Minutes 1920/06/07 11 Gilroy, Cal. June 7th, 1920. The regular mOlJthly meeting of' the Common Council was called to order by his Honor Hayor H. E. Hobinson. Present Councilmen Thomas, Martin, Schemel, Princevalle, Fredrickson; Absent Councilmen Crow. The minutes of' meetings of' May 5th, May 18th and May 19th were read and ordered approved as corrected. The Clerk was instructed to answer cownunication of' }lonterey with thanks for invitation to attend celebration of' July 4th. The reports of' License Collector and City Clerk presented and by motion of Princevalle, seconded and carried were ordered acc~pted and placed on file. The appointment of nightwatchman was referred to the incoming Council. o. F. Lamb appeared before the Council in regard to appropri- ation of$50.00 per month for four months for band concerts. Motion by Martin, seconded and carried, that tbe Band be allowed $50.00 per month during the concert season. It was recommended by the Water Committee that the minimum in town be 6000 gallons and outside 5000 gallons and the minimum charges be $1.00 in town and $1.50 outside with a charge oil 10~ per 1000 gallons over the minimmu. ~.Iotion by Fredrickson, seconded and carried, that recommend- ations of the Water Committee be referred to the new Council. The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of Fredrick- son, seconded and carried, that bills be allowed and warrants ordered drawn. Amount of' warrants allowed $3281.19 on the General Fund. The Clerk read the minutes of this meeting and upon motion of Schemel seconded by Thomas the same were otdered approved. .Motion by :.Iartin"seconded by Fredriclrson that the Council adjourn Sine die. (//!y ~l~' ~ ..... 12 .,,~ x u "" '- 1--1 Gilroy, Cal. June 7th, 1920. The newly elected Common Council was called to order by His Honor James Princevalle. Present, COlmcilmen A. W. Brown, Elmer J. Chesbro, C. C. Lester, H. ~l. i'Jartin, Wrn. Hadtke, C. W. Schemel; Absent, Councilmen None. The new ;,1ayor presented his message to the Coun~il showing the important matters to come up for consideration in the near future, and upon motion by Schemel, seconded and carried, the message was ordered placed on file. The Mayor appointed the following Standing Committees, viz: Ways and Means Committee, C. C. Lester, E. Chesbro, R. M. Martin; Finance Committee, C. C. Lester, C. W. Schemel, A. W. Brown; Ordinance Committee, C. W. Schemel, Wm. Radtke, E. Chesbro; Fire Dept. Committee, R. M. Martin, C. C. Lester, Wm. Radtke; Police Committee, A. W. Drown, R. M. Martin, C. C. Lester; Water Committee, C. W. Schemel, R. M. Martin, A. W. Brown; Street Dept. Committee, A. W. Brown, C. W. Schemel, R. M. Martin; Sewer Committee, E. CheSbro, Wm. Radtke, C. C. Lester; Lighting Committee, WM. Radtke, A. W. Drown, R. M. Martin; Buildings and Grounds Committee, R. M. Martin, C. C. Lester, Wm. Radtke. Bonds of' the Treasurer, Marshal and Clerk were next read and by motion of C. C. Lester seconded and carried were ordered approved. By motion of' Sche~el, seconded and carried, it was ordered, that Walter Fitzgerald be appointed City Attorney for the coming two years. Communication from the Southern Pacific Company in regard to a three inch water connection at the depot for emergency purposes only was referred to the Water Committee and Superinten- dent. 13 The matter of extension of gas main to the Dehydrating Plant was referred to the Lighting Committee. Application of Chas. Battie for appointment as nightwatchmanl, was referred to the Police Dept. Committee with power to act. Matter of passage of Ordinance regulating the sale of soft drinks was laid over until the next meeting. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. (;l!f ~VV~, City (J~rk. Approved Mayor. It