Minutes 1920/09/07 19 Gilroy, Cal., Sept. 7th, 1920. The regular monthly meeting 0# the Common Council was called to order by His Honor ~rayor Jas. Princevalle. Present Councilmen Chesbro, Rrown, \!artin, Schemel; Absent Cotllicilmen Lester, Radtke. The minutes of the meeting of August 2nd., Aug. 5th, Aug. 6th, and Aug. 17th were read and ordered. approved. Heports of the ~rarshal and JJicense Collector and City Clerk wrer presented, and by motion of Schemel, seconded by Chesbro and carried ordered accepted and placed on file. Mr. Costillo and N. Fujimoto presented petitions to make changes in buildings within the fire limits, the one being the Bor(lenave restaurant building and the other the s. W. corner of Monterey amI Seventh streets. }Jotion by i Schemel, seconded and carried: That said petition be ordered granted. The Committee for computing tax rate for 1D20 and 1921 reported a rate of $1.00 on each 0100. of assessed property apportioned among the funds as follows: Water Works Imp. Bond Fund #2 Street Improvement Bond Fund Forward .102 .166 .268 20 ,!~ :>< ........ v " ~ -tl Forward .268 Bond Fund o~ 1905 .1~6 General Fund .50 Library Fund .on6 1.000 \!otion by Schemel seconded by nrown and carried: That the report as presented by Co~~ittee ~or fixing tax rate be accepted and that Sl.00 per $100. be the designateLl rate. The matter of' removing the hitching racks in ~rony o~ the new Post Of'~ice was re~erred to the street Committee with power to -act. The Chairman o~ the Sewer Committee gave report o~ progress in matter pertaining to sewage emptying on lands o~ Shepherd Estate. The regular monthly bin s were read and by motion o~ Schemel, secon(lecl hy ;:artin and carI'ietl: 0rdered al] owed and warrants (lrawn. Amounts of' ~\'arrants allowed, $:~45S. 79 on the General Fund Ofi03.79 on the ~'Jater Works Improvement Fund #2. Total o~ all '" -, t <) '"'1 ~ <) r:: (7 ,arl an s '.'" ,c~_ .')". _~djolU"ned subject to the call of' tIle Chair. G:~:9: W9,AJ./ Ci ty Cl~k. "