Ordinance 2010-14
050 AND 835-01-064
WHEREAS, The Fresh Group submitted application Z 07-05, to change the zoning
designation from C3 and CM (Commercial Industrial) to C3/PUD (Shopping Center
Commercial-Planned Unit Development) on approximately 5.75 acres ("the Project"), located
the northeast corner of Leavesley Road and Forest Street, APNs 835-01-050 and 835-01-
064; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on May 6,
2010, at which time the Planning Commission considered the public testimony, the staff report
dated April 27, 2010 ("Staff Report"), the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, and all
other documentation related to application Z 07-05, and recommended that the City Council
approve said application; and
WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on June 7, 2010, at
which time the City Council considered the public testimony, the Staff Report, a supplemental
staffreport, and all other documentation related to application Z 07-05; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), the City
Council after consideration of the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the
Project adopted the Mitigated Negative Declaration, with Mitigation Measure T-3 revised and
Mitigation Measure T -5 deleted, finding that it was completed in compliance with CEQA, that it
reflects the independent judgment of the City, and that there is no substantial evidence in the
entire record that the Project as mitigated will have a significant effect on the environment. Said
Mitigated Negative Declaration is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and
WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials which
constitute the record of proceedings upon which this project approval is based is the office of the
City Clerk.
1. The proposed rezoning is consistent with intent of the goals and policies of the City's
General Plan, and with intent of the land use designation on the General Plan Land
Use Map.
2. There is no substantial evidence in the entire record that the Project with the adopted
mitigation measures, as revised, will cause any significant environmental impacts.
3. The Project with the adopted mitigation measures, as revised, will not be detrimental
to the public welfare or injurious to persons or property in the vicinity.
The City Council hereby adopts the Mitigation Monitoring Program, as revised, attached
hereto as Exhibit 'B".
Based on the above findings, zoning application Z 0705 is hereby approved, subject to the
Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Mitigation Monitoring Program, as revised'.
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage and
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of July, 2010, by the following vote:
Community Development Department
Planning Division (408) 846-0440
City of Gilroy
Community Development Department
7351 Rosanna St.
Gilroy, CA 95020
City File Number: Z 07-05 and AS 08-01
Proiect Description:
Name of Project: Forest Street Commercial Zone Change and Architecture & Site Approval
Nature of Project: The project includes a zone change to designate the entire project site
Shopping Center Commercial (C3). The proposed development consists of
the following:
· Four-story, full service hotel with 188 guest rooms (approximately
113,100 square feet);
· Four-story, extended stay hotel with 72 guest units (approximately
40,300 square feet);
· Four-level parking structure (approximately 149,200 square feet);
· One-story, 10,000 square-foot sit-down restaurant;
· One-story, 3,000 square-foot drive through fast food restaurant; and
Appurtenant structures including a gazebo near the extended stay
hotel and a pool and restroom at the full service hotel.
Forest Street Commercial Z 07-05 and AS 08-01 2
Negative Declaration
April 15, 2009
Proiect Location:
Location: The proposed project site is located at the northeast corner of Leavesley Road
(State Route 152) and Forest Street in the City of Gilroy. The project is situated
with light industrial uses to the west, a church and an undeveloped lot to the north
a hotel to the east, and houses and commercial uses to the south. The U.S.
Highway 101/Leasvesley Road interchange is located approximately 1,500 feet east
of the project site.
Assessor's Parcel Number: 835-01-050
Entity or Person(s) Undertakinl!: Proiect:
Name: City of Gilroy Community Development Department
Address: 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA 95020
Staff Planner: Melissa Durkin, Melissa.durkin@ci.gilroy.ca.us
Initial Study:
An initial study of this project was undertaken and prepared for the purpose of ascertaining
whether this project might have a significant effect on the environment. A copy of this study is
Findinl!:s & Reasons:
The initial study identified potentially significant effects on the environment. However, this
project has been mitigated (see Mitigation Measures below which avoid or mitigate the effects)
to a point where no significant effects will occur. There is no substantial evidence the project
may have a significant effect on the environment. The following reasons will support these
~ The proposed project is surrounded by commercial and industrial development and is
located within an area designated in the general plan for commercial uses.
~ Identified adverse impacts are proposed to be mitigated.
~ The proposed project is consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the General Plan
of the City of Gilroy.
~ City staff independently reviewed the Initial Study, and this Negative Declaration reflects
the independent judgment of the City of Gilroy.
~ With the application of the following Mitigation Measures the proposed project will not
have any significant impacts on the environment.
~ The Gilroy Planning Division is the custodian of the documents and other material that
constitute the record of proceedings upon which this decision is based.
Forest Street Commercial Z 07-05 and AS 08-01 3
Negative Declaration
April 15, 2009
Air Quality
AQ-1. The following measures shall be required during construction activities that result in ground
disturbance (grading or excavation):
a. Water all active construction areas at least twice daily;
b. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose materials or require all trucks to
maintain at least two feet of freeboard;
c. Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all
unpaved access roads, parking areas and staging areas at construction sites;
d. Sweep all paved access roads, parking areas and staging areas at construction sites
daily (with water sweepers);
e. Sweep streets daily (with water sweepers) if visible soil material is carried onto
adjacent public streets;
f. Hydroseed or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas
(previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more);
g. Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply (non-toxic) soil binders to exposed
stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.);
f. Limit traffic speeds on unpaved roads to 15 mph;
g. Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to public
roadway; and.
h. Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible.
Biological Resources
BIO-1 The project applicant shall coordinate pre-construction surveys for nesting birds to be
conducted by a qualified biologist within 30 days prior to construction if construction is to
occur during the nesting season (February through mid-September). If nests are located
during pre-construction surveys, a qualified biologist will establish a 2S0-foot buffer around
each nest for the duration of the breeding season (until such time as the young are fully
fledged) to prevent nest harassment and brood mortality. Work may proceed prior to mid-
September only if a qualified biologist conducts nest checks and establishes that the young
Forest Street Commercial Z 07-05 and AS 08-01 4
Negative Declaration
April 15, 2009
are fully fledged. Every effort shall be made to avoid removal or impact to known nests
within project boundaries. If trees known to support nests cannot be avoided, removal of
these trees will only occur outside of the nesting season (mid-September through January). A
report documenting the results of the surveys and plan for avoidance (if needed) will be
submitted to the City of Gilroy for review prior to the initiation of ground disturbance.
BIO-2 Prior to building permit submittal, the project applicant shall submit a plan to the Gilroy
Planning Division indicating the location, size and species of existing trees found within the
project site boundaries. The plan shall indicate which trees are planned for removal. Based
on review of the plan, the City shall determine which trees, ifany, are "significant."
If significant trees are determined to be located on the project site, these trees shall be
retained, to the greatest extent feasible. The dripline of significant trees to be retained shall
be fenced prior to grading activities to prevent root damage. If retention of all significant
trees on the project site is not feasible, a written report shall be prepared by a certified
arborist including the number and location of each significant tree to be removed, the type
and approximate size of each significant tree, the reason for removal, and specifications for
replacing significant trees to be removed. The written report shall be prepared prior to the
commencement of grading activities, subject to approval by the City of Gilroy Planning
Cultural Resources
CR-l. Due to the possibility that significant buried cultural resources might be found during
construction the following language shall be included in any permits issued for the project
site, including, but not limited to building permits for future development, subject to the
review and approval of the Gilroy Planning Division:
If archaeological resources or human remains are discovered during construction, work shall
be halted at a minimum of 200 feet from the find and the area shall be staked off. The project
developer shall notify a qualified professional archaeologist. If the find is determined to be
significant, appropriate mitigation measures shall be formulated and implemented.
CR-2. The City of Gilroy shall ensure that this language is included in all permits in accordance
with CEQA Guidelines section 15064.5(e), in the event of discovery or recognition of any
human remains in any location other than a dedicated cemetery:
Forest Street Commercial Z 07-05 and AS 08-01 5
Negative Declaration
April 15, 2009
If human remains are found during construction there shall be no further excavation or
disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human
remains until the Police Department contacts (via private means rather than radio, to ensure
confidentiality) the coroner of Santa Clara County to determine that no investigation of the
cause of death is required. If the coroner determines the remains to be Native American the
coroner shall contact the Native American Heritage Commission within 24 hours. The
Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the person or persons it believes to be
the most likely descendent (MLD) from the deceased Native American. The MLD may
then make recommendations to the landowner or the person responsible for the excavation
work, for means of treating or disposing of, with appropriate dignity, the human remains
and associated grave goods as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. The
landowner or his authorized representative shall rebury the Native American human
remains and associated grave goods with appropriate dignity on the property in a location
not subject to further disturbance if: a) the Native American Heritage Commission is unable
to identify a MLD or the MLD failed to make a recommendation within 24 hours after
being notified by the commission; b) the descendent identified fails to make a
recommendation; or c) the landowner or his authorized representative rejects the
recommendation of the descendent, and the mediation by the Native American Heritage
Commission fails to provide measures acceptable to the landowner.
Hydrology and Water Quality
HY-l. The applicant shall, for each phase of the project, submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) and
detailed engineering designs to the Central Coast RWQCB. This permit shall require
development and implementation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
that uses storm water "Best Management Practices" to control runoff, erosion and
sedimentation from the site. The SWPPP must include Best Management Practices that
address source reduction and, if necessary, shall include practices that require treatment.
The SWPPP shall be submitted to the City of Gilroy Engineering Division for review and
approval prior to approval of a grading permit for each phase of the project. Engineering
designs shall address feasible post-construction water quality measures such as siltation and
oil filters preceding or incorporated into the design of storm inlets.
Forest Street Commercial Z 07-05 and AS 08-01 6
Negative Declaration
April 15, 2009
T-1. The applicant shall restripe the southbound left-turn pocket on Forest Street to include
approximately 125 additional feet (200 feet total), and shall construct a 300-foot long
median to separate left-turning traffic from the northbound lane.
The applicant shall work with the City of Gilroy Engineering Division and Caltrans to
develop an acceptable striping plan for the eastbound left-turn pocket. An additional 115 feet
of storage space is required, however, an existing back-to-back turn pocket at Swanston Lane
limits available space for extension of the lane, as one lane cannot be lengthened without
shortening the other. If an additional parallel turn lane cannot be constructed for the
eastbound turn pocket, the left turn pocket into Swanston Lane would need to be
eliminated, with traffic bound for Swanston Lane using the existing left turn lanes at Forest
Street or west of Swanston Lane. The applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit for all
work within the SR 152 right-of-way.
T-2. The applicant shall designate the southernmost driveway for right turns in and out only The
final driveway arrangement and number shall be subject to approval of the Gilroy
Engineering Division. All driveway approaches shall be widened to meet the 35-foot
minimum width. Parking shall be prohibited along both sides of Forest Street within 300 feet
of Leaves ley Road and within 30 feet of project driveways.
T-3. As part of the project frontage improvements, the applicant shall widen the northbound
trave11ane on Forest Street to at least 20 feet at the Leavesley Road intersection to
accommodate truck turning movements onto Forest Street. or a mutually acceptable
solution that meets Engineering and Planning Division standards. The intersection design
will also need a four-foot median (minimum) and standard southbound right turn and left
turn lanes. or a mutually acce.ptable solution that meets Engineering and Planning Division
standards. Adequacy of the improvement plans shall be demonstrated to the Gilroy
Engineering Division.
T -4 The applicant shall design and construct frontage improvements to include a sidewalk along
the entire frontage of Leavesley Road and Forest Street in accordance with the Gilroy
Standard Details and Specifications.
T 5 The site plan. shall be re\"ised to prO'ooe a minimum separation of 50 feet between Forest
Street aBd the drive tlHOugB laRe, aRd to pfovide a mHtim.um 200 feet of tiUeumg space in
Forest Street Commercial Z 07-05 and AS 08-01 7
Negative Declaration
April 15, 2009
advance of the order call boar-d. This mitigation measure was deleted because the drive-thru
lane was removed from the project.
Date Prepared: April 15, 2009
End of Review Period: June 22, 2009
David Bischoff
Director of Planning and Environmental Services
david. bischoff@ci.gilroy.ca.us
I, SHA WNA FREELS, City Clerk ofthe City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the
attached Ordinance No. 2010-14 is an original ordinance, or true and correct copy of a City
ordinance, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council
held on the 19th day of July, 2010, at which meeting a quorum was present.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of
the City of Gilroy this 220d day of July, 2010.
h a Freels, CMC
City Clerk of the City of Gilroy