Minutes 1920/11/01 24 Gilroy, Cal., NOT. 1, 1920, ~ X - "-' ,.. ...... ~ 'fhe reguhlr monthly meeting; of' the Cornmon Council was callecl to order by His Honor Mayor Jas. PrinceTalle. Present Councilmen Chesbro, Brown, Lester, Hadtke, Martin and Schemel; ~bsent, None. The minutes of' meetings of Oct. 4th and Oct. 6th were read and approved. Communication from g. ,). Ccawford & Co. in regarcl to the Fire Department going to Dehydrating Plant in case of fire presented, but no action taken. Chamber of' Commerce presented communication relatiTe to the lay- ing of' more sidewalles, and same was referred to the street Committee to report later. InYitation :from League of Calif. ~unicipalities to attend an- nual meeting at Chico read and ordered filed. Robinson Hd'w. Co. presented comrrunication relative to drainage at the second hand store and same was ordered f'iled. Heports of' C j ty Yarshal antt Clerk 'Presentee!. and hy motion of' Schemel, seconded and carried were ordered placed on f'ile. By motion of' C. w. Schemel, seconded by A. "l. Brown f)rdinance ') -) No. ~04 was passed after haTing been read and re-read by title as f'ollows: An ordinance amending Sections 2, 4, 9, and 51 of Ordi- nance No. 2160f' the City of' Gilroy, relating to sewers, pllmhing and d.rainage. Vote, Ayes, Councilmen B. J. Chesbro, C. C. Lester, A. w. Brown, Wm. Hadtke, H. M. Martin, C. W. Schemel, Noes, None; Absent, None. The Sewer Committee rendercll report relatiye to the matter of' the Septic tank and the Shepherd Estate. By motion of Martin seconded and carried bill of Mrs. GraTes for $50. f'or work in tax collector's office allowed ~'otion by martin seconded and carried: That warrant for ~1R.70 be allowed in f'ayor of 1,1rs. V. Vi Tensi for $lR. 70 account double assessment. .' The rep;ular monthly bills were reml and. by motion of ~(artin seconded and carried allowed and warrants ordered clrawn. l:..mt. Warrants ,;n179. 60 Genera,lFund, ~~~46. 21 IV. W . Imp #2; , iotal Warrants, 03525.83. of the Chair. (;~O S. fCb-fli/j], u I // City ti lerk. .Adjournecl subject to the aall