Minutes 1920/05/05 8 Gilroy, Cal. May 5th, 1920. The regular monthly meeting or the Common Council was call- ed to order by His Honor Mayor H. E. Hobinson. Present Councilmen Thomas, Martin, Schemel, Princevalle, Fred- rickson; Absent Councilman Crow. The minutes of meeting of April 5th were read and ordered ap- proved. ,. Motion by Thomas, seconded by Fredrickson and carried: That license will be remitted to the guarantors of the Chautauqua. Invitation presented by San Jose to attend Fourth or July cele- bration in that City and the CIerI\: was instructed to connnunicate with City Manager Bailey and thank him ror the invitation. Motion by Princevalle~ seconded by Schemel and\carried: That .~ ..Jl '. the City Clerk be instructed to address a communication to the Amer- ican Legion and request them to take charge or the Fourth or July celebration. Co~nwlication presented by the Coast Counties Gas & Elec. Co. in regard to reducing the percentage on gross gas. Councmlman Princevalle was appointed to attend the Railroad Com- mission hearing at Watsonville Motion by Thomas, seconded and carrie4 that action on Coast Count- ies petition be dererred until after the hearing berore the Railroad Commission. Reports of License Collector and City Clerk presented and by mo- tion of Princevalle, seconded and carried were ordered accepted and placed on rile. Motion by Martin, seconded and carried: That Miller & Lux bill for watering cattle be returned in its original form for collection. The Water Con~ittee recomended $1.00 per month minimum rate and 10f ror each thousand gallons for allover 10,000 gallons as shown by the meter. 9 By motion of Martin, seconded by Schemel and carried the rates as recommended by the Water Committee are hereby establised. The next order of business was the canvass of the vote at the Mu- nicipal Election held May 3rd. The clerk read the result or the vote cast at Gilroy Precincts No's. 1 and 2. It appearing that Jas. Princevalle as Mayor amI A. W. Brown, glmer J. Chesbro, C. C. IJester, R. M. Martin, Wm. Radtke and C. w. Schemel, as Councilmen, Julia Al- len, Treasurer, E. F. Rogers, Clerk and Geo. gaston, Marshal, having received the greater number of votes ror their respective offices are hereby declared elected and certificates ordered issued. The matter of a zone building ordinance was referred to the Ordi- nance Committee. The Clerk was instructed to request that the Southern Pacific Co. raise the culvert on the North side of Lewis Street to the proper grade and construct new culvert on South side of same street and to improve the crossings on LeWis, Martin, Sixth and Old Gilrot streets. The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of Schemel, se- conded and carried ordered allowed and warrants drawn. Motion by Schemel, seconded an~ carried That the salary or the ~mr- shal be raised to $125. per month. Motion by Princevalle seconded and carried: That warrant for new fire hose be allowed. 10 Amount or warrants allowed $ 3297.21 on the General Fund. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. Approved, C:J f(~~ Mty CJerk. Mayor. , '- .-....--w ::.~< f-'(:: '.. ,~~ 1--1 _._----_..~