Minutes 1920/03/01
Gilroy, Cal., March 1st, 1920.
In the absence of Mayor Hobinson the regular monthly meeting
of the Common Council was called to order by Acting Mayor Jas.
Present Councilmen Thomas, Crow, Martin, Schemel, Fredricksnn,
Princevalle, in the chair.
The minutes of Feb. 2nd, Feb. 9th and Feb. 20th were read
and ordered approved.
Frank F. Salazar made application for position of nightwatch-
man which was referred to the Police Committee.
Petition presented in regard to laying sidewalks on West
Rosanna Street between Fourth and Fifth streets and the Clerk was
instructed to address those property owners who had not already
laid walks and request them to do so.
Motion by Schemel, seconded and carried that we communicate
with the school trustees and request them to lay walks on Third
and Rosanna Streets.
Two peti~ons for minor repairs in the fire limits were re~
ported as granted to the Thomas Rea Co. by the Fire Dept. Committee,
one on Fourth Street and one on South Monterey Street.
Hoyle and Chappell presented a petition to build addition
to their work room, and by motion of Schemel, seconded and carried
the same was granted.
An invitation to attend the meeting of the League of the South-
weat was presented and ordered filed.
Reports of License Collector and City Clerk presented and by
motion of Fredrickson, seconded and carried were ordered accepted
and filed.
The matter of water on the Hot Springs'Road was referred to
the Water Committee.
Motion by Fredrickson, seconded and carried: that matter of
securing property of W. B. Sanders on Chestnut Street be referred,
to Sewer Committee wit~ power to act.
The Clerk was instructnd to notify the Butchers that in the
future while conveying one or two head of cows or steers througb
the City they must either be roped or conveyed so as not to endanger
life or property.
Motion by Martin, seconded and carried: That bill of $1161.
for water meters be allowed and the Clerk instructed to ascertain
relative to discount ~or cash.
Motion by Schemel, seconded by Fredrickson and carried: Thatf ~
the Fire Dept. Cownittee be empowered to purchase additional fire
The regular monthly bills were read, and by motion of Fredrek-
son, seconded and carried allowed and warrants ordered drawn.
Amount of bills allowed $ 3019.46
General Fund.
Motion by Martin, seconded and carried: That the driver of
the Chemical be allowed $100.00 per month.
Adjourned subject to
the call of the chair.
Acting Mayor
c! y ~f(tiJ J.
C~ty Clerk.