Minutes 1920/08/05
Gilroy, Cal. August 5th, 1920.
The regular adjourned meeting of the Common Council
of August 2nd, 1920, was called to order by His Honor,
:Mayor Jas. Princevalle.
Present Councilmen Brown, Chesbro, Lester, Martin, Radtke,
Scheme 1 ;
Absent Councilmen None.
Communication from the Coast Counties Gas and Elec-
tric Co. in regard to purchase of Gas Works was presented.
Quite a nlmber of prominent citizens and taxpayers
were present and were given opportunity to voice their
opinions in the matter under consideration by the Mayor
and Council.
In the matter of accepting bid to furnish meters
there was a motion by Schemel, seconded by Radtke and carrieK
That the bid be hereby aw'arded to the neptune Heter Co.
as follows: 150 5/8x3/4 meters @ $11.82 each
2 1 in. S. C. It
2 2' It Sty. c. It
1 3 It ?rest It
It 110.16
By motion of Martin, seconded and carried, it was
ordered that Certified checks be returned by the Clerk to
jhe unsuccessful bidders.
Adjourned subject to
the call of the Chair.