Minutes 1920/01/05 r' __ .~_,,,,,,,__r ,."-~ 1 Gilroy, Cal., Jan. 5th, 1920. The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was called to order by Bis Honor Mayor H. E. Robinson. Present, Councilmen Thomas, Crow, Martin, Schemel, Princevalle and Fredrickson. Absent, Councilmen None. The minutes of meeting of December 1st, 1919, were read and ordered approved. Coast Counties Gas and Blectric Co. presented letter regardipg the continuance of payment on gross gas receipts and the same was ordered placed on file. Associated Oil Company presented petition to build wasb room and toilet inside fire limits and by motion of Martin, seconded by Schemel and carried the permit was granted. John Mainero presented two petitions one to remove buildings to rear of lot and the other to erect new concrete building fronting Monterey Street. Motion by Fredric~son, seconded by Schemel and carried: That John M. IIoesch be appointed ,olice Judge for the ensuing year. Motion by Thomas seconded by Princevalle and carried that John Mainero be granted permission to move old building to rear of lot. Reports of License and City Collectors and Quarterly Reports of Treasurer and Clerk were presented and by motion of Princevalle seconded and carried were accepted and ordered filed. The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of Martin seconded and carried were allowed and warrants ordered drawn. Amount of warrants allowed, $2135.24 on General Fund. The City Attorney made verbal report relative to procedure to obtain a new Charter. Motion by Thomas ~econded and carried: That the Mayor and Common Cotmcil offer a reward of $50.00 for the arrest and conviction 'pf any person turning in a false alarm of fire. Motion by Thomas, seconded and carried: That the Street Com- mittee be empowered to hire a surveyer to get sidewalk levels and level jor slough. Matter of arranging toilets and getting estimates of expense 2 ~~~ The Clerk was instructed to address letters relative to new "".... "'-"" >-- u c...... ""-i of fixing up camping grounds near High SChool referred to the Street Com. curbs and gutters on Sixth street to the following property owners, viza Geo. Milias, M.~Casey, W. F. Blake, Rosa Liguori,and Emma M. Dunlap, also on Fourth Street to Estate of Jas. McElroy. ~Iotion by ~lartinseconded and carried that the Street Committee be given power to extend gutter along the Annabel Ellis and Milias properties. Motion by Thomas, seconded and carried: That the City purchase one hundred water meters. Adjourned subject to the call of the chair. Approved, Mayor. (/1/ G cf /( (;1"j--~::" Ci ty blerk. ,.