Minutes 1920/09/14
Gilroy, Cal., Sept. 14th, 1920.
The regular adjourned meeting of Sept. 7th, 1920, was
called to order by His Honor ~ayor Jas. Princevalle.
Present COl.mcilmen Chesbro, Brown, Lester, Radtlce, Martin, Schemel.
Absent COlli1cilmen None.
The Mayor stated that the object of the metting was
for the purpose of considering the investigations and report
of Special Engineer Chas. E. Sloane.
The report on the value of the Electrical Distribution
System as prepared by Mr. ~loan was presented.
Motion by Schemel, seconded and carried that Mr. Sloan
be instructed to proceed in the matter of checldng up items
With Mr. Van Bokkelen of the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Co.
~fotion by Brown, seconded by Schemel and carried: That
the City advertise for sale the Gas Plant and the Electrical
distribution system.
Adjourned subject to the
Call of the Chair.
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