Minutes 1920/08/02
Gilroy, Cal. August 2nd, 1920.
The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was
called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Princevalle.
Present Councilmen Chesbro, Lester, ?fartin, Hadtke, Schemel,
Absent Councilman Brown.
The minutes of July 6th and July 21st were read and
The report of the Fire Department Committee and Fire
Chief showed that a frame building had been permitted to
be remove(l from near the Garden City Bank to the rear of
Lot 1, Block 1 N., Range 1 E.
The Garden City Bank and Trust Company presented a
petition for the erection of a new $7000. building in
rear of their Ranle and the granting of said permit had
been properly endorsed by the Committee.
}fotion by Schemel, seconded and carried: That petition
to erect Dew building be granted the Garden City Bank and
Trust Company.
Reports of License Collector and City Clerk were read
and by motion of Martin, seconded and carried were ordered
accepted and placed on file.
Motion by Radtke, seconded and carried: That the
Lighting Committee get an estimate of the cost of laying
gas pipe to the Dehydrating plant, also to ascertain for
what sum the Coast counties Gas and Electric Co. would
do the work.
Matter of agreement with ;-.fr. and Mrs. YCell was left
with Water Committee.
~Iotion by Schemel, seconded and carried: That we
add 20% to the Heal Estate an(l Improvement values on the
Assessment Roll.
;.Iotion by Schemel, seconcled and carried: That we
allow the Southern Pacific Company to make a tap for a
3 inch pipe to our water main near the depot, the rate to
be $3.00 per month with an allowance of HWOO gallons
and Ten Cents for each additional 1000 gallons.
Motion by Martin, seconded and carried: That any
campers who stop at the Auto Camp Ground over one week be charged
50~ for each additional day.
It was ordered that W. B. Sanders, Janitor at the High
School, be seen in regard to checking visitors and collecting
daily charge.
The regular monthly bills were read and by motion of
Schemel, seconded and carried ordered allowed and warrants
Amount of Bills allowed $2Z tf ,/ I General Fund.
Adjourned subject to
the call of the Chair.
~. rJ: ~A-AA,
City clef./.k.