Minutes 1920/10/04 22 "~ ~~ '~c '" '--' 10-.""" Gilroy, Cal.. Oct. 4, 1920. The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council' was called to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. Princcvalle. Present CouncilmenChesbro, Brown, Radtke, Hartin, Schemel; Absent Councilmari Lester. The minutes of meetings or Sept. 7th, Sept. 14th and Sept. 29th were read and ordered approTcd. Commuiication from the state UniTersity relative to Amendment 12 on the ballot ror the General Election was i' read and ordered placed on rile. The Mayor appointed Dr. J. W. Thayer Health Of ricer. ~Iotion by Schemel, seconded by Chesbro and carried: That the appointment or Uelath Orficer by the Mayor be conrirmed by the Council. Health Of ricer J. W. Thayer made an interesting report l,-'"l;.. 23 of' his trip to the meeting of' the National Health Board at the CiTic Center in San FranciRco. Motion by Martin, seconded and carried: That the Clerk be instructed to notif'y Grant wills, Chappell & Co., Pierce & Ches- bro and C. H. Pierce to clean up the lots surroundin1! their places of' business. Garden City Hank & Trust Co. presented petition to build a wareroom on their lot in Block 1 North, Range 1 gast, anrl by mo- tion of' Schemel, seconded and carried the said permit was ~ranted, Pacif'ic Gas & Electric Co. presented bond in matter of' high power line leased f'rom the Sierra, r';an Francisco Power Co., and by motion of' Brown seconded and carried it was ordered that bond be accepted and placed on f'ile. Reports of' License Collector and City Clerk presented and by motion of' ~.,chemel, seconded an,l c;lrrio(1 were accepterl and f'ileel. By motion of' Chesbro, seconed by Schemel an~ carried, it was ordered: That (~r6.15 he transferred. frorn the 1,'11"0 Dept. Boml Fudd to the General Fund. The ClerIc was instructed to notif'y Hobinson IId'w. Co.to im- provo conditions in building occupied as a second hand store. The Clerk was instructed to write and thank Pieters-Wheeler Seed Co. and Mrs. G. M. Beane f'or donations to the Fire Department, By motion of' Hartin, seconded by Schemel and carried: The Clerk's salary was raised to $125.00 per month. Adjourned subject to the (;~~~ ~!~. cal of th~ Chair. .