Minutes 1920/04/05 6 Gilroy, Cal., Apri~ 5th, 1920. The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was call- ed to order by His Honor Mayor H. E. Robinson. Present Councilmen Crow, Martin, Schemel, Princevalle; Ab- sent Councilmen Thomas, Fredrickson. The minutes or meeting of March 1st, 1920, were read and or- dered approved. Petition presented asking ror opening or alley in block bounded by First, Eigleberry, Second and Church streets and was referred to the street Committee. Reports or IJicense Collector and City Clerk, also quarter- ly reports of Treasurer and Clerk presebted, and by motion or Princevalle seconded and carried were ordered accepted and placed on file. Motion by Princcvalle seconded and carried: That a warrant be ordered drawn in ravor of D. Thornton, Treasurer of Park Com- mission for $200. as the City's appropriation. Motion by Schemel, seconded and carried: That the Coast Counties Gas & Elec. Co. be requested to rurnish written esti- ,. mates of the cost of electrical work in each instance berore ex- tensions are made. Ray Burgess presented estimate for making the necessary im- provements at the automobile camp near High School. Alotion by Martin, seconded and carried: That the Council proceed with the work of improvements at camp upon the approval or 7 the plans and specifications by the Chamber of Commerce, and fur- ther that the City stand one-half the expense thereof. The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of Martin seconded and carried allowed and warrants ordered drawn. Motion by Princevalle, seconded and carried: That warrants be ordered drawn in favor of Chas. E. Sloan as follows: $70. on the General Fund and $1132.70 on the wtaerworks Improvement Fund, No.2. Amount of Warrants allowed, $3044.84 on the General Fund and $ 1132.70 on Waterworl<:s Imp. Fund, No.2; Total Warrants paid $4177.54. The Clerk was instructed to notify Auto Stage drivers to observe the speed laws more strictly and not to blow their horns so loud, also to request the Coast Counties Gas & Elec. Co. to take better care of the street lights. By motion of Crow, seconded by Schemel and carried the following Resolution was adopted. BE IT RESOLV8D that on Monday the 3rcl day of May, 1920, an el- ection be held in the City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, state of California, for the purpose of electing the following City Of- ficers for the City of Gilroy, viz: Mayor; Six Councilmen; Treasurer; City Clerk; Marshal. For said election two precincts are hereby established and the boundaries thereof, polling places and Boards of Election are as follows:- FIRST PRECINCT: All that portion of the City of Gilroy in- cluded within the boundaries of Gilroy Precinct No.1, Gilroy Pre- cinct No. 2 and Gilroy Precinct No. 3 of the City of Gilroy as es- tablished by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Clara, State of California. For the purpose of this Election said Gil- roy Precinct NO.1, Gilroy Precinct No. 2 and Gilroy Precinct WOe 3 are hereby combined. Polling place; Municipal Fire House on Fifth street Board of Election: Inspectors Cleon Lo~ and J. W. Forsyth, Judges S. Hooper, and Clara TJajanette, Clerks Nell Onyon and Amelia Grodhaus. SECOND PRECINCT: All that portion of the City of Gilroy included within the boundaries of Gilroy Precinct No. 4 and Gilroy Precipet No. 5 of the City of Gilroy as established by the Board of Supervis- 8 ors of the County of Santa Clara, state of california. For the .J~ X "'0 ,.. ""'-4 ~ purpose of this Election said Gilroy Precinct No. 4 and Gilroy Precinct No. 5 are hereby combined. Polling Place City Hall on Sixth Street, Inspectors Geo. Gift and Mrs. Irma Kilgore, Judges Geo. E. Rea and W. W. Dombaugh, ClerIcs Mrs. Beatrice Moore and Habel Carr. The Polls will open at Six 0' clock A .~r. of the day of election and remain open Lmtil Seven O'clock P.Al. of the same day when the polls will be closed, except as provided in Section 1164 of the Pol- itical Code of the State of California. In all other respects said Election will be held in accordance with the general Election laws of the State of California. The Clerk of the City of Gilroy will cause the necessary proclarn- >' ation to be published. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen M. J. Crow, R. M. Martin, Chas. W. Schemel, Jas. Princevalle; Noes, Councilmen, None; Absent, Councilmen R. M. Thomas, C. E. Fredrickson. Motion by Princevalle, seconded and carried: That members of the Boards of Election be allowed $ 5.00 each for services. . . Motion by Princevalle, seconded and carried; That the Finance Committee be empowered to secure additional help for the Assessor in preparing the assessment. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. Approved Mayor. GYrI-@( AIr A" i"J, i~ j , City Clerk. "