Ordinance 52Ordina to No. 52. ;OIPb INANCE to levy a tax;; upon all dcgs within the City of Gilroy avid to repeal Or, ;.d uivalce No. 35, entitled ','' "'An' Ordinance poerjiing dogs runnirg at largelin the Ci +,y .dg7Uilroy,?;,p�rs�d and approved June 9th, , The Alayor and Common Coiinb,of She City `Gilroy do ordain: V N�lotion 1. An annual t»x of three dollars is eFijt, evled, and directed; to be collected and paid, 'ra ity;pur o: ea, upon every dog within the corpora e`ltTtt3tb oC,;th4 city of Gilroy: Se "tion 2. It_ehall be tltBdttty of the City As- se3sor, while making the atbuial assessment of prupurty provided for in Ordinance. No. 34, to ascertain, by diligent search' and, enquiry, the ow,:ne• s of all dogs within the city; and it shall be his duty to assess said dogs to their respect- ive owners, upon the annual assessment roll of j the,;city and the tax provided for in section one of,A s Ordinance is hereby made a lien upon all the property, real and personal, of the own - ers of such dogs. And it shall he. We duty of the City Tax.Collector to collect stiid!tax at the same time rind in the same manner as is pro- ' vided by said Ordinance No. 34 for ;the collet - ti pf the tars thereby:levied. ' tie. 2. Ordi ainoe No. 35, epfiitled " An 0 Hance concerning dogs runnin at large in thBLcity of Gilroy;" is hereby repe W. Lion 3. I,t shall be the duty of be Assessor, m hscertainilk` ilie "owners of dogs within the �city'of Gilroy, cruder the, provisions of this Ordinance, to assess all dogs frequenting or hanging around,: any house .or' premises in the city to the owner or occupant of. such house or premises. Passed this, the third day of. July, A. D. 1971, by the following vote: 1 Yea— Councilmen Corey, Finley, Hitchcock, Isaac, Reither and Steuben. Nay_ -ry. Absent— Approved: AOLNEY HO0ARD, Mayor. 1 Attest: GEo. T. CLARE, City Clerk.. jy15 I