Ordinance 1987-05 ORDINANCE NO~ 87~5
2.20, 5.10, 5.40, 6.10, 6.40, 7.10, 7.40~ 8~40, 10,30,
11.30, 14.10, 18.30, 19.30, 22.30, 27.20, 27.50~ 31.23,
31.24, 31.25, 31.53, 34.30, 37.31, 37.41, 37.51, 37.53,
40.20 and 40.30 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE.
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy
has given due notice of a public hearing upon the proposed
Amendment in~.accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the
City of Gilroy, has held the hearing, has approved a Categorical
Exemption under California Environmental Quality Act, and has
made its report to the Council of the City of Gilroy, in which
it recommends that various sections of the Zoning Ordinance
be amended as specified herein, and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Gilroy?fixed the
16th day of March 1987, at the hour of 8~00 p.m. in the Council
Chambers in the City Hall at 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy,
California, as the time and place for hearing the said report
and recommendation on the proposed amemdments, and due notiCe
of the said hearing has been given in accordance with the said
Zoning Ordinance, and a public hearing has now been held upon
the said application at the time and place fixed in the said
notice before the Council, and the Council having duly considered
the proposed amendments and the evidence presented, has approved
the Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental
Quality Act and has determined that the sections of the
Zoning Ordinance enumerated in the title above should be amended
in accordance with the report of the said Planning Commission.
ORDINANCE NO. 87-5 -1-
Section 1: The enumerated sections of the Zoning
Ordinance are hereby amended as set forth in the eleven (!1)
page exhibit attached hereto and incorporated herein.
Section 2: Ail ordinances and parts of ordinances in
conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect and be
in full force thirty (30) days from and after its passage
and approval.
PASSED AND APPROVED this 6th day of April 1987 by
the following vote:
ORDINANCE NO. 87-5 -2-
New wordings are indicated in bold lettering; language to be deleted is
shown in =~=u~m~fl~=~=~pe~
Section 2.20 Definitions
One or more persons,
g~mn~:~t==a~=fm~zm=~e~m~m~ occupying premises and living together
as a single housekeeping unit, as distinguished from a group occupying a
hotel, club, fraternity, or sorority.
Animal Hospital
A facility providing medical care for small and/or large animals which
includes boarding the animals two or more days.
Veterinarian Office
An office providing medical care for small animals where the animal
holding facilities are totally enclosed and the animals are boarded
overnight only.
Day Care Home
A resident-occupied dwelling in which twelve (12) or fewer children are
cared for by a State/County licensed day care provider.
Day Care Center
A facility in which the primary use is the provision of childcare
services in accordance with the regulations of the State of California.
Residential Care Home
A resident-occupied dwelling, licensed by the State/County, in which
children and/or adults are cared for on a full-time, live-in basis.
Bed and Breakfast Establishment
A residential structure, built prior to 1940, used as a lodging
establishment in which the manager is an occupant in the structure and
receives compensation in exchange for providing overnight sleeping
accommodations which contain no cooking facilities, on a less than
weekly basis, and in which breakfast is included as part of the basic
Card Rooms
An establishment where legal gambling is conducted and regulated
pursuant to City of Gilroy ordinances.
ORDINANCE NO. 87-5, Exhibit page 1
Accessory Dwell
A second unit on a parcel z~m~d==f~occupied by a single family
residential use, equipped with kitchen facilities, attached to the main
building and designed for use in conjunction with the main building
( residence).
Monument Sign
A low-profile,ar~=~reestanding s~=~a~tm~m=mmmmm==f~7-_)=sign seven (7) feet
or less in height.
Section 5.10 Statement of Intent
This Section of the Ordinance is intended to provide areas within the
City which may be used for single family and very low density clustered
housing. The average density is intended to ~e less than seven and one-
fourth (7 1/4) dwelling units per acre. The following regulations,
except to the extent that they may be modified by a combining district,
shall apply to every lot and building in an Ri Single Family Residential
Section 5.40 Density
The maximum density in the R1 Single Family Residential District shall
be one (1) single family detached unit per lot. (Accessory dwelling
units may be allowed under the regulations prescribed in Section 10.30)
Section 6.10 Statement of Intent
This Section of the Ordinance is intended to be used primarily within
the established neighborhoods of the City to provide a mix of duplexes
and single family dwellings. The average density is intended to be less
than nine (9) dwelling units per acre. It is intended that this will
provide for the replacement of severely deteriorated structures while
maintaining the low density residential character of the older
neighborhoods. The following regulations, except to the extent that
they may be modified by a combining district, shall apply to every lot
and building in an R2 Two Family Residential District.
Section 6.40 Density
The maximum density shall be one (1) dwelling unit per four thousand
(4000) square feet of land to a maximum of two (2) units per lot; ~
=~mn=~-q-~=~=~m~s=~~ except for lots created prior to
September 15, 1983, for which the maximum density shall be one (1)
dwelling unit per three thousand five hundred (3500) square feet of land
to a maximum of two (2) units per lot.
ORDINANCE NO. 87-5, Exhibit page 2
Section 7.10 Statement of Intent
This Section of the Ordinance is intended to provide areas within the
City for living environments which include primarily multi-family
housing units, such as garden apartments and condominiums. The unit
size regulation based on lot size is intended to create an average
density less than sixteen (16) dwelling units per net acre. Innovative
residential development is strongly encouraged in order to provide a
wide variety of housing types and costs to meet the needs of Gilroy's
residents. The following regulations, except to the extent that they
may be modified by a combining district, shall apply to every lot and
building in an R3 Multiple Family Residential District.
Section 7.40 Density
The number of dwelling units in a multiple dwelling or dwelling group
shall not exceed the number obtained by dividing the area of the
building site by the following:
(a) Two thousand (2000) square feet of land for each one bedroom unit.
(b) Two thousand seven hundred (2700) square feet of land for each two
(2) bedroom unit.
(c) Three thousand four hundred (3400) square feet of land for each
unit containing three (3) or more bedrooms.
Section 8.40 Density
The maximum density shall be one (1) dwelling unit per one thousand five
hundred (1500) square feet.
ORDINANCE NO 87~5 Exhibit page 3
Section 10.30 Residential Use Table
Residential Use A1 R1 R2 R3 R4 RH
Accessory B~ilding X X X X X X
Accessory Dwelling Unit1 X X =~ ..... ~=~-===~=.' X
Agriculture X X X X X X
Apartment House X X
Bed & Breakfast £stablishment (1-2 guestroo~s) 'C C C C C C
Church X X X X X X
Clustered Dwelling Group X X X
Condominiums X X X
Dairying, Animal Husbandry C
Day Care Hom X X~ X i X X
DuplexX~ X X X
Earth Removal Operations C C C C C C
2 arden X X X X X X
~olf Course' or Country Club 'C' c c c c C
~uest House ~, X X X X X X
Home 0ccupation~ D D D D 'D D
Hospital , , c c
Multiple Family Building X X
Neighborhood, Bazaar T T T T T
Nursery C
Open Space (Recreational) ...... X X X X X X
Park, playground or Community Center C C C C C C
Parking Lot C C
Public Building or Service Facility C C C C C C
Residential Care Homes (More than 6 residents) C C C C C C
Residential Care' Homes (6 or fewer residents) X X 'X X X X
Schools (Public or private) X X X X X X
Sale of Farm Products (gro~ on site) C
Sales Office T T T T T
Single Family Dwelling (incl. Mobile Home) X X X X X X"
~emporary Building X X X X X X
to.house X X X
Unconditionally permitted
Permitted only with Conditional Use Permit granted by the Planning Commission
Permitted subject to the approval of the Planning Director
Temporary Use - See Section 47
ORDINANCE NO. 87-5, Exhibit page 4
ORDINANCE CHANGE #4 (as amended by the Planning Commission):
Section 10.30 Residential Use Table
A duplex dwelling is permitted when all of the following conditions
are met:
(1) The duplex dwelling shall be located on a corner lot only; and
(2) The corner lot shall have a minimum area of 8,000 square feet
and be so designated for a duplex unit on a tentative and
~{nal map;
~=~=~~_-~~m~ and
(3) The lot shall ~e no closer than one hundred eighty (180) feet
to the boundary of the subdivision; and
(4) The duplex shall not increase the overall density within any
given land subdivision beyond the maximum of 7.25 dwelling
units per net acre.
Section 11.30 Residential Site and Building Requirement Table
Residential District Requirements A1 RI R2 R3 R4
Lot Size in Square Feet (min.)1 20 ac2 6000 !=-R~q~ 8000 12000
Section 14.10 Statement of Intent
The intent of the C2 Central Commercial District is to provide an area
in the City suitable for commercial uses in the City's downtown central
business district. The uses in this district are intended to be
compatible with pedestrian access. Automobile-oriented uses are
discouraged. Creative design and uniform maintenance of street facades
are encouraged in this district, in order to present an overall feeling
of an integrated design in the downtown area. Utilizatiom of the second
and third stories for residential units, offices, artists' lofts and
other compatible mixed uses are encouraged. The following regulations,
except to the extent that they may be modified by a combining district,
shall apply to every lot and building in a C2 Central Commercial
ORDINANCE NO~ 87-5, Exhibit page 5
Section 18.30 Commercial Use Table
Commercial Usem= PO C1 C2 IC3 HC ~CM
Adult Entertainment E~tablishment1 X X
Ambulance Service X X X X
Animal Hospital/ Kennel C C
Antique Shop X X X X X
Arcade X X
Art Studio or Gallery ......... X X X 'X'
Automobile Parts or Sales Establishmen~
Automobi'le Repair Establishment X X X
!Bank C X X X X
Barber Shop X X X X
Bakery X X X C X
Bazaar T T T T
Beauty Parlor X 'x x x
Bed and Breakfast Establishment X X X X X
Boat Sales X X
Bowling Alle. y .... X X X
"B'u'ii~ing Materiais "sa~es 'a~d" Sto~age .... X'
car Wash X X
. .Ca.r.d. Room. .......... 2 . . ._-=w~C ~.=~ ='~j. '
Caretaker' s Quarters c c x C c C
Christmas Tree Lot T T T T
~Church X X X X X
Clothing Sales or Service Establishment X X X X
~ Community Center C X X X
Dance Halt~ X X X
Day 'care 'dente'r .... C X X X 'd '
.Dry, C, leaning Establishment C X X 'X'
Dwelling Unit '(second' or third floor) 'C
Feed or Fuel Store ~= C C X
Festival T T T T
Florist X X X X
Gas Station3 C X X X
Gift Shop X X X X .X...I
Grocery Store or Deli ~ X X X X
Gym.n.as.i. um/M.ealth .Styd. i.o ........... X X... X X
Hospital, Rest Home, san'itarium C C~ X X
Hotel, Motel X X X '~'
Laboratory (Research) 'C C X X "X'
Laundromat X X X X
ORDINANCE NO. 87-5, Exhibit page 6
Commercial U'se~= PO C1 C2 C3 HC CM
Light Industrial Uses"~erm~tt~d in Mi X
Liquor Sales (bn.si.te consumption) x x x x
Liquor Sales (Off site consumption) X X X X X
Lodgem~ Cluhs~ or=~=Fr~te~nal HalJ=s= C C X X C X
Massage Parlor or Spa X X
Medical or Dental Office X X X X X
Mortuar'.~i~.=a~d:or...Crematoryi~ =Y~ X 'X
Neighborhood Services X X X 'X'
Newspaper Publishing Office X X X
~Vp.p.apev.~r~n~ng Facility X
Nursery X X
Office X X X X X
Outdoor Booth/Sales T T T T T T
Outdoor A~usement or Recreation Facility C C C 'C
'P'arking Lot ~ ' ~ '"X X
Pawn.Shop or Auction Shop. X X X
p!u~n~ ..o.r. Sheet Metal Shop ........ =:C== C X
Pool & Billiards Establishment X X C
p0t. tery and Ceramics .M~nufac.turing C X
Printing or Sign Painting Establishment X X' 'X
Public Office Building X X X X C X
,~estaurant ..... X X ~' X X
~e'taii 'Saie~ E'stablishment '' 'C' X x x
School (Private) C X X X X
Shoe.Repair Establishment X X X X
Television Repair ' ' X X 'X
Theatre X X X
,,.T,i~.S.h,op. C X X X
Travel Trailer or Camping Facilit~ C
'Truck Stop .... C C
Veterinarian Office C C C X X
If a caretaker's residence is in a trailer or a mobile home, a
conditional use permit is required and is valid for only one year,
with a maximum one-year extension. One unit for caretaker's quarters
is an unconditionally permitted use when in conjunction with hotels,
motels, bed and breakfast establishments, ambulance services or mini-
storage facilities.
Section 19.30 Commercial Site and Building Requirement Table
* - ~-~~~~~~~~ - '
em~h=~-~ Setback from a rear or side property line shall
match the setback required along the same property line for the most
restrictive adjacent property. (There is no setback requirement if
the adjacent property is in the same zoning district.)
ORDINANCE NO. 87~5, Exhibit page 7
Section 22.30 Industrial Use Table
Industrial Use Table M1 M2
Animal Hospital/Kennel C
Building Materials Sales and Storage Establishments ~ X
Feed or Fuel Yard C X
Outdoor Amusement or Recreation Facility C 'C'
Veterinarian Office
Section 27.20 Permitted Uses and Conditional Use Permits
(in Historic Site and Neighborhood Combining Districts)
Conditional use permits for uses other than those listed as conditional
uses for the base district, including, but not limited to, bed and
breakfast establishments of more than 2 guestrooms, may be granted if
the above findings are made by the Historic Heritage Committee and the
Planning Co~mission.
Section 27.50 Demolition Procedures
Ail demolition applications for structures located in either a Historic
Site or Neighborhood Combining District shall be reviewed by the
Historic Heritage Committee which shall forward its recommendations to
the Planning Commission.f~r-~=or==~h~=~=~h~: Architectural
and=s=Site~approval shall not be=mi=hmi~md:given for any new
construction until the=~~ _'.,' City Council has approved the
demolition request.=~l~-=ho ~=hi~e=~m~~=a~~~
Section 31.21 Residential Use Off-Street Parking Requirements
Bed and Breakfast Establishment ....... Two (2) stalls, one of which shall
be a covered carport or garage,
plus one (1) stall per two (2)
guest rooms
Section 31.23 Institutional Use - Off-Street Parking Requirements
Day care centers and nursery schools ..... One (1) stall for each
employee, plus two (2) stalls,
plus one (1) loading space for
every five (5) children
Day care home ............................ Two (2) stalls per dwelling
unit, one (1) of which shall
be a covered carport or garage
ORDINANCE NO. 87-5, Exhibit page 8
Section 31.24 Office, MediCal and Financial Uses - Off-Street Parking
Medical, dental, optometry, .............. One (1) stall per one hundred
veterinarian, or chiropractic fifty (150) square feet of
offices and clinics gross floor area, or six (6)
stalls per doctor, whichever is
Section 31.25 Retail and Commercial Uses - Off-Street Parking
Hotels and motels, ................. One (1) stall for each guest room,
plus f~m~_4m)=~ix (6) stalls, p=h~s=
Bed and Breakfast Establishment... Two (2) stalls plus one (1) stall per
guest room
Section 34.30 Location and Height
(d) (No change to current wording)
Section 37.31 Prohibited Signs
Signs placed on any portion of a street, sidewalk, or public
right-of-way, excluding signs on newspaper vending machines
m~y~-h~-:~m~m~ which may not exceed three (3) square feet in
sign area.
Section 37.41 Signs in Residential Districts
Bed and breakfast establishments shall be allowed one (1) sign, as
described in Section 37.24 (a). Such signs shall match the
architectural features of the structure. The words "hotel" or
"motel" shall not be allowed.
ORDINANCE NO. 87~5:, Exhibit page 9
Section 37.51 Freeway Oriented Signs
One (1)~on-site=~m~~freeway-oriented sign may be
permitted in addition to a mon,-~emt sign. The freeway-oriented sign
shall not=~o exceed sixty (60) feet in height or one hundred (100)
square feet of sign area (or up to one hundred fifty (150) square feet
if a conditional use permit is granted by the Planning Commission).
=mr~=J~=~=The parcel on which the freeway sign is to be located m~st
mee~s=all of the following criteria:
(a) The parcel exceeds twenty thousand (20,000) square feet in land
(b) The parcel is within six hundred sixty (660) feet of an off-ramp
from U.S. 101.
(c) The parcel is occupied by a use which is a permitted use in an HC
Highway Commercial District.
Section 37.53 Professional Office Group Signs
A freestanding professional office group sign may be permitted only when
no other freestanding sign exists on the site, and shall not be over ~-~:
6f~=seven (7) feet in height.
Section 40.20 Permitted Uses for Rome Occupatious
(i) Nomaterials,cmmsupplies or equipment shall be stored out-of-doors
or in any required garage space.
A home occupation shall be limited to having only two (2) clients,
patients, or pupils present on the premises at any time.~=m~'~p*-~
Section 40.30 Home Occupations Requiring a Conditional Use Permit
T~-~-~R~mmm=~~Any use or occupation which does not meet
the criteria set forth in Section 40.20 of this Ordinance may be
permitted in a residential zone only in accordance with ~hm=a
conditional use permit which may be issued by the Planning Commission.
ORDINANCE NO. 87-5, Exhibit page 10
Section 31.53 Handicap Parking Requirements
Handicap parking shall comply with the requirements of the State
Building Code.
ORDINANCE NO. 87-,5, Exhibit page 11
I, SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do
hereby certify that the attached Ordinance No. 87-5 is an original
ordinance, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular
meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of April , 19 87 ,
at which meeting a quorum was present.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 14th day of April,
19 87.
City Clerk the C