Ordinance 662 , ORDINANCE NO. 662 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 422 (ZONING ORDINANCE) BY PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF SUPPLEMENTARY OR COOBINED DISTRICTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR SITE CONTROL, PARKING, AND OTHER DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY OF GILROY, IN ADDITION TO ZONING REGULATIONS ALREADY APPLICABLE TO SUCH AREAS, TO BE KNOWN AS "S" DISTRICTS, AND PROVIDING FOR PARK- ING REGULATIONS IN "A" AND "ER DISTRICTS. The Council of the City of Gilroy does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 422 of the City of Gilroy as heretofore amended is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1. DISTRICTS In order to classify, regulate, restrict and segragate the uses of land and building and to regulate the area of yards, courts, and other open spaces about buildings, and provide for site control and parking, all territory of the City of Gilroy is hereby divided into seven classes of districts, as follows: "A" Districts: "B" Districts: RC" Districts: "C1" Districts: "DR Districts: HE" D is tr icts : "SII Districts: One-family Residence Districts Multiple Residence Districts Business Districts Restricted Business Districts Industrial Districts Residential-Agricultural Districts Areas of foregoing Districts specially zoned for Site Control and Parking Regulations SECT ION 2. A new section is herein added to the said Zoning Ordinance No. 422 of the City of Gilroy herein designated as tlSECTION 9.5" to read as follows: SECTION 9.5 "s" DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS THEREFOR Districts hereby designated as "S" Districts are herein established as comprising areas or portions of other Districts "A" to HE", inclusive, which shall be subject to the following special regula- tions providing for site control, parking and other development requirements in addition to the regulations now applicable to such areas, to-wit: I. No building permit shall be issued for any use in a District which is combined with an HS" District, unless: (a) All buildings, layout and landscaping plans including all signs shall have been submitted to and approved by the B1i1'ldtnq Official (b) Off-street parking space for automobiles is provided in accordance with the standards established by this Ordinance. , - 1 - (. & ;)... (c) Loading spaces for the loading and unloading of goods shall be provided as required by this Ordinance. (d) The Planning Commission may make such additional requirements in connection with off-street parking areas as will protect the character of other prop- erty in the neighborhood. Such regulations nay include, but not be limited to: adequate screening of said lot by a fence or wall; landscaping, pro- vision for suitable surfacing and lighting. (e) In establishing any district which is combined with an liS" District, the Planning Commission may specify such building line setbacks, yard regulations, area regulations and building height limitations as are consistent with the use to which the property is to be put, and which will protect the general character of the neighborhood. II:" In all districts which are combined with the ns" District, the fo11owin9 development regulations shall be in effect: (1) PARKING SPACE REQUIREMENT AND CRITERIA ~ REQUIREMENT LOCATION Residential Single Family dwelling 2 spaces on same lot Duplex house 4 spaces on same lot other multiple dwelling 2 spaces per dwelling unit for first 4 units and 1~ space for each additional unit. on same lot Hotel 1 space per guest unit - 1 space per shift employee, adequate space to accomodate other activities such as bar, assembly rooms, etc. Parking area not more than 1001: away Motel Same as hotel on same lot Boarding, room ing , fraternity & sorority House, etc. 1 space for each guest unit for first 20 units; 1 space for each 4 guests over 20, 1 space for each employee on same lot Medical and Institutional Uses Hospitals 2 spaces for each bed Parking area not more than 1501 away - 2 - USE Sanitarium, convalescent home Welfare institution, asylum Medical, dental clinics, Chiro- practor, Optome- trist, Healing Arts Practitioner Mortuary, funeral parlor Community center, library, post office, etc. Private club without over- night accomodations Schools Elementary school High School Places of Assembly With Seats or Benches Theaters, arena, stadium, hall, auditorium, etc. Churches REQUIREMENT 1 space per staff or visiting doctor + 1 space per employee + 1 space per 6 beds 1 space per staff or visiting doctor + 1 space per employee + client and visitor parking to be determined (B1dg code: 50 sq. ft. floor area per occupant 3 spaces per doctor + 1 space per employee + 1 space for each treatment room 1 space per 4 seats 1 space per employee + 1 space per official vehicle + client parking area to be determined 1 space per employee + 1 space per 4 members 1 space per employee + adequate space for auditorium or assembly area 1 space per employee + adequate space for auditorium or assembly areas + 2 spaces per 15 students 1 space per 4 seats or 1 space per 71 of benches + 1 space per employee (May be modified to accomodate un- seated guests) Churches construcbed after adoption of this regulation shall provide 1 space for each 5 seats. All existing church' buildings and structures and expansion of the same are exempt from this regulation. - 3 - LOCATION Park ing area not more than 150t away Parking area not more than 150t away on same lot Parking area not more than 1501 away Park ing area not more than 1501 away Parking area not more than 150t away on same lot on same lot Parking area not more than 150. away Parking area not more than 1501 away Restaurant, night club, lunchroom, other than auto service or exterior counter service establishments Auto Oriented Service USE Places of Assembly Without Seats or Benches Convent ion, exhibition hall, amusement park, skating rink, pub1 ic sWimming pool, pr ivate gynmas ium, health center Dance hall Bowling alley Depots Air, rail, fre ight, bus, etc. Ea,ting, Dr inking Places RF.QUlREMENT LOCATION Visitor parking to be determined +1 space per employee (Bldg. Code: Hall 7 sq. ft. floor area per occupant; skating ring 15 sq. ft. floor area per occupant) Parking area mot more than 150t away 2 spaces per 5 seats + 1 space per employee + adequate space for dance area (B1dg code: dance floor - 7 sq. ft. floor area per occupant) on same lot 10 spaces per alley + 1 space per employee + adequate space for other uses on same lot Client parking to be detmined + 1 space per employee + adequate space for other uses + adequate space for official or service vehicles Parking area not more than 300t away 1 space per 3 seats + 1 ~pace per shift employee (Bldg. code: dining rooms - 15 sq. ft. floor area per occupant) on same lot per 4 seats (enclosed) + 1 space per employee + client parking to be determined Auto service 1 space or exterior counter service, eating establishments, miscellaneous roadside stands Service station, auto repair, etc. Tire re-capping or similar business on same lot 3 spaces per grease racm or working bay + 1 space per employee + 1 space per company or service vehicle on same lot 1 space per working bay + 1 space per employee + 1 space per company or service vehicle on same lot - 4 - USE General Business General public buildings, administrative or professions1 office, savings and loanJ finance companies REQUIREMENT 1 space per occupant staff and employee + 1 space per company or official vehicle + client parking to be determined (1 space per 300 sq. ft. of floor area by client) Personal service 1 space per 100 sq. ft. service floor establishments area,+ 1 addtt1 space for each employee + 1 addtf.1 space for each service vehicle Banks, retail sales, (non-bulky items) Retail sales (bulky items) bus iness, services, repa ir , establishments Wholesale, without stock Wholesale, with stock warehousing Industrial Uses Manufacturing processing establishments 1 space per 100 sq. ft. retail floor area + 1 space per employee + 1 space per company vehicle 1 space per 500 sq. ft. sales and display area + 1 space per employee + 1 space per company vehicle Same as office Customer parking to be determined by Planning Commission + 1 space per employee + 1 space per company vehicle 3 spaces per 4 employees + adequate space for company and service vehicles (2) DESIGN STANDARDS LOCATION Parking area not more than 150t away on same lot on same lot on same lot on same lot on same lot on same lot All parking lots shall be surfaced with Portland cement concrete or asphaltic concrete placed upon a suitable base and built to a thickness which meets the approval of the City Engineer. Lots shall be adequately equipped with bumper guards, driveways, walk- ways, lighting, fencing, landscaping, directional signs and space marking which will meet the standards established by the Planning Commission. The minimum size for parking spaces to be used in connection with any residential occupancy shall be ten (10) feet wide and twenty (20) feet long when measured at right angles to the axis of the vehicle occupying the same. All other parking spaces may be reduced to a minimum of 8.5 feet measured in the same manner. Every parking space used for a residential occupancy shall have to its rear, and immediately contiguous thereto, a space twenty-five (25) feet long and ten (10) feet wide which is kept free and clear of obstructions of every kind at all times. Driveways to service parking spaces may occupy a portion or all of this clear space. The Commission shall have authority to waive any of the above requirements if in its opinion such item is in- appropriate or unnecessary. - 5 - (3) CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY If occupancy of a building or site changes from one use to another, then the new use shall meet the parking standard required for it in this ordinance. The parking requirements set forth in this ordinance are cumulative as to anyone site; that is, if more than one use occurs on any building site, then each such use shall meet the parking requirements set forth in this ordinance. The parking requirement for one use may not be used to satisfy the parking requirements of another use on the same site. ( 4) COVERAGE Irrespective of any of the other prov1s1ons of this section the requirement for open space and parking space on any building site shall not exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of the gross area of said site. (5) OTHER REQUIREMENTS For any use which is not specifically listed under these regu- lations, the Commission shall in each case determine the parking requirement for such use at the time approval is given to plans under this section. III. In case the Director of Public Works has doubts as to whether the application should be approved, he may refer said application to the Planning Commission which shall hear the matter upon the same notice and proceedings as are required in an original appli- cation to the Commission for a use permit under Section No. 16 of said Ordinance No. 422, and an appeal may be taken from the decision of the Planning Commission to the Council by any person who is dissatisfied with such decision upon the same procedure and within the time specified in Section 15 of said Ordinance No. 422. In cases where the regulations specified in this Ordinance for an "sq District differ from or conflict with the regulations specified in Ordinance No. 422 for the district with which an uS. District is combined, the regulations for the "S" District shall preva i1. SECTION 3. "s" Districts and the boundaries thereof and modifications or changes therein shall be established and made by ordinance of the Council adopted by the same procedure as is provided for in Section 17 of Ordinance No. 422 for amending said Ordinance No. 422. When an "S" District is established its boundaries and area shall be designated by an appropriate color on the District Map and said area shall be distinguished by the use of the Symbol .S" following the letter representing the basic district with which the ItS! District is combined; thus the area formed by an "s" District in a part of a tIC" District shall be designated by the symbols "C-SIt. - 6 - SECTION 4. Section No. 5 of said Ordinance No. 422 is hereby amended by adding thereto a new subdivision to be known as (f) to read as follows: (f) Parking Requirement: Two parking spaces, not less than ten (10) by twenty (20) feet in size, shall be provided for each single family dwelling. Such spaces shall be served by a suitable driveway and have sufficient clear area to the rear of each such space to permit necessary turning and backing movements. SECT ION 5. Section No. 9 of said Ordinance No. 422 is hereby amended by adding a new subdivision thereto to be known as (e) to read as follows: (e) Parking Requirement: Two parking spaces, not less than ten (10) by twenty (20) feet in size, shall be provided for each single family dwelling. Such spaces shall be served by a suitable driveway and have sufficient clear area to the rear of each such space to permit necessary turning and backing movements. PA~~ED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of Jeptember. 1961, by the following vote: AYE~: COUNCILMEN: Duffin, Goodrich, Jordan, Petersen, Quartiroli, Wentworth, ~anchez. NOEJ : COUNCILMEN: None AB~ENT: COUNCILMEN: None APPROVED: ~-5~/ f MAYOR ATTEST: ~U4~ ;;. ~~ C Y CLERK ~ - 7 - . Jif 1, ,.., I , SUSANNE E. PAYNE , City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Ordinance No. 662 is a true and correct copy of the whole of such Ordinance, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 5th day of September 19 61 , at which meeting a quorum was present. I further certify that the said ordinance has been pub- lished in accordance with the charter of the City of Gilroy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this 12th day of September , 19~. ~.12 City Clerk of the City of