so that they are of assist-
ance to the FI re Department in the event of emergency.
e. DIVISION OF RECORDS. It shall be the responsibility and duty of this
division to keep standard records of inspections. fire, fire-losses and all
other activities of the department and submit monthly reports thereof to the
City Administrator.
Section 10.0 CREATION
The Office of Civil Defense is hereby created.
Section 10.1 OFFICE
The Office of tlvt 1 Defenaesttall be under the direct supervision of the
Assistant DIrector of CIvil Defease, who shall be appointed by the City Admin-
istrator with the consent of the Council. The Assistant City Administrator
shall serve as Assistant Director of Civil Oefense and vice chairman of the
Civil Defense and Disaster Council until such time as the growth and expansion
of CIty services demands an Increase in staff and personnel in this office.
The duties and responsibilities of this office shall be as set forth tn
Ordinance "93 adopted by the Common Council of the CI ty of Gilroy and amend-
ments thereto.
Pursuant to the pertinent sections of the Health and Safety Code of the
State of California, the City Health Department is consolidated with the Santa
Clara County Health Department for the purpose of enforcing State laws and
regulations relating to Public Health. The enforcement of laws and ordinances
of the City as they pertain to Public Health shall be provIded by the County
Health Officer. acting as City Health Officer. under terms -of an agreement
with the County of Senta Clara.
· 20 -
Section 12.0 CREATION
The Oepartment of Parks and Recreation is hereby created.
Section 12.1 OFFICE
The Department of Parks and RecreatIon shall be under the direct super-
vision of the Director of Parks and Recreation who shall be appointed by the
City Administrator with the consent of the CouncIl. The CIty Administrator
shall serve as DIrector of Parks and Recreation until such time as the growth
and expansion of City services demands an increase In staff and personnel In
this office.
The Department of Parks end Recreation shall be divided Into two divisions
with the following duties and responsibilities:
a. DIVISION OF PARKS. The Division of Parks shall be under the direct
supervision of the Director of Public Works until such time as the growth and
expansion of City services demands an increase in staff and personnel in this
office. The Division of Parks shall have the followIng responsibilities and
I. Operate Parks To operate the various parks of the City and main-
tain the same in an orderly and safe condition.
2. Maintain Lawns and Shrubs To maintain and cultivate the lawns,
shrubs and esthetic installations around the City, and other public buildings
as assigned.
b. OIVISION OF RECIU!ATION. The Division of Recreation shall be under
the immediate supervision of the Recreation Director who shall be appointed
by the CIty Administrator. The Assistant City Administrator shall serve as
Recreation Director until such time as the growth and expansion of CIty ser-
vices demands an Increase In staff and personnel In this office. The DivisIon
of Recreation shail have the following duties and responsibIlities:
1. Recreation Program To administer a broad program of public re-
creation for all age groups, designed to encour~ge end maintain Interest and
participation by individuals and by organizations, both public and private;
utilizing the available school facilities during the smmmer vacation season.
2. ~wlmminQ Pool Operate and maintain the swimming pool facilities.
3. Recreational Activities Administer and supervise the various re-
creational actTVitTe'S sponsored by the City under contract or agreement with
other agenc i es .
- 21 -
Section 1).0 CREATION
The Oepartment of Library and Culture Is hereby created.
SectIon 13.1 OfFICE
The Department of Library and Culture shall be under the direct super-
vision of the City librarian, who shall be appointed in accordance with Sec-
tion 908 of the Charter.
The powers and duties are set forth in Section 908 of the Charter.
The Heads of the various departments established herein shall have the
following general powers, duties and responsibilities:
a. To organize the department into the divisions established hereunder
in such a manner as to efficiently perform the functional responsibilities
allocated. For this purpose, the department head may create such sections
and sub-units within said division as deemed necessary.
b. To make recommendations regarding recruiting, disciplining and dis-
charging of departmental personnel in accordance with the personnel fules and
regulations of the City.
c. To transfer or reallocate personnel from one division to another in
accordance with their respective needs, and best uSe8ge of available manpower.
d. To keep correct attendance records on each employee for payroll pur-
poses, and to submit such other information as required for the proper main-
tenance of individual personnel records including leaves of absence, job effi-
ciency and personal conduct.
e. To administer the departmental budget and permit no purchase requisi-
tions to be issued, or other expense Incurred, unless an appropriation therefor
has been duly authorized.
f. Department Heads shall attend meetings of the Council when required.
g. Department Heads shall attend meetings of their respective Boards
and Commissions, and represent the City Administrator thereon in case of his
absence. They shall serve as secretary and keep records of such commissions
when so requested.
h. Department Heads shall carryon an active public relations program
for their respective services including the publication of educational reports
and brochures, the promotion of authorized objectives, and the making of pub-
lic addresses when the occasion so requires.
- 22 -
1. Department Heads shall promulgate and admInister internal rules and
regulations for the proper conduct of personnel and the efficient handling
of the Department's duties and functions.
j. They shall discharge such other duties as may be assigned by the
City Administrator or required by the ordinances, resolutions or official or-
ders of the CI ty COIJncl1 .
Secti on lS.O ESTA9Lt SHHENT
The following Boards ~6d Commissions are
Planning COi~isslon
Personnel Commission
Library and r;ulture Commission
Recreation and Parks CommissIon
established by the Charter.
All members of Boards and Commissions shall meet all qualIfications for
membership and shall serve such tenns ~& are established by the Charter.
In additIon to the powers and duties of the individual Boards and C~
missions, as outlined in the Ch3rter, the Boards and CommIssions shall have
the following general powers, duties ar.d responsib!lities:
a. To utilize all appropriate techniques in crystallizing and testir.g
public sentiment on major pub) ic issues in their respective fieads.
b. To hold official hearings as requested by the CIty Council.
c. To advise and reco~end on City policies and procedures pertinent
to their respective activities and functions.
d. To support and adhere to all city policies promulgated by the Coun-
cil, and to establish interim policies III the absence of same.
e. To provide information and promote good publIc relations between
the City and the general public.
f. To perform such other related flIDctions as may, from time to time,
be assigned by the City Council.
Section tS.3 SERVl CES OF Clrl PERSONN~L
The various Boards and CommIssions may utilize the services of the appro-
priate city departmental personnel in carrying out their respective functions
subject to the administrative control of the City Administrator.
... 23 ..
Section 16.0 CITY POLICIES
a. The policies of the City shall be adopted by resolution or formal
motions of the City Council upon the advIce and recommendation of the City
b. In the absence of such Council polley, the City Administrator may
establish an interim policy pending the formal action of the CIty Council on
the subject.
c. The following Instruments shall constitute the established City
policy and are made a part hereof by reference. AddItions, amendments or
deletions may be made hereto by appropriate action of the City Council.
Policy No.) Council Agen~a
Established by Resolution No.
Policy No.2 Budget and Approprlation~
Established by Resolution No.
Policy No. 3 ~~nts to and Transfers within ~he Bud~et
Established by Council Motion
Polley No.4 Processing and Certification of legal Instruments
Established by Resolution No.
Policy No.5 Personnel Rules a~d Regulations
Established by Resolution No.
Policy No. 6 ~eption of Bids
Established by Resolution No.
Polley No.7 Application of Positions to the Basic Pay Plan
Established by Resolution No.
. Adopted
a. The administrative procedures of the city shall be established
through forma; documents or written memorandums of the City Administrator
after consultation with the appropriate department heads.
. '-
b. In the absence of such established administrative procedure, the ap-
propriate department heed may establish an interim procedure pending the for-
mal actIon of the City Administrator on the subject.
c. The following instruments shall constitute the established administra-
tive procedure a~lrJ are I1lClde a part hereof by reference. Additions, amendments
and deletions may be made by official action of the City Administrator.
Procedure No. I J..Dter...office Communications
Established by Administrative Order dated
Procedure No. 2 ~~!!L~~~d Service Requests
Established by Administrative Order dated
Procedure No. 3 }lgLJ< Order A,~ i ~n..,ts
Established by Administrative Order dated
Procedure No.4 ~0~es~l~9 S~bdixl~gn Im~rovement1
Established by Administrative Order dated. L
Procedure No.5 !rocessl~~~l~
Established by Administrative Order dated
Procedure No.6 lli.f.Ltteet:n9!
Established by Administrative Order dated
If any chapter, section. subsection, sentence clause or phrase of this
ordinance is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be
unconstitutional, such decision shall not effect the remaining portions of
this ordinance. The City Council hereby expressly declares that it would
have passed and adopted this ordinance and each chapter, section, subsection,
sentence, clause and phrase hereof irrespective of the fact that anyone chap-
ters, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrase hereof be held un-
Section 17.1 REPEAL
All ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City in conflict with this
ordinance, to the extent of such conflict and no further. are hereby repealed.
... 25 ·
. ,
This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days
from and after its adoption.
J un e,
6th day of ~ 1960, by the following
Goodrich, Jordan, Pate, Wentworth, Sanchez
Petersen and Rush
- 26 ..
}~ "" ~:!
G. B. Ca r r
,City Clerk of
the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Ordinance
No . 627
is an original ordinance, duly adopted by the Council
of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on
day of
, 19~, at which meeting
a quorum was present.
t further certify that the said ordinance has been pub-
lished in accordance with the charter of the City of Gilroy.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af-
fixed the official seal of the City of Gi I roy, this 10th day of
, 19 60 .
/kd ~~,~'
City Clerk of the City of ~Ilroy