Ordinance 2000-11ORDINANCE NO. 2000-11
APN 841-17-080, 841-17-004
WHEREAS, Wellington Corporation of Northern California, the applicant, submitted
application Z00-06 to change the zoning designation on property identified as APN 841-17-080 and
841-17-004 from M2, (General Industrial) to M2-PUD (General Industrial - Planned Unit
Development) and consisting of approximately 104 acres; and
WHEREAS, the property affected by Z00-06 is located on the south side of Highway 152
(Pacheco Pass), east of Brem Lane, such land being indicated as Phase I on the map attached hereto
as Exhibit A; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with CEQA, a Negative Declaration, along with a Mitigation
Monitoring program, was adopted by the City Council on February 22, 2000, which included this
project in connection with tentative map application TM 99-08; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed application Z00-06 at its duly noticed
public heating on July 6, 2000, and recommended that the City Council approve application ZOO-
06; and
WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on July 17, 2000, at which
time the City Council considered the public testimony, the StaffRcport dated June 23, 2000, and all
other documentation related to application Z00-06; and
WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials which
constitute the record of proceedings upon which this project approval is based is the office of the
City Clerk.
~GMB~487615.1 -1- ORDINANCE NO. 2000-11
A. The City Council hereby finds that the zone change is consistent with the
land use designation of the General Plan Map and the policies of the General Plan as
fully discussed in the Staff Report dated June 23, 2000.
B. The City Council hereby finds that this project will not be detrimental to the
public welfare or injurious to persons or property in the vicinity.
C. The City Council hereby finds that there is no substantial evidence in the
record that this project will have a significant effect on the environment due to the
required mitigation measures adopted for the project.
D. The City Council finds that application Z00-06 should be and hereby is
approved, subject to the thirty (30) mitigation measures set forth in the Negative
Declaration and the Mitigation/Monitoring Program, attached hereto as Exhibit B
and incorporated herein by this reference.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of September, 2000 by the following vote:
Rhon3a Pellin, City Clerk
Thomas W. Springer, MayorT/
~aus~s?61s.1 -2- ORDINANCE NO. 2000-11
Wellington Business Park Subdivision Initiai Study
Mitigation Monitoring Program
On January 1, 1989, the California State Legislatur~ passed into law Assembly Bi l
3180. This bill requires public a~encies to adopt reporting or monitoring p rams
.w=h~.~e_y_a.p~ _p.m_.ve, p ,mjecL?., su ,b. ject to an environmental ,mpa= report or [r nn~gative
· ~aJmuun [[]a[ InClUOeS mr[iga~don measures to avoid significant adverse
_environmeDta..I effects.;, The r,e..po~ng or rnan. itodng Program is to be d, esJgned t~ ,
ensure complianc.e w~r.n ¢onoitions or pr?jec~ approval during project Implementation
in o~er to avoid significant adverse environmental effects identified Jn the
environmental review process.
This monitoring program is desigaed to provide' a mechanism to ensure that
m~gation measures and subsequent conditions of project approval are
Monitoring Program
The bases for this monitoring program are the mEigation measures included Jn the
in. itial s.tudy/ne ative declaration. These mfti ation measure '
_._:__. ~__e~r ...... g s are des.gned to
=raj.hale or reauce Slg~111car1T aaverse environmental effects to levels of . ,
insignificance. These mitigation measures become conditions of project approval,
which the project proponent is required to complete during and after implementation
of the proposed project.
The attached checklist is proposed far monitoring the. implementation ofth.e
mitigation measures. THis monitoring checklist contmns all appropriate mitigation
measures In the initial study/negative declaration.
Monitoring Program Procedures
[t is i'equ[red that the City of Gilroy use the attached monitoring checklist for the
propose(3 project The monitoring program should be implemented as follows:
1. The City of Gilroy Planning Division sheulcl be responsible for =oordination of
the monitoring program, including the monitoring.checklist. The Planning Division
should be responsible for c~mpiefing the monitoring checklist and distributing the
checklist tc the responsible individuals or agencies fi=r their use Jn monitoring the
mitigation measur,es. *
-._~.Ea. ch re, sp.,onsi.b, le in.d. Md..uaJ or agency will then be, responsible for '
o[Cm'l, inlng wnemer me m~gafien measures contained ~n the monitorin~ ~h~li~i-
ave peen implemented. Once all mitigation measures have b'~en
the responsible individual or agency should submit s copy of the monitoring
ch,e, cldist to the City af Giiroy Planning .D, ivision to be p aced in the project file. ,If a
,mirage. tiao measure .has not been comphed wff. h, the monitoring checklist should not
De ?eturned to the Planning Division.
0"//71~/2000 15:07 401aB460429 CTT'Y OF G~ ~D~ P~
, , .~6,~.~ 5-_ ~g ~,.~, ~
3. : B?~ issuance of an o~upan~ ~, ~e P~nnJn~. D~ision ~,~uid review
· e Chemist m ensure that all m~ag~n ~asum= and add~o~l ~nd~ons of '
pmje~ approval included in ~e mon~fing ~ec~i~ have been implame~d. ~
oc~,~pn~ ~e~t s~ould not.be issue~ until all mission me=sums and add~onal
conomons ~ pmje~ appmva~ indude~ ~ the monitoring ~ec~ist have b~n
4. If.a responsible indiyJdual or agency deterrnines that a nnn..~nm.di=,,~..= h..
I -- ,_1 ...... ; -- --'~"' W'U~ ~ COpy tO :ne Planning uivislon, describing the nen-
COmpliance a.n..e requiring compliance within a specified period ¢~f'time. Ifa non-
compliance still exists at the expi.r'afion of the specified p~rlod of time, construc'don
may be halted and fines may be Imposed at the discretion of the City of Gilmy.
Mitigation Monitoring Checklist A
Before approval of the IE~ the following mitigation measures shall be
Mitigation Mitigation Pa
Number Respon~lr~le for Party
Respon..sible for
Implementation Monitoring
Mitigation Monitoring Checklist B
Before issuance of a C~adin_alBulld~a_ Permit, the following mitigation
measures shall be implemented.
:Mitigation Mitigation Party Par~..
~ Number Responsible for Responsible for
~ Implementation Momtoring
,NI future project plans shall
1 contain a nstice requiring that aU Aoplicant Community
app!lr..able laAAQMD conStruct~n Development
and operational irnpac~ emisalon . Dapartmen[
contr~l measures I~arfinent te the
Basic Control Measures and
Enhanced Control Measures, es
hdlcated In the I~AAQMD CE~QA
Guidelines, be implemented.
2 All future p~je~ plans Shall Applicant Cammuntty
indicate pre~er~nt~l I:)an~in ~ I Deveiopmsn!
spa~es far catrpoo! and venpoel . Deparlr~lent
vehicles, and provide weather-
=mtacted bicycle parking for
3 Future bus stops shall incJude e - Applicant Corru~urllty
weather'protective sp.ac~e deaig~qed DeVelopment
to stay dry dudng penods of . ' Department
inclement weather.
4 Rear to miUgaUons I - 3, Applicant Community
5 Refer to mitigations '[ o 3, Applicant Community
I Future develepment plans shall
S submit a Notice of Intent to the Applicant Community
0'7t~'512~0B 16:87 4~81a4604~9
cITY OF ~'rl.~¥ ~DDMU
Central c~est Rvv~c;u'pnor to O~opment
=i~. ~lm p~{t wl{{ r~uim
developme~ ~d ~lem~n~on
=f a ~ W~er PoiSon
~en~on ~lan ~SWPPP)
M~agement P~o~s"
~n~ei mn~, e~n an~
sedimen~on ~m ~e ~.
) ~ hell= Iden~e seu~
s~e~ anti =~er poll~n~
and ensure ~ [mplem~en
p~s ~ reduce sedim~
' dm~arges. ~e 8WPpp mu~
include BMP, ~i~ ad~s
source r~u~on and, E
shall include pm~=~, whi~
NOI precis {s submi~l of
engineering d~{~s. ~e
~1 be mubm~d to ~e Ci~
~g~ee~g D~fon ~d
Clam Valley Water Dis~i~ f~
re~ and appm~{ pdor to
approval uf ~e final m~,
Due ~ ~e po~iblli~ ~at ~pl~ C~ of Giimy
signifi~nt buried =ultu~l r~our~ Plann~g Divls~n
m~ht be f~und dung ~s~n,
· e ~{{uwing language shNI be ·,
~clud~ in all pe~i~ issu~ ~r
m tad to budding pe~tS ~r
lucre dev~opment, pu~nt
the review ~d aapmval of ~e
Pi~ning Division:
hu~n m~ns ~ dish.md
~uHng ¢on~cfi=n, ~
h~ at minimum of 200 ~et ~om
· e find,and ~e er~ mh~l be
~K~ ~. ~e proj~t
shag n=~ ~e ~roner or
D~r of ~e ~a~l~i~l
R~ Reseamh ~nt~.
Fred ~ dei~in~ ~ be s}gn~,
aapropdate ~figafl=n measur~
shall be ~uia~d and
tmpi~eqted.' ~ ......
~ a ~ns~ion {mpl~n~ ~pli~t Co~n~
s~p ~r ~1 ~ure ~opment
~e proje~ site, ~e pmje~ Dep~t
=roponent shall ha~ a
inv~fi~on ~mplet~ ~ a
qua[~ s~s engineer sub, oct to
mvi~ ~d aaa~v~ by the Gilr~
CommunAy Develep~
~ ~ ~v~ga~n sba ba
Improvement plans ~r
aha ~pmval ~ C[~ BuUding
D~p~en[ pH~ ~ ~e b~n~ of
9 F~re developm~t on ~e pmje~ ~pl~t ~mm~
site shoul~ be unclean during
~e d~ se~on (Ap~l
during the wet s~s~ (O~er
~ ~rit 15) or any ~n
· e p~e~ propo~t ahall
~n eroabn ~n~l plen subj~
~e review and app~t
Gllr~ Cnmmuni~ Devele~
D~a~eht p~ ~ ~e ~su~ of
a gmd~g ~. ~e erosion
I a. Measures ~r ~n~illng
dur~g ~ns~n of ~e
propos~ project, in~lng
de~nti~ basins ~ ha~d
de~ap~nt mn~ff volumes ~r
a 10~year s~ e~nL
ms~a~g ~ dlsturb~
and pe~odi¢ ~Hng
~ssive winda.
b. Measures for ~en~rmg
~er con~m~on ~
s~, including residing
d~tu~ ames,
10 - R~ ~ Mla~aon Measure 8. ~i~nt C~un~
11 A quali~ soils engineer sh~l ~1~ ~gl~dng DMsion
prepare a sail inv~lga~on
project. ~e m~mm~flon
~amted in~ ~ ~ m~ and
· e Garay ~gJn~ng D~ion
..... ~r ~ approval ~e
12 ~plement m~ga~ ~aum 8 ~pli~nt Commun~
....... ~ Oepe~n~
13 P~ to ~m de~iapme~ ~e ~pli~ ~neer~g DNi~n
pmje~ proponent sh~l be
~ ~m~t a detailed s~ d~ge
~7/25/280e 1~: 07 408B461~42¢J
CIT~ ~ GIL.RO¥ ~DDHU ~P~.~a ~,
sg~ ancI ¢onstru~ impmvem~'ts
specified in ~ plan, ~e ~1~
sh~l include d~n ~d
drayage s~m ~d ~1
~ d~nage
~e ~pe s~e. and I~
~m impm~m~
~ d~ed by ~e.~g~ng
D~slon p~r to ~su~ ~ a '
buildlng p~lL ~e p(an
~¢lude, b~ n~ be Ilmix~ ~
a. On ~e e~mm po~
pmje~ ~te, ~e
p~onen~ shell design a
~Jonal ~e~n~on p~d, a
~ ~n ponds, or o~er
approved m~. ~ de~
su~ wa~r ~n~
e~um ~at s~ ~r mn~
fr~ ~e p~pos~ ~ ~ not
in~e~ ~d ~ a~od~e
~e C~ ~ Gil~s Me.er
flow pa~s crated by lot
gmd~g. ~ w~l as the
~figu~an. ~d ~n
of Jn~du~l buflding~ should
not ~ce~ a 50 pe~nt
reducUon ~n ~e ~ng
hydraulic ~nveyen~ ~c~
a¢~ ~a p~el. Use ~
lan~pe be~ ~or
p~in9 a~ shah ~
pmh~Eed. , '
b. The drainage ~om ~e par~
a~s ~d ~s s~el[ ~ a
eam~rehensNe n~eint
~ma~e~t ~stem of
drainage awal~ ar a ~
system prior ~,~t~ng ~e
ato~ dra~n ~.
c. ~y a~ d~i~ge de~on
sediment ~n~]
14 ~e devel~ shall pm~de ~alte ~pll~t ~neeflng Dbision
drainage ~m~ f~ ~e
~ional detention pond and
o[ Gllroy S~ drainage
d~s~g~g fnto aha
~l~. ~iS shall be
prior ~ is~an~ ~ a building
pe~t[ ~d ~all be subje~ ~
mY[ow and approval by ~e
· 15 rP~re dave opme~t ahall ~n~ ~gJ~g O~lon
I fln~h~ fl~r ~ons at ~t
: one ~ot ~ave ~e l~-y~r fload
~aflon aa delinea~d ~ ~e
=~eot F~d Insurance ~te
Ma~ (FJRM)~mdu~d by the
pe~eral ~.rnergency Management
~ re~ew and appeal of ~e
~ Gilmy Enginae~g Bu~dlng,.U~
and En~nmen~l S~
p~r to issuance ~ a building
~qui~ ~ npp~ ~r ~d ob~ a ~velnpme~
~1 Pe~l{ for Slo~ Watar
D~rge Asso~d ~
Cens~on ~" ~om ~e
~ionat W~ Qua)i~
Bo~ Ethe a~unt of la~
dJ~ed is ~ or ma~
pe~E ~r each ifld~du~
17 Fu~m develop~flt adja~nt ~ or ~mmun~
wl~ the v~i~i~ ~ ~e ~n~e D~el~ment
Sto~ D~n shall be ~ufmd to DepOt
eb~in a d~ct enrichment
~rmE ~m ~a ~an~ Clara VaIJ~
a~r DIsMct p~r to bsuance af a
bui~iflg permEfor ~e
18 Fu~m d~opmeflt sh~l ob~in a Cammun~
spe~al flood h~ d~elopment Develapme~
pe~E ~or ~ ~ns~on ~m D~ent
~e Engin~rl~g D~lsion in ~d~
to all f~eral, stats an~ ~
.,pe~ ne~a~ for ~m
devet~m~t prior ~ I~n~
bu~g ~ ~e
~oe~it epplic~on s~[~ include ~e
a. Prop~ elev~on in
me~ s~ lave], or ~e tow~t
fl~ (~cluding b~e~nt)
b. P~osed elevat~n In rele~
m~n s~ lev~ ~ whJ~ any
s~m will be flood~;
c. Ce~fica~od of a mg~
p~sional eng~eer or
ar~ite~ ~at ~e
~o~a for a~ ~n-r~e~l
s~ure meet ~tor~ ~ Se~on
5 of ~e ~pl~ Ma~gem~ '
Or~ee; and
d.' A a~p~on of ~e
whi~ any ~ ~u~ will
~er~ or ~o~ as
of ~re development. ...
qg If ~e prop~ed pmje~ ~mp~ ~ Enginee~g DNialen
~e~t or ~ns~ mains ~r
G-~t~n ~t~ .~l~'tmtt~ ttn~t ~nw~ntn~ntal C~n~ng. ~.7
plac~ than ~ b~in h~ been
m~ed ~r in ~e Gl~ ~ Gilmy
Sto~ DmJ~ge M~ P~,
fees shell be
~ a buJldi~
20 R~er ~ m~ga~on me~u~ 1~- Communt~
19. De~ent
,. _ De0a~ent
Mitigation Monitoring Checklist C
Before issuance of an ~, the following mitigation measures
shall be Implemented.
Mitigation Mitigation Party Pa
Number Responsible for Responsible for
Implementation Monitoring
2:3 The applicant shall Jnetall a b'aflic Applicant Engineering Division
signal at the US 10t northbound.
ranll~ and Highway 152.
24 Install a traffi,' sig'nal at He Si~a~-~ Engineering Division
Way and Highway 152
in,tara'ection. The improvements to
H~ghway 152, described in the
fallowing m~gefione, will Improve
the level af ser;'k:e ~ acceptable
levels when the intersection is
signalized. The fine/lane
geometry after mitigation
improvemerlLs will be {we
eastbound Ihrough Janes, one
eastbound right-turn lane, two
westbound through tones, one
wesWoun~ leR--tum lane, one
nerthbc~und left-turn Jane, end one
northbound right-turn !ans. This
mitigation shall be reviewed and
approved by Caltrans.
25 The applicant proposes to . Englneer~g Division
cons~uct this intersection as
of the praise!;,. Calla.one peakdlour .
~e ln~e~on sh~l
s~nali~d when ~ Is b~L Highly
~ ~ ~i~ impm~m~ will
requi~ ~e a~l~ ~ ~ .
e~ound ~d ~nd ~ugh
~ne at ~is [n~e~n, ~ final
lane ~eeme~ ~ mifig~na
e~d dgh~-~m ~e,
wes~und ~ugh
w~ound le~-~m line,
n~bound.leff~um t~es,
~hbound ~ht-~m
~m~[o~. ~ i~ama~ W~
be ~m~ad ~nd~ the ge~l ~la~
~ns~on ~f Camlno ~ye
HIg~ 152. ~is
be mvi~ed an~ appmv~ by
27 The appli~t s~all e~end
eX~ng wes~ound le~-~m ~t
~e axing ~nd
3~t an ~d~ 75
~e end of ~e w~
~ockM and ~e
~ a~modam~
impmvem~t ~ be made by
ms~Jng ~e ~s~9 ~m ~cket.
W{~ impl~en~fion
' ~r wes~ound ~d ~und
~ms would adeptly
, a~mmodata ~e
~um vehi~e qumes ~r
m~emen~ during ~a pe~ heum,
' Th~ mit~on ~ subje~ to re~
~d eppm~l by the G~
~gineeHng DNiaI~. ~ .
ruination Is subj~
appro~l by Me Gil~ ~gin~ng
28 ~a applicant sh~l add a se~nd Engin~ri~ D~lon
souffibe~d la.om lane.
improvement is supe~r ~ almp~
e~endlng ~a ~ng ~m~t
b~use ~ would mi~lze gm~
time ~ Ches~ut
~r be~r pm~e~[on
~ Irnglemen~al~on ofthi~
'1 irnprovemenC the storage ca~,aclty
for' eauthb0und IM~ tums wau~a
adequat~y a~camnlodat~ the
es~maired maximum vel~isle
clueues far this movement during
the peak heurs. 'The final lan~
geame..~ far the rmr'~
~ffer rnil~gatlon impmw~'nerrm will ·
be one srlara through/rlgl~*-.tum
lena, one through larm and two left-
turn ianea. The ether approaahes
will remain unchanged from
baakgraund cand~ena. This .
mitigetlon is eubject ta review end
approval by the GJlroy Engineering
29 The applioartt shall add · ,,e?, nd Engineering Divbion
10g-foot w~.~l~ound left-turn
under project A ¢and~er~,~ or
second 120-toot weetbaulld
turn'lane under prelect B and C
conditions. W~th the
~mplemenlafion af this
improvement, the storage
f~r weetbound [eft tum~ Woutd
adequately accommodate
estimated maximum vehlde
aueues for this movement during
the peak holJm- The final lane
geometry for the eaat eppreact~
after miUgs~ion impmvement~ will
be two through lanes ~ two la't-
' tUrn ~ane~. The other approaches
wilt remain unchanged fi'om
30 One lane in e. aah direction should Engineering DJvi-~isn
be a~ded ~:o tile ,,egment of
H~ghway 152 fronting the project
site_ The ~anes would be added
over an ~prmdmate
section of H~ghway I ~2 aha weald
begin e~ the lane drape near Brem
Lane/Rmnz Lane and continue
eastward where they would
~'ansitJon back to twa lanes before
the Uages Creek.brid~e,
I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached
Ordinance No. 2000-11 is an original ordinance, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy
at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 5th day of September, 2000, at which meeting a
quorum was present.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of
the City of Gilroy this 4th day of October, 2000.
City Clerk of the_City of Gilroy