Minutes 1920/08/06
Gilroy Cal. August 6th, 1920.
The regular adjourned meetinp.; of the Common Council of
August 5th, 1920, was called to order by His Honor ~'ayor Jas.
Present Councilmen Brown, Chesbro, \fartin, Schemel;
Absent Cormcilmen #ester and Hadtl::e.
The City Clerk and Assessor presented the Assessment Book
for the years 1920:1921, and by motion of Schemel, seconded and
carried was accepted.
:Motion by Hartin, seconded and carried : That the Clerk
be instructed to advertise the meetings of the Board of Equal~
ization, the first meeting to be Tuesday, August 17th, and the
final meeting on Tuesday August 31st, 1920.
Adjourned subject to the
call of the Chair.
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City Clr