Minutes 1920/02/02
Gilroy, Cal., Feb. 2nd, 1920.
The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was called
to order by His Honor H. E. Robinson. ')
Present, Councilmen Thomas, Crow, Schemel, Princevalle, Fredrickson.
Absent, Councilmen Martin.
Communication by Studebaker Co. relative to machine for fill~ng
street sweeper presented and the same was referred to the Street Committee.
Coast Counties Gas and Electric Co. rendered gas construetion
statement for the months of November and December.
Earl Wild presented request for increase in his monthly wages.
and the matter was referred to the Fire Dept. Committee.
Petition requesting appointment as nightwatcbman was presented
by Joe Ruiz which was referred to the Police Committee.
The Matter of securing concrete meter box referred to the
Water Department Committee.
Motion by Thomas, seconded and carried: That the Fire Dept.
Committee and Fire Chief inJ'estigate the Beressini building in ref'erence--.J
to petition to make changes.
Motion by Fredrickson, seconded and carried: That warrant in
. the amount of $300.00 be ordered drawn in f'avor of Mary Tognalda as a
refund on liquor license tax.
License Collector and City Clerk presented reports and by motion
of Princevalle, seconded by Fredrickson and carried were ordered filed.
Motion by Princevalle seconded and carried:
That Electric
line be rebuilt between First and Second Streets.
The matter of other electric extensions referred to Lighting
Motion by Crow, seconded and carried: That matter of furnish-
, tug tenants at reservoir property with electricity for an additional
I rental of $2.00 per month was referred to the water Committee with
power to act.
The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of Princevalle
seconded and carried allowed and warrants ordered drawn.
Amount of warrants allowed, $1889.28 General Fund.
Motion by Princevalle, seconded and carried: That the City
install a priming pump at the City Pump near Martin Lane.
Motion by Princevalle, seconded and carried that the f'ollowing
named property owners be requested to make proper repairs to their side-
walks: H. R. Chesbro, in front of real estate office and star Millinery
also in front of property occupied bt D. B. Parks & Co., Mrs. E. R. Sprague
and Mrs. Annabel Ellis.
Adjourned subject to
the call of the chair.
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City C~rk.