Minutes 1920/07/06 13 Gilroy, Cal., July 6th, 1920. The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas, Princevalle. Present, Councilmen Brown, Chesbro, Lester, Mar-tin, Radtke, Schemel. Absent, Councilmen None. The minutes of meeting or June 7th, wera read and approved. License Collector, City Clerk, Librarian and quarterly reports of Treasurer and Clerk were presented and by motion of Schemel seconded and carried ordered accepted and placed on file. Matter of electric pole line in Block 4 North, Range 2 West was rererred to the Lighting Committee. By motion of C. W. Schemel, seconded by C~ C. Lester the Ordinance No. 203 was passed after having been read and re-read by title as follows:- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 31;0 OF THE ;\IINICIPAL CODE OF TIThi CITY OF GILROY. BY ADDING THER~TO A NEW SUBDIVISION TO BE KNOWN AS SUBDIVISION 26a, REI~TIVE TO THE SAIJE OF NON INTOXICATING LIQUORS AND SOFT DRINKS. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen Brown, Chesbro, Lester, Martin, Radtke, Schemel. " Noes, None, Absent, None. where Motion by Schemel, seconded and carried: That^there are two water taps on one piece of property that the owner thereof must purchase the necessary additional meter and pay for both meters at the minimum rate. L 14 Motion by Schemel, seconded and carried: That the Clerk be .~ :>< --. u "" ......., 1--/ instructed to secure a book showing the names or registered automobile 'owners and machine numbers. The regular monthly bills were read and by motion or Schemel seconded and carried, allowed and warrants ordered drawn. Amount or Warrants allowed, $2362.841 General Fund. Motion by Schemel, Seconded and carried; That the Clerk be instructed to advertise ror bids ror rurnishing water meters. Adjourned subject to the call of the Chair. G j I?{;~NV: City~lerk. "