Minutes 1920/09/29
Gilroy, Cal. Sept. 29th, 1920.
The regular adjourneft meeting of the Common Council
His Honor }'fayor
of Sept. 14th was called to order byAJas. Princevalle,
Present Councilmen Chesbro, Brown, Lester, Radtke, Martin;
Absent Councilman Schemel.
It was announce(l that the object of the m"eting
was to consider the matter of accepting the map of the
Miller & Lux Western Addition to the City of Gilroy.
By motion 0'1- J... W. Brown seconded by Wm. Radtke and
carried the following resolution was adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED that the map entitled "Miller & Lux
Western Addition to the City of Gilroy, Santa Clara County,
California,"surveyed August 1920, by H. J. Pfeif:fer, and
having attached thereto the certificate of the City Clerk
and the City Engineer of the City of Gilroy, and presented
to the Mayor and Council of the City of Gilroy for approval
on the 29th day of September 1020, be, and the same is
hereby approved.
All roads and alleys shown on said map are hereby
accepted on behalf of the public, and. dedicated to public
use. This acceptance of said roads and alleys on behalf
of the public is not to be construed as an acceptance of
said roacls anLl alleys as improved streets ancl alleys, aml
the liabili~y of the property for the improvements of said
roads and alleys under any 1funicipal law of the State of
California, is not hereby waived.
Vote, Ayes, Councilmen r;:. J. Chesbro, A. W. Drown, C. c.
Lester, wm. Radtke, R. M. ~rartin, Noes, None, Absent c. w.
Motion by Martin seconded by Brown and carried: That
t~e City put in the pipe line from Eigleberry street to the
residence occupied by F. L. Fredricks.
Adjourned subject
to the call of the